Eating Disorders recovering as Vegans...



  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    To be fair, it may seem like an extreme diet if you are switching from eating prepackaged pseudo foods containing dairy and meat to eating homemade whole food vegan meals. However, I would argue that eating meat and dairy every day is extreme. Nobody needs to eat that much. A healthy diet is about 85% vegan by default. Vegetables, fruit, grains, beans, nuts, and seeds should make up most or all of your diet.

    I don't think using language like "pseudo foods" is really helpful. There are vegan pre-packaged options, there are non-pre-packaged animal foods. You're setting up some kind of false contrast between the two diets. There are many ways to eat animal products, there are many ways to be vegan.

  • PowerKickChic
    PowerKickChic Posts: 108 Member
    edited January 2016
    To the people saying that veganism is such an extreme diet or that you need to supplement every meal.. Simply lies. What is so hard about replacing the meat and eggs in your diet to beans, lentils, tofu, nuts and seeds (these contain no cholesterol and low amounts of saturated fat, unlike animal flesh, as well as containing fibre, which animal carcasses lack), and replacing the dairy milk in your diet to plant milks such as soy milk, coconut milk, almond milk, rice milk, etc? These products also contain tons of added vitamins and minerals. Don't forget that meat and dairy are also supplemented - animals are fed enriched meals and dairy is fortified with calcium. It's not just vegans who need to supplement, everyone does. Luckily, the food industry has done most of it for us. The only supplement vegans may need take is B12, if they don't eat a lot of fortified plant milks or mock meats, because our plants no longer contain enough bacteria that contains B12 because of sanitation practises. However, in meat, there is enough bacteria to get enough B12. B12 pills are quite inexpensive and accessible. It's not a crazy extreme diet. It's just about finding replacements with similar nutrient profiles.

    As for people with eating disorders turning to veganism, I have a feeling it has something to do with trying to find a diet that they can feel good about and stick with without feeling guilty. It may appear to have "cleaner" food, as people with eating disorders often feel dirty eating high-calorie, high fat foods. A vegan diet may make them feel more "clean" or less bloated. Maybe these people want to latch onto a diet that they can finally feel good about, and the moral and environmental benefits of a vegan diet may make them finally feel justified in eating food for the first time in a long time.

    Okay, yes, getting all your vitamins from food is possible but you will have to have a perfect diet every single day and for almost everyone, that is not reasonable. Some people don't like all the foods that your body needs to function correctly when your a vegan. I stand behind my statement that people NEED supplements so that if they will have proper nutrition, I mean, we are not perfect like you. Why the heck are you arguing against supplements that help people who are making a transition into a meatless lifestyle? I am sharing my experience, I started having deficiencies even though I was planning my day with the nutrition your claim you need. I even saw a nutritionist, I value her opinion over some random hater on the internet.

    People, please listen, it is very important that you take supplements as a safeguard because your nutrition is almost never going to be perfect. Even if you are careful to eat the right food, sometimes they don't get absorbed the way they should. People like her get on their soapbox and don't understand that most of us are not willing to go to extremes like they do. Making the transition to a meatless diet is not easy and it needs to be taken in steps. You cant just wake up one day and know exactly what you like, exactly what your body needs and eat that way every single day. She is unreasonable and expects everyone to think and act like herself. Please, take care of yourself.
  • PowerKickChic
    PowerKickChic Posts: 108 Member
    edited January 2016
    Thanks EvgeniZyntx :) Its much appreciated :)

    For the other people who are hating, this is what I wrote that is relevant to the thread:

    I can understand how someone could become anorexic or even look like they are when they are actually eating a lot of food. For example, Its super hard to find anything to eat in a typical restaurant, even for me who eats seafood. I am guessing most vegans and vegetarians have to eat salad, a potato and or a side of veggies. That is more than likely not enough calories to count as a full meal.

    -People are so limited by what they can eat sometimes, its very easy to not get enough calories. It could start a road to anorexia or unhealthily habits. I have found myself not wanting to eat because it was so difficult to calculate the nutrition I needed. I am just beginning this journey and I'm not going to be perfect and most people are not going to be either. We are learning. (Thus supplements are important)

    I really don't care what people think of me because my intentions were to help others and share my experience. I know that I am being nice and you chose to be snarky. I have found that people who are mean to others are one of two things: One-Trying to bring the other person down to their level or Two- Trying to inflate themselves up to the persons level or act like they are better than everyone else. Either way, I am flattered that you view me so highly. :smiley:
    I'm done with this thread, I don't need this negativity. I'm off to the gym!

    As far as supplements, I research the brands then buy them off amazon :)
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Thanks EvgeniZyntx :) Its much appreciated :)

    For the other people who are hating, this is what I wrote that is relevant to the thread:

    I can understand how someone could become anorexic or even look like they are when they are actually eating a lot of food. For example, Its super hard to find anything to eat in a typical restaurant, even for me who eats seafood. I am guessing most vegans and vegetarians have to eat salad, a potato and or a side of veggies. That is more than likely not enough calories to count as a full meal.

    I really don't care what people think of me because my intentions were to help others and share my experience. I know that I am being nice and you chose to be snarky. I have found that people who are mean to others are one of two things: One-Trying to bring the other person down to their level or Two- Trying to inflate themselves up to the persons level or act like they are better than everyone else. Either way, I am flattered that you view me so highly. :smiley:
    I'm done with this thread, I don't need this negativity. I'm off to the gym!

    As far as supplements, I research the brands then buy them off amazon :)

    I'm vegan. Depending on where I'm eating, I usually have options beyond salad, potato, or a vegetable side. Experiences can vary widely by location, but more and more places offer vegan options on the menu or are willing to make changes to dishes in order to make them vegan. Some of my favorite meals when eating out are Indian/Thai food, vegetable sushi, portobello mushroom sandwiches, pizza (several places in my area even offer vegan cheese and faux meat toppings), burrito bowls, hummus sandwiches, and pasta with marinara.

  • idipyoudipwedip
    idipyoudipwedip Posts: 22 Member
    Sure, take supplements if you feel like you aren't getting enough nutrition. But that goes for all people, not just vegans. I don't appreciate people saying as a vegan you NEED to supplement. All styles of eating can have nutritional deficiencies. For example, osteoporosis, lack of calcium in the bones, occurs in most in places with the most dairy consumption. How is that possible if drinking milk gives you all this calcium? Simply having meat and dairy in your diet is not enough to say that you're nutritionally complete, just as it's not fair to say that all vegans need supplements.

    I also absolutely agree that some vegan foods are non nutritional pseudo foods, as I call them. You can be unhealthy on a vegan diet. But my point was that it's not an extreme change to make if you're already eating a healthy diet. If your diet contains already lots of vegetables, grains, beans, nuts, and limited amounts of meat and eggs and dairy, then cutting out the last three is not extremely restrictive like a lot of people are saying it is. It's only extreme if you're not already eating the other things and you have to then shift your whole eating pattern.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Sure, take supplements if you feel like you aren't getting enough nutrition. But that goes for all people, not just vegans. I don't appreciate people saying as a vegan you NEED to supplement. All styles of eating can have nutritional deficiencies. For example, osteoporosis, lack of calcium in the bones, occurs in most in places with the most dairy consumption. How is that possible if drinking milk gives you all this calcium? Simply having meat and dairy in your diet is not enough to say that you're nutritionally complete, just as it's not fair to say that all vegans need supplements.

    I also absolutely agree that some vegan foods are non nutritional pseudo foods, as I call them. You can be unhealthy on a vegan diet. But my point was that it's not an extreme change to make if you're already eating a healthy diet. If your diet contains already lots of vegetables, grains, beans, nuts, and limited amounts of meat and eggs and dairy, then cutting out the last three is not extremely restrictive like a lot of people are saying it is. It's only extreme if you're not already eating the other things and you have to then shift your whole eating pattern.

    Vegans do need to supplement B12 (or eat fortified foods). I agree that non-vegans can also have deficiencies, but let's not go too far in the other direction. We need to pay attention to how we are getting B12 (as do some other people, including those over age 50).

    And, for most people, eliminating foods from the diet entirely is restrictive. It's a restriction that I'm in favor of and one that I think is worth it. But I don't think we make it easier for people to contemplate veganism when we act like going vegan is no big deal. For some people it is challenging to give up certain foods -- it's hard to give up certain tastes or textures or to navigate certain social situations. For some, it's hard to meet certain nutritional needs until they add new foods to their diet. When we act like going vegan is no big deal, I would argue we make it harder for people to consider veganism. They may think "Well, it's easy for some people to go vegan because they don't miss anything. But I'm not one of those people so I never could."

    Sometimes it's hard to consider veganism and that's okay. Veganism is for everyone, not just those who find it easy to give up animal exploitation.
  • idipyoudipwedip
    idipyoudipwedip Posts: 22 Member
    Again, everybody needs to supplement or eat fortified foods. It's the nature of our current agricultural system. It is not some special thing for vegans. Anyone who eats cereal has iron-enriched cereal and calcium-enriched milk, so they are already supplementing. Switching to soy milk enriched with calcium and B12 is not an extreme choice that is difficult to make for most people. Unless you already regularly eat prepackaged foods with dairy in them, simply switching from dairy to plant milk in your cooking is quite easy. I'm tired of this idea of veganism as some nutritionally deficient diet that you have to be super careful on to make sure you get enough nutrients. Vegetarians and vegans have lower rates of most morbidities and longer longevity, according to meta-studies adjusting for other factors like socioeconomic status. I'm not saying a veg diet is inherently healthier than a omnivorous one, just that most vegetarians and vegans have no more of a problem being nutritionally sound, and there's evidence that they actually get better nutrition than a LOT of meat-eating people. Nobody goes around to people who eat meat, though, saying "make sure you take a fibre supplement! Meat-eating diets are so extreme, you might not get enough fibre to be in optimal health!" It wouldn't be fair because a meat-eating diet CAN get enough fibre in it, quite easily, just like a vegan diet can get enough B12 in it, quite easily.
  • idipyoudipwedip
    idipyoudipwedip Posts: 22 Member
    I agree that veganism can be hard to get into for some people, who rely on animal flesh as a staple of their diet. However, if you're already eating a healthy diet, it's really just about little changes here and there and won't affect 85% of your diet. Of course, most people aren't eating healthy diets, so I think you're right in general to not say veganism is super easy for everyone. However I don't like this pervasive idea that veganism is extremely restrictive and you have to be super diligent about nutrients, because it's not necessarily true and may actually deter people from becoming vegan because they don't think they could ever do it. Vegan population is growing, which means more and more mock meats, fake cheeses and veg restaurants are popping up, and it's becoming easier and easier to be vegan, especially in cities. This idea that veganism is extreme is just unfair.
  • BunnyBomb
    BunnyBomb Posts: 143 Member
    Wow i didn't know that people with eating disorders commonly recover as Vegan. I like questions like these, it makes people think about things they potentially wouldn't otherwise.

    To the OP - is this commonality something you've noticed in real life or did a recent article spur your thinking? If it's the latter is there a particular article that stirred up the question?

    I did a quick Google myself but all I found was (what looks like) a decade long debate about whether Veganism is s cover for eating disorders, which isn't what you were asking about really.

    I did find one article though where a Vegan author rips the living hell out of some publication for even daring to make the connection! Haha. So it seems like an area of some... preciousness, with candid authors to boot
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I agree that veganism can be hard to get into for some people, who rely on animal flesh as a staple of their diet. However, if you're already eating a healthy diet, it's really just about little changes here and there and won't affect 85% of your diet. Of course, most people aren't eating healthy diets, so I think you're right in general to not say veganism is super easy for everyone. However I don't like this pervasive idea that veganism is extremely restrictive and you have to be super diligent about nutrients, because it's not necessarily true and may actually deter people from becoming vegan because they don't think they could ever do it. Vegan population is growing, which means more and more mock meats, fake cheeses and veg restaurants are popping up, and it's becoming easier and easier to be vegan, especially in cities. This idea that veganism is extreme is just unfair.

    Telling people that veganism is super-easy and that they won't have any problems with it and everyone has to supplement so it's no big deal doesn't help anyone become vegan.

    If someone *thinks* veganism is restrictive or hard, it's better to find out why and help them find ways to address that instead of insisting that it isn't restrictive.

    If I keep repeating that veganism is just "little changes" and someone knows, from looking that their own diet, that is isn't, they could easily conclude that veganism isn't for them. Why would I want them to think that?

    Better to meet people where they are at and help them figure out how they can go vegan instead of repeating that veganism is just little changes that everyone can make without noticing.

    If someone thinks veganism is extreme, how does it help to just dismiss that and get frustrated? Let it open up the conversation, figure out WHY they think it is extreme and progress from there.
  • Beautiful_Warrior94
    Beautiful_Warrior94 Posts: 197 Member
    BunnyBomb wrote: »
    Wow i didn't know that people with eating disorders commonly recover as Vegan. I like questions like these, it makes people think about things they potentially wouldn't otherwise.

    To the OP - is this commonality something you've noticed in real life or did a recent article spur your thinking? If it's the latter is there a particular article that stirred up the question?

    I did a quick Google myself but all I found was (what looks like) a decade long debate about whether Veganism is s cover for eating disorders, which isn't what you were asking about really.

    I did find one article though where a Vegan author rips the living hell out of some publication for even daring to make the connection! Haha. So it seems like an area of some... preciousness, with candid authors to boot

    It sparked my curiosity when I found several YouTubers who use to struggle with eating disorders and they mentioned how they recovered as Vegans. Something about how even though they noticed putting weight on they were okay with it because they felt good it was from whole based foods and not processed junk like the majority of Americans consume.

    And I am not calling meat processed junk. What I am calling processed junk of foods like chips, chocolate, candy, stuff like that. I understand not everyone will agree in being Vegan. I mean my fiancé loves meat. I won't pressure him to cut that out because that's his choice. And his family raises cows and pigs so they are big meat eaters. Again, their choice and Vegan is mine. They won't judge me for my choices and so I won't judge them of theirs.

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    BunnyBomb wrote: »
    Wow i didn't know that people with eating disorders commonly recover as Vegan. I like questions like these, it makes people think about things they potentially wouldn't otherwise.

    To the OP - is this commonality something you've noticed in real life or did a recent article spur your thinking? If it's the latter is there a particular article that stirred up the question?

    I did a quick Google myself but all I found was (what looks like) a decade long debate about whether Veganism is s cover for eating disorders, which isn't what you were asking about really.

    I did find one article though where a Vegan author rips the living hell out of some publication for even daring to make the connection! Haha. So it seems like an area of some... preciousness, with candid authors to boot

    It sparked my curiosity when I found several YouTubers who use to struggle with eating disorders and they mentioned how they recovered as Vegans. Something about how even though they noticed putting weight on they were okay with it because they felt good it was from whole based foods and not processed junk like the majority of Americans consume.

    And I am not calling meat processed junk. What I am calling processed junk of foods like chips, chocolate, candy, stuff like that. I understand not everyone will agree in being Vegan. I mean my fiancé loves meat. I won't pressure him to cut that out because that's his choice. And his family raises cows and pigs so they are big meat eaters. Again, their choice and Vegan is mine. They won't judge me for my choices and so I won't judge them of theirs.

    I don't understand this. Vegans can eat chips, chocolate, and candy. Going vegan doesn't eliminate these foods. Going vegan and maintaining additional restrictions would eliminate those foods. But if someone went vegan *and* maintained additional restrictions, I would hope they would stay in close contact with their treatment team to make sure they were not restricting too much.
  • Beautiful_Warrior94
    Beautiful_Warrior94 Posts: 197 Member
    BunnyBomb wrote: »
    Wow i didn't know that people with eating disorders commonly recover as Vegan. I like questions like these, it makes people think about things they potentially wouldn't otherwise.

    To the OP - is this commonality something you've noticed in real life or did a recent article spur your thinking? If it's the latter is there a particular article that stirred up the question?

    I did a quick Google myself but all I found was (what looks like) a decade long debate about whether Veganism is s cover for eating disorders, which isn't what you were asking about really.

    I did find one article though where a Vegan author rips the living hell out of some publication for even daring to make the connection! Haha. So it seems like an area of some... preciousness, with candid authors to boot

    It sparked my curiosity when I found several YouTubers who use to struggle with eating disorders and they mentioned how they recovered as Vegans. Something about how even though they noticed putting weight on they were okay with it because they felt good it was from whole based foods and not processed junk like the majority of Americans consume.

    And I am not calling meat processed junk. What I am calling processed junk of foods like chips, chocolate, candy, stuff like that. I understand not everyone will agree in being Vegan. I mean my fiancé loves meat. I won't pressure him to cut that out because that's his choice. And his family raises cows and pigs so they are big meat eaters. Again, their choice and Vegan is mine. They won't judge me for my choices and so I won't judge them of theirs.

    I don't understand this. Vegans can eat chips, chocolate, and candy. Going vegan doesn't eliminate these foods. Going vegan and maintaining additional restrictions would eliminate those foods. But if someone went vegan *and* maintained additional restrictions, I would hope they would stay in close contact with their treatment team to make sure they were not restricting too much.

    Dude chocolate lots of time contains milk.


  • TrickyDisco
    TrickyDisco Posts: 2,869 Member
    @Thin_Beauty94 Lots of time contains milk? Plenty of dairy-free chocolate out there.

    So ...
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    BunnyBomb wrote: »
    Wow i didn't know that people with eating disorders commonly recover as Vegan. I like questions like these, it makes people think about things they potentially wouldn't otherwise.

    To the OP - is this commonality something you've noticed in real life or did a recent article spur your thinking? If it's the latter is there a particular article that stirred up the question?

    I did a quick Google myself but all I found was (what looks like) a decade long debate about whether Veganism is s cover for eating disorders, which isn't what you were asking about really.

    I did find one article though where a Vegan author rips the living hell out of some publication for even daring to make the connection! Haha. So it seems like an area of some... preciousness, with candid authors to boot

    It sparked my curiosity when I found several YouTubers who use to struggle with eating disorders and they mentioned how they recovered as Vegans. Something about how even though they noticed putting weight on they were okay with it because they felt good it was from whole based foods and not processed junk like the majority of Americans consume.

    And I am not calling meat processed junk. What I am calling processed junk of foods like chips, chocolate, candy, stuff like that. I understand not everyone will agree in being Vegan. I mean my fiancé loves meat. I won't pressure him to cut that out because that's his choice. And his family raises cows and pigs so they are big meat eaters. Again, their choice and Vegan is mine. They won't judge me for my choices and so I won't judge them of theirs.

    I don't understand this. Vegans can eat chips, chocolate, and candy. Going vegan doesn't eliminate these foods. Going vegan and maintaining additional restrictions would eliminate those foods. But if someone went vegan *and* maintained additional restrictions, I would hope they would stay in close contact with their treatment team to make sure they were not restricting too much.

    Dude chocolate lots of time contains milk.



    I've been vegan for ten years. I buy chocolate without milk. While much chocolate does added milk, there are many options that don't include milk -- I can buy chocolate bars, chips, baking chocolate, and cocoa powder that is all free of animal products. I have found these options online, in airports, Trader Joe's, Target, Whole Foods, and even gas stations. One of my lunches this week included a delicious dark chocolate bar with sea salt. Not only was it vegan, it was made in my community from fair trade chocolate.

    Or are we doing this one word per line?

  • Beautiful_Warrior94
    Beautiful_Warrior94 Posts: 197 Member
    BunnyBomb wrote: »
    Wow i didn't know that people with eating disorders commonly recover as Vegan. I like questions like these, it makes people think about things they potentially wouldn't otherwise.

    To the OP - is this commonality something you've noticed in real life or did a recent article spur your thinking? If it's the latter is there a particular article that stirred up the question?

    I did a quick Google myself but all I found was (what looks like) a decade long debate about whether Veganism is s cover for eating disorders, which isn't what you were asking about really.

    I did find one article though where a Vegan author rips the living hell out of some publication for even daring to make the connection! Haha. So it seems like an area of some... preciousness, with candid authors to boot

    It sparked my curiosity when I found several YouTubers who use to struggle with eating disorders and they mentioned how they recovered as Vegans. Something about how even though they noticed putting weight on they were okay with it because they felt good it was from whole based foods and not processed junk like the majority of Americans consume.

    And I am not calling meat processed junk. What I am calling processed junk of foods like chips, chocolate, candy, stuff like that. I understand not everyone will agree in being Vegan. I mean my fiancé loves meat. I won't pressure him to cut that out because that's his choice. And his family raises cows and pigs so they are big meat eaters. Again, their choice and Vegan is mine. They won't judge me for my choices and so I won't judge them of theirs.

    I don't understand this. Vegans can eat chips, chocolate, and candy. Going vegan doesn't eliminate these foods. Going vegan and maintaining additional restrictions would eliminate those foods. But if someone went vegan *and* maintained additional restrictions, I would hope they would stay in close contact with their treatment team to make sure they were not restricting too much.

    Dude chocolate lots of time contains milk.



    I've been vegan for ten years. I buy chocolate without milk. While much chocolate does added milk, there are many options that don't include milk -- I can buy chocolate bars, chips, baking chocolate, and cocoa powder that is all free of animal products. I have found these options online, in airports, Trader Joe's, Target, Whole Foods, and even gas stations. One of my lunches this week included a delicious dark chocolate bar with sea salt. Not only was it vegan, it was made in my community from fair trade chocolate.

    Or are we doing this one word per line?


    Where do you get vegan chocolate?
  • SammyBoo1980
    SammyBoo1980 Posts: 56 Member
    Most major supermarkets, health foods shops, online shops like ocado, and specialist shops. Pretty mainstream lol. Before they put milk in milk chocolate there was still chocolate ya know ;)
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    BunnyBomb wrote: »
    Wow i didn't know that people with eating disorders commonly recover as Vegan. I like questions like these, it makes people think about things they potentially wouldn't otherwise.

    To the OP - is this commonality something you've noticed in real life or did a recent article spur your thinking? If it's the latter is there a particular article that stirred up the question?

    I did a quick Google myself but all I found was (what looks like) a decade long debate about whether Veganism is s cover for eating disorders, which isn't what you were asking about really.

    I did find one article though where a Vegan author rips the living hell out of some publication for even daring to make the connection! Haha. So it seems like an area of some... preciousness, with candid authors to boot

    It sparked my curiosity when I found several YouTubers who use to struggle with eating disorders and they mentioned how they recovered as Vegans. Something about how even though they noticed putting weight on they were okay with it because they felt good it was from whole based foods and not processed junk like the majority of Americans consume.

    And I am not calling meat processed junk. What I am calling processed junk of foods like chips, chocolate, candy, stuff like that. I understand not everyone will agree in being Vegan. I mean my fiancé loves meat. I won't pressure him to cut that out because that's his choice. And his family raises cows and pigs so they are big meat eaters. Again, their choice and Vegan is mine. They won't judge me for my choices and so I won't judge them of theirs.

    I don't understand this. Vegans can eat chips, chocolate, and candy. Going vegan doesn't eliminate these foods. Going vegan and maintaining additional restrictions would eliminate those foods. But if someone went vegan *and* maintained additional restrictions, I would hope they would stay in close contact with their treatment team to make sure they were not restricting too much.

    Dude chocolate lots of time contains milk.



    I've been vegan for ten years. I buy chocolate without milk. While much chocolate does added milk, there are many options that don't include milk -- I can buy chocolate bars, chips, baking chocolate, and cocoa powder that is all free of animal products. I have found these options online, in airports, Trader Joe's, Target, Whole Foods, and even gas stations. One of my lunches this week included a delicious dark chocolate bar with sea salt. Not only was it vegan, it was made in my community from fair trade chocolate.

    Or are we doing this one word per line?


    Where do you get vegan chocolate?

    The poster listed where she buys it in the first paragraph of the post you quoted.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    To be fair, it may seem like an extreme diet if you are switching from eating prepackaged pseudo foods containing dairy and meat to eating homemade whole food vegan meals. However, I would argue that eating meat and dairy every day is extreme. Nobody needs to eat that much. A healthy diet is about 85% vegan by default. Vegetables, fruit, grains, beans, nuts, and seeds should make up most or all of your diet.

    Personally I don't think it's extreme (nor do I think it's necessary or any better than a healthy and balanced diet) and I eat a lot of plant based foods as well as meat, eggs, dairy, etc...but there are tons of processed foods and "junk" foods that are perfectly vegan. Not all vegans are running around eating lentils and whatnot. I have a vegetarian friend who basically survives on processed veggie burgers, potato chips, french fries, and coca-cola.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    BunnyBomb wrote: »
    Wow i didn't know that people with eating disorders commonly recover as Vegan. I like questions like these, it makes people think about things they potentially wouldn't otherwise.

    To the OP - is this commonality something you've noticed in real life or did a recent article spur your thinking? If it's the latter is there a particular article that stirred up the question?

    I did a quick Google myself but all I found was (what looks like) a decade long debate about whether Veganism is s cover for eating disorders, which isn't what you were asking about really.

    I did find one article though where a Vegan author rips the living hell out of some publication for even daring to make the connection! Haha. So it seems like an area of some... preciousness, with candid authors to boot

    It sparked my curiosity when I found several YouTubers who use to struggle with eating disorders and they mentioned how they recovered as Vegans. Something about how even though they noticed putting weight on they were okay with it because they felt good it was from whole based foods and not processed junk like the majority of Americans consume.

    And I am not calling meat processed junk. What I am calling processed junk of foods like chips, chocolate, candy, stuff like that. I understand not everyone will agree in being Vegan. I mean my fiancé loves meat. I won't pressure him to cut that out because that's his choice. And his family raises cows and pigs so they are big meat eaters. Again, their choice and Vegan is mine. They won't judge me for my choices and so I won't judge them of theirs.

    I don't understand this. Vegans can eat chips, chocolate, and candy. Going vegan doesn't eliminate these foods. Going vegan and maintaining additional restrictions would eliminate those foods. But if someone went vegan *and* maintained additional restrictions, I would hope they would stay in close contact with their treatment team to make sure they were not restricting too much.

    Dude chocolate lots of time contains milk.



    Dude milk chocolate contains milk.


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