Dry January Challenge, roll up and join in!



  • laurencecarr
    laurencecarr Posts: 6 Member
    No alcohol for me since 03:00 on 1st ;)
  • tarasaran
    tarasaran Posts: 5 Member
    Hi have been amazed at the difference in my sleep patterns had a new Garmin watch for chrimbo and whilst drinking I averaged about 2 hours 40mins last two nights alcohol free 4hours 30 mins and sleeping for shorter time really looking forward to feeling the benefits x
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    tarasaran wrote: »
    Hi have been amazed at the difference in my sleep patterns had a new Garmin watch for chrimbo and whilst drinking I averaged about 2 hours 40mins last two nights alcohol free 4hours 30 mins and sleeping for shorter time really looking forward to feeling the benefits x

    That's great! Just think how you'll feel in a few more days :)

    I slept like *kitten* last night and I think it is because I had a drink every day since the 21st December until the 1st Jan. I think I've forgotten how to go to sleep without it. It should only last a few days though with any luck.

    Hi @laurencecarr :)
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    I put a dash of lime juice (not cordial) into fizzy water. works for me!

    Actually, you've made me think, Laurence. I've put lime or lemon in it before, but I could experiment with other fruit, and maybe even herbs (mint and raspberry?) and spices (ginger?).
    Now its starting to sound like a cold version of those weird teas you can get, which I have yet to develop a taste for lol
  • SavannahCSS
    SavannahCSS Posts: 50 Member
    Im in no drinking for me for a year 1st January 2016-1st January 2017 12.01am x
  • kimadm4
    kimadm4 Posts: 68 Member
    I am in too, starting now!
  • bgr8teful
    bgr8teful Posts: 3 Member
    I am in starting 1/4/16! Too much indulging the past few weeks but have one last gathering today. I am working on those last 5 stubborn lbs. and I am ready to see them go!
  • Dolcedia
    Dolcedia Posts: 12 Member
    Day 2. Feeling so much better today!!! Little rough yesterday. Off to church on the beach!
  • Frappleberry
    Frappleberry Posts: 251 Member
    Good old tea for me, maybe a hot chocolate if I have some calories spare!
  • PrincessLaiba
    PrincessLaiba Posts: 22 Member
    i am in , never had a drink in my whole life
  • Cynthiamr2015
    Cynthiamr2015 Posts: 161 Member
    Or you can not quit alcohol and just have it in moderation. Quitting it out all together will probably cause you to binge why not just have one drink and make it a vodka soda or something of the sorts.

    This is not true because I have not had a drink for over 11 years. It will not cause you to binge. If you really want to stop then stop and do not start back up. I know it will be hard to do but it will be the best for your health. YOU have my full support to stop! Don't look back always look forward!
  • charli3anne
    charli3anne Posts: 25 Member
    Doing fine so far. Despite the husband drinking wine - my problem not his! Have a 1.5L bottle that I fill with a bit of squash/cordial and the rest water and just refill it. Use different flavours each time so don't get bored.
  • yummy30
    yummy30 Posts: 9 Member
    Im in ☺

    Had my last drink on the 1st of Jan. I find i drink out of boredom. Once the kids are in bed and im stuck in front of the tv, night after night, thats when i reach for a glass of wine. Problem is one drink turns into 2,3,4 etc. And then i start snacking on junk
  • cbraitch
    cbraitch Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in. Longest I've been since I was 16 years old is probably 5-6 days. So this is going to be very interesting! Good luck all
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Welcome everyone :)

    I had a family meal tonight and the wine was flowing and I didn't touch a drop :) I took a bottle of sparkling apple juice with me and I didn't even miss it after the first drink.
  • CraigFrickenH
    CraigFrickenH Posts: 3 Member
    I've been doing this for a few years now...I'm in until Superbowl. Then it's beer, bread, cheese...The Trifecta of goodness I will have done without for a month.
  • FemmeFireRL
    FemmeFireRL Posts: 227 Member
    I started December 28th as well but it will extend into March...will have a nice glass of red on my bday.
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    I started on the 31st. Was doing it anyways but happy to join. Alcohol really kills muscle growth so if that is what you are trying to do then this is the best way to go.
  • Dolcedia
    Dolcedia Posts: 12 Member
    Day 3
    Walking, riding my bike and golfing. Hopefully, I will be able to get to sleep better tonight. Not even a sip of wine since the second. Went to a football party last night and saw a friend who has lost and maintained quite a bit of weight" she is holding steady at 126 and looks absolutely fabulous. Having an inspirational friend who has done this and is looking so very good is a real treat.

    Making new goals and keeping with it till the finish line!!
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Day 3 here done as well, OH is sick of making me cups of tea though lol :D