Join me in the sprint to Christmas!



  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    Hanging in there! Did 45 minutes jogging, 45 minutes walking and my Ab Challenge. Came in under my calorie goal and only ate the treats I had planned for in advance!

    I will be pre logging for tomorrow before I head to bed.

    Only 4 short days to go. Don't give up!
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    Early Monday morning means time to put in my plans for the week. I know that if I don't train properly, I don't eat properly! Recovered from my exhausting week with a few early to bed and later to rise options and ready for a week of fun. This week I want to get in
    - 2-3 BJJ/judo sessions at least
    - My final body 20 session
    - Try out the roller blades I borrowed
    - 2 fitness classes
    - 1 weights class
    - At least one ocean swim
    - Maybe get a run in, esp. if it rains (not too hot then)

    Today I will make time to ensure I am stocked up with salad ingredients. With the exception of eating with family during Christmas weekend, I am aiming for super low carb meals. Salad varieties, avocado, eggs and fruit will keep me well fed outside of special meals.
  • momallnight
    momallnight Posts: 52 Member
    Wanted to eat more today but I didn't! Managed 19,000 steps today. Was going to have chocolate or ice cream this afternoon but had a mango instead.. have built up a nice deficit so far this week but I want to go beyond my expectations! I want to be in a deficit for the next 3 days too. Only 3 days to go for me since Im in the Southern Hemisphere. I got this!
    Great job I'm so proud of you. I'm inspired. I'll get this too
  • mtjohnston42
    mtjohnston42 Posts: 180 Member
    Wanted to eat more today but I didn't! Managed 19,000 steps today. Was going to have chocolate or ice cream this afternoon but had a mango instead.. have built up a nice deficit so far this week but I want to go beyond my expectations! I want to be in a deficit for the next 3 days too. Only 3 days to go for me since Im in the Southern Hemisphere. I got this!

    You're killin it!!!! Awesome.
  • mtjohnston42
    mtjohnston42 Posts: 180 Member
    A new day begins! Get after it!
  • mameo
    mameo Posts: 14 Member
    Weekends are killers on my temptations and when my time is not my own and can't exercise. I tend to plan my day and eat better when I am at work. Mondays are always full of regret and motivation to be better... but then my will power weakens towards Friday. I need to break this endless cycle for the New Year. I have really enjoyed this Christmas Sprint! Thanks for all the posts..makes me feel like I am not alone in the battle :-)
  • mtjohnston42
    mtjohnston42 Posts: 180 Member
    You are definitely not alone in the battle! As I think this thread has proven there are so many of us out there, myself included, that fight a daily mental battle with healthy eating and fitness.

    One of the first weapons you have is setting great short term goals which is what this sprint is all about!
  • momallnight
    momallnight Posts: 52 Member
    Had another good day. Stayed under my calories and said no to Xmas cookies. Great Zumba workout. Down 7 pounds. Yea
  • mtjohnston42
    mtjohnston42 Posts: 180 Member
    Had another good day. Stayed under my calories and said no to Xmas cookies. Great Zumba workout. Down 7 pounds. Yea

  • mtjohnston42
    mtjohnston42 Posts: 180 Member
    Do you guys realize how close we are???? Heck we're almost there!! Can you believe it?? STRENGTH.
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    Oh! This is really hard!

    I was sooooo busy yesterday.

    Didn't walk, jog, or lift weights.

    Didn't do my Ab Challenge.

    Got home at 10:30 last night, exahusted, and ate 4 cookies that I did not have a calorie allowance for. I get a do over!

    Already jogged 5k.

    Going to gym for weights and Abs after work. Then grocery shopping.

    Dinner is in the crock pot.

    Cookies logged.

    Keep fighting everyone!
  • Marikanna
    Marikanna Posts: 73 Member
    bri170lb wrote: »
    Oh! This is really hard!

    I was sooooo busy yesterday.

    '........... I get a do over!

    Already jogged 5k.

    Going to gym for weights and Abs after work. Then grocery shopping.

    Dinner is in the crock pot.

    Cookies logged.

    Keep fighting everyone!

    I like your attitude!
  • mtjohnston42
    mtjohnston42 Posts: 180 Member
    That's right keep fighting!! Maybe it's some sort of crazy weird scale thing but I can't believe how much weight on the scale I've lost since we started this challenge. We're going to wake up thursday morning so refreshed!!
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    I've lost more than expected also, mostly because I'm not eating back all of my exercise calories. I also commited at the beginning of the month to be extremly accurate in my weights and measures.

    My husband is worried, but I figure I'm banking it for going over a couple of days at Christmas and it will all work out in a couple of weeks to my regular normal loss.
  • mtjohnston42
    mtjohnston42 Posts: 180 Member
    Thought of the day to ponder.

    The mind is known for it's insistence on flooding us with a constant barrage of thoughts. Many of which are unreliable or unproductive. Some are not, many are.

    When you're in that moment of decision. "I want to eat these cookies so bad. " or "I don't feel like working out. " try to recognize that that is really just a thought. That's all it is, just a thought. And you can let that thought pass if it's unproductive.

    Onwards! Less than 2 days!
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    Dude....are you spying on me?

    Just sitting here trying to get up the gumption to do my Ab Challenge.

    All right. I won't let my thoughts lead me astray. I'm on it!

    Did good today, did my hours worth of e xD ercise and stuck to my calorie goal.
  • mtjohnston42
    mtjohnston42 Posts: 180 Member
    This is it you guys! Almost there!
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member
    This thread has been so good for me. I am on maintenance and was below my goal of 119. This morning I was 118.6.

    Totally in control of my eating this year.

    Thanks for the support you guys and Merry Christmas to all.

    PS I have lost 43 lbs at age 68. An age when some say "no way can I lose weight at my age"!!! So not true. You just have to want it bad enough to put in the work and dedication.
  • mtjohnston42
    mtjohnston42 Posts: 180 Member
    This thread has been so good for me. I am on maintenance and was below my goal of 119. This morning I was 118.6.

    Totally in control of my eating this year.

    Thanks for the support you guys and Merry Christmas to all.

    PS I have lost 43 lbs at age 68. An age when some say "no way can I lose weight at my age"!!! So not true. You just have to want it bad enough to put in the work and dedication.

    Wow you should be so proud! That's an awesome accomplishment, and you're an inspiration to many.

    Thanks for joining us on this ride!
  • mtjohnston42
    mtjohnston42 Posts: 180 Member
    Remember ya'll, all you have to do is push through to tomorrow.

    Really, this is it. THIS IS THE LAST DAY.

    No matter how well you did here during this little sprint to Christmas, every one of you should be proud of yourselves.

    The past is now behind you. No matter what went down the last 10 days we all have an opportunity now to change our lives. Today, right now, right here.

    Let's make the next 24 hours count. Together!