Today, started goal of losing 167 lbs in 1 yr...I got this!!!



  • Marvel150
    Marvel150 Posts: 41 Member
    A2_D2_ wrote: »
    Good luck! Remember that even if you have bad weeks to keep it up and stay positive. As long as medical professionals monitor you then go for it! I used to weigh 300 lbs. and lost 80 on my own over a few years. I want to meet my goals and am close but need help so I started this app today, your intro. is giving me a morale boost!

    I feel honored that you said that! By saying that I've given you a morale boost is humbling, because you've already been down the road that I am headed towards.

    So to hear your story is like me running in a 5k marathon and hearing you cheer me on along the way at refreshing table with water saying "Go! Go! Go! YOU GOT THIS!"
  • magicsd
    magicsd Posts: 99 Member
    I wish you good luck on your journey! #keeppositive
  • MondayJune22nd2015
    MondayJune22nd2015 Posts: 876 Member
    edited December 2015
    Here's basically the rule of thumb, pertaining to weight loss.

    100 pounds (& over): maximum loss, 2.0 pounds weekly.
    75 pounds: maximum loss, 1.5 pounds weekly.
    50 pounds: maximum loss, 1.0 pounds weekly.
    25 pounds: maximum loss, 0.5 pounds weekly.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Here's basically the rule of thumb, pertaining to weight loss.

    100 pounds (& over): maximum loss, 2.0 pounds weekly.
    75 pounds: maximum loss, 1.5 pounds weekly.
    50 pounds: maximum loss, 1.0 pounds weekly.
    25 pounds: maximum loss, 0.5 pounds weekly.

    I would say this is ok, but over 100 pounds to lose, a person can easily sustain more than 2 pounds a week. Generally a person should not seek to lose more than 1% of their weight per week. So that will allow higher losses at higher weights.
  • Valrotha
    Valrotha Posts: 294 Member
    I wish you the best! One of the things I found most helpful was the MFP community and my friends here on this site. Don't hesitate to lean on folks here for help and support.
  • CoffinQTee
    CoffinQTee Posts: 26 Member
    You got this your goal is doable for sure
  • Marvel150
    Marvel150 Posts: 41 Member
    Focus on the inches lost and not the pounds. Make sure you are eating healthy and take it slow. No matter what don't give up! you can do this!

    Great idea! I go back to my doctor next Tuesday. Let's see if I can get my measurements done then. Thanks for the encouragement and advice!
  • Marvel150
    Marvel150 Posts: 41 Member
    magicsd wrote: »
    I wish you good luck on your journey! #keeppositive

    Thanks, Magic...I really appreciate your encouragement!
  • Marvel150
    Marvel150 Posts: 41 Member
    I AM CONFUSED! PLEASE HELP...I have questions:

    I initially weighed 317.8 and in my first week, I lost 6.6 pounds just by keeping track of my meals and logging in everything I put in my mouth, as well as I have now started exercising.

    I guess it's my water weight that's been melting off this past week. And I understand that I'll lose more weight at first because I have so much fat.

    But how much of the 317.8 is fat?

    And how many more months (or weeks) will my weight continue to drop at about 1 pound per day, now that I'm exercising (when I wasn't before) and now that I'm training myself to eat healthier and less (around 1,540 calories says the My Fitness Pal) instead of the probably 4,000-5,000 calories that I used to eat junk per day?

    I AM NOT DOING's dropping like that on it's own. For instance, last night, I was SO FULL I could hardly finish my broccoli dinner. So is it possible that my stomach is shrinking its capacity for the amount of food that it can hold just in ONE week???

    But you're saying don't lose more than 1% per week weight...that would be 3.1 pounds. I can't eat more because now I get full, so I'm confused!

    Talk to me.
  • Marvel150
    Marvel150 Posts: 41 Member
    If you're losing more than 1% of you weight, then you need to eat more. If you're feeling too full, then you're going to have to try adding some more calorie dense foods into your diet. Nuts, peanut butter, full-fat dairy items, using oils when cooking, avocado, tuna in oil instead of water... There are plenty of high calorie foods out there,

    Thanks, Happy, but 1,540 calories is still 1,540 calories no matter how I consume it, right?

    I am actually liking feeling satisfied instead of stuffed. And I am learning to trade off for rewards, for example, increase my calories burned and if I want a particular treat that day, now I can have it. Before, I just had treats and no exercise!

    And now, I see my body morphing and it's only been less than two weeks. My belly overhang is drawing in! It's keeping me motivated!

    So, next week, I want to start a Vision Board on where I will be and what my life will be like by January, 2017 (painfree!). Pound by pound, all 167 that I will lose, I am my own project!
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    Marvel150 wrote: »
    I AM CONFUSED! PLEASE HELP...I have questions:

    I initially weighed 317.8 and in my first week, I lost 6.6 pounds just by keeping track of my meals and logging in everything I put in my mouth, as well as I have now started exercising.

    I guess it's my water weight that's been melting off this past week. And I understand that I'll lose more weight at first because I have so much fat.

    But how much of the 317.8 is fat?

    And how many more months (or weeks) will my weight continue to drop at about 1 pound per day, now that I'm exercising (when I wasn't before) and now that I'm training myself to eat healthier and less (around 1,540 calories says the My Fitness Pal) instead of the probably 4,000-5,000 calories that I used to eat junk per day?

    I AM NOT DOING's dropping like that on it's own. For instance, last night, I was SO FULL I could hardly finish my broccoli dinner. So is it possible that my stomach is shrinking its capacity for the amount of food that it can hold just in ONE week???

    But you're saying don't lose more than 1% per week weight...that would be 3.1 pounds. I can't eat more because now I get full, so I'm confused!

    Talk to me.

    I started at about the same as you, and after initial water loss I was losing about 1/2 a lb per day (3.5 lb per week) on about 1900 calories. I'd recommend you do eat a bit more than 1540 - it will help you keep going when motivation goes down after the "new diet" honeymoon ends.

    Now I eat the same amount and lose about 2.5 lb per week, as I have lost about 65 lb. I might up it to an average of 2000 per day to slow down a bit, as I'd like to get down to about 2.2 lb/week over the next stretch of my weight loss.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    edited December 2015
    Marvel150 wrote: »
    I AM CONFUSED! PLEASE HELP...I have questions:

    I initially weighed 317.8 and in my first week, I lost 6.6 pounds just by keeping track of my meals and logging in everything I put in my mouth, as well as I have now started exercising.

    I guess it's my water weight that's been melting off this past week. And I understand that I'll lose more weight at first because I have so much fat.

    But how much of the 317.8 is fat?

    And how many more months (or weeks) will my weight continue to drop at about 1 pound per day, now that I'm exercising (when I wasn't before) and now that I'm training myself to eat healthier and less (around 1,540 calories says the My Fitness Pal) instead of the probably 4,000-5,000 calories that I used to eat junk per day?

    I AM NOT DOING's dropping like that on it's own. For instance, last night, I was SO FULL I could hardly finish my broccoli dinner. So is it possible that my stomach is shrinking its capacity for the amount of food that it can hold just in ONE week???

    But you're saying don't lose more than 1% per week weight...that would be 3.1 pounds. I can't eat more because now I get full, so I'm confused!

    Talk to me.

    First week or so you will lose a lot of water weight. Personal experience with me, after I had a small stroke I go serious about losing weight. Due to my high blood pressure I was put on a water pill. I lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks. Most of that would have been water weight. Even now, if I go off the diuretic I will put on water weight really quickly, as much as 10 pounds in a week (I ran out of pills once and that was the soonest I could get a refill) That weight came off once I got the pills again in less than a week. For the first while, don't worry about the 1% as you need to get rid of the extra water weight you are holding. Having said that, 1540 seems low based on your weight. Is that the number this site gives you, and are you eating back the calories you burn from exercise (you are supposed to)?
  • Marvel150
    Marvel150 Posts: 41 Member
    rankinsect wrote: »
    Marvel150 wrote: »
    I AM CONFUSED! PLEASE HELP...I have questions:

    I initially weighed 317.8 and in my first week, I lost 6.6 pounds just by keeping track of my meals and logging in everything I put in my mouth, as well as I have now started exercising.

    I guess it's my water weight that's been melting off this past week. And I understand that I'll lose more weight at first because I have so much fat.

    But how much of the 317.8 is fat?

    And how many more months (or weeks) will my weight continue to drop at about 1 pound per day, now that I'm exercising (when I wasn't before) and now that I'm training myself to eat healthier and less (around 1,540 calories says the My Fitness Pal) instead of the probably 4,000-5,000 calories that I used to eat junk per day?

    I AM NOT DOING's dropping like that on it's own. For instance, last night, I was SO FULL I could hardly finish my broccoli dinner. So is it possible that my stomach is shrinking its capacity for the amount of food that it can hold just in ONE week???

    But you're saying don't lose more than 1% per week weight...that would be 3.1 pounds. I can't eat more because now I get full, so I'm confused!

    Talk to me.

    I started at about the same as you, and after initial water loss I was losing about 1/2 a lb per day (3.5 lb per week) on about 1900 calories. I'd recommend you do eat a bit more than 1540 - it will help you keep going when motivation goes down after the "new diet" honeymoon ends.

    Now I eat the same amount and lose about 2.5 lb per week, as I have lost about 65 lb. I might up it to an average of 2000 per day to slow down a bit, as I'd like to get down to about 2.2 lb/week over the next stretch of my weight loss.

    Awww, can't the honeymoon last for one year? lol...I don't want it to end. So, for right now, because I've been morbidly obese for so long, I'm amazed at seeing different things happening to my body.

    Like I just got used to seeing this big blob "underhang" of what I am supposed to call my arm...but now, I can see a little bit of definition of an arm in there, and of course, the underhang, so now I know what I'm working with.

    It sort of feels like I'm giving myself a gift every few days because I (yes, the REAL me) keep on emerging!

    So, that's what I think is going to keep the honeymoon alive for a long time. I'm ready to meet ME again!
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    Marvel150 wrote: »
    rankinsect wrote: »
    Marvel150 wrote: »
    I AM CONFUSED! PLEASE HELP...I have questions:

    I initially weighed 317.8 and in my first week, I lost 6.6 pounds just by keeping track of my meals and logging in everything I put in my mouth, as well as I have now started exercising.

    I guess it's my water weight that's been melting off this past week. And I understand that I'll lose more weight at first because I have so much fat.

    But how much of the 317.8 is fat?

    And how many more months (or weeks) will my weight continue to drop at about 1 pound per day, now that I'm exercising (when I wasn't before) and now that I'm training myself to eat healthier and less (around 1,540 calories says the My Fitness Pal) instead of the probably 4,000-5,000 calories that I used to eat junk per day?

    I AM NOT DOING's dropping like that on it's own. For instance, last night, I was SO FULL I could hardly finish my broccoli dinner. So is it possible that my stomach is shrinking its capacity for the amount of food that it can hold just in ONE week???

    But you're saying don't lose more than 1% per week weight...that would be 3.1 pounds. I can't eat more because now I get full, so I'm confused!

    Talk to me.

    I started at about the same as you, and after initial water loss I was losing about 1/2 a lb per day (3.5 lb per week) on about 1900 calories. I'd recommend you do eat a bit more than 1540 - it will help you keep going when motivation goes down after the "new diet" honeymoon ends.

    Now I eat the same amount and lose about 2.5 lb per week, as I have lost about 65 lb. I might up it to an average of 2000 per day to slow down a bit, as I'd like to get down to about 2.2 lb/week over the next stretch of my weight loss.

    Awww, can't the honeymoon last for one year? lol...I don't want it to end. So, for right now, because I've been morbidly obese for so long, I'm amazed at seeing different things happening to my body.

    Like I just got used to seeing this big blob "underhang" of what I am supposed to call my arm...but now, I can see a little bit of definition of an arm in there, and of course, the underhang, so now I know what I'm working with.

    It sort of feels like I'm giving myself a gift every few days because I (yes, the REAL me) keep on emerging!

    So, that's what I think is going to keep the honeymoon alive for a long time. I'm ready to meet ME again!

    Oh, I'm still going strong, but not really in the honeymoon phase myself anymore. For me, it was all about establishing habits - particularly establishing my workout schedule and pre-planning each day's meals in advance. Now while I am not as gung-ho as I was, I can rely on the habits to keep me on track.

    And yes, the gradual re-emergence of body parts you forgot you had is fun :smiley:
  • Marvel150
    Marvel150 Posts: 41 Member
    Marvel150 wrote: »
    I AM CONFUSED! PLEASE HELP...I have questions:

    I initially weighed 317.8 and in my first week, I lost 6.6 pounds just by keeping track of my meals and logging in everything I put in my mouth, as well as I have now started exercising.

    I guess it's my water weight that's been melting off this past week. And I understand that I'll lose more weight at first because I have so much fat.

    But how much of the 317.8 is fat?

    And how many more months (or weeks) will my weight continue to drop at about 1 pound per day, now that I'm exercising (when I wasn't before) and now that I'm training myself to eat healthier and less (around 1,540 calories says the My Fitness Pal) instead of the probably 4,000-5,000 calories that I used to eat junk per day?

    I AM NOT DOING's dropping like that on it's own. For instance, last night, I was SO FULL I could hardly finish my broccoli dinner. So is it possible that my stomach is shrinking its capacity for the amount of food that it can hold just in ONE week???

    But you're saying don't lose more than 1% per week weight...that would be 3.1 pounds. I can't eat more because now I get full, so I'm confused!

    Talk to me.

    First week or so you will lose a lot of water weight. Personal experience with me, after I had a small stroke I go serious about losing weight. Due to my high blood pressure I was put on a water pill. I lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks. Most of that would have been water weight. Even now, if I go off the diuretic I will put on water weight really quickly, as much as 10 pounds in a week (I ran out of pills once and that was the soonest I could get a refill) That weight came off once I got the pills again in less than a week. For the first while, don't worry about the 1% as you need to get rid of the extra water weight you are holding. Having said that, 1540 seems low based on your weight. Is that the number this site gives you, and are you eating back the calories you burn from exercise (you are supposed to)?

    Okay, thanks for the reassurance not to worry right now about the 1% Rule.

    And yes, my declining health was the reason my doctor introduced me to this site and showed me all the features. When I was being registered, the site asked how much weight I wanted to lose and I told my doctor 167 pounds. 1,540 is the daily allowance that the MFP site returned.

    Also, I do eat extra when I exercise, although I left a little over 200 today. To be honest, a sort of "empty" feeling is strangely nice! And it's too late in the night to eat now, so if I think I need something else if I'm still awake, a nice hot tea is really soothing, with a few Saltine Crackers, if anything.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Marvel150 wrote: »
    Marvel150 wrote: »
    I AM CONFUSED! PLEASE HELP...I have questions:

    I initially weighed 317.8 and in my first week, I lost 6.6 pounds just by keeping track of my meals and logging in everything I put in my mouth, as well as I have now started exercising.

    I guess it's my water weight that's been melting off this past week. And I understand that I'll lose more weight at first because I have so much fat.

    But how much of the 317.8 is fat?

    And how many more months (or weeks) will my weight continue to drop at about 1 pound per day, now that I'm exercising (when I wasn't before) and now that I'm training myself to eat healthier and less (around 1,540 calories says the My Fitness Pal) instead of the probably 4,000-5,000 calories that I used to eat junk per day?

    I AM NOT DOING's dropping like that on it's own. For instance, last night, I was SO FULL I could hardly finish my broccoli dinner. So is it possible that my stomach is shrinking its capacity for the amount of food that it can hold just in ONE week???

    But you're saying don't lose more than 1% per week weight...that would be 3.1 pounds. I can't eat more because now I get full, so I'm confused!

    Talk to me.

    First week or so you will lose a lot of water weight. Personal experience with me, after I had a small stroke I go serious about losing weight. Due to my high blood pressure I was put on a water pill. I lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks. Most of that would have been water weight. Even now, if I go off the diuretic I will put on water weight really quickly, as much as 10 pounds in a week (I ran out of pills once and that was the soonest I could get a refill) That weight came off once I got the pills again in less than a week. For the first while, don't worry about the 1% as you need to get rid of the extra water weight you are holding. Having said that, 1540 seems low based on your weight. Is that the number this site gives you, and are you eating back the calories you burn from exercise (you are supposed to)?

    Okay, thanks for the reassurance not to worry right now about the 1% Rule.

    And yes, my declining health was the reason my doctor introduced me to this site and showed me all the features. When I was being registered, the site asked how much weight I wanted to lose and I told my doctor 167 pounds. 1,540 is the daily allowance that the MFP site returned.

    Also, I do eat extra when I exercise, although I left a little over 200 today. To be honest, a sort of "empty" feeling is strangely nice! And it's too late in the night to eat now, so if I think I need something else if I'm still awake, a nice hot tea is really soothing, with a few Saltine Crackers, if anything.

    Thanks for getting back on that. Good job using the site as it is intended. Just so you know, unless you have reflux or eating late at night makes you eat over your calories, there is not really a time that is too late to eat as long as you stay at your calorie goal.
  • Rdsgoal16
    Rdsgoal16 Posts: 302 Member
    Great attitude, I am under a doctors care and while I see a lot of "too fast" I say go for it and take it a step at a time, adjust as you see how you feel. I have lost 22 pounds in 18 days. I started lifting on day one, bought a recumbent bike and moved my recliner to the storage shed. good luck!
  • nade0069
    nade0069 Posts: 109 Member
    Marvel150 wrote: »
    I AM CONFUSED! PLEASE HELP...I have questions:

    I initially weighed 317.8 and in my first week, I lost 6.6 pounds just by keeping track of my meals and logging in everything I put in my mouth, as well as I have now started exercising.

    I guess it's my water weight that's been melting off this past week. And I understand that I'll lose more weight at first because I have so much fat.

    But how much of the 317.8 is fat?

    And how many more months (or weeks) will my weight continue to drop at about 1 pound per day, now that I'm exercising (when I wasn't before) and now that I'm training myself to eat healthier and less (around 1,540 calories says the My Fitness Pal) instead of the probably 4,000-5,000 calories that I used to eat junk per day?

    I AM NOT DOING's dropping like that on it's own. For instance, last night, I was SO FULL I could hardly finish my broccoli dinner. So is it possible that my stomach is shrinking its capacity for the amount of food that it can hold just in ONE week???

    But you're saying don't lose more than 1% per week weight...that would be 3.1 pounds. I can't eat more because now I get full, so I'm confused!

    Talk to me.

    If you have not already, I would recommend getting a food scale. You can get a good one for relatively cheap and it will give you an accurate idea of how much you are eating. It isn't unusual to loose as much as you did in your first week at all. Enjoy the changes you are seeing in the mirror, they are fabulous. If you are feeling satisfied, then don't keep eating, part of the process is learning to stop eating when you are no longer hungry and it sounds to me like you are doing well. In terms of eating back your exercise calories, MFP tends to over estimate your loss so it is smart of you to not eat all of them back, which is why one of your rewards to yourself could be a heart rate monitor which would help you determine how much you have actually burned.

    Keep up the good work!
  • MsDaniG
    MsDaniG Posts: 17 Member
    I love your positive outlook, I wish you the best of luck in your journey!
  • je32281
    je32281 Posts: 1 Member
    you got this! add me!