2016 MOVE Challenge

jeanniewes Posts: 3,707 Member
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016 too everyone!

Last year's people were an inspiration too me and gave me motivation thru the good and the bad times....I pray you all meet me here. I also pray that our 2016 is a better year as some of us had a difficult one here and there in 2015....

You may walk, run, job, Bike, count steps...WHATEVER EXERCISE you desire as long as you log your progress here and there. Log daily, weekly or whenever you can.... :)

My personal goal will be 100 miles walking

Hope too get in some exercise bike as well but it is giving me some problems. It will have too be repaired at some point. ALSO hope too get some regular bike riding in when warm weather returns in the Spring....


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,245 Member
    First bicycle ride of the New Year!! 38.4 km ... should be almost enough to burn off all the cinnamon rolls I made and ate. :grin:
  • saffysharmamfp
    saffysharmamfp Posts: 140 Member
    January 1- 7311 steps, 4.92 km.
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,707 Member
    WOW already Machka...really? grrrrrrrrrrrrr.....lol....just kidding...

    Extremely COLD here. Did manage 1.5 miles in the mall with my Best Friend.... Will see what tomorrow brings...

    Jan 1st.....1.5 Walking Miles...
  • feroshus
    feroshus Posts: 32 Member
    My goal is 30 minutes of daily exercise, in whatever form that may be. So that means if it's bed time and I have not moved, I need to get dressed and go for a short walk! :) Please ADD ME if you are reading this, I love having lots of active MFP friends supporting each other!!! We can do this!
  • konagirl64
    konagirl64 Posts: 211 Member
    Happy New Year!! I'm back in. I will be riding my recumbent stationary bike, plus my physical therapy exercises.


    01/01: 23.3 miles

  • FunTasha
    FunTasha Posts: 8 Member
    Yes. Keeping it moving is the way to go. I kicked off the year with a walk and a random dance off with my boyfriend. I'm in. Friend me!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    @Machka9 - I bow to your enthusiasm!!!!

    Very little for me so far, I usually scrap January 1st as it tends to be a lazy day. The weather is rubbish at the moment which is putting me off but I'll see what I can do!!
    Targets to be determined. Probably aiming for at least 100 miles.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,245 Member
    :grin: Keep in mind that January 1 occurs a day earlier over here. January 2 is just about finished.

    Saturday 2 January -- 52.06 km with 613 metres of climbing. Plus wind. Plus ... surprisingly chilly. My feet were quite cold when I got in.

    And then my husband and I walked down to the shop so I could get icing sugar and chocolate chips for the whipped shortbread cookies I just finished making. :) ... that was a grand total of 0.6 km.
  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    I'm in ,will go for 150 miles. Mostly indoor with the bike on a trainer
  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    I'm in ,will go for 150 miles. Mostly indoor with the bike on a trainer
    1/1-3014 steps, 1.507 miles walked
  • LoveLacy
    LoveLacy Posts: 41 Member
    I spent 120Mins walking at a leisurely pace today. No idea how far that equates to but I know my feet hurt lol. Will be doing day 1 of the 28 day squat variation challenge today also so that's 20 squats to complete before I go cook dinner. Have a great day guys and gals x
  • TheCurvyPulse
    TheCurvyPulse Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in.
    My goal is 100 miles. I also plan on exercise for 20 minutes every day. Keep myself active.
    Feel free to add me as a friend. Let's motivate each other.
  • Mizzaf
    Mizzaf Posts: 104 Member
    Im looking forward to walking more, normally i would jump in the car even for short distances. That is set to change. I plan on walking daily. Count me in.
  • saffysharmamfp
    saffysharmamfp Posts: 140 Member
    January 2- 19,497 steps, 15.59 km
  • mjackson59
    mjackson59 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in. My daily goal is 500 steps.
  • PaulaG677
    PaulaG677 Posts: 6 Member
    my goal is to get at least 30 minutes a day of cardio or strength training. my hope is by early spring to be able to ride a bike again.
  • dazzlesangel
    dazzlesangel Posts: 47 Member
    I'm in, I need to get back into exercising and I find it motivates me if I sign up fer chalkenges. I'm going to start doing some dancing or aerobic exercises while waiting for dinner to cook, walk more and start using my exercise bike again.
  • konagirl64
    konagirl64 Posts: 211 Member
    Happy New Year!! I'm back in. I will be riding my recumbent stationary bike, plus my physical therapy exercises. Goal 375 miles


    01/01: 23.3 miles
    01/02: 21 miles
  • sonclyde
    sonclyde Posts: 2 Member
    my goal will be to workout 15-30 minutes daily.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,245 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    :grin: Keep in mind that January 1 occurs a day earlier over here. January 2 is just about finished.

    Saturday 2 January -- 52.06 km with 613 metres of climbing. Plus wind. Plus ... surprisingly chilly. My feet were quite cold when I got in.

    And then my husband and I walked down to the shop so I could get icing sugar and chocolate chips for the whipped shortbread cookies I just finished making. :) ... that was a grand total of 0.6 km.

    Sunday 3 January -- 32.8 km!! And that brings 8 days in a row of cycling to an end.

    I was kind of hoping to do a flat route, and the first 20 km wasn't too bad, but then it got hilly. Oh well, I'm starting to get used to that. :grin:

    Plus a 1 km walk.