How often does everyone weigh themselves?



  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    I'm in maintenance. I weigh about every week or two.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i used to do daily. then i did weekly now i do monthly.

  • robguitar
    robguitar Posts: 15 Member
    I'll be weighing myself weekly on a Friday morning. I know that weight can fluctuate daily and I wouldn't want to be disappointed by seeing a loss, no matter how slight.
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    I weigh myself daily, but due to fluctuations the only one I pay attention to and record is Saturday morning before breakfast and coffee.
  • rjan91
    rjan91 Posts: 194 Member
    Whenever I feel like it - always first thing in the morning, right before I hop in the shower. But not every day - maybe every 2-3 days. My weight will fluctuate a lot, so weighing every day for me wouldn't be productive I don't think.
  • threadmad
    threadmad Posts: 190 Member
    Daily weighing helps me understand the fluctuations. As long as the trend is downward, I'm happy.
  • karwowski1992
    karwowski1992 Posts: 41 Member
    Every once in a while but I'd rather take pictures
  • scorpcookie
    scorpcookie Posts: 113 Member
    edited December 2015
    I tend to weigh myself when I get up and then before I go to bed at night. However I will only record my weight on Sundays.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    rjan91 wrote: »
    Whenever I feel like it - always first thing in the morning, right before I hop in the shower. But not every day - maybe every 2-3 days. My weight will fluctuate a lot, so weighing every day for me wouldn't be productive I don't think.

    I weigh daily because my weight fluctuates a lot. When you have a "noisy" signal, you can extract a more reliable trend by having more data points, even if each data point is unreliable on its own.
  • Formerly348
    Formerly348 Posts: 9 Member
    First thing every morning for me.
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,339 Member
    I used to weigh myself once a week, but the changes were so slow they were a bit discouraging. Now, I only weigh myself every two - three weeks, and every single time, SUCCESS.
  • magtart
    magtart Posts: 161 Member
    Once a day when I get up.
  • shadows2424
    shadows2424 Posts: 179 Member
    I see a nutritionist every two weeks. I get weighed then but on occasion if ive eaten too much for a couple days or so ill jump on to see what the damage is.
  • steuartcj
    steuartcj Posts: 132 Member
    Daily, same time after toilet and shower routine. Record 1-2 times per week. Do it the way you are most satisfied doing it.
  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member
    Everyday lately. I'm a scientist so I love having the data to analyze. I fluctuate a little but there is a clear downward trend.
  • ekruska802
    ekruska802 Posts: 79 Member
    Never. I don't own a scale. I get fixated on the number being the representation of what I am or should be, and am always disappointed with what the number is. I have never looked at the scale and thought, "hm, I'm glad I know that."
  • ThisMagicMoment
    ThisMagicMoment Posts: 39 Member
    Daily because I like the data. I usually enter my numbers into both Weight Grapher and the Hacker's Diet, but somebody on this thread mentioned Trend Weight, so I signed up for that and like it better. Thanks for mentioning it.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    I' maintaining now but whilst I was losing, I found weekly weigh-in's sufficient.
    Personally, I found the inevitable daily fluctuations hard to handle despite logically knowing that they were totally normal. If you weigh daily, expect the ups and down's and record your data on a trend app. Otherwise, stick to weekly!
  • KareninLux
    KareninLux Posts: 1,413 Member
    Daily. Getting to love the fluctations and learning not to freak out!
    I have a very good scale - TANITA - also gives body fat%
  • KikiBerry
    KikiBerry Posts: 64 Member
    I weigh every day. Weighing once a week was stressing me out. Daily weighing keeps me focused on my goals for the day.