Do you get hit on?



  • marcelo_templario
    marcelo_templario Posts: 653 Member
    Where I live, holding a door for a lady, stopping the elevator or picking something she dropped is considered to be hit on.

    Returning the card she forgot in the ATM, yielding your seat to a mother in the train, asking for an address is also considered to be hitting on somebody. Many uninterested actions as such are considered shameless flirting.

  • That1Chick_Brit
    That1Chick_Brit Posts: 2,541 Member
    Where I live, holding a door for a lady, stopping the elevator or picking something she dropped is considered to be hit on.

    Returning the card she forgot in the ATM, yielding your seat to a mother in the train, asking for an address is also considered to be hitting on somebody. Many uninterested actions as such are considered shameless flirting.

    All those seem like normal actions from a gentleman. Stuff like that should be the norm. It's sad that chivalry has died so much, that such actions are misconstrued as flirting.
  • truelight_photo_craig
    SGM_Adonis wrote: »
    The use of your bait, the cranking motion. The top water action. It has been expertly used.

    Well played! B)

  • Raykels
    Raykels Posts: 123 Member
    Is complimenting a woman considered "hitting on"?

    I wanna start doing that before I get too old and it seems pervy. Can I get some feedback as to what women would like to hear in terms of compliments?

    I like being told about none superficial things...mainly because I change my hair frequently and my weight yo-yo's.

    So my smile, my intelligence, my humour all good starts.
  • marcelo_templario
    marcelo_templario Posts: 653 Member
    Where I live, holding a door for a lady, stopping the elevator or picking something she dropped is considered to be hit on.

    Returning the card she forgot in the ATM, yielding your seat to a mother in the train, asking for an address is also considered to be hitting on somebody. Many uninterested actions as such are considered shameless flirting.

    All those seem like normal actions from a gentleman. Stuff like that should be the norm. It's sad that chivalry has died so much, that such actions are misconstrued as flirting.

    One day I was (as usual) managing my business reading a book in the train, and a lady sat in front of me with his kid, she was beautiful, well, the tickets are like 80 cents and she had a 100 bill, so she dug into her purse looking for change for 2 tickets, I bought my tickets by 10s every week, so as the seconds went by and the ticket woman got impatient I felt bad for her, I wasn't listening since I had earphones but it was more than obvious what was going on, I was just looking through the window and could see in my sigh side that she was in a hurry.

    I grabbed 2 tickets from my shirt pocket and handed them to the ticket carrier, she looked at me and said " embarrassing..., I shook my head with no fuss and replied: no worries (1, 60 is not a big deal,actually children under 5 go free so the ticket lady took 1 only).

    This was so wrongly translated as flirting for her, I was infuriated on how low that was, I was alleviating somebody from a problem, that was all. I lost faith in humanity so badly.

  • bighouse32
    bighouse32 Posts: 1 Member
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    I think 2 of these hit a spinner bait, 3 on a bandit 100 series...

  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    I can honestly count the number of times I've been hit on in the past 7 years (since I met my husband) on one hand. I'm far from cocky, but I'm not ugly and I've got a decent body, especially with clothes on....

    (No, I don't dress like this daily. It was a country-themed bachelorette party this past weekend.)

    But I never get hit on. The girls I'm with get hit on, I see other girls getting hit on. But not me. I'm not exactly heartbroken about it, being married and all, but it does make me wonder what kind of look or vibe I've got going on that causes men to not approach me. In some cases, it''s probably the wedding ring. However, I asked my husband what he thought and he said, "You just look too smart and high maintenance. Guys probably think you're either going to reject them or make them spend all of their money before they can get into your pants." Say whaaa? Haha!

    So, do you get hit on a lot? What is there to say about decent-looking girls that don't get creepy guys trying to hit her up in bars?

    Right so I have this theory. I also, since being married do not feel like I get hit on. However my husband informs me I get stared at and commented on a lot whilst being totally oblivious. Maybe, you're so very happy with your hubby you simply don't have your 'getting checked out' radar up and working anymore :) I think you give off a 'back away i'm taken' vibe once married!

  • burning2much
    burning2much Posts: 4,846 Member
    Well.... yes
  • cookielover_96
    cookielover_96 Posts: 177 Member
    I get hit on by middle aged men...don't get me wrong- I'm flattered but creeped out as well. I rarely get hit on my males and/or around my age range.
  • Kvm11628
    Kvm11628 Posts: 7,386 Member
    Only when I am on business trips having dinner or a drink at the hotel bar alone. It's like men feel it's their duty. They don't care if I am married (and certainly not if they are).
  • kchuskey
    kchuskey Posts: 882 Member
    kimvmajor wrote: »
    Only when I am on business trips having dinner or a drink at the hotel bar alone. It's like men feel it's their duty. They don't care if I am married (and certainly not if they are).

    Being a salesman, I know this all too well. Ahhh...The lobby bar. :#
  • anthonynaylor
    anthonynaylor Posts: 29 Member
    I can see a guy being creepy for hitting on you a certain way, but if you feel the need to wonder why you aren't getting hit on, I think you're a bit of a creep in your own way :)

    C'mon now, ladies.
  • SnazzIT
    SnazzIT Posts: 215 Member
    I get hit on alot especially when I am with my husband, one time my husband nearly punched someone for staring too hard...not sure why, as I am still quite over weight...and I do not flirt at all...or dress up for that matter...hmmm
  • Kvm11628
    Kvm11628 Posts: 7,386 Member
    kchuskey wrote: »
    kimvmajor wrote: »
    Only when I am on business trips having dinner or a drink at the hotel bar alone. It's like men feel it's their duty. They don't care if I am married (and certainly not if they are).

    Being a salesman, I know this all too well. Ahhh...The lobby bar. :#

    I travel for work a lot and I swear that women at the hotel bar suddenly become 10 times more attractive in men's eyes. And, I am an extrovert, I will chat with pretty much anyone. But, I have had men just assume I was going to go back to their room. Um, no. Most of the time probably not even if I was single.

  • kchuskey
    kchuskey Posts: 882 Member
    kimvmajor wrote: »
    kchuskey wrote: »
    kimvmajor wrote: »
    Only when I am on business trips having dinner or a drink at the hotel bar alone. It's like men feel it's their duty. They don't care if I am married (and certainly not if they are).

    Being a salesman, I know this all too well. Ahhh...The lobby bar. :#

    I travel for work a lot and I swear that women at the hotel bar suddenly become 10 times more attractive in men's eyes. And, I am an extrovert, I will chat with pretty much anyone. But, I have had men just assume I was going to go back to their room. Um, no. Most of the time probably not even if I was single.

    I believe that. But women aren't excluded in this discussion. I've seen them just as bad. Most of the time they are married, and are relieved when they see a man that is married as well. I guess they feel that it's safe that way. (No tell, Motel). That's why I usually order my drink, watch Sportcenter, and split to the room. :)
    PLTNM_INC Posts: 199 Member
    I think I've reached the age where you get left to just shrivel up n die
  • Kvm11628
    Kvm11628 Posts: 7,386 Member
    Totally agree, kchuskey. But, I am usually the only woman at the bar. I have started traveling with a bottle of wine. But,I can be gone for two weeks at a time and sometimes you just need to have chit chat. Ag, the life of a road warrior!
  • jlisa24
    jlisa24 Posts: 305 Member
    kimvmajor wrote: »
    kchuskey wrote: »
    kimvmajor wrote: »
    Only when I am on business trips having dinner or a drink at the hotel bar alone. It's like men feel it's their duty. They don't care if I am married (and certainly not if they are).

    Being a salesman, I know this all too well. Ahhh...The lobby bar. :#

    I travel for work a lot and I swear that women at the hotel bar suddenly become 10 times more attractive in men's eyes. And, I am an extrovert, I will chat with pretty much anyone. But, I have had men just assume I was going to go back to their room. Um, no. Most of the time probably not even if I was single.

    I also travel for work. Im the same way - really outgoing and end up making friends with half the bar. Dont know if i had ever been blatantly asked or had anyone assume I was going to their room though!

    I did once have a man pull over on the road cuz he thought i was a hooker lol gotta love Hollywood. That was a easy $700, I mean wait, what?