Let's Start a Group! TALL WOMEN UNITED :-)



  • djkymba
    djkymba Posts: 174

    YES!!! I just joined this website today and I'm so happy I've found you all!

    I'm def in for the 4-by-the-4th challenge! And I'd like to join in on the chart too, if it's not too late.

    I'll weigh myself in the morning but I'm 6'1" and around 200.
    My Goal weight is 160 or 170, depending on how I look once I get down there.
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    i'd like to do the challenge... what day will the weigh in be? Not sure what my current weight is... i've been hiding from the scale. haha post-vacation + TOM = AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  • Divabonita88
    Divabonita88 Posts: 63 Member
    Hello, lovely ladies!

    My name is Cara, and I'm 5'11.
    SW: 223 pounds / Size: 16
    CW: 176 pounds / Size: 10
    GW: 155 pounds / Size: 8

  • Divabonita88
    Divabonita88 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm in for the July 4th challenge! I didn't weight myself this morning, and my normal weigh date is Wednesday's, (and I'm not using last week's weight as it was TOM for me) so I will let you know then!

  • sarahg_84
    sarahg_84 Posts: 14
    Im 5'11. So Im joining this thread. Another 'you're tall so u cant tell'. Only want 2 lose a stone. I know i'm not big but would love to feel more comfortable in myself.
    (i would also love to wear big 4inch stilettos. I can dream lol)
  • Divabonita88
    Divabonita88 Posts: 63 Member
    I am 5'9 and on a very rare occassion one of the shorter ones of this group. I hear the same thing as many of you that I look fine I don't need to lose any weight. I started out my heaviest at 218 a very tight size 18. I refused to go to plus sizes. I am now 198 and a size 14. Even though people say I may look fine I want my BMI to be at a healthy level and be toned.

    Happy to meet so many tall women :)

  • timea_84
    timea_84 Posts: 38 Member
    So when is weigh-in day? And how do we go about his? I've never been part of a group.
  • juliamariep
    I'm in! I'm 5'9.5" and would love to join other women with height :). I currently weigh 145, but my highest has been up to 153. I know it doesn't seem like much, but I want to feel and look my absolute best. I also am constantly playing sports, and the twenty extra pounds that I have gained over the past couple years is really slowing me down. I want to get as fit as I possibly can so I can be the best athlete I can be. My goal weight is 130, but once I hit that, I would love to gain more weight in muscle :)
  • Vcaser
    Vcaser Posts: 36
    I hope everyone had a good day - I didn't eat very well today :( PMS, I think. But, I took the dog out after work for her usual walk and did some running with her as I just got new runners and that's my next goal - a 5k. I wore my HRM and burned 240 cals - not bad for just taking the dog out. It was nice and a good way to come down from the stress of work.

    Have a great night everyone :)

    Just curious - I'm in the market for a heart rate monitor. What kind do you have?
  • katythemommy
    katythemommy Posts: 437 Member
    I hope everyone had a good day - I didn't eat very well today :( PMS, I think. But, I took the dog out after work for her usual walk and did some running with her as I just got new runners and that's my next goal - a 5k. I wore my HRM and burned 240 cals - not bad for just taking the dog out. It was nice and a good way to come down from the stress of work.

    Have a great night everyone :)

    Just curious - I'm in the market for a heart rate monitor. What kind do you have?

    So am I, I would love some recommendations. All I know is most people recommend the one that actually goes around your chest!
  • 44isthenew29
    44isthenew29 Posts: 141
    I find that most members use Polar HRM's around here, and that's what I went with. Chest strap/transmitter and you wear the watch which displays your info. I purchased the FT4 for under a hundred dollars and it records my heart rate during exercise, how long I was in my target zone, what my maximum heart rate was, and how many calories I burned. What this model DOES NOT have is a timer which, now that I going to start running, I need. For now, I'm going to use the timer on my Blackberry to set my runs (10 mins run, 1 min walk - repeat 3 times). I love my HRM and it really motivates me to push myself harder. I love finishing a spin class or kettlebell workout and checking out how hard I worked and how many cals I burned.
  • gabbyj
    gabbyj Posts: 7
    Hope everyone is doing well ...
    I need to drink more water!!! LOL
    I'm excited to see if I can lose this weight by July 4th.
    Its my birthday month (the 31st) so that would be great for the little skanky outfit I have picked out for my party :D
    If I lose 4, I'll try to lose another 4 and so on, etc till my birthday.
    Peace my tall peeps!
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    Hi Gabby!!!

    Hope everyone is doing well! I hope the sun stays out long enough, trying to get in a nice jog and running stairs outside today! It's raining on and off.
  • rayneface
    rayneface Posts: 219 Member
    I loved reading about all you other tall ladies!! I am 5'11 and my heaviest was 229, now that I'm down to 190 ( still going GW 165) people always say they never thought I was that heavy - how I "hid" the weight so well and am "skinny" now with no more needed to lose. People are crazy- I'm overweight now and obese before. Bless them for their kind words but those words don't change the truth.

    Yesterday was my 150th business day in a row where i spent my lunch hour at the gym. I'm officially a gym rat before you couldn't get me off the couch!!- www.bodyrock.tv has new workouts posted almost daily, i love that site for workout ideas -my fitness levels have majorly increased but I know I still have a long way to go.

    Eating clean and staying motivated (with your guy's help) I can get this done! 4 by July 4 COUNT ME IN!!!!

    So glad to have found some ladies who understand my predicament
  • citylights117
    Count me in!
    I'm 5'10" & would love to join (:
  • kkadams21
    kkadams21 Posts: 5
    My name is Caroline and I am 6'0" and 140 pounds! :) go tall women of the world who want to be thin and healthy!!
  • 44isthenew29
    44isthenew29 Posts: 141
    I loved reading about all you other tall ladies!! I am 5'11 and my heaviest was 229, now that I'm down to 190 ( still going GW 165) people always say they never thought I was that heavy - how I "hid" the weight so well and am "skinny" now with no more needed to lose. People are crazy- I'm overweight now and obese before. Bless them for their kind words but those words don't change the truth.

    Yesterday was my 150th business day in a row where i spent my lunch hour at the gym. I'm officially a gym rat before you couldn't get me off the couch!!- www.bodyrock.tv has new workouts posted almost daily, i love that site for workout ideas -my fitness levels have majorly increased but I know I still have a long way to go.

    Eating clean and staying motivated (with your guy's help) I can get this done! 4 by July 4 COUNT ME IN!!!!

    So glad to have found some ladies who understand my predicament

    Wow - 150 days! What commitment! Good for you:) And thanks for the bodyrock recommendation I'll check that out for sure.

    Welcome to all the newcomers to the thread! So glad to see so many of us here.
  • kristiedavis1
    I'm 5'11 and weigh 321 pounds (down from 364 - yeah me). My favorite is when people find out how much you weigh and they say things like "I would have never guessed you weighed that much" or "you are lucky you are so tall. You can carry the extra weight." Uh, no I can't. Just because I'm tall doesn't mean my joints were made to support all this. Loved reading all these posts.
  • katythemommy
    katythemommy Posts: 437 Member
    Hi Gabby!!!

    Hope everyone is doing well! I hope the sun stays out long enough, trying to get in a nice jog and running stairs outside today! It's raining on and off.

    You look AHHHmazing in your picture and congratulations on the weight loss!! You are an inspiration to me!
  • kellieprindle
    kellieprindle Posts: 69 Member
    6' tall here and people always assume that your weight isn't a big deal! I agree with drrndavis!! I couldn't have said it better! Those people need to be slapped! hahahaha