Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Hello everyone .... #dailycheckin - So I didn't great over the weekend but I didn't do horrible! Went to our local YMCA for their mini mania (you can sample any of there exercise classes for free - it's a shorten version of them) so my friend and I did the yoga and tabata - I thought I was going to throw up during the tabata!! But I didn't...I survived! Went to a friend's Friday night for our monthly "Let's try a drink I found on Pinterest" get together - had probably one too many. Sat night hubby and I went to another friend's to brew and watch the Steelers football game. I didn't eat very good (we had a chili dog competition) but I did limit the number of beers that I had!! So I was good and bad! Ha! Hope everyone is doing well...
    Sounds like you took the good with the bad and enjoyed your weekend! I say it's a win! =)
  • bsbprincess
    bsbprincess Posts: 161 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hello all :) May I jump in here? I love the thought of a place to post daily! I'm hoping to lose 37...but based on when I was only 11 pounds away from there before... I have a feeling I may need to get lower to be happy. Either that or get into heavy lifting once I can get to a gym in a couple months, in order to blast fat and really see changes.

    I've been on track for about a week now, and it's helped so much to be active on the forums, and journaling each day through instagram. This would be a lovely addition!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Hello all :) May I jump in here? I love the thought of a place to post daily! I'm hoping to lose 37...but based on when I was only 11 pounds away from there before... I have a feeling I may need to get lower to be happy. Either that or get into heavy lifting once I can get to a gym in a couple months, in order to blast fat and really see changes.

    I've been on track for about a week now, and it's helped so much to be active on the forums, and journaling each day through instagram. This would be a lovely addition!

    Awesome! Hope this helps! I know it helps me!! =)
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    ShyCush6 ChangeIsADecision It sounds like we all had a rough weekend, but that's life and its got to be worth living it :)
    We know we can do this with the support of this great group of supporters.
    Back on it today and re-focused.
    We've got this. because we are awesome :wink:
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Holy Shy! You and I really are twins!! Haha! I literally was thinking of that very thing yesterday and thought I'm going to post it in the group and see if anyone can relate. It is feeling uncomfortable with how you look when you see people from the past!! I was at work yesterday and saw a guy I used to know in high school, and immediately thought oh great, here I am 25 years later, a blob!! As it turns out, it wasn't even that guy! So I was beating myself up about being overweight, and was embarrassed and didn't even want to say hi, and meanwhile I'm an idiot because it wasn't even someone I knew!! And also why do we care so much about gaining weight after 25 years and kids and all the rest of it. Have we looked at all the guys and how they have changed? They weigh way more now and are bald or grey. Anyway, it's just frustrating to feel unhappy with how you look, like not wanting to go to that 40th bday party. I totally feel you and have felt exactly that!!!
  • Evilla25
    Evilla25 Posts: 392 Member
    Hello to all new here
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    ShyCush6 ChangeIsADecision It sounds like we all had a rough weekend, but that's life and its got to be worth living it :)
    We know we can do this with the support of this great group of supporters.
    Back on it today and re-focused.
    We've got this. because we are awesome :wink:

    @GillianSmith2 - Back on track today and you're right - WE ARE AWESOME!! LoL! Nothing like being your own cheerleader! Let's Make Tuesday AWESOME too! Came into to work with snow flying - but I kind of liked it. ;)
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Good morning. I am in the same boat with having a bad weekend, and because of it I was feeling kind of blah yesterday and questioning myself. But-I am not giving up! I kind of got a second wind before bed last night and got my steps up over 6,000 (which I was only at about 2,500 before that). Today I am back at it and I plan on walking after work today. I better hit my 10,000 steps today! :) You all help keep me motivated! Hope everyone has a great week!
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Hello everyone, i'd really like to join in here, I started on MFP some time ago now, lost a fair amount and just became a bit too relaxed about it all, so here I am back again having gained all the weight back, but this time with my lovely new Fitbit to help!
    I have about 50lb to lose in total to reach my goal, i've lost 6lb so far, and i've just started back on the C25K app and plan to get back to my yoga class very soon - any motivational help is much appreciated.
  • bsbprincess
    bsbprincess Posts: 161 Member
    Hello all :) Well I'm taking today off exercise. My back was bothering me during my workout yesterday (Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Level 2) but I pushed through. I paid the price all last night. It's been really bothering me so I need a rest. Eating as well as I can today. I just lost .5 lbs last week, so I really want a bigger number this coming Monday.
  • zenjen13
    zenjen13 Posts: 174 Member
    I don't check-in here every day but try to look at things every few days. I thought it all went off the rails last week when Hubby made a homemade mac and cheese and I miscalculated the recipe so I actually ate 4x what I should have! Yikes, eh? Turned out it was all ok because I worked out 5 days and lost 1 lb! So, for me, I need to cut cals (maybe not as much as I think) and working out is key. I didn't work out on the weekend (besides dog walks/housework etc) bc it's too difficult with the family all home.
  • zenjen13
    zenjen13 Posts: 174 Member
    CariTJR wrote: »
    Hello everyone, i'd really like to join in here, I started on MFP some time ago now, lost a fair amount and just became a bit too relaxed about it all, so here I am back again having gained all the weight back, but this time with my lovely new Fitbit to help!
    I have about 50lb to lose in total to reach my goal, i've lost 6lb so far, and i've just started back on the C25K app and plan to get back to my yoga class very soon - any motivational help is much appreciated.

    Don't wait to go back to yoga -start now! I have a 90 min yoga class once a week and it really helps with my weight loss and tightening up those muscles. Plus, it's pure 'me' time. Feel free to friend me.
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Thank you Zenjen, I really do enjoy yoga, all that stretching also helps with my running, keeps the muscles from getting too sore. I'll send you a FR. :smile:

  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    Sorry to hear some of you ladies are struggling at the moment, it's so hard to stay on top of this all the time, especially weekends! I'd a good weight loss this week (-4lbs, woohoo!) but only because I had a quiet weekend. Next few weekends are busy with parties and nights out so will have to be really conscious and careful! I'm determined to get the €50 from ww though so that should help to keep me focused!!! Not often you get the chance to get money back off a company like that!!!
  • bsbprincess
    bsbprincess Posts: 161 Member
    @tazzy2911 you mean the one where you get the first two months free if you lose 10 lbs? I've considered doing that. I lost so much with WW a few years ago and whenever I tried to switch to MFP I didn't lose much... But in fairness I never gave it a long, fair shot.. I dunno
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    @bsbprincess ww are running an offer that if you lose 10lbs in 1st 8 weeks you get a €50 online spend in littlewoods(it's like an online department store) the idea is drop a dress size and they'll buy you a new dress!
    I lost 50 lbs with ww and kept the bulk of it off using mfp but I still need to lose 20-30lbs more and I definetly need the motivation of my ww leader and standing on the scales in front of her!! So I'm using a combination of mfp and ww!
  • asutton548
    asutton548 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi would love to be part of this. Don't know if I'll be on every day but as often as I can. I've been trying to loose my last 15-20 lbs for 5 yrs and am determined to do it this year. Just getting started so I'm trying not to over whelm my self with making to many changes at once. Focusing on using the tracker and staying within my calorie range. 3 lbs down my first week.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    @ShyCush6 -- sorry you had a rough weekend - but wow -- it looks like you had FUN! And those memories are worth it -- you will get rid of those extra pounds!!
    I had a rough weekend, but not because of having fun LOL!! I was just home doing stuff, but did not eat enough protein on saturday, and as a result I was hungry in the evenng, and got into the ice cream, bagels, minature marshmallows -- anything that was in sight!! And I didn't stop with overeating on saturday -- it lead into sunday when Hubby wanted sausage for breakfast, with eggs and pancakes. So needless to say, come sunday nite, I was so upset with myself.

    But I had a good day yesterday, and today, so far, I am doing OK. I am trying to drink more water, and keep the sugar and carbs low. I am trying to give up diet soda, but I still do have 1 in the mornings for the caffeine. (I am not a coffee drinker, but I need that kick to get me going) . But last weekend, I had bought some sugar-free Diet Sprite --- thinking that instead of a glass of wine, I would just drink this in the evening. I know they say that artificial sweeteners actually make you crave sugar, and I am starting to believe this! I was doing OK until I drank that soda, and then craved something sweet all evening. Somehow I do OK during the day, but I think evenings are harder for me anyhow.

    But it is one day at a time. We can all do this. I have a MFP friend that lost 100 lbs last year - and she said she committed herself to doing this for 1 year. So I am committing myself to do this for 1 month. I am hoping after 1 month that will lead to 2 months, 3 months, etc!

    @tazzy2911 - great job on your 4 lbs loss!! Do you like the new WW program? My goal is to get back to my lifetime weight so I can go for free. Like you said, weighing in person really makes a person stick to it.
  • Lance6142014
    Lance6142014 Posts: 14 Member
    edited January 2016
    Not trying to lose a lot of weight, but I am trying to stay in shape! I'll be supportive to anyone who needs it.
  • bsbprincess
    bsbprincess Posts: 161 Member
    Has anyone here tried the 21 Day Fix? I always lean towards WW or MFP as I feel like they're the easiest to get into and live life around it, while still making great changes... But this girl I went to school with was 200 lbs and now looks incredible just doing 21 Day Fix and all the beach body workout videos at home.

    Also, am I the only one whose eye wanders to new diets, workouts, fads? LOL. I don't know why, it's like I don't trust that it can be as simple as MFP makes it seems. 21 Day Fix seems cool, but lots of work, and I have no idea how I'd fit real life into it, like ever.