Where are the 5"4 ladies at??



  • as9045
    as9045 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all,
    I don't consider myself a lady, but I am 5'4, too! I'm 23 now, and my highest has been 166 lbs (during/just after college), and my lowest has been 135 lbs (in high school). Not really sure what my real starting weight is because I started and stopped a good number of times this year. I guess, officially, I started at either 153-154 lbs or 150-151 lbs.

    SW: 153/4 or 150/1
    CW: 143
    GW: 135
    UGW: 120-125

    I'm also certainly hoping to go down in clothing size as well. My jeans have gotten a little looser on me, but not enough to go down one at all yet. I've been working eating a bit better, though it was never really that bad before--not much soda, fast food, sweets, etc. The issue has always been salty snacks and binging/portion control, so I'm definitely trying to work on that as well. I don't have money for the gym or equipment, so I mostly jog/walk and some times do some bodyweight exercises and follow along with youtube workouts. Still not very strong at all, but I'll eventually get there.

    We've got this, y'all :smile:
  • carolynameeks
    carolynameeks Posts: 5 Member
    Here! 5'4-5'5
  • gettinfabnfit
    gettinfabnfit Posts: 29 Member
    I won't be starting until New Years but as far as I'm concerned my journey is never over. I lost 65 lbs on here in 2012 and will be restarting that whole journey completely over after a baby, unfortunately I went from 135 to 206
  • Ashtoretet
    Ashtoretet Posts: 378 Member
    Thought I would post here again with an update. 66 pounds down, I'm 142 now. I raised my calories to 1400 so I will lose 1 lb a week now instead of 2. So I should hit my weight goal roughly by June next year. So close and yet so far. But being a healthy BMI now, I'm no longer in a rush. I'm still not "hot" IMO but I feel great.
  • allygory
    allygory Posts: 6 Member
    5'4 49 y/o SW- 199 CW 187. GW 136
  • bethclabburn
    bethclabburn Posts: 52 Member
    I'm 5ft4 I was 164lbs I am now 156.5lbs only started a few weeks ago.

    My goal is to be 130lbs I feel like that's not low enough now after reading these? Should I lower it? lol
  • DizzyMissIzzy
    DizzyMissIzzy Posts: 168 Member
    I'm 5'3.5! I also have 25 to go with 125lbs being my goal! In the past I've lost inches but not weight so I've started a strict macro-counting diet and hired a personal trainer, I'm not supposed to weigh in till 10 January but I just feel better! Add me if you'd like and we can keep each other motivated together!!
  • Rebecca_MT
    Rebecca_MT Posts: 25 Member
    I'm about 5'3 and currently weigh 115, my goal is 110 and possibly 105 depending on how I look and feel. I carry most of my weight in my lower body and it takes longer to lose.
  • PippaStants
    PippaStants Posts: 15 Member
    Hello! I'm about 5"3 I weigh 16st and have only been doing this 11days. So far I have lost 2 pounds which I am so pleased with. My goal weight is to be nearer 9st. How hard do you think it will be to reach this?

    Hi @jessiecollinsxo

    I Started at 14st 4lbs in May this year and I'm now 11st 13lb and feel great. If you are really wanting to shift it eating clean and healthy is key and try to get some exercise in. You can do it! Stay focussed and feel free to shout if you need some support :smiley:

    Keep going!
  • z_roar
    z_roar Posts: 7 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hey there! 5'4 (and 1/2 haha) here! 25, my starting weight was 155, currently at 150.6 after 18 days of logging and moderate exercise. My first "mini" goal is to be 12lbs down by Valentine's day and my ultimate goal I'm hoping to hit 118 GW mid 2016 :smile:
  • rosestring
    rosestring Posts: 225 Member
    5' 4" and 160 pounds. I want to get down to 130. So sick of this excess weight!
  • Dreysander
    Dreysander Posts: 294 Member
    edited December 2015
    I'm 5'4 and my goal was 115 lbs ish but my sis (also 5'4) told me that at 115 her body fat % was so low that her periods stopped. I'm 127 now so I've changed my goal to 125-130 + recomp. Want to shrink my waist, not my weight. I have a 28 inch waist, would like a 26 inch waist.
  • ToriGabrielle
    ToriGabrielle Posts: 25 Member
    5'4. I was 175 at the beginning of the year. Got down to 160 by September without logging, just trying to eat better and walking a little bit more. Started consistently logging and working out at the beginning of September and I am down to 144. My goal is 135 for now. We will see once I get there though. ..

    So I am down to 138 now from when I wrote this on Nov 6th. I sat at 141 lbs for almost a month, but finally got past that. I am so close to my 135 goal but now that I am so close, I don't think I will be happy with 135. So I've changed my goal to 125 and then recomp.
  • Domestic_Hippie
    Domestic_Hippie Posts: 108 Member
    I am 5'4.5 :) My ultimate goal at this point is 140-145. I had lost 65 pounds, but then had to have my thyroid removed due to cancer in 2013. Since then it is has been a constant battle with medication and weight gain. I gained 70+ pounds after surgery. I am currently still working with doctors and a nutritionist to try and stop the gaining. We have it stopped, but I'm still not losing. Hoping within a few months, I will be back on the way down :) I am currently at almost 250 (so embarrassed to say that number).
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    Hi ladies. 5'4.5" here. Started at 208 at the beginning of this year. Got down to 192, then fell off the wagon and quickly gained back to 200. I was down to ~160 a couple years ago, but put on those 40-50 lbs in less than a year (so not always true when they say it comes on slowly so needs to come off slowly too!) when I stopped jogging but didn't adjust my eating habits. Since the beginning of December I am back down to 194 now. This recent adjustment has been the fastest I've lost weight in YEARS. I can sympathize with some of you talking about being excited to lose .5 lb in a month. That was me earlier this year! Now the math is all working again and I am actually losing faster than the math says, which could either mean my BMR is higher than I think, but probably means it will just slow down here soon. I am also walking about an hour 5 days a week and feel great. I am going to return to jogging again some day, but want to lose weight and build up fitness with walking again. Might start lifting weights again soon too. My real goal is just to get healthy (<146 I think?) but when I get down there I'll figure out where I want to be. I haven't been a healthy weight since I got married 9 years ago.
  • shadows2424
    shadows2424 Posts: 179 Member
    VVBliss wrote: »
    ErinSot wrote: »
    VVBliss wrote: »
    ErinSot wrote: »
    VVBliss wrote: »
    Ladies.. u all seriously gotta tell me what u did to loose those 10 20 pounds.. i am 5.4 at 152 lbs now. started in feb and worked a lot regularly and maintained good diet.. its been 10 mnths and all i lost is 8 pounds ( down from 160) . Seriously m so discouraged and not motivated at all to get started again( i took a mnth break) I m gonna consult a dietician now and get my blood work done. I am still motivated enough to keep trying. Please add me.

    Are you logging everything and eating at a caloric deficit?

    I had tried doing.. done that for about 1 mnth. Always remained under the goal. Bt i saw no results.. so i stopped doing that too :(

    I use the TDEE method, not MFP's. http://tdeecalculator.net

    Go to that website to calculate your TDEE and eat 500 cal under that and you should be good to go

    It showed me 1600..am eating 1200 evryday. And u're right, i might be calculating my portions and calories wrong. Thats why planning to see a dietocian who can tell me exactly what i shoukd eat and wat time. I have tried a loooott. So doesnt hurt to consult a professional i guess. (No persoanl trainer, i think i can handle the exercise part ;) )

    I see a nutritionist every two weeks im here to tell you they probably won't be able to tell you how much you should eat. Theyre goig to pick a random amount and see if you gain or lose on it then adjust as needed. You can maybe save yourself some money and do that on your own.
  • Meranda29
    Meranda29 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm so excited about this thread. I's 5'2" and worked really hard last year to get to 128, but seriously slipped and now I am at my heaviest ever at 143. I'm so disappointed in myself. I'm ready to really hit it again and work to stay at my 1200/day calorie goal. My initial goal was 115 - which would be great - but now I am am aiming for 125 and will see how it goes from there. Those 18 pounds seem like a long way to go :(
  • rachelfinch07
    rachelfinch07 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 5'4 and 160 lbs - starting over at this weight has been hard. I am aiming for 130 pounds or less, but 130 would be AWESOME!
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    edited December 2015
    Dreysander wrote: »
    I'm 5'4 and my goal was 115 lbs ish but my sis (also 5'4) told me that at 115 her body fat % was so low that her periods stopped. I'm 127 now so I've changed my goal to 125-130 + recomp. Want to shrink my waist, not my weight. I have a 28 inch waist, would like a 26 inch waist.

    I hit 115 and 16% body fat about 2.5 years ago. My trainer advised that I shouldn't go any lower at the composition or I'd risk messing with my fertility so I a recomp. I ended up at 120 and 15% body fat and was pretty happy with it. I want to get back there! I'm not 140 and about 21% body fat.
  • PhoebeJeebies
    PhoebeJeebies Posts: 15 Member
    edited December 2015
    5'4 here :smile: . Started on WeightWatchers at 278 roughly 5 years ago...got down to about 185 (where I am now) and went between 180-185 for the past year to year and a half. Just joined here and thinking this will work better for me since it's more specific about nutrients, etc. Plus it's free! Hoping to get to 160.