The January 2016 Running Challenge



  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    Big thanks to everyone here for keeping me motivated. As a newcomer I don't reply to the many topics but I do read through everything and keep up with what's going on. It's really inspiring to see people from different age groups, climates, fitness levels, etc, put in effort day in and day out and take the time to post about it.

    That motivation has taken me from someone that had to resort to walking a half mile down the road on December 18th to a running crazy fool that just knocked out a 10k! Feels good. I'm going to go eat a feast to celebrate!

    I was hoping to go a bit faster but some early morning snow and sub-freezing temps left the trail a little slippery. This was my first run on snow and my mind was focused on safety first.

    Anyway, looking forward to continuing this thing and setting some new goals. Thanks again!

    1-2: 3 miles
    1-4: 3 miles
    1-6: 3 miles
    1-7: 3 miles - 25 minutes of stairs
    1-8: 4 miles
    1-10: 3 miles - 30 minutes of stairs
    1-12: 3.5 miles
    1-13: 3.5 miles
    1-14: 3.7 miles
    1-15: 5 miles
    1-17: 3.5 miles
    1-18: 3 miles
    1-19: 3.1 miles
    1-22: 6.3 miles

    Goal: 51.9 of 70

    Fantastic job on your 10k!! That's a great pace and time. Enjoy your feast!
  • JohnONE29
    JohnONE29 Posts: 101 Member
    Love the Hanson's plan. Tonight's run was scheduled easy pace. Took advantage of the 9:55 scheduled pace, and set the TM on some strong inclines. A note to the Borg - Resistance is NOT futile. Got to get ready for those Knoxville Tennessee hills. 6.1 miles, 60 minutes & incline resistance :)
  • CrimsonWhite
    CrimsonWhite Posts: 104 Member
    It's been a really rough and stressful week. And exhausting. Sigh. We've had a little bit of snow from that snowmageddon storm hitting the east coast, but may get more tomorrow. I'd rather just skip that, but I don't think it'll be as bad as most places.

    At least I got a run in tonight-maybe I won't be too far behind. It's the treadmill for now, since even though it's not slick there's a lot of slush and there's no way I'd end up without wet feet. That's no fun!

    1/2 6.5 miles
    1/3 3.5 miles
    1/7 4.0 miles
    1/10 4.0 miles
    1/13 5.0 miles
    1/14 3.0 miles
    1/15 2.0 miles
    1/18 6.0 miles
    1/22 5.0 miles
    Total of 39 miles out of a goal of 55.
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    edited January 2016
    Double I'll just recycle it to say Great Job to ALL of you above^^^^^
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    January goal 70 miles

    1/1 3.69
    1/2 4.15
    1/3 3.12
    1/4 rest
    1/5 3.31
    1/6 5.59
    1/7 rest
    1/8 3.00
    1/9 heavy duty yard work
    1/10 3.27
    1/11 3.38
    1/12 snorkel 3 hours
    1/13 6.39
    1/14 rest
    1/15 3.12 (and some more heavy duty yard work)
    1/16 4.25
    1/17 3.05
    1/18 rest
    1/19 3.00
    1/20 5.51
    1/21 rest
    1/22 3.20

    Total 58.03

    Upcoming races:
    3/20 Big Island International 1/2 marathon
    6/26 SHEPower Virtual 1/2 marathon
    11/13 Las Vegas Rock n Roll 1/2 marathon

    Ticker is my goal for 2016 and accumulation to date:


  • Calli1616
    Calli1616 Posts: 1,905 Member
    So...bad about checking in, but consistently plugging away at my goal. Actually had my first "comfortable" run of the year this week - one that I wasn't sweating, swearing and crying/whining the whole time! Glad to be past the worst of getting re-started!

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,400 Member
    Can't believe I missed checking in here for less than 2 days and there are 160 posts to read. No time tonight so I will update my progress and get caught up tomorrow on everyone!

    Had a great run today - wore the new Asics and they felt fantastic! Hoping to get in a good long run with some hill repeats tomorrow before the rain. Believe it or not it is supposed to be hot here next week! I am so not looking forward to it!

    01/01.......0.00..........0.00 - total rest/slug day. Did walk 1.5 miles with the pup
    01/04.......7.16........16.49 + Agility
    01/05.......4.14........20.63 Treadmill run + Strength Training
    01/07.......5.33........25.96 + Strength Training
    01/11.......4.54........46.85 + Agility
    01/12.......3.64........50.49 + Strength Training
    01/14.......5.32........55.81 + Strength Training
    01/15.......5.47........61.28 - half way to goal on the 15th of the month!!
    01/18.......4.51........73.34 + Agility
    01/19.......5.15........78.49 + Strength Training
    01/21.......5.23........83.72 + Strength Training


    These are my upcoming races, let me know if you are going to be running too:
    02/07/16 - Surf City Half, Huntington Beach, CA
    02/20/16 - Special Edition Divas Half, Temecula, CA
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    January Goal—will try for 140 km, half marathon Feb 7 and I’m behind in my training

    1/6—3.89 km or so…first run after being sick…still congested and a bit sick
    1/7—3.40 km—still feeling icky so keeping it short. Just ran around my complex
    1/8—5.29 km..about to kill my lungs. Sick of the congestion
    1/9—5.01 km
    1/10—10.48 km-
    1/12—4.55 km skipped 1/11 due to it being cold and rainy
    1/13—3.64 km
    1/14—5.14 km
    1/17—3.30 km after a weekend away
    1/18—3.22 km
    1/19—5.09 km
    1/20—5.01 km
    1/22—5.something km…the run tracker messed up again and my watch measured almost 1 km shorter than my phone gps
    1/23—15.66 km of cold rainy windy raw temps
  • Amandajs232
    Amandajs232 Posts: 194 Member

    2/1 - 5k
    3/1 - 7k
    5/1 - 1k walk
    6/1 - 3k
    7/1 - 2.5k
    9/1 - 7k
    10/1 - 5k intervals
    12/1 - 2k walk
    13/1 - 1k
    14/1 - 5k
    16/1 - 7k
    17/1 - 5k
    18/1 - 1k
    21/1 - 6k
    23/1 - 8k


    8C dry. I made it off the treadmill Woohoo! Tried to not focus on pace and take it easy (though I did speed up a little on downhills to make up for slow hills) and was a little faster than what I would have managed on treadmill. A very happy girl. :smiley: Checked and tomorrow should be similar weather so may go for slightly shorter run outdoors. :blush:

  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    @Ch1psNQueso - Congrats on the 10k!!

    @Cali1616 - That's a great milestone! You're going to be running some serious mileage before you know it!!

    @shanaber - What is this so called "heat" of which you speak?? This is unfamiliar...

    @Amandajs232 - Glad to hear you had a great outdoors run! I just find it a lot easier to run outside and struggle to go long distances on the treadmill.

    Hope everyone in the path of this "Yeti-cane" stays safe. And has a treadmill or something.

    I'm about to head out for a 2 to 3 hour long run. I don't know why I call it 2 to 3 hours...I always shoot for 3 hours. Because I missed a tempo run yesterday I decided to do back to back long runs this weekend. That should be a good challenge given how long it's been since I've done that.
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member

    This is AWESOME! <3 it.
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    That motivation has taken me from someone that had to resort to walking a half mile down the road on December 18th to a running crazy fool that just knocked out a 10k! Feels good. I'm going to go eat a feast to celebrate!

    That's totally awesome! WTG!
  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    Well done @Ch1psNQueso, the addiction starts now :smiley: Enjoy your feast!
  • whatang
    whatang Posts: 102 Member
    3.2 miles at Parkrun this morning to take me past my goal for the month: 62/60 miles done. Pretty pleased with that, my previous best month was 52ish. I think my original "stretch" goal of 75 should be pretty doable from here now :)
  • rune1990
    rune1990 Posts: 543 Member
    Was really freaking cold today, feels like -22c (-7f, is that right?) My feet were cold until it was time to run and thighs weren't too bad, put on a longer pair of shorts over top my leggings. Usually I remove my hood part way thru the run, but keep a head band/ear warmer on, as I get really warm but because of the wind, it stayed up today. Four layers on top was perfect and none of them was a winter coat, haha. Knitted gloves work well once I warm up too.

    But I'm pretty chilled a few hours after my run. Maybe I should go back out to get warm ;)

    1/01 - 4.7 walk/run treadmill
    1/02 - rest, did a half hour x-country ski
    1/03 - 4.5 walk/run treadmill
    1/04 - rest
    1/05 - 3.7+ (I shut off the treadmill during the run..oops)11 min steady run
    1/06 - rest
    1/07 - 4.4 ran all the run bits, first time. did two 10 min runs. felt awesome.
    1/08 - rest, went for a ski, beautiful sunny winter weather!
    1/09 - 4.5 ran all the run bits AGAIN
    1/10 - I was a sloth. Ate like I ran a marathon.
    1/11 - 4.5 third time i ran all the run bits, must make it true
    1/12 - rest
    1/13 - 4.5 zombies week6 w1. was challenging! but I ran all the run bits again :)
    1/14 - rest
    1/15 - 4.4
    1/16 - sloth. more like sloooooooooooooooootttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    1/17 - 4.5 zombies week6w3. was not as challenging as 1/15. felt like I could do more, outside run
    1/18 - shoveling. x-training?
    1/19 - 4.3 week7w1 went good. treadmill run, -25c outside with windchill. I hate the wind.
    1/20 - wonderful x-country ski in the back 40
    1/21 - 4.2 outside miles
    1/22 - nice long x-country ski. wore out the dog.
    1/23 - 4 miles I think, phone froze up


    Treadmill runner for now, following zombies5k. Running at 180spm seems to be keeping the shin splints at bay.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    edited January 2016
    @RunTimer: You’ve probably hit your goal by now, so congrats (or early congrats if you’re still a mile or two off..)

    @Miffylou: Congrats on goal!

    @whatang: go get that 75!

    @louubelle16: I think that the rape alarm sounds like a prudent precaution. Honestly, it would be a good idea for you to try to have a running partner as much as possible. Awful things happen to solitary women sometimes 

    @Ch1psNQueso: Congrats on the 10K run!

    Jan 1: 6.59 cold night miles, slow, around 12:40/mile.
    Jan 2: REST DAY
    Jan 3: First “official” training day for the HM, first snowfall for a run, 3.51 miles. Some fast intervals mixed in with slower paced runs. 12:10 average pace, fastest split was mile 2 (11:29).
    Jan 4: Wimped out 
    Jan 5: 3.2 miles this morning
    Jan 6: 5.05 miles avg. pace around 12:11
    Jan 7: REST DAY. Plan on some walking and weights.
    Jan 8: Wimped out 
    Jan 9: 50 degrees this morning in Central Ohio! Easy 6.2 miles 12:08 average pace. A little over 1/3 of the way to month’s goal.
    Jan 10: run
    Jan 11: 3 degrees with wind chill, decided to skip run and recuperate one more day
    Jan 12: Big snowfall in the morning (needed to leave a lot earlier for morning commute). Night run: Actual temp in the teens, single digit windchill. My “slow” pace is usually somewhere around the high 11s to low 12/mile and it was around a 13:30 tonight..and at times it felt like it was a “hard” pace. Is this a common thing for first-time winter runners? 3.92 miles
    Jan 13: Single digit temps this morning, much warmer at night. Slow 3.05 miles, avg pace 12:14 but NO walking…at all. 
    Jan 14: Plan called for 8 miles tonight…and a fast interval of 9 min pace for 2 of that I think..wimped out
    Jan. 15: Got out there and tried to do some pace pushing as penance for yesterday but my legs weren’t having it. My “fast” was only in the low 11s..bleah. 4.02 miles..officially just past halfway to goal.
    Jan. 16-17-18-19: Cold, wimped out.
    Jan. 20: Temp got to 18. 3.05 miles. 11:26 avg pace.
    Jan. 21: No run
    Jan 22: 5.09 miles this morning, 22 degrees.
    Jan 23: To anyone who might be a RunKeeper friend: Despite what the app is telling you, I did not develop a sudden urge to take a dive into the 20-30 degree waters of the Olentangy River post-run this morning. I fat-fingered something during my cooldown. Should I be concerned that my thought process on the somewhat slick roadways this morning when I skidded a bit was “Don’t fall and break your face because then you won’t be able to run anymore!” rather than “Don’t fall and break your face because it’s no fun to fall and break your face!”? :D
    5.07 miles

  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Should I be concerned that my thought process on the somewhat slick roadways this morning when I skidded a bit was “Don’t fall and break your face because then you won’t be able to run anymore!” rather than “Don’t fall and break your face because it’s no fun to fall and break your face!”?

    @GBrady43068 - That sounds like a normal runner's thought process to me! My number one running goal is to avoid injury, because couch time sucks.
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    Jan 01      6.5      6.5
    Jan 02      5.1     11.6
    Jan 03      5.6     17.2
    Jan 05      3.3T    20.5
    Jan 07      3.4T    23.9
    Jan 09      8.2     32.1
    Jan 10      6.2T    38.3
    Jan 13      4.2T    42.5
    Jan 15      8.2     50.7
    Jan 18     11.3     62.0
    Jan 20      4.1T    66.1
    Jan 21      4.4T    70.5
    Jan 23      8.2     78.7

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited January 2016
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    Should I be concerned that my thought process on the somewhat slick roadways this morning when I skidded a bit was “Don’t fall and break your face because then you won’t be able to run anymore!” rather than “Don’t fall and break your face because it’s no fun to fall and break your face!”?

    @GBrady43068 - That sounds like a normal runner's thought process to me! My number one running goal is to avoid injury, because couch time sucks.

    Crap, I always think "if you get hurt, you won't have to go to work and your coworkers will have to do some friggin' work"....

    And I can sleep late and eat in bed....
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    January Running Totals (miles)
    1/1 - 10.17 warm up + 7.5 mile race
    1/2 - 12.29 long slow run
    1/3 - 5.16 easy with fast finish
    1/4 - 6.01 easy
    1/5 - 11.09 warmup, speed work, cool down
    1/6 - 5.95 group run
    1/7 - 8.04 warmup, speed work, cool down
    1/8 - scheduled rest day
    1/9 - 16.48 warm up + Winter Warrior Half
    1/10 - 7.46 easy
    1/11 - 10.07 easy
    1/12 - 8.39 warmup, speed work, cool down
    1/13 - 8.02 easy and snowy
    1/14 - 8.70 warm up, speed work, cool down
    1/15 - scheduled rest day
    1/16 - 13.64 with hills
    1/17 - 12.05 easy
    1/18 - 8.53 easy plus 4 strides
    1/19 – 7.94 warmup, speed work, cool down
    1/20 – 6.17 easy
    1/21 – 9.64 warmup, speed work, cool down
    1/22 – scheduled rest day
    1/23 – 17.86 easy with hills

    January to date total – 193.66
    This week's total - 62.19 miles, compared to a target of 62 miles

    Goal - 51 to 62 miles per week, per training plan
    expected January total - 245 to 251 miles

    Today's notes - The training assignment today was 14-18 miles at E pace. I had planned the week to do 18 miles today. I didn't know where I was going to run them until yesterday evening, when I got a FB message from a buddy doing Around the Bay (as in, Irondequoit Bay). That's the same route that beat me up last week, but not the same buddy. Jim is like a metronome holding a steady pace, and he already had buy-in from two of my other regular running buddies. I figured 14 miles with a group that I know will hold the pace easy would be a good start for an 18 mile run.

    Sine last week, we've had 4 days of fresh snow. The temperature this morning was 25° F and there was a 15 mph wind from the north. This is more like winter running conditions that are traditional for Around the Bay. We started from a different point on the route than last week, and Jim held the pace right where I expected him to. I went up the steep hills faster than the other guys, then ran a few circles waiting for them. I also had a couple of loop backs for a buddy who is recovering from kidney stones and sometimes in need of rest breaks. In addition to that, we had to alter one part of the route to add some distance because a hike/bike trail wasn't plowed. With all that going on, I was a bit past 15 miles when we got back to where we started. Went for a solo out and back to add distance.

    I hate out and backs where I have to watch the distance to make the miles, but I did it. Ended up with 17.86 miles, because I couldn't bring myself to run far enough on the out. But that was okay, because I knew I didn't need the full 18 miles to hit my weekly target. To tell the truth, between the winter running conditions and having the steep hills early in the route today, I felt like I'd run about two miles farther than the actual distance. But that's just the kind of day it was.

    The good thing was the pace stayed pretty consistently easy. Strava reports that I went up those steep hills faster this week than last; but I got there on fresher legs because they were earlier in the route and we held the easy parts of the route slower than last week. It was a good run.

    Upcoming races:
    March 12, 2016 Johnny's Runnin' of the Green 5 mile (Rochester, NY - need to register)
    March 26, 2016 Spring Foward Distance Run 15K (Mendon, NY - need to register)
    April 18, 2016 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA)