Small steps to big success! What did you achieve today?



  • Cesca1205
    Cesca1205 Posts: 6 Member
    Instead of having a lazy moring, hubby and I woke up this morning, did a nice aerobics workout, took kids for a run around in park, had nice salad for lunch now home feeling very proud!
  • Cesca1205
    Cesca1205 Posts: 6 Member
    heidio2 wrote: »
    Really wanted a soda... went to the store to pick up 1 can & a dessert for the kids. Walked out with squash, a tea and 2 salads. I couldn't do it.

    Nice one!!!!
  • ErinR82
    ErinR82 Posts: 50 Member
    It's cold and raining out and that was a good excuse to do nothing today.... I argued with myself for awhile, then put my fitbit on and convinced myself to climb my stairs for 20 minutes! :)
  • Marikanna
    Marikanna Posts: 73 Member
    Rainy here too. My son nagged me to go jogging. I was going to skip it. We went and I finished week 4 of C25K. We are seeing relatives tonight. Pre planning my one slice of pizza and glass of wine. I'll have a light lunch to fit it all in.
  • saralthrash
    saralthrash Posts: 105 Member
    Marikanna wrote: »
    Rainy here too. My son nagged me to go jogging. I was going to skip it. We went and I finished week 4 of C25K. We are seeing relatives tonight. Pre planning my one slice of pizza and glass of wine. I'll have a light lunch to fit it all in.
    Way to plan!
  • vegetabletarian
    vegetabletarian Posts: 22 Member
    Rather than sleeping in today I got up earlier than I normally would and met my friend at the gym. I'm so glad I did, it set me up so well for the rest of the day! Still buzzing from the workout right now!
  • Migboa
    Migboa Posts: 1 Member
    heidio2 wrote: »
    Really wanted a soda... went to the store to pick up 1 can & a dessert for the kids. Walked out with squash, a tea and 2 salads. I couldn't do it.

    Way to go!!!!
  • terio818
    terio818 Posts: 13 Member
    Today I logged my food
    Went to the gym and actually sweat.
    Abstained from sugar! (Day 22!)
    I feel great!
  • KareninLux
    KareninLux Posts: 1,413 Member
    Good - Managed to stay at 1200 cals yesterday... but also ate all my exercise cals back!
  • KareninLux
    KareninLux Posts: 1,413 Member
    Lose40At40 wrote: »
    Ate a greek yogurt even though the cold weather makes me want grill cheese...

    Oh, la. Grilled cheese - another trigger for me. Haven't had once since last October. lol
  • k8es
    k8es Posts: 271 Member
    These are awesome and so inspiring! Way to go with making hard and great choices!

    Today I ignored some awesome excuses and went "running" (it's almost half walking haha) in the cold when I had so much work to do.
  • saralthrash
    saralthrash Posts: 105 Member
    I avoided the donuts at work! They buy them every Saturday and Sunday. That cherry iced with sprinkles was calling my name!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I used to struggled hoisting up 35lb dumbbells to do my incline bench press (not doing the actual press though). They went up easily today.
  • kiddiebqueen17
    kiddiebqueen17 Posts: 100 Member
    My daughter and I baked semi healthy muffins today. AND I put most in the freezer...
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    I made chicken, we -never- have meat in the house, and we aren't vegetarians. We tend to make meals that are very very easy to put together (and my husband eats mostly at work, aka one big meal a day). But my husband said that he wanted stuff for salad in the house so he could replicate the salads he gets at Salata (which fortunately he now loves). He usually wants chips and crackers, so I am ready for salad requests! Anyway, the chicken and salads came out great and I'm hoping that we can keep this "normal meals" thing going.

    On a side note, I CAN cook, and I am good at it, I just don't have a lot of time to spend cooking due to still being in med school :)

    A lot of time I will walk over to Whole Foods and make myself a salad which can be $$$. This way is so much less expensive for me and it also has my husband eating better.
  • llbrixon
    llbrixon Posts: 964 Member
    edited January 2016
    Today I wanted so much to get that bigger serving of ice cream cake, but I only put enough ice-cream to fit in a small cone to eat. I think the ice-cream cake is gone now, so temptation is gone!
  • bigbodybake
    bigbodybake Posts: 49 Member
    Today I wanted to get my favorite burger from Whataburger, double meat double cheese. I thought of bunch of excuses of why I should just hit the drive thru rather than make something at home. It's late... I won't get the fries... Everyone else has already eaten... But I didn't stop. I drove myself home and made a dinner that was within my calorie allowance. It doesn't seem like much but that was a big step towards changing my habits. I always used to choose convenience over nutrition. Kind of proud of myself tonight!

    Good job, as somebody who loves to eat, congrats
  • sienainthesun
    sienainthesun Posts: 48 Member
    It was -7 and I did not want to leave the house at all, but instead I managed to get myself to the gym and did 3.5 miles of running and walking. When I got home my SO had made a pizza and it smelled great, but instead of eating pizza I had quinoa with spinach.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I went to a Zumba master class.
  • ewaite973
    ewaite973 Posts: 6 Member
    Didn't leave the house at all I tracked over 18,000 steps on my Fitbit ! Was part of a Fitbit challenge to see who gets the most steps this weekend , I came in third out of seven. It was the most steps I've completed in one day!