290 to 178 in 10 Months! (w/photos)

"This",… sharing details about my 10-month weight loss journey is NOT something I typically do, especially in a public forum! But a wonderful friend recently reminded me that sometimes I have to put myself "out there", so here I am! I'm not here to brag or boast; instead my purpose is to encourage/motivate just ONE person to do this… to jump in with both feet!


On January 3, 2015 I weighed 290 pounds. My health was failing; blood pressure was through the roof and daily headaches were commonplace. My fitness level and quality of life sucked (for lack of a better word). At 290 pounds I struggled to do much of anything, let alone exercise! Even sleeping was uncomfortable; snoring (because of my weight) caused me to awake in the morning with awful headaches! It was time to lose weight.

Initially I thought that 250 would be a great starting goal. Hey… for the past 30 years I weighed at least 250 so it sounded like a reasonable number to me. During the first 3 months I only lost 15 pounds. Although I was trying to eat healthy, I wasn't tracking my food and was getting a little frustrated with my results.

On March 25, at 275 pounds, I joined MFP and as they say, the rest is history. When you're diligent and (a) faithfully/accurately log your food intake and (b) remain below your calorie goal, you WILL lose weight!

Over the course 7 months I ate EXTREMELY healthy grossing 1200-1400 calories / day. I exercised very little in the beginning (mostly due to lack of motivation and inability) BUT, as the pounds dropped and I saw success on the scale, I found myself exercising more frequency until it became a daily occurrence a few weeks in.

I followed NO DIET PLAN except what made sense to me! I ate mostly whole fruits and vegetables along with lean protein (typically, chicken breast, pork tenderloin, and fish). I made substitutions where possible such as Almond Milk in place of traditional milk, and eliminated virtually all processed food from my diet! I even tried to make my own Almond Milk but found it to be a huge pain in the *kitten*, and OMG… what a mess!

One of the largest factors for me was cooking large quantities of food on the weekend. By having wholesome, hearty food available in the fridge during my busy work week, I had NO EXCUSE but to eat healthy. I also kept fresh (and frozen) fruit on hand for a quick snack. It's surprising how great fruit tastes after a couple months of avoiding junk food!

I never believed in "cheat days" however I did take two vacations over the 10-month period that set me back a little bit. That said, I was able to get back on track immediately which helped immensely.

Goals? As the pounds disappeared I kept lowering my goal… 250, 225, 210, 200, 190, 185, and finally 180… After 10 months I dropped below my ultimate goal and nobody was more surprised than me! 112 pounds in 10 months with a waist reduction of 46" to 30"… I didn't even think that was possible! I've been fluctuating between 178-182 for the past 6 weeks and I'm satisfied with my current weight. I began weight training when I hit my ultimate goal in hopes that I could tone up, if just a little. I'll never be that "ripped 20-year old" BUT, I'm happy with my progress so far! Blood pressure is normal, I'm sleeping great and have no health issues whatsoever. I even passed a comprehensive Life Insurance medical with flying colors last month!

MFP Friends? Look for friends with a positive attitude that have similar goals to you and are serious & dedicated about losing weight (or maintaining as the case may be). Share (healthy) recipes, stories of diet, fitness and exercise, what works for you and, what doesn't work for you. Work with your friends… inspire and motivate each other. You really don't need hundreds of random acquaintances. A small number of close friends has served me well during my weight loss process and we continue to inspire and motivate each other to remain fit.

It's important however to remember WHY you're losing (or maintaining) weight… for YOURSELF! MFP friends will come and go. Maybe, if you're lucky, one may even play an integral role in your success but… NO MFP friend can prevent you from making poor eating choices. The occasional treat is fine but, if you're getting close to your daily calorie goal, please stop for a second and reconsider that "caramel/cheese popcorn" before eating it! The decision to eat healthy is ultimately yours and ONLY yours. If you think about yourself first, you don't have to look… happiness and success will find you!

I wish nothing but the very best to everyone and your weight loss journey. Any goal IS achievable, you just gotta believe and jump in with both feet! Weight loss is NOT hard work BUT does require dedication and devotion. If just one person finds this inspirational, my only hope is that it's "YOU"!



  • clarkkent4523
    clarkkent4523 Posts: 58 Member
    Congrats! That is a huge success. Way to go!
  • Spadesheart
    Spadesheart Posts: 479 Member
    Wow. That's incredible in 10 months. Good for you! I got 60 to loose. Wish me luck!
  • sanjay_says
    sanjay_says Posts: 22 Member
    Really amazing job. You look so young and happy after losing that amount of weight. Your story is very motivational. I recently started a similar journey (started around 297, and trying to get to ultimately get to around 185). Your story is very reassuring. Thank you for sharing and congratulations on your success.
  • MalkinMagic71
    MalkinMagic71 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Amazing job!
  • foreverslim1111
    foreverslim1111 Posts: 2,619 Member
    Thank you for sharing you story with us. And congrats to you on such tremendous success. Your happiness really shines through in your latest pics.
  • DogRiverDude
    DogRiverDude Posts: 433 Member
    Congrats! That is a huge success. Way to go!
    Thank you Superman(?), looks like you're getting close to goal yourself!
  • ctmike1980
    ctmike1980 Posts: 15 Member
    Great job! Quick question, what type of exercise did you eventually start doing? Was it cardio, weights aka strength training, etc. Thanks.
  • knewme76
    knewme76 Posts: 25 Member
    You look awesome did you hit any plateaus?
  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    wonderful- this is excellent!
  • DogRiverDude
    DogRiverDude Posts: 433 Member
    Wow. That's incredible in 10 months. Good for you! I got 60 to loose. Wish me luck!

    Thank you Spades! Do you know what... you really can do this! It's difficult at first, breaking old habits and such, but once you get into a routine it becomes SO much easier! I wish you all the luck my fellow Canuck!

  • DogRiverDude
    DogRiverDude Posts: 433 Member
    Really amazing job. You look so young and happy after losing that amount of weight. Your story is very motivational. I recently started a similar journey (started around 297, and trying to get to ultimately get to around 185). Your story is very reassuring. Thank you for sharing and congratulations on your success.

    Thank you so much Sanjay! Yes, definitely happier the last few months! It looks like you have a great start yourself. Keep up your dedication and you'll breeze to your goal!
  • IILikeToMoveItMoveIt
    IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
    Super awesome job, you look great!
  • bhokanson2015
    bhokanson2015 Posts: 75 Member
    Fantastic work. You look so much younger too. I bet people who haven't seen you in a while don't even recognize you. Great story. Great attitude. Great commitment. Thank you for sharing. Very inspirational.
  • DogRiverDude
    DogRiverDude Posts: 433 Member
    Amazing job!

    Thank you MM71! I see you're doing the same thing as me (setting smaller goals). You're SO close to goal #1... super awesome! One day at a time.
  • DogRiverDude
    DogRiverDude Posts: 433 Member
    Thank you for sharing you story with us. And congrats to you on such tremendous success. Your happiness really shines through in your latest pics.

    My pleasure really, and thank you! I'm really a different person these last few months and feeling happy for the first time in many years!

  • DogRiverDude
    DogRiverDude Posts: 433 Member
    ctmike1980 wrote: »
    Great job! Quick question, what type of exercise did you eventually start doing? Was it cardio, weights aka strength training, etc. Thanks.

    Thank you and great question! Up until 6 weeks ago I did exclusively Cardio (treadmill, walking, and some running). The treadmill was slow going at first; 2.8 mph at a 2° incline for 30 minutes was about all I could manage! As the weight dropped I increased both speed and incline and now can walk 3.5 at 12° with the same effort. I "tried" some calisthenics (sit-ups, push-ups) early on but when "2" was my maximum number of push-ups I didn't see much point. Today (with weight training) 60+ push-ups per minute is effortless. In hindsight... I wish I would have mixed in some weight training with my Cardio early on but, it is what it is lol... I'm doubling down on weight training today :-)
  • mellowadam
    mellowadam Posts: 114 Member
    Very inspirational. Thank you for sharing. I get up and read these success stories threads every morning. It motivates me.
  • DogRiverDude
    DogRiverDude Posts: 433 Member
    edited December 2015
    knewme76 wrote: »
    You look awesome did you hit any plateaus?

    Thanks and good question! I DID hit plateaus but not until I got within 20 pounds of my ultimate goal. Typically they'd only last 5-7 days, which may not sound like very long BUT, at the rate I was losing seemed pretty significant. I stayed the course and everything turned out great :-)

  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Wow. Look what you accomplished! :mrgreen:
    Thanks for the pictures.
  • jodes023
    jodes023 Posts: 283 Member
    Incredible! I'm so happy to have been a part of your journey and to call you a friend!! You've come so far! Truly inspiring.
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