What do you think about juicing?



  • shadow4478
    shadow4478 Posts: 37 Member
    maidentl wrote: »
    shadow4478 wrote: »
    if you can moderate it to 1 cup per day, its better then store bought. Especially if you can make it mostly from vegetables.
    What they say, eat your calories don't drink them.
    High in fructose/sugar your body will store most of it as fat.
    If you juice vegetables its better, and eat your fruit instead. But juicing greens is hard unless you have press.
    Most juicers are good at juicing hard substances, ie. carrots, beats, apples.
    If you look at the sugar in one apple its not so bad but if you juice 2-4 apples in one gulp it adds up fast.
    most people don't sit down and eat that many apples in one go. (and you loose all the fiber)

    Overall I would say do it as a treat, not as means to loose weight.

    The only way your body would store it as fat is if you exceeded your maintenance calories for the day.

    OP, I don't think it's a good idea for weight loss, it doesn't teach you how to eat/portion sizes.

    Yes I agree with the added statement as well.
  • Proter12
    Proter12 Posts: 9 Member
    edited January 2016
    You can try this jucie recipe.
    Sunset Blend
    Apples - 2 medium (3" dia) 364g
    Beet Root - 1 beet (3" dia) 175g
    Carrot - 1 large (7-1/4" to 8-/1/2" long) 72g
    Orange - 1 fruit (2-5/8" dia) 131g
    Sweet Potato - 1 sweetpotato, 5" long 130g
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    I don't really understand juicing. Is it for people who don't have time to eat?
  • Dreysander
    Dreysander Posts: 294 Member
    I just eat my veggies.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    oolou wrote: »
    I don't really understand juicing. Is it for people who don't have time to eat?

    one of its proponents can drink vegetable juice combined with fruit but can't stand the vegetables themselves, so he has a better diet by using juicing to get him away from beige foods.
  • Jonna13
    Jonna13 Posts: 288 Member
    We have a masticating Omega juicer and absolutely love it. We use it nearly everyday as a way for myself, my husband and especially the kids to get a large portion of veggie servings in one shot. That being said we use it as a part of our daily intake, not as a replacement to eating real healthy nutritious food. We also juice wheatgrass a few times a week for all the added health benefits. When Juicing watch your fruit (sugar) intake, and concentrate on using lots of dark leafy greens etc to get the most "bang" (nutrient dense food) for you buck. One of our personal favorites includes; Kale, spinach, lemon and apple. The kids gobble it up, and otherwise would not touch kale or spinach, so for us, it's a sneaky way of getting them to consume foods they would otherwise not eat.

    There are many many health benefits to juicing, but as "meal replacement" or a way to lose weight, I'm not so sure.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Proter12 wrote: »
    You can try this jucie recipe.
    Sunset Blend
    Apples - 2 medium (3" dia) 364g
    Beet Root - 1 beet (3" dia) 175g
    Carrot - 1 large (7-1/4" to 8-/1/2" long) 72g
    Orange - 1 fruit (2-5/8" dia) 131g
    Sweet Potato - 1 sweetpotato, 5" long 130g
    #happyjuiceing #juicerlab

    That's 468 calories

    For a drink
  • scyian
    scyian Posts: 243 Member
    I never understood the love for juicing/smoothie/shakes. I'd rather eat the ingredients as it was. I would think it's ok if you're incorporating it into your diet a few times a week but not these 7 day juice cleanses. My sisters go through juice detoxes every now and then to lose weigh then go back to their normal eating pattern and gain it back.
  • Jonna13
    Jonna13 Posts: 288 Member
    edited January 2016

    Just putting this out there for all the people who don't understand juicing.

    Why would someone juice?

    I don't know about you, but I would never want to eat in one sitting, 3 cups of kale, 3 cups of spinach, 3 carrots, and an apple, or 1/4 lemon, 1 whole beet, 2-3 carrots, 1/4 cabbage head, and 2 celery stalks. These are all raw too. When you cook down fruit and vegetables you lose valuable nutrients and break down enzymes. Juicing is in fact an easy way to bring raw nutrients into your body quickly and in a high dose. This is especially good for people who don't eat enough vegetables. Juicing is not a weight loss gimmick but rather a tool to help those who do not have enough vegetables/fruit in their diet. One of the best things you can do for your body is juice wheatgrass. And before you say "you'd rather just eat it", you have never attempted to eat wheatgrass lol. Feel free to google the benefits of this superfood.

    This all said-no, no, no for weight loss and replacing actual food with juicing. As an addition to your complete diet, yes definitely.
  • pollypocket1021
    pollypocket1021 Posts: 533 Member
    Jonna13 wrote: »
    Just putting this out there for all the people who don't understand juicing.

    Why would someone juice?

    I don't know about you, but I would never want to eat in one sitting, 3 cups of kale, 3 cups of spinach, 3 carrots, and an apple, or 1/4 lemon, 1 whole beet, 2-3 carrots, 1/4 cabbage head, and 2 celery stalks. These are all raw too. When you cook down fruit and vegetables you lose valuable nutrients and break down enzymes. Juicing is in fact an easy way to bring raw nutrients into your body quickly and in a high dose. This is especially good for people who don't eat enough vegetables. Juicing is not a weight loss gimmick but rather a tool to help those who do not have enough vegetables/fruit in their diet. One of the best things you can do for your body is juice wheatgrass. And before you say "you'd rather just eat it", you have never attempted to eat wheatgrass lol. Feel free to google the benefits of this superfood.

    This all said-no, no, no for weight loss and replacing actual food with juicing. As an addition to your complete diet, yes definitely.

    But you don't need to eat all of those things in one sitting. And a huge benefit of eating veggies is the fiber, which you are removing.

    Is there any evidence that your body can absorb the vitamins and minerals in juice? Most multivitamins are nearly completely excreted.

    Your thoughts are not inherently bad, but sometimes things that seem like common sense don't bear out in real life once we factor in biology.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    It can be beneficial for those with digestive disorders, ibs and ibd. It removes the fiber which can be difficult to digest for those people and provides some rest for their intestines while still providing nutrients. For a normal healthy individual it's unnecessary for weight loss. If you like fresh juice it can be a great addition to your diet but be careful as it can be difficult to know the calorie content and cause you to go over your goals.
  • pollypocket1021
    pollypocket1021 Posts: 533 Member
    Tried to find peer reviewed research on absorption of micronutrients from "juicing." Pretty much everything I found you have to pay to read.

    This summary of the issue seems legit: http://www.wired.com/2015/04/nobody-can-prove-cold-pressed-juice-better/
  • Jonna13
    Jonna13 Posts: 288 Member
    Jonna13 wrote: »
    Just putting this out there for all the people who don't understand juicing.

    Why would someone juice?

    I don't know about you, but I would never want to eat in one sitting, 3 cups of kale, 3 cups of spinach, 3 carrots, and an apple, or 1/4 lemon, 1 whole beet, 2-3 carrots, 1/4 cabbage head, and 2 celery stalks. These are all raw too. When you cook down fruit and vegetables you lose valuable nutrients and break down enzymes. Juicing is in fact an easy way to bring raw nutrients into your body quickly and in a high dose. This is especially good for people who don't eat enough vegetables. Juicing is not a weight loss gimmick but rather a tool to help those who do not have enough vegetables/fruit in their diet. One of the best things you can do for your body is juice wheatgrass. And before you say "you'd rather just eat it", you have never attempted to eat wheatgrass lol. Feel free to google the benefits of this superfood.

    This all said-no, no, no for weight loss and replacing actual food with juicing. As an addition to your complete diet, yes definitely.

    But you don't need to eat all of those things in one sitting. And a huge benefit of eating veggies is the fiber, which you are removing.

    Is there any evidence that your body can absorb the vitamins and minerals in juice? Most multivitamins are nearly completely excreted.

    Your thoughts are not inherently bad, but sometimes things that seem like common sense don't bear out in real life once we factor in biology.

    I think your missing my point. A juicer is helpful for those who would otherwise not eat enough vegetables (mainly dark leafy chlorophyll heavy)/fruits on a day to day or weekly basis. I'm simply stating that it is an excellent way to incorporate more veggies etc into your already complete diet. My kids for example-super picky, this is a very easy way to ensure they are getting what they need in raw form, because let's face it. If they don't like it (or even the way it looks for that matter), they will not eat it. For myself and my husband, we both prefer cooked veggies over raw, so here is another example in why a juicer (masticating) is of benefit to the both of us. I can bet that many grown adults do not eat enough veggies in their diet, but give them a great tasting juice, and hey, their getting vital raw nutrients in their body. As far as your claim about getting "too much" of a good thing, their have been many studies on super doses of vitamins/minerals and curing or stopping growth in many diseases and disorders-I'll leave that up to you to research. The reason you don't hear about these studies etc. is because the pharmaceutical companies do not make money on vitamins etc, and "curing" disease is not in the best interest of the medical and pharmaceutical community, as they are in the business to make money. Take it for what it's worth, but I think I'll keep juicing, in addition to my already complete diet.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I did it for awhile, but my main goal was to get in nutrients from vegetables that I hate. Picky eater here. But... I couldn't deal with the clean up. So now in the mornings, I make myself a green smoothie. That way I get good leafy vegetables in my body without having to taste them.

    3c spinach
    1c frozen fruit
    1 cup water or liquid of your choice

    And it's a low calorie (depending on your liquid), nutritious breakfast and I still get the fiber from the spinach and fruit. It fills me up for about 2-3 hours and then I have a mid morning snack.

    You can add a healthy fat, like avocado or coconut oil, or protein powder to a smoothie to make it a more complete "meal."
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    I think that it's a good way to concentrate nutrients, but you end up sacrificing valuable fiber and it makes a damn mess. Plus, it's really expensive. You would be surprised at how little juice you get out of a bag of oranges.

    Also, I find it much more personally satisfying to eat an orange over the course of 10 minutes than it is to drink a cup of orange juice over the course of 2 minutes.

    Plus you spent more than 10 minutes juicing and cleaning up, and if you actually juiced you lost 100% of the fiber (pulp).

    My ex was a fanatical juicer who insisted I down absolutely foul concoctions "for my health". But while I was with him I got sicker and sicker! Do I blame the juicing? Absolutely not. It (and his vitamin obsession, and his Chinese traditional medicine obsession) was a distraction. "If you only eat this/take these supplements / etc you will have all of your health problems disappear!" What poppycock!

    I also managed to gain 50 lbs while under his control, all while hiking and "eating clean". His rationale for that was "well it won't work if you don't believe in it". Magic and rainbows and fairy dust and unicorn poop.

    As proud as I am of my current weight and fitness level, best 200 lbs I ever lost was him :wink:
  • magtart
    magtart Posts: 161 Member
    I'd rather eat all the veggies.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I don't think you should ever replace all of your meals with juice.

    I think that juices in general should be had in moderation or in proper portion sizes.

    All calories in juice (and otherwise) should be accounted for.

    Other than that, go for it. I enjoy drinking juice and my personal favorite is a blend of apple, carrot, and ginger.
  • Jonna13
    Jonna13 Posts: 288 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    I don't think you should ever replace all of your meals with juice.

    I think that juices in general should be had in moderation or in proper portion sizes.

    All calories in juice (and otherwise) should be accounted for.

    Other than that, go for it. I enjoy drinking juice and my personal favorite is a blend of apple, carrot, and ginger.

    ^^^ Like
  • pollypocket1021
    pollypocket1021 Posts: 533 Member
    Jonna13 wrote: »
    Jonna13 wrote: »
    Just putting this out there for all the people who don't understand juicing.

    Why would someone juice?

    I don't know about you, but I would never want to eat in one sitting, 3 cups of kale, 3 cups of spinach, 3 carrots, and an apple, or 1/4 lemon, 1 whole beet, 2-3 carrots, 1/4 cabbage head, and 2 celery stalks. These are all raw too. When you cook down fruit and vegetables you lose valuable nutrients and break down enzymes. Juicing is in fact an easy way to bring raw nutrients into your body quickly and in a high dose. This is especially good for people who don't eat enough vegetables. Juicing is not a weight loss gimmick but rather a tool to help those who do not have enough vegetables/fruit in their diet. One of the best things you can do for your body is juice wheatgrass. And before you say "you'd rather just eat it", you have never attempted to eat wheatgrass lol. Feel free to google the benefits of this superfood.

    This all said-no, no, no for weight loss and replacing actual food with juicing. As an addition to your complete diet, yes definitely.

    But you don't need to eat all of those things in one sitting. And a huge benefit of eating veggies is the fiber, which you are removing.

    Is there any evidence that your body can absorb the vitamins and minerals in juice? Most multivitamins are nearly completely excreted.

    Your thoughts are not inherently bad, but sometimes things that seem like common sense don't bear out in real life once we factor in biology.

    I think your missing my point. A juicer is helpful for those who would otherwise not eat enough vegetables (mainly dark leafy chlorophyll heavy)/fruits on a day to day or weekly basis. I'm simply stating that it is an excellent way to incorporate more veggies etc into your already complete diet. My kids for example-super picky, this is a very easy way to ensure they are getting what they need in raw form, because let's face it. If they don't like it (or even the way it looks for that matter), they will not eat it. For myself and my husband, we both prefer cooked veggies over raw, so here is another example in why a juicer (masticating) is of benefit to the both of us. I can bet that many grown adults do not eat enough veggies in their diet, but give them a great tasting juice, and hey, their getting vital raw nutrients in their body. As far as your claim about getting "too much" of a good thing, their have been many studies on super doses of vitamins/minerals and curing or stopping growth in many diseases and disorders-I'll leave that up to you to research. The reason you don't hear about these studies etc. is because the pharmaceutical companies do not make money on vitamins etc, and "curing" disease is not in the best interest of the medical and pharmaceutical community, as they are in the business to make money. Take it for what it's worth, but I think I'll keep juicing, in addition to my already complete diet.

    I never said anything about "too much of a good thing." I think you imagined that.

    Rather, I suggested that by altering the form of the food, you make it harder for you body to absorb micronutrients, just like with multivitamins, which are largely excreted. Not absorbed.