Let's Start a Group! TALL WOMEN UNITED :-)

Hello, fellow glamazons :D

I'm proposing starting this Women who are 5'9+ group just for additional support --since we likely experience the same things... I'm 5'10.5 and weigh 200lbs, and I wear a size 14. Since i'm taller i always hear "you're not fat" or "you're CURVY why are you trying to lose weight!?"

Well the fact of the matter is that I am overweight ! This should be a place where we can vent, post progress pics, share motivation and recommend store locations that sale LONG jeans ...etc LOL

feel free to introduce yourself!



  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    I'm almost 5'10 had hear the same thing! Your not fat! Uhhh ya I am! I just carry it very evenly! Would love to join you!
  • sittingduck180
    6ft and definitely "curvy". Everyone tries to say its worse to be short and overweight, but that doesnt make sense. If you're short and overweight you can still find plus size pants that will fit...
  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    5'10" here! Most of which is legs, so my torso is short and that is where I hold my weight at. I hear a lot, now anyway, that I have lost enough......Looks can be deceiving! And it is HARD to find long jeans that fit well all over!!
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    I'm 6ft 1 and currently weight around 263lbs - starting weight was 292.5 so im doing something right

    get ppl telling me i dont need to lose weight but now i am starting to get ppl commenting how much better i look :o)
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    5'10" and people are shocked when I say how much I want to lose - but I only want to be in the healthy range! it just sounds like a lot to a 5'5" listener!

    Currently at 183lbs, want to get to 160 ish, which is mid-healthy BMI range.
  • millygrl
    millygrl Posts: 98 Member
    5'11, 209, size 14. People keep asking me when I'm going to stop losing weight cause I'm getting to thin. Like seriously?!?! I'm considered 30 lbs overweight. I love the idea of a group. We understand each other lol. Short people just don't get it ; )

    The thing I am most looking forward to about losing weight is being able to fit into Rock and Republic jeans. They have 36 inch legs YAH!! Only one more size to lose til I'm there : )
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    I'm in. 5' 9 1/2".....Starting weight was 219, trying to get down to 145 - 150. I've been "stuck" for over 6 months now. This sounds like it will be a fun group. :bigsmile:
  • katythemommy
    katythemommy Posts: 437 Member
    Yay for tall ladies!! Of course, now I feel like a shorty only being 5'9 lol!

    I started at 268 and currently down to 252, but mainly working on eating healthy and a lifestyle change since I'm pregnant!
  • brandi2258
    brandi2258 Posts: 46 Member
    I also love the idea of this group! Sounds fun!! I'm 6'3, and I'm now at 303... I hear those same things all day long! I'm 300lbs people! I need to lose weight even if you don't think I do!!

    Don't you just love being tall?!
  • Vcaser
    Vcaser Posts: 36
    Hey, everybody!! I like the sound of this group, count me in for sure! Please feel free to send me Friend Requests. I am 5'10 and currently weigh 169.8. My max weight was 193. I am pretty evenly balanced with kind of a long torso and kind of long legs. They are just long enough to make finding pants and jeans that fit a real chore! When I was modeling back in the day, I was a size 8 and 120 - 125 pounds (that's HUGE by today's standards but that would make my BMI dangerously low). I'm almost down to a size 12 - it depends upon the brand! I figure a 10 would be okay as my size 8 days are probably behind me. People always underestimate my weight, and wonder why I'm trying to lose (because I'm OVERWEIGHT) so thank goodness for height, eh ladies??? :laugh:
  • katythemommy
    katythemommy Posts: 437 Member
    5'11, 209, size 14. People keep asking me when I'm going to stop losing weight cause I'm getting to thin. Like seriously?!?! I'm considered 30 lbs overweight. I love the idea of a group. We understand each other lol. Short people just don't get it ; )

    The thing I am most looking forward to about losing weight is being able to fit into Rock and Republic jeans. They have 36 inch legs YAH!! Only one more size to lose til I'm there : )

    I need to look into those jeans!! I used to buy Silvers since they had a 37 inch inseam and now I get jeans at Vanity for a lot cheaper with 37 inch inseam, they also have nice black dress pants in that length which are normally a pain to find!!
  • ruddyrunner
    I'm 6' 3" and I started at 315, I'm down to around 235 (kind of stuck here). Need to get under 200 to be at a healthy BMI, so that's my goal.

    The height does definitely does mess with people's ideas of weight. People have said stuff like I'm skinny or thin now, but I'm still lugging around an extra 35 pounds here. I think most average-heighted people wouldn't realize that (1) they're complimenting a 235 pound woman, and (2) that 150-200 pounds is a healthy weight for me.

    So I'm not going to worry about what all the shorter people think. I just assume they're trying to be encouraging, thank them for any compliments, but I know for myself I still have to keep going.

    Nice to have some other tall ladies around for support though!
  • MrsSki
    MrsSki Posts: 196
    I'm in! I'm 5'10" 208 lbs. My friends all tell me I don't need to lose weight, but I just look at them and say I was 50 lbs lighter when they met me! And I hear you all on finding pants to fit. It's so hard to find pants that are long enough, but not huge in the waist!
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    5'10" here. I was 206 before vacation... but somewhere between 210-215 now... (TOM's on the way... so who knows haha) I tell people i'd like to lose about 35 more lbs and they think i'm crazy!! trust me... i have plenty to lose ;-)
  • Franticantics
    I'm 5ft 11 and 156lbs and want to get down to 149 :)
    Not so much a matter of me being 'over weight' as a matter of me wanting to look my absolute best whilst being my absolute healthiest/strongest ,and thus being able to perform my absolute best (i'm a dancer) :D
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Another tall girl checking in! 5'11" and a recent ex-smoker. I was already fighting that slow, creeping weight gain that hits women of a certain age, then when I quit smoking...WOW...it was enough to make me want to start smoking again.

    I get the same comments as some of you, even from my husband. Sure, I don't look like I've gained much, spread across a nearly 6' frame, but I have bags of clothes in the garage that I would really like to fit into again. I need the double whammy...losing the weight will be great, but I want my health and strength back even more!

    Nice to meet you, Ladies!
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    I have the opposite problem to a lot of you - my body is long (my legs are "normal" length). I really really struggle to find swimsuits. One pieces are rarely long enough, and usually cut in badly on my shoulders, or I have to buy them too baggy, and tankinis are too short so they show off my belly too much. I found a great shop, but it's recently closed, so no idea what I'll do when my current costume wears out or gets too big (and it's getting loose already).
  • moineau317
    I LOVE that there is a group for us tall ladies...I'm 6', and like others who posted here, I constantly have conversations with friends that always end up with them underestimating my weight and saying that I don't need to lose any. The highest I recorded was around 190, but I believe my natural weight is somewhere between 140 and 150.

    While I'd love to see a lower number on the scale, what I'm really looking to do is gain more lean muscle and get really into shape. I had done the P90X program and was feeling (and looking) AWESOME! Then I went on vacation in January 2011 and have been off track ever since. Now I'm back up to the 160's and feeling sluggish, heavy, tired, etc. I felt my best when I was at 138 with long lean muscle and unstoppable energy, so my goal now is to get back there by December 2011.

    Not to mention, my wonderful boyfriend proposed in April, so I've got a wedding to get in shape for as well!!! Yikes!

    I can't wait to check back here and see how all the tall beauties are doing! :) If anyone is interested in keeping in touch via email, etc. I would be SO honored to share this journey with women who understand the challenges of being tall and trying to lose weight.
  • Thompsonic7
    Hey! I'm 5'11 and 149lbs, fed up of people telling me "it doesn't matter if you wear bigger clothes cos you're tall" err according to that logic supermodels wouldn't exist!
  • gabbyj
    gabbyj Posts: 7
    Hi everyone
    I just joined today and I am sooooo glad to see this thread!
    We are > < (here)
    Being taller, we can "get over" sometimes and so people think we're getting to thin when we're on our weight loss journeys but they just don't understand trying to shop for clothes! lol
    Anyone from NY here?

    My stats are:
    SW 235
    CW 212
    GW 160