Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    edited December 2015
    The hubby bought me a under desk mini bicycle for an early Christmas present!! I love it!! Feels good to be working myself as I work! Not sure if the calories are right or not but I am just doing it on the side and not marking anything on my chart.... It's got to help more than sitting dorment at my desk all day!
    Weighed in this morning and I've lost a pound since last Friday!! Sweet! Still got more of the week to go but I did the happy dance this morning!! =)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    This made me true...Weekends are horrible cause I go completely off grid of healthy eating and just binge away...I'm on this major declutter my home project, and I'll reward myself for doing the things I don't want to do, with a glass or two of wine, chips, cheese, and everything in that fridge.

    Anyway, can I join this group? I'm in another group but this one just seems more fun and less regimented.
    I am legal secretary for a firm on the West Coast. Over 50 but most people say I don't look it. I feel like 30 inside but not when I'm getting outta that bed in the morning! I've been athletic most of my life but as my daughter's schedule got crazier less time for me to workout (yeah, I know, an excuse, but I'm not letting it go!). Ultimate goal is 85 lbs., by June 2016 interim goal is 30 by March 2016. I can do it but it will be a fight.

    Welcome! Always happy to have newcomers! Hope you check in often! This seems to be a great group of gals! I don't do well with regiment! We try to check i on Fridays or just pick the best day of the week for you to weigh in. Update the group on how you've done and struggles or frustrations and of course we want all the great news as well as I know you will have some!! Like toasting that 30 lb goal by March!! Let's do this!!! =)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    ...and for all you fellow desk jocks...I have started to do squats throughout the day 3 reps of 15. I have plantar fasciitis and it flared up badly when I was doing my walks during lunch. It's healing but cannot walk as much as I did before. Weight is a factor.

    Nice job!!! The hubby bought me a mini bicycle for under my desk... I just got it 2 days ago! I love it and highly recommend it! Now I need a new chair! The wheels/swivel thing is kind of hard! =)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    I do the same thing! I normally try and set a goal for 75-100 per day. I also have some 5lb weights at my desk and try and do some upper body stuff throughout the day. Some days I'm really busy and don't spend a lot of time at my desk, but on days I spend a lot of time there I set a timer for 30 minutes and every time it goes off I get up and walk the halls/stairs and do something to get me moving! Makes the day go much faster

    Great ideas Cassie!! I love the timer idea!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    janetay01 wrote: »
    Hi guys, would love to join you :). I used to be part of a thread like this and found it worked so well for me - but over time it tailed off! So a bit about me - I'm Jane, 39 years old and married to my soulmate with a wonderful little boy who will be 1 on December 18th. And therein lies some of my problem - initally the pregnancy weight fell off but then the loss slowed down along with my motivation and time. And here I am - almost a year into motherhood with a lot of the pounds that I originally wanted to lose + some. My challenges? Motivation to exercise and time to exercise. I work three days a week at the moment - going back up to 5 in the New Year. I have a 1 hour 45 minute commute each way to work - by the time I've done that, worked, seen my little boy, fed him and got him to bed and then spent a little bit of time with my husband, it's late and I'm knackered!

    So, I'm looking for encouragement and friends who are also committed - and hoping to find the motivation to make this work. I owe it myself and my family :)

    Welcome Jane!! Sounds like a busy day!! I find working our first thing in the morning helps. Not only you get it out of the way but you aren't to exhausted to blow it off at the end of the day. Shoot for 20 minutes... A workout doesn't have to be an hour... especially when you don't have that kind of time. A little bit goes a long way. Also, once you start seeing the change you will want to put more/longer effort in so they may build from there! Hope to hear from you often!
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    ShyCush6 wrote: »
    The hubby bought me a under desk mini bicycle for an early Christmas present!! I love it!! Feels good to be working myself as I work! Not sure if the calories are right or not but I am just doing it on the side and not marking anything on my chart.... It's got to help more than sitting dorment at my desk all day!
    Weighed in this morning and I've lost a pound since last Friday!! Sweet! Still got more of the week to go but I did the happy dance this morning!! =)

    Great work. Well done on the loss.
    Loving the happy dance. :smiley:
  • mysteps2beauty
    mysteps2beauty Posts: 493 Member
    ShyCush6 wrote: »
    ...and for all you fellow desk jocks...I have started to do squats throughout the day 3 reps of 15. I have plantar fasciitis and it flared up badly when I was doing my walks during lunch. It's healing but cannot walk as much as I did before. Weight is a factor.

    Nice job!!! The hubby bought me a mini bicycle for under my desk... I just got it 2 days ago! I love it and highly recommend it! Now I need a new chair! The wheels/swivel thing is kind of hard! =)

    Where did he get the mini bicycle. I see a Christmas gift for me....
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    spud1384 wrote: »
    Good Morning, My name is Sara. I'm 31 years old and have 180+ lbs to lose. I currently work at a desk job, but at least it's at an apple company. I would love to be part of your group. The motivation on here seems wonderful!

    Hey Sara! Welcome! Check in often... We try to weigh in once a week... whatever works for you!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    danan01 wrote: »
    Check-in... It's been a while since I checked in, but I read all the posts daily. It seems like it is the time of year when everyone is busy. Christmas shopping, holiday planning, parties... So far I am pretty much staying on track. Weekends are the hardest (sounds like I am not alone). The scale isn't moving down as fast as I would like, but at least it isn't going back up either! If I can just make it through to the new year without going back up I would be happy! We are going on a 10 day trip to WI/MN for the holidays, so there will be a lot of eating out/fast food (we are driving-20 hours) and then when we are there I'm sure there will be plenty of yummy home cooked meals, but not so healthy. But, we will be spending the holidays with family that we haven't seen in way too long, so I am very excited! I hope everyone has a great week! You're all doing fabulous!

    Hey Dana! Hope the weather stays as beautiful up here as it has been! 50 today! Love it! I killed a mosquito yesterday and my iris' are sprouting... Hope that doesn't screw them up come spring!
    It's great to be with family and holiday treats and meals are so hard! But just remember moderation! Everything in moderation is ok! You'll be glad in the end and still enjoy all the fun treats!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    ShyCush6 wrote: »
    ...and for all you fellow desk jocks...I have started to do squats throughout the day 3 reps of 15. I have plantar fasciitis and it flared up badly when I was doing my walks during lunch. It's healing but cannot walk as much as I did before. Weight is a factor.

    Nice job!!! The hubby bought me a mini bicycle for under my desk... I just got it 2 days ago! I love it and highly recommend it! Now I need a new chair! The wheels/swivel thing is kind of hard! =)

    Where did he get the mini bicycle. I see a Christmas gift for me....

    He got it online, but I think they have them at Kolhs too... Walmart online carries it as well. Hope you get one! It's great! I actually catch myself breathing heavy and not even realizing I'm really working that hard!
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    ShyCush6 wrote: »
    ShyCush6 wrote: »
    ...and for all you fellow desk jocks...I have started to do squats throughout the day 3 reps of 15. I have plantar fasciitis and it flared up badly when I was doing my walks during lunch. It's healing but cannot walk as much as I did before. Weight is a factor.

    Nice job!!! The hubby bought me a mini bicycle for under my desk... I just got it 2 days ago! I love it and highly recommend it! Now I need a new chair! The wheels/swivel thing is kind of hard! =)

    Where did he get the mini bicycle. I see a Christmas gift for me....

    He got it online, but I think they have them at Kolhs too... Walmart online carries it as well. Hope you get one! It's great! I actually catch myself breathing heavy and not even realizing I'm really working that hard!

    What a great idea!!! I'm gonna have to look into that!!! #browniepointsforhubby
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    #dailycheckin - Morning everyone - I've been so out of the loop on here for the past week and a half - Tis' the season + with my dad being so sick it's kind of consumed my days. But he is on the mend - coming mush closer to home today for some rehab and will hopefully be home in a week! Praise the Lord!

    Hello to all the newbies... this is a great thread! Bookmark it so you can keep up daily b/c there a lot of posts and everyone on here is FABULOUS! We have slip ups... We have triumphs.... and we are always AWESOME!

    Have a great day and weekend!!

  • amandabeaulne1
    amandabeaulne1 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey everyone!
    I'm new to this discussion board thing, but really think it will help! Id love to join the group.

    I have about 90lbs to lose, so far I'm down 17 in about a month! So 73 more to go.

    I'm a full time nursing student, a part time personal support worker, a peer ambassador at my college and a volunteer at my local hospice. So as you can tell I lead quite a busy life right now. Eating right and exercising seems near impossible sometimes with the lack of free time i have. But so far I've been doing alright. I really think this group board will help me out with the motivation to keep going and to stay on track. Useful tips and motivational friends are pretty key in my opinion!
  • Darklords
    Darklords Posts: 3,175 Member
    Hey everyone!
    I'm new to this discussion board thing, but really think it will help! Id love to join the group.

    I have about 90lbs to lose, so far I'm down 17 in about a month! So 73 more to go.

    I'm a full time nursing student, a part time personal support worker, a peer ambassador at my college and a volunteer at my local hospice. So as you can tell I lead quite a busy life right now. Eating right and exercising seems near impossible sometimes with the lack of free time i have. But so far I've been doing alright. I really think this group board will help me out with the motivation to keep going and to stay on track. Useful tips and motivational friends are pretty key in my opinion!

    Hello and welcome to the group, My name is Christine.
  • amandabeaulne1
    amandabeaulne1 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks Christine!
  • Darklords
    Darklords Posts: 3,175 Member
    Good Morning Ladies, I hope everyone is well. It's been a rough week for me but it is starting to get better. I managed to be so good last week-end at the Christmas parties but broke last night. Went to a friends house with a bunch of other woman and out came the wine :( feeling a bit guilty for it today but moving past it. It's a new day and things can only get better right :) Shy I am keeping up with my steps and have made it a point to do a walk at some point thru out the day, even if it is 15 mins. Hope everyone has a great week-end. Yous are wonderful and should be very proud of yourselves!!
  • sunrisetrout
    sunrisetrout Posts: 15 Member
    Hey everyone!
    I'm new to this discussion board thing, but really think it will help! Id love to join the group.

    I have about 90lbs to lose, so far I'm down 17 in about a month! So 73 more to go.

    I'm a full time nursing student, a part time personal support worker, a peer ambassador at my college and a volunteer at my local hospice. So as you can tell I lead quite a busy life right now. Eating right and exercising seems near impossible sometimes with the lack of free time i have. But so far I've been doing alright. I really think this group board will help me out with the motivation to keep going and to stay on track. Useful tips and motivational friends are pretty key in my opinion!

    Welcome to the group. Congratulations on the 17 pounds!
  • amandabeaulne1
    amandabeaulne1 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey guys!
    I'm checking in today to share some frustration.
    I've been working hard, staying within my calorie goal each day and exercising here and there too. At the beginning, about a month ago, it was going really well! I lost 10lbs just like that. Then there was a pause, but I managed to lose another 7. Now, I seem to have gained back that 7 and I don't know why. I'm still eating within my goals and I exercise here and there still.

    Can anyone help me with some tips or ways i can boost my weight loss again?

    Plus, I don't know if this goes for anyone else... But every time I exercise it seems like it's putting my weight loss on pause. Like, on pause for a week at least. I know you "build muscle" but even from like 30 mins of an elliptical?

    Sorry for the Monday morning drag haha
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    Hey everyone!
    I'm new to this discussion board thing, but really think it will help! Id love to join the group.

    I have about 90lbs to lose, so far I'm down 17 in about a month! So 73 more to go.

    I'm a full time nursing student, a part time personal support worker, a peer ambassador at my college and a volunteer at my local hospice. So as you can tell I lead quite a busy life right now. Eating right and exercising seems near impossible sometimes with the lack of free time i have. But so far I've been doing alright. I really think this group board will help me out with the motivation to keep going and to stay on track. Useful tips and motivational friends are pretty key in my opinion!

    welcome to the group. :smiley:
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    Happy Monday everyone. I hope you've all had a good weekend.

    Its been a party weekend for me so my calories have been way over whoops :blush: back on it today and the rest of the time before Christmas.

    My new nephew was allowed home yesterday :smiley:

    I am feeling absolutely great with lots of people noticing that ive lost weight :smiley:

    Happy dance time :smiley:

    Keep up the great work everyone.