can't even manage to take 3000 steps in a day



  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    And I got an upright stationary bike yesterday and biked 5 miles today pain free for my foot. I spent two hours trying out everything at Sears yesterday and everything was on sale. $300 for a nice Nordic Track bike with a small footprint that fits behind a living room chair and I can bike and watch TV. Take a trip to Sears on your day off... But ask your podiatrist if you can bike. Much less pressure on your feet, but great cardio!!
  • thecommoncold40299
    I work 3rd shift at a full time desk job and during the day I work a part time desk job. If im not working or at the gym, I am sleeping or preparing my meals. Its very hard to get those steps in everyday. But, I have found ways to get very close to 10,000 and on my off days I do over 10,000. When I take my breaks or my lunch break I just walk the entire time. I work at a hospital but they do not provide any kind of area for fitness etc. So, I just walk the halls. I have my own little route I worked out so I know I will come close to what im working towards. I go up and down the steps (we have seven floors) I can usually get in around 3000-4000 before I leave in the mornings. I understand where you are coming from. depending on your situation, it can be hard to get them in. Just try and be as creative as you can to come as close as you can to 10,000. Hang in there!
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,155 Member
    What about laps around the store when you're not ringing someone up? I work in a hospital and often walk laps around the hall when I get a chance. I also walk back and forth in my house when I'm cooking dinner. I don't like to leave the food to go back upstairs, so I stay there and do laps. Yesterday I did almost a mile in the house because I wanted to reach 20K steps, which I rarely do, and was around 18K. I take the longer way around the halls at work when I need to get something. Creativity will add up
  • sobiakhatoon
    sobiakhatoon Posts: 128 Member
    fiddletime wrote: »
    And I got an upright stationary bike yesterday and biked 5 miles today pain free for my foot. I spent two hours trying out everything at Sears yesterday and everything was on sale. $300 for a nice Nordic Track bike with a small footprint that fits behind a living room chair and I can bike and watch TV. Take a trip to Sears on your day off... But ask your podiatrist if you can bike. Much less pressure on your feet, but great cardio!!
    Great! Hope it helps you. I will also look into it.

  • sobiakhatoon
    sobiakhatoon Posts: 128 Member
    kar328 wrote: »
    What about laps around the store when you're not ringing someone up? I work in a hospital and often walk laps around the hall when I get a chance. I also walk back and forth in my house when I'm cooking dinner. I don't like to leave the food to go back upstairs, so I stay there and do laps. Yesterday I did almost a mile in the house because I wanted to reach 20K steps, which I rarely do, and was around 18K. I take the longer way around the halls at work when I need to get something. Creativity will add up
    Yup! That's what I've been doing. I walk, walk n walk inside the store and sometimes outside too as the property is huge. I get 4000 steps just in the the store hours now. Thanks!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Success story! Good for you.
  • nooie19
    nooie19 Posts: 153 Member
    What got me walking more was my Fitbit with a subscription to I am a book worm so I look forward to listening to novels while I walk. In the winter when it's dark and cold in the evenings, I just walk around the house with my headphones on. I also like to ride my exercise bike while watching TV.

    And here's the magical secret from a lifelong couch potato. Exercise cures depression and anxiety, which in turn energizes you to move more and eat less.

    I agree wholeheartedly about small manageable goals. You'll almost always walk a little more than you had planned if you just get started.
  • nooie19
    nooie19 Posts: 153 Member
    Also if you have a Fitbit the challenges are great. I've found creative ways to get extra steps just to win a weekly challenge!
  • Expatmommy79
    Expatmommy79 Posts: 940 Member
    On days I don't go to the gym I take forever to do simple tasks. Laying the table is 5 laps from cupboard to table, 1 for each plate. Fridge - same. 1 trip per ingredient. Forks, knives, spoons, glasses... All 5 trips each. I can get almost 6000 steps just from taking this approach.

    Glad to hear you are making your 10,000 steps. Well done!
  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    Leslie Sansone (sp?) makes walking DVDs, that have helped me out tremendously! I have the 5-Day Walk Plan, and I love it. :) It doesn't take long, and it adds in other stuff, so you're working your entire body. It's pretty low-impact IMO, too. Just a suggestion! :)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Why can't you do 3000 steps? It's not that many steps or about 20 minutes walking.


    Look for ways to add some "deliberate walking" to your daily routine.

    People that reach 10,000 steps a day have generally reached that goal in stages. Aim for 4,000 everyday. Find some consistency there, and then add on.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited December 2015
    There is an exercise program you can find on Youtube with exercises for people with limited mobility, for any reason. Many of the exercises can be done in a chair, so if you get a stool to sit on behind the register, you can do many of these exercises. Building strength may be as important as walking, until your leg heels. The exercises use bands, or cans of soup, or milk jugs, things you should be able to find in the store.
    Will look into that! Thanks for the info and ypur precious time.

    Look up chair or seated's another one:

    (Jessica Smith)
  • almoody425
    almoody425 Posts: 2 Member
    Don't let the numbers intimidate you! I work 70hrs/week at a desk and commute 2.5hrs a day.... I had to trick myself into getting in my steps. I walk the long way to the bathroom. Today I walked the halls for the 6mins my lunch was in the microwave (600steps!). When my coworkers order Starbucks or lunch I offer to get it. You just need to find little tricks that will work for you. I have Achilles tendonitis and note moving for a long time is the worst! Can you walk the isles at your job between customers?
  • BoomstickChik
    BoomstickChik Posts: 149 Member
    edited December 2015
    When I was pregnant I thought 10,000 was insane and did 5,000 daily up to the day I gave birth. I didn't think it was hard to get there, just basic daily activities alone should get you a good 3-5,000.

    As for now, I walk up my street and back (1,500 steps) with my kids whenever I get 10-15 minutes. I play just dance on the wii when my little 2 kids are napping and/or play with my older 2 after school.
    I usually hit 10,000 by dinner time.
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    I feel for you, OP! I have a desk job and can't be away from the phone for very long at all. Until very recently I didn't track my steps. Now I'm seeing that unless I try, I'm getting 2000 steps or less a day!
    Luckily I have an hour lunch, so lately I've been using about half of my lunch break to walk. If weather is bad, I just go to target or Walmart and walk the aisles there.
    So if I do my walk/jog in the morning (30-45 min), then get some walking done over lunch, add a little toward the end of my day - like walking the dog, and just do a little more intentional walking at work when I can, this can add up to 8000-10,000 steps (which 10,000 is my goal).
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    Also, park as far away as possible when going to the store. The steps add up!
  • sobiakhatoon
    sobiakhatoon Posts: 128 Member
    Also, park as far away as possible when going to the store. The steps add up!
    I feel for you, OP! I have a desk job and can't be away from the phone for very long at all. Until very recently I didn't track my steps. .Now I'm seeing that unless I try, I'm getting 2000 steps or less a day!
    Luckily I have an hour lunch, so lately I've been using about half of my lunch break to walk. If weather is bad, I just go to target or Walmart and walk the aisles there.
    So if I do my walk/jog in the morning (30-45 min), then get some walking done over lunch, add a little toward the end of my day - like walking the dog, and just do a little more intentional walking at work when I can, this can add up to 8000-10,000 steps (which 10,000 is my goal).
    I feel for you, OP! I have a desk job and can't be away from the phone for very long at all. Until very recently I didn't track my steps. Now I'm seeing that unless I try, I'm getting 2000 steps or less a day!
    Luckily I have an hour lunch, so lately I've been using about half of my lunch break to walk. If weather is bad, I just go to target or Walmart and walk the aisles there.
    So if I do my walk/jog in the morning (30-45 min), then get some walking done over lunch, add a little toward the end of my day - like walking the dog, and just do a little more intentional walking at work when I can, this can add up to 8000-10,000 steps (which 10,000 is my goal).
    I feel for you, OP! I have a desk job and can't be away from the phone for very long at all. Until very recently I didn't track my steps. Now I'm seeing that unless I try, I'm getting 2000 steps or less a day!
    Luckily I have an hour lunch, so lately I've been using about half of my lunch break to walk. If weather is bad, I just go to target or Walmart and walk the aisles there.
    So if I do my walk/jog in the morning (30-45 min), then get some walking done over lunch, add a little toward the end of my day - like walking the dog, and just do a little more intentional walking at work when I can, this can add up to 8000-10,000 steps (which 10,000 is my goal).
    I feel for you, OP! I have a desk job and can't be away from the phone for very long at all. Until very recently I didn't track my steps. Now I'm seeing that unless I try, I'm getting 2000 steps or less a day!
    Luckily I have an hour lunch, so lately I've been using about half of my lunch break to walk. If weather is bad, I just go to target or Walmart and walk the aisles there.
    So if I do my walk/jog in the morning (30-45 min), then get some walking done over lunch, add a little toward the end of my day - like walking the dog, and just do a little more intentional walking at work when I can, this can add up to 8000-10,000 steps (which 10,000 is my goal).
    I went on a walk in the morning too!
    Walked to the local Mc Donalds (1.5 mi) had oatmeal there with a cup of water. Walked back home (1.5 mi again) this covered around 7000 steps for me. Then I went ahead n did my daily chores and came to work at noon and walked again when no customers were present. Hit 10k steps by 2 p.m. Came back home at 7 and did nothing LOL!
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    @sobiakhatoon You are doing great!
  • sobiakhatoon
    sobiakhatoon Posts: 128 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    @sobiakhatoon You are doing great!
    Thanks! You guys are my major support!

  • tjcuts339
    tjcuts339 Posts: 188 Member
    airangel59 wrote: »

    I love my Fitbit & Vivofit....been walking for over 2 yrs since got my first Flex.

    One day, one pound, one step

    Love mine try to meet all challenges before dinner. Just like gym time commitment no retreat!! All in true to the game!!!! Feeling great meeting challenges. You will reach them and feel great too!