Why did you come to the conclusion to lose weight?



  • dougl004
    dougl004 Posts: 99 Member
    I'm hoping that everyone continues to strive toward their fitness goals into the New Year. #wegotthis
  • srecupid
    srecupid Posts: 660 Member
    It was always in the back my mind and I kept telling myself "i'll start tomorrow" well one night this summer after a beer and deep dish pizza i had a 45 minute drive home from a concert and felt like crap. I told myself "i'm starting tomorrow" and i did.
  • drywall_painter
    drywall_painter Posts: 321 Member
    I have a nagging voice in my head telling me I'm fat, I mean it's the first thing I think of when I wake up, when I am closer to my goal(currently 20 lbs away ) getting dressed is actually a joy.
  • chuckyjean
    chuckyjean Posts: 201 Member
    When I noticed my pants sizes kept getting bigger, when I saw myself in a full length mirror, when I could barely bend over to tie my shoes, cause my belly kept getting in the way. I used to be a size 7 when I was younger, I doubled that size. I may not want to be a size 7 again, but a 10 would be nice.
  • chrisnawoo
    chrisnawoo Posts: 27 Member
    I couldn't look on myself on the mirror at my brother in-law's house during Xmas eve family get together and I refused to take full body picture so it's sign to loose weight one day a time 1 lb a week is my goal. My 2nd Day disappointed to do my weigh in gain 8 lbs more during the holiday so need to loose about 40 lbs now. I just take one day a time and focus on my goal.
  • ShrinkingKerrie
    ShrinkingKerrie Posts: 338 Member
    I lost 40lbs in 2013-14 and it had started to creep back on, I refused to buy a bigger Jean size again so here I am..
  • Lutielu
    Lutielu Posts: 188 Member
    Okay odd but, the zombie apocalypse. I saw a thread asking if you could survive a zombie apocalypse and I realized I couldn't. I wouldn't have the strength needed to survive. For myself it's not much motivation but I have my son to take care of too. If we had a natural disaster could I put him on my back and run if I needed to? I decided the weight wasn't near as important as the fitness and that completely changed the game for me. When it gets hard instead of thinking about what clothes I want to fit into I think about not being the weak link in my family's survival. It helps me push through with much more determination.
  • monetfuge
    monetfuge Posts: 43 Member
    edited January 2016
    Yes, investing in larger sizes. Being too poor to buy new fat clothes. Not looking good in my old dance moves anymore. Out of breath on simple flights of steps. Watching myself gain 5ibs per week but barely eating, wtf. hormones all over the place, and my iron levels falling way below all the while trying to control my calorie intake while very active physically with my stressful night jobs. Rotator cuff injury and yearly joint pain bc of it. Meniscus tear in my right knee trying to run steps 30 min for 5-6 days straight and standing 10 hours. Mother of 4 kids. I was spinning out of control. Now been spinning on a bike from an Orthopedic Dr. Recommendation so found a fav. Routine, and I've tried most routines for two years straight never seeing results adding to my stress while trying out paleo eating habits. What a yo-yo. I needed a life and stress relief escape! Simple Excersise and eating healthy is one of them.

    My saying regarding discipline...
    ~It hurts so good instead of hurting so bad.~
  • Cambridge727
    Cambridge727 Posts: 50 Member
    When I found the hardship of walking and standing for long periods of of time. The weight has taken toll on my feet and knees :(
  • badasswarrior
    badasswarrior Posts: 6 Member
    I realized over and over again that being fat sucks. Nothing feels better than being comfortable in your own skin, and unfortunately having excessive fat, makes me uncomfortable in my skin.
  • davidspitze9
    davidspitze9 Posts: 1 Member
    There is never one moment for me.

    I've always fluctuated between chunky and extra chunky, as I like to say. Gained weight, lost weight, put it back on.

    When I retired at age 55 I weighed around 225. Retiring had three advantages:

    1. Getting away from "grazing" at work (too frequent food celebrations for birthdays and the like);
    2. Not sitting in a car two hours a day commuting; and
    3. More time to be active.

    I have done short triathlons since the late 1980's but I finally became committed to doing better in them. And for me, there is a pretty simple formula; less weight equals faster times. Lost weight in 2013, had some reasonable times, put on some in 2014, and the times weren't as good. Wanted them to get better in 2015.

    My 2015 triathlon times were the best I have done. Finished 4 short triathlons, finished first in my age group for two of the tris with smaller entries. Lost enough to get down to the mid-180's, but the holidays bumped it back up.

    Now I want to do better in 2016. With my body mass, weighing 175 would equal around 20% body fat, so that's my current goal. At 191, I've got 16 pounds to lose, hopefully before my first tri in late April.

    I am a firm believer in the only diet is the "Math" diet (I'm a retired CPA; go figure). A pound of weight is 3,500 calories. Burn more than you eat, lose weight.

    So I am using MFP again, as I have periodically over the last 18 months. Have a Fitbit Charge HR to track my calories burned, and MFP to track what I eat. Started again 1/2/2016, and my goal is to average a 750 to 1000 calorie daily deficit, and thereby lose 1 1/2 to 2 pounds a week.

    Stick all of the numbers in a spreadsheet (again, go figure), and make the numbers work (I also weigh myself daily with a Withings scale, which I also track in the same spreadsheet).

    My former co-workers and family say I look good weighing 35 pounds less. But I still see extra fat and I want to go faster (and get healthier). Working the numbers is the only way I know how to do it.

  • Dreysander
    Dreysander Posts: 294 Member
    I've always been fat. I had gestational diabetes with all three of my kids. It dawned on me that if I stayed the weight I was it wasn't a matter of if, but a matter of when I'd develop full blown type 2 diabetes.

    I don't want that. I want to be around for a long time.
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    A friend who has always been a bit larger than me lost weight and it inspired me that I could, too !
  • firead
    firead Posts: 56 Member
    I've wanted to and kind of halfway tried since I was a teenager. I did lose a significant amount of weight in 2009, before getting pregnant with my son, but gained it all back plus quite a bit more within a few years of his birth.

    This time, it's been easier, because several things are working together to motivate me.

    1. I decided I wanted to become an EMT, and was directed to the volunteer fire department as a good place to get started in the field. I realized I needed to get in much better shape quickly before I'll be able to do a lot of tasks there, and I don't want to be the "weak link" or the one who lets anyone down, or becomes a casualty myself because I'm out of shape.
    2. Related to the first one, I made a friend who just totally changed my life and inspired me to follow a lot of the dreams I'd given up on. A lot of this was things I used to do, but am now too heavy for, like skydiving and ropes courses. I want to do those again, and share them with my son, so now some of my short term goals are meeting the weight limit for a nearby ropes course by the time he is old enough to go on it with me, and getting down enough to skydive again.
    3. The one that re-motivated me when I got all depressed and started slacking off for a while in the past few months was taking some nude pics for my guy. I had somebody else take them (it's complicated, lol) and saw myself from angles that I hadn't seen in several years, which made me realize just how big and out of shape I had gotten, especially in my butt and thighs. I got back to tracking food and working out again the next day.
  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    Facetiously? I came to the conclusion I needed to lose weight when I realized I had to hold my breath and push in my lower abdomen's fat with the one hand in order to be able to shave my bikini line with the other.

    Earnestly? I really don't want to leave a fat corpse. Oh sure there's other reasons, too, but that was indeed the actual thought that led to me being where I am today (and going tomorrow).
  • teeking2
    teeking2 Posts: 49 Member
    Was just sick of how I looked... my eating habits... not fitting clothes... not being as flexible as I used to be... and that getting older every year is scary enough without getting fatter as well lol
  • katiemstamey
    katiemstamey Posts: 42 Member
    Totally agree @Teeking2! Every year my goal is to lose weight and it keeps increasing. I think it really hit me when I joined a new gym and they did the intro. walk through where they weigh you and everything. I seriously thought I weighed 20 pounds lighter than what they told me. It was the worst!
  • laurawilcher
    laurawilcher Posts: 2 Member
    After I realized my weight does affect others, not just me. It was a struggle for my boyfriend, who has had a hip replacement to hold me up on the back of a motorcycle in stop and go traffic. I am also tired of feeling fat and blah. Plus, all the nice biker chic clothes are made for skinny girls!
  • Veryana
    Veryana Posts: 122 Member
    Hmm, I've been trying to lose weight for 10 years. But lately it's been so many things. I broke my ankle little bit, I stepped wrong way and twisted my ankle full weight on it. It wouldn't have broke at all if I wasn't so heavy. I keep hearing doctors say how losing weight would help with this, this, this and that problem as well! It's starting to sound like some kind of miracle solution to all problems if they keep doing that :D

    Also people. There are people out there who told me I'm fat because I bought "wrong" minced meat, just because it was on sale and was cheaper than low fat ones. There was a mother who pointed at me and told her daughter that's what happens when someone eats too much and she should quit eating so much as well. Someone in bus said "If you only looked as pretty as you behave" when I gave her my seat. I'm so sick of it. Everything I am seems to be defined by this layer of fat I have. I'm automatically stupid and lazy and have no self-control in anything just because I'm obese. Really want to get rid of that. It would be better if people would actually shut up but like that's ever going to happen :D
  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    I want to look good and feel good!