Why did you come to the conclusion to lose weight?



  • deannaaaaaaaaa
    deannaaaaaaaaa Posts: 238 Member
    i was just... ready. like with any major life change (stopping smoking, quitting another addiction, etc) you don't do it until you are TRULY ready. maybe theres an a-ha moment, but i think for many... it's literally just one day they decide they are ready. Last year i quite smoking with the same feeling. haven't had one (or wanted one) since. This feels the same. For that reason, and that reason alone, I can tell this will stick. I'm going on 3 weeks now and i FEEL AMAZING. I LOVE exercising, from walking to zumba to the gym. If i don't work out in the morning, i feel CRAZY restless and can't focus on my work during the day. i love planning what I'm going to eat (and i eat what i want, just in moderation and I keep to my calories) . I still have to work on scheduling my days better, this is a new routine and I haven't perfected my schedule yet, but I can tell... this is it. And I'm STOKED about it EVERY.DAY.

    I gained it one pound at a time. That's how I'm losing it. Lots of little NSV keep me going too! My clothes are starting to feel different. my legs are starting to physically feel different to the touch. Loving all of it!

    That's what happened with me! It was one random day in February, on the drive home from work. I called my mom, and told her I was going to the grocery store and buying ALL healthy foods, right then and there. 42 pounds down since then and havent looked back! (19 pounds to go!)
  • Ramon0517
    Ramon0517 Posts: 137 Member
    When I was in high school I was an all American and a body builder. When I graduated I sit at my parents house for a while only working and killing time on video games. 6 years later I have gained so much weight now I'm married and have a son and one on the way. It was one morning that I looked at myself in the mirror and I was disgusted by the way I looked. I couldn't keep up with my son, I couldn't go hiking, running, enjoying life because of myself esteem. But most of all I was terrified of the thought of my wife and kids growing up with out a husband and a father due to my over weight issues. So I decided to cut my crap and begin a healthy life style. In the past 2 months I've lost 18+ lbs and I won't give up until I go back to my glory days lol
  • aRsenicBleu
    aRsenicBleu Posts: 9 Member
    Welp, I told myself that I would HAVE to join a gym and get a personal trainer if I ever reached 200 lbs.Well guess what? I'm ten lbs from being just that.So I decided to get it in gear and get off my butt.Hopefully by the end of the year,I'll lose 20 lbs.Next year it will be the other 40!

  • jsjzisj
    jsjzisj Posts: 8 Member
  • playswithsqurriels
    playswithsqurriels Posts: 17 Member
    I hate that I have to look for my size first rather than look at the clothes and find things I like. I want my options back.
  • bjjackson1920
    bjjackson1920 Posts: 5 Member
    I have a few reason why I wanted to lose weight:
    1. Tired of being the big girl ( you know the you cute for a big girl
    2. Didn't want to look up and be 50 still talking about my weight
    3. Tired of being the little big sister ( you know the baby of my siblings but the biggest one)
    4. Want to be able to run a 5K
    5. Want to be able to find not just clothes that fit but clothes that I really love (tired of settling for what just fits)
    6. Want to feel as confident in my skin as i feel on the outside
    7. Want to be able to enjoy everything my life has to offer
  • hel11b
    hel11b Posts: 12 Member
    I saw this photo of what I looked like when I was in great shape and lifted competitively olympic style and powerlifting as well as run cross country and was disappointed in what I saw in the mirror and couldn't believe I let myself go like that.
  • Firefly0606
    Firefly0606 Posts: 366 Member
    My 5 year old daredevil son was super duper excited to ride a rollercoaster for the first time. My hubby and daughter are big scaredy cats and refused to go on - he was too short to ride by himself - so it was up to me. The lady pulled the lap bar down and I had to push my back as hard as I could into the seat and suck it in as hard as I could so the bar would lock into place. My gut bulged back over the top of the bar. If my waist had been 1/4cm bigger, there is no way I would have fit.

    I flashed forward in my mind, imagined having to walk back down the exit of the ride explaining to his precious face that we couldn't go on the ride he had been counting down the sleeps to - because mummy was too fat. Realised I was close to having to sit on the sidelines of my kids childhood, and if I was really honest, I was already not giving them 100% of me.
  • Skinm4n
    Skinm4n Posts: 227 Member
    hel11b wrote: »
    Wow! Simply wow. Congrats on the inspiration.

    Mine came from similar circumstances with seeing what I looked like when I came back from Afghanistan and being 205lb and jacked from lifting and cardio. I'm 6'2" and I'm at 228 currently. I want to look and feel like I did back then. Plus my wife gives me *kitten* (jokingly) about how I used to work out and be lighter. So now I'm back on the right track!
  • LaurenNotLaura
    LaurenNotLaura Posts: 64 Member
    My kids are my motivation. I don't ever want them to struggle with their weight or body image. And everyone knows, when mom eats cake, everyone eats cake. But when mom eats raw veggies, everyone eats raw veggies! I want them to have the eating habits I wish were instilled in me as a child.
  • moodybettinam
    moodybettinam Posts: 1 Member
    When I was diagnosed with a lifelong condition, that effects muscle movement. I decided to be as healthy as possible, so the condition would be easier to live with.
    Also meeting my size 2 sister in law helped? Lol
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    edited August 2015
    Sadly, I was 11 and perfect the way I was. I freaked out when I developed hips and couldn't do 50 chin ups anymore.
  • MollyJE19
    MollyJE19 Posts: 67 Member
    Pre-diabetes diagnosis. I didn't want it to turn into real diabetes and be on meds the rest of my life. Also, my BP and cholesterol had been high for awhile. I knew I was looking at eventual heart and kidney failure and years of sickness and pain.
  • Endless_Journey
    Endless_Journey Posts: 136 Member
    When I walked up a flight of stairs and had to sit down. I was a wreck both physically and mentally. Now lost 105lbs so far, pulse rate 45, cholesterol 2.9, blood pressure 130/ 72. Don't get any better than that. Just love keeping fit. Good luck on your quest to a healthier you.
  • _The_Lone_Wolf_
    _The_Lone_Wolf_ Posts: 160 Member
    My alcohol addiction, i didnt give fack all about anything in the world anymore and i gained so much cuz of that till the poin of having the stamina of a 90yo, plus 2xl shirts that were getting tighter, had enough of it.

    Not a specific moment or click or anything, i have no family or real friend and live my life alone, i just started 3 weeks ago, and quitted alcohol cold turkey 9th of july, after some really bad weeks im getting the hang of it but still a longggg way to go.
  • Natalieskey
    Natalieskey Posts: 4 Member
    MollyJE19 wrote: »
    Pre-diabetes diagnosis. I didn't want it to turn into real diabetes and be on meds the rest of my life. Also, my BP and cholesterol had been high for awhile. I knew I was looking at eventual heart and kidney failure and years of sickness and pain.
    That was my wakeup call also. 50 years old and got a call from the doc saying my blood work indicated that I was pre-diabetic. I don't have any close relatives with type 2 diabetes but perhaps my eating disorder has caught up with me? Time once again to change. I've lost 33 lbs so far and have another 20-30 to lose. My issue though is that j had my blood work redone after I had lost 25 lbs and my a1c had actually gone up. I was not a happy camper, but have determined to focus on cutting back on carbs. I have to keep going, and it has to be a lifetime change, this time!
  • ejb06070
    ejb06070 Posts: 261 Member
    I'll start by saying that I have the greatest husband in the world and he loves me absolutely unconditionally. He has been very supportive of my desire to go to medical school. However, we recently looked up some statistics online and found that almost 50% of premed students never get into medical school. I already have $20,000 invested, and that's just my A.S. He did some further digging and found that for the most part, admissions do not seriously consider taking on obese students, as they feel that they will not be able to keep up with the fast-paced environment. I have worked so hard to get where I am that I will not let my weight stop me from achieving my dreams.

    Another part was that I was accepted into a NASA program and I kept thinking that I can do all these incredible things with my mind.. I aced Calculus 1 and 2, I was helping my teacher with Physics, I aced Anatomy & Physiology 1 and 2.... yet I can't get my weight into a healthy range??? Seems so silly to think that with how incredibly brilliant I consider myself, a measly little thing like being 135 pounds overweight (now 85 pounds) should keep me from being the best version of myself possible.
  • Glammom54
    Glammom54 Posts: 1 Member
    I turned 50 years old and my knees felt like they were 106 years old. I knew the weight was not helping.