PCOS and a journey to wellness. Join me!



  • I also have PCOS and struggled with infertility, as soon as my husband and I stopped trying we got pregnant in Oct 2008,
    our bundle of joy arrived in June of 2009 and let me tell you he has been the greatest blessing in our lives!
    Good luck and we are together in this weight loss battle!! :)
  • noveleigh
    noveleigh Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there, and welcome to MFP! I know how you feel being a fellow cyster myself. I hope this site helps you as much as it's been helping me. Having no insurance (and can't afford to go to the doctor w/o it) I needed a plan, and this site has helped so much with the effort. :D Feel free to add me if you like.
  • clala82
    clala82 Posts: 90 Member
    I am a cyster, too. I have gained and lost a significant amount of weight at least three times in my 28 years. PCOS is so frustrating. The only way I lose weight is when I really watch what I eat and do a lot of cardio. The insulin resistance is the biggest beast for me. When I was in high school, I wasn't thin, but I was athletic...just could never lose all the weight, even though I was active playing tennis and/or jogging nearly every day. Was only diagnosed with PCOS about 4 years ago with my own advocacy and forcing my docs to do the right tests. Now I'm trying to get back into exercise.

    I'm also looking for friends here on MFP. If you're a PCOSer, friend me! :smile:
  • DrAJ84
    DrAJ84 Posts: 117 Member
    Hi there, and welcome to MFP! I know how you feel being a fellow cyster myself. I hope this site helps you as much as it's been helping me. Having no insurance (and can't afford to go to the doctor w/o it) I needed a plan, and this site has helped so much with the effort. :D Feel free to add me if you like.

    Insurance, oh boy tell me about it! I work in healthcare and unfortunately cannot get good coverage. I've been told my PCOS is a pre exsisting condition. Sooooo they will not cover it, or my reproductive endocrinologist appointments (considered maintenance by them), Also no insurance company for pre exsisting condition coverage will cover an individual taking metformin and last but not least the meds I take barely get any $ reimbursed by my isurance since I take metformin and byetta for "non intended" diagnoses (ie since I am not diabetic they do not cover it in full). Such crap, I can't wait until legislation goes through to stop insurance companies for denying those with pre-exsisting conditions (around 2014). Unfortunately what they usually do is upcharge the insurance rate so you can barely afford it if they cover you.
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    I've been taking metformin and byetta and lost about 20 pounds in 2.5 months. I've had PCOS symptoms since I was a teen but never diagnosed until January this year.......When I was a teen they just slapped birth control on me just saying I had irregular cycles. I must say the meds help a lot now that I have it! It reduces cravings and I eat less. Right now I am doing Chalean Extreme workouts plus 45-50 minutes of cardio like zumba, bellydancing, or the elliptical 5-6 days per week. Medicine plus workouts are doing well since I began the combo this year. Just glad to get weight under! After all I work in healthcare and I educate patients on rehabilitative exercise for injuries every day. It was depressing because I try to set an example yet my disorder made me gain weight. Glad I know the cause now. I was tired of doctors that did not know the answer just saying you need to lose weight. Well duh, i knew that I just couldn't do it!....and for years not understanding why. What workout programs are you ladies trying?

    I also have PCOS/Insulin resistance -
    Truthfully, I didnot exercise....after I hit 50lbs I started exercising. Mainly treadmill I have here at work.

    Start with short walks ( get a good headset to listen to music)
    I was on Metformin ER 1k milligrams, twice a day and Byetta was twice a day....I cannot afford the Byetta but found that I am slowly still losing weight without it (when my hubby gets back to work - I will refill the RX for Byetta) so I am going to stay with the metformin er, multivimin, b-12, vitamin D3, viactive. **I find keeping protein a major staple in my diet along with water helps with the weight loss. I still have pasta - scoop out my breads, 100 calorie rolls for sandwiches.** I will not deprive myself - but I will make smarter decisions!!

    If you don't have a nutritionist - Get one!! I love mine!!

    Feel free to Friend me if you want ;)

    You can totally do this!!
  • Hi!

    I'm in the same boat as everyone...found out just last year about my PCOS....some people can just eat healthy and lose weight...not me...I have to exercise ALOT plus eat healthy...so hard but with a thread like this, makes it easier knowing I'm not alone. :smile:
    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • DrAJ84
    DrAJ84 Posts: 117 Member
    I am a cyster, too. I have gained and lost a significant amount of weight at least three times in my 28 years. PCOS is so frustrating. The only way I lose weight is when I really watch what I eat and do a lot of cardio. The insulin resistance is the biggest beast for me. When I was in high school, I wasn't thin, but I was athletic...just could never lose all the weight, even though I was active playing tennis and/or jogging nearly every day. Was only diagnosed with PCOS about 4 years ago with my own advocacy and forcing my docs to do the right tests. Now I'm trying to get back into exercise.

    I'm also looking for friends here on MFP. If you're a PCOSer, friend me! :smile:

    Sounds exactly like me. I have to workout like a mad woman to keep it under control especially if I am not on medication. good luck on the weight loss and I'll support you along the way!
  • I have PCOS too but I am not sure if I am insulin resistant or not. My fasting blood sugar is 81, but I don't know if that indicates insulin resistance. I do seem to put on weight so, so easily if I am not careful with carbs & sugar. I take Metformin to try to start ovulating & have a baby. Since losing the amount I have & no drugs (until 2 wks ago when I started Metformin), my testerone went from over 100 to 50 - which is the high end of normal.
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    PCOS is polycystic ovarian syndrome and it can make weight loss difficult due to insulin resistance. I ballooned in weight not knowing I had this disorder until age 26. I have gradually gained weight since my teens and struggled to lose weight unless I practically starved myself & exercised 6-7 days per week for 90+ minutes. Now with a medication regimen to supplement my lifestyle I plan to get to my goal weight of 160-165. Anyone want to join me? And do I have fellow soul"cysters" with the disorder.

    Starving yourself is not the answer..... Feed it the right things. your going to be really surprised!!

    You got this!!!
  • DrAJ84
    DrAJ84 Posts: 117 Member
    I have PCOS too but I am not sure if I am insulin resistant or not. My fasting blood sugar is 81, but I don't know if that indicates insulin resistance. I do seem to put on weight so, so easily if I am not careful with carbs & sugar. I take Metformin to try to start ovulating & have a baby. Since losing the amount I have & no drugs (until 2 wks ago when I started Metformin), my testerone went from over 100 to 50 - which is the high end of normal.

    PCOS/ Metabolic Syndrome/ Syndrome X

    it is my understanding that the insulin resistance is basically an abnormal response to carbs therefore you have an excessive insulin response, sustaining high levels of insulin in the bloodstream. I have a "normal" fasting glucose as well but it is the high end of normal. Continued deficiency with insulin response could lead to worsening glucose regulation.

    "The hormone insulin is primarily known for its role in glucose regulation. Under normal circumstances, insulin assures the efficient transfer of glucose from the bloodstream to the body. Insulin also serves as a signal to the liver to begin or discontinue glucose production.If the level of glucose in the cells is sufficient, insulin levels drop, signaling the liver to slow down glucose production. In contrast, if the cells of the body are not receiving enough glucose, the level of insulin will rise, signaling the liver to produce greater amounts of glucose. Insulin resistance (also known as Syndrome X) is the inability of insulin to perform its job effectively in the body. In early stages of Syndrome X, the body simply compensates by causing the beta cells of the pancreas to produce more insulin. Ultimately in some women, however, the beta cells may wear out and the body ceases to produce insulin in the amounts needed. The resultant condition is Type II diabetes mellitus. "
  • sugarcrystal8
    sugarcrystal8 Posts: 38 Member
    I have PCOS too but I am not sure if I am insulin resistant or not. My fasting blood sugar is 81, but I don't know if that indicates insulin resistance. I do seem to put on weight so, so easily if I am not careful with carbs & sugar. I take Metformin to try to start ovulating & have a baby. Since losing the amount I have & no drugs (until 2 wks ago when I started Metformin), my testerone went from over 100 to 50 - which is the high end of normal.

    I'm not sure either, but my fertility doctor is the one who told me to change my diet (gluten free, very low dairy/sugar). My fasting blood sugar was 91 and that looked like it was the high end of normal. Next tests will begin to test other hormone levels. I'm hoping to avoid Metformin and just take Clomid to ovulate, but we'll see what the doctor says.
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    Yep, I'm a "Cyster" too. Unfortunately, I can't afford to do anything about it... Basically, I just have to deal with it all on my own. :explode:

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  • Trotty2004
    Trotty2004 Posts: 15 Member
    So I'm not alone!!!!! I am in the same boat as most of you posters. I was diagnosed in Nov of last year. Although I am certain i've had PCOS my whole life. I never had a TOM until I was 17 and was put on the pill. At the time I was told I did not have enough body fat because I was so athletic. IMAGINE THAT!!!! I am one of the lucky ones in that I've been able to have 3 children. Gained way too much weight with each pregnancy and held on to every pound. The only way I could lose was to practically starve myself and work out like crazy. My body seemed to be the only one that didn't follow the rules. I started Metformin in Jan, started eating better and have been working out like crazy and so far I have lost 36 lbs. I still have at least 50lbs more to go but I truly believe it can happen. It might take longer than my non PCOS fellow dieters but I refuse to give up. Please soul cysters, feel free to friend me and we can support each other through this!!!!!
  • jjclem07
    jjclem07 Posts: 127 Member
    I am. Found out I was after I lost my first child at 30 weeks. Have a real hard time getting pregnant too. My PCOS also triggered Type 2 diabetes. Now at 36 I am struggling to reduce my weight and control my sugar so I can try once more on getting pregnant. It has been 1 1/2 years since my last failed pregnancy and before that 11 years. I would like to get it right this time. So as you can see it doesn't look good for me.

    I am going to give it all I have this time.
  • jjclem07
    jjclem07 Posts: 127 Member
    Yep, I'm a "Cyster" too. Unfortunately, I can't afford to do anything about it... Basically, I just have to deal with it all on my own. :explode:

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    Try taking Cinnamon pills. They may help lower or help control the sugar. Doesn't cure it, but can help. Look it up!!
  • Trotty2004
    Trotty2004 Posts: 15 Member
    I am. Found out I was after I lost my first child at 30 weeks. Have a real hard time getting pregnant too. My PCOS also triggered Type 2 diabetes. Now at 36 I am struggling to reduce my weight and control my sugar so I can try once more on getting pregnant. It has been 1 1/2 years since my last failed pregnancy and before that 11 years. I would like to get it right this time. So as you can see it doesn't look good for me.

    I am going to give it all I have this time.

    I know how tough and discouraging it is but you have the right attitude. Please don't give up hope. I say I am lucky to have my 3 children but what I didn't mention is that I lost 6 pregnancies over the 11 years between the first and the second. My second was concieved right after I had miscarried and given up. We didn't tell anyone until I was almost 6 months pregnant because I was so afraid. After she was born I had another miscarriage trying to give her a sister. Two months after that miscarriage my baby boy was concieved. Its not easy and it doesn't seem fair but there is hope.
  • What kind of diet do you find successful? Moderate low carb (less then 30% carbs) seems to work well for me - when I stick with it.
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Yep, I'm a "Cyster" too. Unfortunately, I can't afford to do anything about it... Basically, I just have to deal with it all on my own. :explode:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    Noooooo - I don't know your situation....BUT....
    Don't say that. If you can find a clinic/doctor. see if your a candidate for Metformmin is mostly prescribed for it - It is cheap!!!
    Metformin ER 500mg - 90day supply is only 14.00usd at walmart (er=extended release) OR
    Metformin 500mg - 90day supply is even less i think 10.00usd
    keep high protein in your daily intake and count calories for your height and weight (here on MFP)
    Go easy on breads (I scoop out bagels - use 100 calories rounds) totally do-able.

    I am feeling a pinch too - but if you can get the RX for a year with refills - drop some weight, in turn start some exercise = You never know what can be.....

    Friend me is you like!!!!
  • After seeing your post - i went and researched what it was you all were talking about, and well, ive made an appt now with my Doctor to see if this is something that i may have... most of the symptoms are things that i have always struggled with... but.. i have always questioned my Doctor, and he just tells me to exercise and that its just how my family is, and that it is something that RUNS in our family - Being Over Weight!!!
    Im hoping that something gets figured out.. but i am just soo frustrated, that no matter what i do, eat, exercise.. etc... i cannot lose weight... on top of the other issues that PCOS states.

    Thanks for sharing all your stories!!
  • zudleymarie
    zudleymarie Posts: 100 Member
    There's a ton of us cysters on here. It's hard, but we can do it! Add me!
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