Exercise classes at the gym

I want to start taking exercise classes at the gym but i feel anxious! I know its silly but i need to be nudged... Tell me your experience with exercise classes at the gym!!


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I've never done one, but even the people who walk in looking nervous and hang out in the back look like they are having fun.
  • misssouth98
    misssouth98 Posts: 3 Member
    If the instructor is good, you have nothing to worry about. A good instructor knows how to work with the "newbies" as well as the seasoned ones of the group. I was going to Zumba for a while and at first thought "I can't dance". I was very pleased when the instructor told us if you can't do something I'm doing just keep moving. Modify what I'm doing to meet your needs.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i did zumba for awhile last year and enjoyed it a lot. (and im as coordinated as a drunk hippo)

    a lot of places also offer beginner classes.
  • Editme12
    Editme12 Posts: 71 Member
    I like exercise classes :) I've never had a BAD one; I've had ones I'm not that into and don't do again, but really I think that's just learning about myself. I've done spin, pilates, yoga, zumba, kick boxing, step.... the instructors speak to the class. It's not like in TV shows where one person (usually the main character) has no idea what's going on as the rest of the class moves like a well oiled machine. Nuh-uh. I loved zumba personally, though I do think teacher style matters for all of the above. Have fun!
  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    I used to belong to a great Y with a lot of classes and I remember my first feeling apprehensive. But I met so many people and had a great time. It was a great experience and met new friends. It got to the point if I didn't show up for a couple of days peopled called and text me to make sure I was ok! I have sense moved and now have a gym on my work campus, they have classes that I take and enjoy. I still miss the Y but I really enjoy classes. Right now we are doing a 10 week, new year new you program, with clinics, weigh ins, classes and workout classes. Try a couple of classes. You might like them!
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Oh, I've been to one or two classes.

    Just kidding, it's pretty much my only form of exercise

    I go for the music, the structure (both the fact that they happen at set times, and the routine format tends to be fixed depending on which one I go, so I know what to expect), and of course the singing, clapping, screaming and fun (YMMV). I like being around inspirational instructors who really do seem to make an effort to give us a challenging workout that meets us at our individual levels, and fellow students enjoying and suffering with me.

    When I first started Zumba I'd do five minutes and have to rest. After ten minutes I'd just go home sometimes. Then I realized if I'd wait outside for a bit I'd catch my breath and keep going. Turned out there was an asthma component going on there, which is now under control. Either way, depending on your fitness level when you attend these things, they could feel quite challenging, but that's okay, it gets better

    Some instructors like you to come a bit early and let them know you're new, that way they can set you up, especially if any equipment is needed. Mostly they also know newbs like to sneak in and just observe sometimes, and that's okay, too

    Which classes are you interested in Doing / are offered in your area?
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Yoga is one I'd recommend (I love yoga). People have such different strengths and weaknesses when it comes to yoga that you only stand out if you look perfect ;) And the philosophy encourages folks to not worry about anyone else there or competition, etc, so the beginner classes tend to be very, very welcoming.

    It's also so good for you and helps your body (and even mind, yes!) in ways that you can't picture until you've done it for a little while :) It's hard to explain, but I think it must do something unusual for the nervous system. I'm not big on metaphysical explanations.

    And then of course it helps so much with flexibility, balance, some strength and that sort of thing, too!
  • looopyloops
    looopyloops Posts: 84 Member
    I go to my local ymca, they have lots of different classes, my favorites are step ,zumba, stretch and a foam roller class, there are always new people in these classes and if you got a bit early the instructor will fill you in on what to expect.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    Just go. There's always at least 5 people who are in the same boat.
  • Mccmack
    Mccmack Posts: 195 Member
    Go for it. Don't compete, just do what you can. The classes are designed to get your heart rate up and challenge you. I have found that when I work on my own for 60 minutes, I usually don't push myself as hard as I go in the classes.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    just go- realize you everyone started somewhere- and not a single person knew all the steps the first time.
    Being said.

    do not- at all worry about what someone's arms are doing- fi you're taking any kind of dance fitness- worry about the feet- stepping right and left- or not- in place- toe touches vs steps- etc etc- all the arm and upper body crap with those classes can be confusing- and it's not helpful to learning- watch their feet- and follow that- you can get into the movement of the rest when you get a general sense of the the foot patterns.

    Which will take more than one class- if you really want to try it- I encourage you to do it for at least a month to really get a sense- the first 1-2-3 classes will be a struggle- but you'll catch on- I promise.
  • the_great_unknown
    the_great_unknown Posts: 194 Member
    I am a regular at spin classes. They help me to stay for the whole hour instead of deciding that 20 minutes is enough cardio. It can also help with accountability if you start to become a regular and then miss a class. Try one! You can always leave after 15 minutes if you hate it.
  • marsh5224
    marsh5224 Posts: 34 Member
    Love them! I am not one who is self motivated when it comes to cardio especially so classes keep me on schedule, accountable and engaged with others who are working hard too. Just stand in the back until you figure out what is going on. No worries as there will be lots of people standing back there with you!
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    Love them. As others have said it might take a few attempts to find your favourite so try them out. Personally I don't do dance style classes I'm just too uncoordinated! I love freestyle as its always different, and circuit style classes. I also like spinning and body combat. I know I work much harder in a class as I will always keep going til the end. I'm usually out of time and often confused about what we're doing next but it doesn't matter, just keep moving. Its hard to walk in the first time, but give it a go, its worth it.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Pick something that is beginner-friendly if you are just starting to exercise. Ask which programs are good for beginners, and give it a try. Try a few different classes and different instructors so you can figure out what is more interesting. Do not worry, there are beginners coming and going in every class, you will not be the first person who is trying to figure out what to do, and everyone has started as a beginner.
  • minniestar55
    minniestar55 Posts: 346 Member
    I go to step & power step classes 2-4x per week, have been doing this for almost 10 years; before that, I did similar @ gyms I went to while active duty military. I also go to a private bootcamp-style class 3x per week. I love them, the structure is good, & a decent instructor will help motivate you & can make classes fun. Just go, don't be anxious.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,484 Member
    Classes are great fun once you get there. It took me a long time to get to that point, now I try something new a couple of times a year.
    I am a bit older and have a bit of a problem with the mobility in one of my legs so I always go early, introduce myself, and explain my limitations and how I cope.

    I was incredibly unfit when I started so I did aqua fit. Good for flexibility, mobility, posture, balance and coordination. It is still my fall back class.
    I moved on to-
    belly dancing, great for the belly.
    Core strengthening

    Yoga I would second as a good place to start, eventhough I have only just started doing it myself.
    Like aqua fit, it really works all of your body, but in a gentle manner, making you much more body aware. Good for assessing where you would like to progress to.

    Zumba too is a good choice. There are Zumba gold classes. They are a little slower in the movement and have less high impact moves. They are aimed at those new to exercise or a little older. Highly recommend this if you have little experience in dance coordination. I am still hopeless at it, but doing the ZGold class really helped as it went slow enough that I had chance to figure out the basic moves- these then transfer over to the faster moving Zumba.

    Just sign up and go with a smile on your face. Every one who is worth knowing is very friendly, and everyone is concentrating so much on what they are doing to worry if you are going left instead of right.

    Cheers, h.
  • nekoface
    nekoface Posts: 149 Member
    I love spinning, retro aerobics classes, zumba and Bodypump! I'm not confident about my form when lifting weights and find classes like bodypump really helpful.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I want to start taking exercise classes at the gym but i feel anxious! I know its silly but i need to be nudged... Tell me your experience with exercise classes at the gym!!

    Probably the best way of starting gym training, really. And it'll probably keep you motivated to keep attending.
  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 325 Member
    Love them.. it's scary at first but then you realize everyone is there for the same reasons as you.. and if they are honestly working out and putting forth an effort they won't have time to notice you.. Just think whenever you do take a class.. how many ppl do you look at during the class?? My personal exp is that if I am putting all my effort out there.. the instructor (and myself in the mirror) is the only person I watch or notice.

    And as others have said.. taking these classes eventually gave me confidence to do anything else in the gym... True Story.. even walk in the heavy free weight room with all the guys!!

    You can do it!! Just try!