January 2016 Bike Bicycle Cycling Challenge



  • gaiaearth
    gaiaearth Posts: 49 Member
    Hi! My personal challenge for this year is to ride 3000 miles. I know I will average more in the non-snow months :) (I live in UT) but am also wanting to do some bikepacking trips to add in miles. Would anyone else like to join an annual challenge as well?
  • kcjchang
    kcjchang Posts: 709 Member
    1/1 - 38.4 miles
    1/3 - 51.2
    1/4 - 17.5 trainer
    1/5 - 35.6 trainer
    1/6 - 18.2 trainer
    1/7 - 27.9 trainer
    1/9 - 100.3 (computer went south and no data for mid 1/3 of the ride; based on info from guys I finished with ~5:15 moving/6:20 total, 2,130' elevation gain, and ~19mph average.)

    Active Time: 15:24:21
    Elevation Gain: 5,148'
    Goal: 40 hours
  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    gaiaearth wrote: »
    Hi! My personal challenge for this year is to ride 3000 miles. I know I will average more in the non-snow months :) (I live in UT) but am also wanting to do some bikepacking trips to add in miles. Would anyone else like to join an annual challenge as well?

    Welcome gaiaearth - my goal for this year is 2000 miles. Indiana here so I deal with the snow months too. I would do a challenge or at least I always keep a yearly running month by month on this one. Which evers best,
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,407 Member
    I'm in for 250 miles in January!

    1/1 - 13.10 miles
    1/2 - 13.25 miles
    1/4 - 12.25 miles
    1/5 - 12.50 miles
    1/7 - 13.00 miles
    1/9 - 12.50 miles
    1/10 - 13.00 miles ...89.60 miles so far
    1/11 - 12.34 miles

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,120 Member
    L_Master wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    (the day hit 30C)

    First off, I HATE you. :tongue: #jealous
    Machka9 wrote: »
    The ride contained two lengthy, fairly strenuous climbs ... up and over into Hobart and up and over home again. Plus a decent stretch in the middle that was relatively flat. However, on that bit, I had a hot headwind on the way out. It wasn't too strong, but just enough to be a little annoying. Nevertheless, I was looking forward to a tailwind all the way back. That was not to be. I had a reasonable tailwind for a little while, and then I started getting the odd cold gust coming from the side, and it wasn't long before I was riding into quite a strong cooler headwind. The coolness was nice (the day hit 30C) but the wind made it a slog.

    One of the larger cruise ships was in today, and the area around the centre of town was thick with tourists. There were also quite a few walking or riding rented bicycles at the beginning of the cycleway.

    Also near the beginning of the cycleway was a very enthusiastic young boy riding with his father. He was good with checking to see who was coming behind and then riding hard past people. I thought I would sail past them, but ended up riding behind for a little while because this little boy was putting in a really good effort!

    Sounds like a pretty good ride. I adore climbing, it's by far my favorite thing on the bike, and coming back down is pretty fun too even if I'm only medicore at it. Guess that's to be expected for only 16 months of riding so far.

    That's awesome when you see little guys out there motoring. I remember last summer I was heading up our local 4 mile 4% average climb cruising along and this little kid, couldn't have been more than like 80lbs comes flying past me at like 20 km/hr. Followed him the rest of the way just being impressed by the way he was tearing the climb up.

    It's our summer ... and we don't get temps like that very often, unfortunately ... so I enjoy it when we've got it! :)

    I am not a climber. I'm a flatlander who began my more serious cycling career in Manitoba, Canada ... flattest place on earth. Put me onto a pancake flat, straight road and I'm happy ... even if there's a wind. But I live in Tasmania now ... hilliest place on earth. One of the reasons I lost weight was because I just simply couldn't cycle anywhere. I love cycling ... but my first couple years here was spent walking up hills, and struggling to do that.

    So ... I've lost a little over 50 lbs now which is making climbing easier, and I am climbing. Still not impressed with the whole climbing thing, but I am making it to the tops of hills now. And I've even caught myself wondering whether I'll ever be fast up the hills like every other cyclist here in Tasmania. They all fly past me like I'm standing still. But I suppose at least now I am moving and not standing still like I was a year ago. :grin:

    When I see the kids putting in a good effort, I wonder whether I just might be looking at the next Richie Porte. :grin:

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,120 Member
    edited January 2016
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Review ...
    Distances include cycling + walking
    March: 489.8 km (304.3 miles) = 38 hours 4 min
    April: 491.94 km (305.6 miles) = 43 hours 6 min
    May: 361.81 km (224.8 miles) = 35 hours 50 min
    June: 569.53 km (353.9 miles) = 41 hours 53 min
    July: 230.7 km (143.35 miles) = 32 hours 45 min
    Aug: 211.3 km (131.3 miles) = 28 hours 8 min
    Sep: 306.7 km (190.6 miles) = 35 hour 2 min
    Oct: 441.82 km (274.5 miles) = 47 hours 43 min
    Nov: 660.21 km (410.23 miles) = 60 hours 41 min
    Dec: 499.91 km (282.8 miles) = 54 hours 56 min

    Looking forward to an active January!
    Machka9 wrote: »
    First bicycle ride of the New Year!! 38.4 km ... should be almost enough to burn off all the cinnamon rolls I made and ate. :grin:
    Machka9 wrote:
    Saturday 2 January -- 52.06 km with 613 metres of climbing. Plus wind. Plus ... surprisingly chilly. My feet were quite cold when I got in. Plus 0.6 km walk to get shortbread cookie making supplies.

    Sunday 3 January -- 32.8 km!! And that brings 8 days in a row of cycling to an end. I was kind of hoping to do a flat route, and the first 20 km wasn't too bad, but then it got hilly. Oh well, I'm starting to get used to that. :grin:
    Plus 1 km walk.

    Jan Cycling Outside: 123.26 km (380 min)
    Jan Cycling Inside: 0 min
    Jan Walking: 1.6 km (19 min)
    Jan Stairs: 0 flights (0 min)
    Jan Time Total: 399 min = 6 hours 39 min
    Jan Distance Total: 124.86 km = 77.6 miles
    Jan 6 - 21.5 km (65 min) cycling
    Jan Cycling Outside: 144.76 km (445 min)
    Jan Cycling Inside: 0 min
    Jan Walking: 7.7 km (91 min)
    Jan Stairs: 95 flights (76 min)
    Jan Time Total: 612 min = 10 hours 12 min
    Jan Distance Total: 152.46 km = 94.7 miles

    Jan 9 - 77.8 km (245 min) cycling

    Jan 10 - 23.9 km (75 min) cycling

    Jan Cycling Outside: 246.46 km (765 min)
    Jan Cycling Inside: 0 min
    Jan Walking: 22.5 km (276 min)
    Jan Stairs: 200 flights (160 min)
    Jan Time Total: 1201 min = 20 hours 1 min
    Jan Distance Total: 268.96 km = 167.1 miles

  • konagirl64
    konagirl64 Posts: 211 Member
    I'm in for 375 miles on recumbent stationary bike

    01/01: 23.3 miles
    01/02: 21 miles
    01/03: 11.7 miles
    01/05: 20.3 miles
    01/06: 12 miles
    01/08: 24.1 miles
    01/09: 20.7 miles
    Total miles since 01/01: 133.1 miles
    01/11: 22.9 miles
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    01/01 - 64.8 @ 17.5 mph
    01/02 - 22.2 @ 22.1 mph
    01/03 - 22.2 @ 21.8 mph
    01/03 - 20.3 @ 20.3 mph
    01/04 - 18.5 @ 18.4 mph
    01/06 - 23.3 @ 18.6 mph
    01/08 - 09.8 @ 19.6 mph
    01/08 - 10.5 @ 20.1 mph
    01/09 - 27.1 @ 18.0 mph
    01/09 - 37.0 @ 19.1 mph
    01/10 - 62.6 @ 19.7 mph
    01/11 - 23.1 @ 23.0 mph

    MTD: 341.7 miles
  • wobblybots
    wobblybots Posts: 52 Member
    I'd love to join if I'm not too late. I do a mix of road cycling and turbo at this time of year. I'm not setting a goal for this month as I just really want to see how far I do cycle in one month. I can then set a goal to top it in February. I've been trying to shake a flu and tonsilitis so have been taking it easy so far this month. I'm also a km's kinda gal so no miles for me!! My average speed is around 24/25 kph.

    02/01 - 45km road
    04/01 - 24km turbo
    10/01 - 50km road
    11/01 - 19km turbo

    KTD: 138 km
  • tcaley4
    tcaley4 Posts: 416 Member
    Welcome @wobblybots. We would be happy for you to join us. Don't know where you are located, but a lot of us are suffering from lack of riding due to the cold weather.
  • konagirl64
    konagirl64 Posts: 211 Member
    I'm in for 375 miles on recumbent stationary bike

    01/01: 23.3 miles
    01/02: 21 miles
    01/03: 11.7 miles
    01/05: 20.3 miles
    01/06: 12 miles
    01/08: 24.1 miles
    01/09: 20.7 miles
    Total miles since 01/01: 133.1 miles
    01/11: 22.9 miles
    01/12: 25 miles
  • cowbellsandcoffee
    cowbellsandcoffee Posts: 2,975 Member
    1/1 - 13.3 miles.
    1/7 - 34.5
    1/8 - 13
    1/10 - 21.5
    1/12 - 19.2

    Total - 101.5 miles
  • L_Master
    L_Master Posts: 354 Member
    January 1:28.6 Miles - 1:16:23, 3x10 tempo, 1x10 threshold all at 50rpm
    January 2: OFF
    January 3: 27.8 Miles - 1:15:29
    January 4: OFF
    January 5: 22.2 Miles - 1:05:00
    January 6: 31.8 Miles - 1:30:00
    January 7: 33.0 Miles - 1:25:00, 40 min tempo w/sprint surges
    January 8: 21.1 Miles - 1:05:00
    January 9: 42.3 Miles - 1:50:00 - 2x10 min, 8 min threshold + 30 min tempo
    January 10: 52.1 Miles - 2:15:00
    January 11: OFF
    January 12: 35.0 Miles - 1:30:00 - 3 min TT (419w) + 30 min SST w/surges and 5x20s sprints

    January Total Miles: 295.7 Miles
    January Total Duration: 13:11:52

    Really happy with today's session. First for getting on the bike and toughing it out with a head cold, and then also new power PR @ 3', and I think I can go a little better as I started very conservative. First time under 1:50 on zwift climb as well.

  • camerarebel716
    camerarebel716 Posts: 2 Member
    Just purchased a cycle trainer for indoor riding. I have not used my bike in 2 years so need to build endurance but far loving riding while watching TV rather than just sitting on butt these cold winter months!! My cyclometer should be delivered today so I can track my progress :-)
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    January 1: 6.24 Miles -- Duration 00:40:23
    January 2: 23.3 Miles -- Duration 1:24:58
    January 3: 28.19 Miles -- Duration 2:16:15
    January 10: 32.1 MIles -- Duration 2:00:00
    January 12: 19.1 Miles -- Duration 1:00:00

    January Total Miles: 108.93
    January Total Duration: 07:21:36
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,407 Member
    I'm in for 250 miles in January!

    1/1 - 13.10 miles
    1/2 - 13.25 miles
    1/4 - 12.25 miles
    1/5 - 12.50 miles
    1/7 - 13.00 miles
    1/9 - 12.50 miles
    1/10 - 13.00 miles ...89.60 miles so far
    1/11 - 12.34 miles
    1/13 - 13.10 miles

  • konagirl64
    konagirl64 Posts: 211 Member
    I'm in for 375 miles on recumbent stationary bike

    01/01: 23.3 miles
    01/02: 21 miles
    01/03: 11.7 miles
    01/05: 20.3 miles
    01/06: 12 miles
    01/08: 24.1 miles
    01/09: 20.7 miles
    Total miles since 01/01: 133.1 miles
    01/11: 22.9 miles
    01/12: 25 miles
    01/13: 21 miles
  • wobblybots
    wobblybots Posts: 52 Member
    tcaley4 wrote: »
    Welcome @wobblybots. We would be happy for you to join us. Don't know where you are located, but a lot of us are suffering from lack of riding due to the cold weather.

    Thank you. I'm in Ireland so it's more high winds and driving rain that keeps me from venturing outside.
  • L_Master
    L_Master Posts: 354 Member
    January 1:28.6 Miles - 1:16:23, 3x10 tempo, 1x10 threshold all at 50rpm
    January 2: OFF
    January 3: 27.8 Miles - 1:15:29
    January 4: OFF
    January 5: 22.2 Miles - 1:05:00
    January 6: 31.8 Miles - 1:30:00
    January 7: 33.0 Miles - 1:25:00, 40 min tempo w/sprint surges
    January 8: 21.1 Miles - 1:05:00
    January 9: 42.3 Miles - 1:50:00 - 2x10 min, 8 min threshold + 30 min tempo
    January 10: 52.1 Miles - 2:15:00
    January 11: OFF
    January 12: 35.0 Miles - 1:30:00 - 3 min TT (419w) + 30 min SST w/surges and 5x20s sprints
    January 13: 43.2 Miles - 2:00:00 - 3x10 Threshold, 20 min tempo

    January Total Miles: 338.9 Miles
    January Total Duration: 15:11:52

    Coach was mean today. Back to back workouts. Ouch!

  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Sunday's Marathon was ugly due to some nasty humidity (70 degrees w. 98% humidity for the first 2 hours), so I didn't qualify for Boston, but squeeked under the 3.5 hour mark and finished right around the top 1% (221/19,826). Did a couple of easy recovery rides this week, but I'm going to skip my early morning tri team hammerfest tomorrow and let my legs recover for a few more days before I try any more challenging workouts.

    Jan 2 - 15 miles
    Jan 5 - 31 miles
    Jan 12 - 17 miles (@16.8mph)
    Jan 14 - 35 miles (@17.5mph)

    Total: 98 miles
    Goal: 400 miles
    Remaining: 302 miles