Under in calories, but feeling "fatter"....



  • I am just beginning my weight loss journey "this time around". I have been trying to lose weight for years and have ALWAYS struggled with weightloss through working out. Recently I went to a ladies fitness gym who did a Body Composition Test on me. I have never had it done before. Well, it measures your Body Fat %, Fat Body Weight, Lean Body Weight, Basal Metabolic Rate, Total body water and Bioresistance.

    When the woman who conducted the test read the print out, she was shocked by my Lean Body Weight. I am 206lbs (5'8") but my lean body weight is 139lbs. That is HUGE she said -- this is my lean muscle mass/weight. The typical weight of a woman is 80-90 at the most. Typically women are told to eat as much protein (in grams) as their lean body weight is in lbs. That means I have to eat a LOT of protien in one day to ensure I am not losing my muscle mass to my low calorie intake and workouts. I want to lose fat, not muscle. This totally explains why I have not been able to keep the weight off that I have lost, if I even really lose much through exercise.

    Are you eating enough protien then? Do you know how much you should be getting? Perhaps getting one of these Biometric body composition tests done has some answers for you.

    Just my two cents. :) All the best in your journey, I know its not easy!

  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    This is what I found in about 5 minutes, I can go to more posts and find more if you would like, but here are a few of your greatest hits! they are all quoted directly from your posts! I am sure you will recognize them. Except the last one which I took from another post where someone says this is what you told her in a pm.

    "Cris here is your "Scientific evidence" of low caloric diets being beneficial to weight loss, at 1000 calories.

    Here are the "other scientific studies" that talk about intermittent fasting. Eating low calories for one day, and higher calories the next. Which i have been doing, but in the same day. The results are surprisingly amazing.

    Cris the way starvation mode is a "MYTH" it's not based on your caloric in take, it's based on your macro nutrient ratios. I stated that a few times. You can eat a low caloric diet and not go in to the supposed starvation mode.

    It has been scientifically proven that eating triggers the parasympathetic nervous system, which slows down the body. It's that simple. I have been eating 1 time a day and lost 20lbs in 3 weeks.

    Okay yes, If you where eating low calories like you said 2 times a day, of course your energy would be low. I also agree if you eat 800 calories a day and hit a plateu and you increase your caloric intake you will gain weight. You said it yourself, "there are many studies that state how a low calorie diet can be dangerous in the long term" the phrase in this is "long term"

    "Eating at low caloric levels are very beneficial to weight loss, IF you know how to do it properly. " I even gave a general guideline of how. There is not one thing wrong with my post.

    eat if you want to gain weight. Common sense.

    THe media is just filled with lies and brain wash people. "eat multiple times a day to speed up your metabolism" LIE. You need to eat 1200 calories to avoid going in to starvation mode. LIE. Would a 110lbs woman who is 4ft 10inches tall be in starvatoin mode eating 1200 calories a day? NO. Does eating less slow down your metabolism. YES... What does exercise do? SPEED IT UP. So don't be concerned with that stuff if you're exercising. Hasn't a reduce caloric diet been linked to longer life span? YES. So you want to die earlier?? I know people are going to try to say "it doesn't work that way" so here are the scientific studies.

    What's wrong with eating 800 calories a day?? If she's not hungry she shouldn't eat. You want to train her to overeat?? is that your goal so she gains weight? This is a risk to someone's health, you know low calories diets have been linked to longer life span, you trying to kill the woman??? If you don't know what you're talking about don't advise.

    to the OP, I don't over eat, sometimes I fast for like a day or so. It clean out toxins from your bodies. I don't do it often just sometimes, In the long run this lower caloric intake which has been proven to increase life span. Some Dr.'s even recommend it for cancer patients due to it's healing powers. I want to live longer, not shorter.

    Yes I know that can be looked at in a wrong way eating the 800 calories. If i said "what's the difference between these 2 colors?" one is black and one is white. It's obvious. What if I had a color "white" and "white with 1 shade darker?" you may not even be able to see it. Looking at things from a higher opposition lets you see the big picture. It's true what I said also, "what's wrong with eating 800 calories?" Is it bad? is it right? There are many factors that come in to play. Some one to just blindly state something such as "eating 800 calories is bad" is wrong. There are variable conditions where it would be acceptable. What about little children, what about people over 100yrs old, what about people who just went through gastric bypass? I agree "800 calories" for the "general" population isn't the best idea. That isn't the point though, the point is you can't apply a one size fits all approach to every situation.

    He sent me an article saying it was acceptable to eat 800 calories a day, and told me there is nothing wrong with using steroids (an ILLEGAL substance)
  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    I want to point out to anyone reading this thread that what is posted in my last post is just to follow up on his challenge that he has never said certain things. Do not follow any of the advice in that post! It is all garbage!
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    I want to point out to anyone reading this thread that what is posted in my last post is just to follow up on his challenge that he has never said certain things. Do not follow any of the advice in that post! It is all garbage!

    All the stuff you said where are the recommendations i stated? where did i say "do this" or "do that?" not once. As I stated before, the most fittest healthiest people I have seen. people ripped to wazoo, people who run 10miles a day... pretty much agree with "most" of what i have said.. They don't agree with all of it. Actually I never gotten an opposition from these people... The only semi debatable issue with 1 person is "meal timing" and that's just a personal preference.

    I don't recommend a very low calorie diet, I never said I did. I eat about 2500-4000 calories a day. Is this a LOW CALORIE DIET? obviously not.

    I know you're probably mostly referencing the 800 calories a day and the things I posted and linked to that. Did I ever say it was healthy? NO... The entire point of those post is to show people that you can lose weight on a reduced caloric deit, despite all the BS people are being told. "you'll stop losing weight, your metabolism will slow down blah blah blah" 800 calories is a very extreme test and a very extreme example. It's to "MAKE A POINT" eating less you can still lose weight. That you will stop losing weight if you don't eat enough is a lie. Losing weight is about a caloric deficit. the point is. "THATS IT" It's not rocket science, Have a negative caloric intake and you will lose weight. The key here is exercise. There are a TON of post saying "i am in starvation mode" YEAH RIGHT... It's common sense the smaller your caloric deficit the less weight you will lose. Here is what "I RECOMMEND" this is it right here right now.. If people where going to follow any "advice" i give... I never really given any... here it is... "eat healthy clean food, with a slight caloric deficit and exercise" that's it... no one in the world would argue with those recommendations.

    MOst of what I say is to "make a point" THe entire debate is mostly due to "increasing your calories" If someone said "I don't want to get drunk so I am going to increase my alcohol limit" UH?!?!?!??! it's COMMON SENSE.

    Here are some recommendations to anyone who has to say anything about any of my post.
    1. Ask yourself "how do I know what I am bout to say is true?"
    2. Where did the references come from? If they don't come from personal experience. Then it's invalid
    3. Does your experience apply to everyone? IF not... it's not valid

    [increasing calories] (DOESN'T APPLY TO EVERYONE)
    Can you increase calories and lose weight? YES
    can you increase calories and gain weight? YES

    [lowering calories] (DOESN'T APPLY TO EVERYONE)
    Can you lose weight by reducing your calories? YES
    Can you gain weight by reducing your calories? YES

    I post valid points, that oppose of other points. The purpose of this is so people can think for themselves and ask "which one is right?"honestly NONE OF THEM ARE RIGHT. IF they cancel each other out, then it's not valid.. The entire eat 6 meals a day, and the "breakfast speeds up your metabolism" has been a very strong theme in weight loss. They have been dis proven. Guess who started it? the cereal companies and the meal replacement shakes. (drink calories is faster than eating them and you speed up your metabolism)

    How many people believed this stuff, and still do? Many, and ITS WRONG! How many beliefs are you willing to defend that are completely wrong? think about that one.

    There are many factors in weight loss, are they exercising? How much exercise? are they thin and fit or over weight? how sensitive are they to carbs? how fast is their metabolism? What is the ratio of their macro nutrients, how many calories are they consuming, when do they consume them? What type of exercises they're doing?

    The ultimate point there are conditions to everything. The thing about anabolic steroids, are dangerous? Why do Dr.s prescribe them? there are exceptions to pretty much everything. If VLCD(Very low calorie diets) lead to starvation mode, why do people who went through gastric bypass lose a ton of weight? WHy are low calories diets linked to longer life span? Can VLCD cause death? YES... the key here is "WHAT ARE THE CONDITIONS THAT MAKE THIS TRUE"

    Does reducing your calories, result in weight loss... yes
    can it stop weight loss? YES

    What are the conditions? Metabolism, how can you increase it without reducing your calories more? EXERCISE.
    It has NOTHING to do with calories, it's about metabolic activity.

    Can you eat the same without dietary change and still lose weight? yes by EXERCISING.

    You can consume a lot of calories or little. It's irrelevant, what is relevant is metabolic activity.
  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    OP: I'm not sure if you've gained/lost weight, but I know sometimes as a I lose a few pounds, it shows in the side of my stomach and the rib cage area before the loss shows in the front (pooch) of my stomach. It ends up making me look like I gained weight, but it's really just losing in different spots. I hope this makes sense?
  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    I want to point out to anyone reading this thread that what is posted in my last post is just to follow up on his challenge that he has never said certain things. Do not follow any of the advice in that post! It is all garbage!

    All the stuff you said where are the recommendations i stated? where did i say "do this" or "do that?" not once. As I stated before, the most fittest healthiest people I have seen. people ripped to wazoo, people who run 10miles a day... pretty much agree with "most" of what i have said.. They don't agree with all of it. Actually I never gotten an opposition from these people... The only semi debatable issue with 1 person is "meal timing" and that's just a personal preference.

    I don't recommend a very low calorie diet, I never said I did. I eat about 2500-4000 calories a day. Is this a LOW CALORIE DIET? obviously not.

    I know you're probably mostly referencing the 800 calories a day and the things I posted and linked to that. Did I ever say it was healthy? NO... The entire point of those post is to show people that you can lose weight on a reduced caloric deit, despite all the BS people are being told. "you'll stop losing weight, your metabolism will slow down blah blah blah" 800 calories is a very extreme test and a very extreme example. It's to "MAKE A POINT" eating less you can still lose weight. That you will stop losing weight if you don't eat enough is a lie. Losing weight is about a caloric deficit. the point is. "THATS IT" It's not rocket science, Have a negative caloric intake and you will lose weight. The key here is exercise. There are a TON of post saying "i am in starvation mode" YEAH RIGHT... It's common sense the smaller your caloric deficit the less weight you will lose. Here is what "I RECOMMEND" this is it right here right now.. If people where going to follow any "advice" i give... I never really given any... here it is... "eat healthy clean food, with a slight caloric deficit and exercise" that's it... no one in the world would argue with those recommendations.

    MOst of what I say is to "make a point" THe entire debate is mostly due to "increasing your calories" If someone said "I don't want to get drunk so I am going to increase my alcohol limit" UH?!?!?!??! it's COMMON SENSE.

    Here are some recommendations to anyone who has to say anything about any of my post.
    1. Ask yourself "how do I know what I am bout to say is true?"
    2. Where did the references come from? If they don't come from personal experience. Then it's invalid
    3. Does your experience apply to everyone? IF not... it's not valid

    [increasing calories] (DOESN'T APPLY TO EVERYONE)
    Can you increase calories and lose weight? YES
    can you increase calories and gain weight? YES

    [lowering calories] (DOESN'T APPLY TO EVERYONE)
    Can you lose weight by reducing your calories? YES
    Can you gain weight by reducing your calories? YES

    I post valid points, that oppose of other points. The purpose of this is so people can think for themselves and ask "which one is right?"honestly NONE OF THEM ARE RIGHT. IF they cancel each other out, then it's not valid.. The entire eat 6 meals a day, and the "breakfast speeds up your metabolism" has been a very strong theme in weight loss. They have been dis proven. Guess who started it? the cereal companies and the meal replacement shakes. (drink calories is faster than eating them and you speed up your metabolism)

    How many people believed this stuff, and still do? Many, and ITS WRONG! How many beliefs are you willing to defend that are completely wrong? think about that one.

    There are many factors in weight loss, are they exercising? How much exercise? are they thin and fit or over weight? how sensitive are they to carbs? how fast is their metabolism? What is the ratio of their macro nutrients, how many calories are they consuming, when do they consume them? What type of exercises they're doing?

    The ultimate point there are conditions to everything. The thing about anabolic steroids, are dangerous? Why do Dr.s prescribe them? there are exceptions to pretty much everything. If VLCD(Very low calorie diets) lead to starvation mode, why do people who went through gastric bypass lose a ton of weight? WHy are low calories diets linked to longer life span? Can VLCD cause death? YES... the key here is "WHAT ARE THE CONDITIONS THAT MAKE THIS TRUE"

    Does reducing your calories, result in weight loss... yes
    can it stop weight loss? YES

    What are the conditions? Metabolism, how can you increase it without reducing your calories more? EXERCISE.
    It has NOTHING to do with calories, it's about metabolic activity.

    Can you eat the same without dietary change and still lose weight? yes by EXERCISING.

    You can consume a lot of calories or little. It's irrelevant, what is relevant is metabolic activity.

    Dude....seriously? What kind of drugs are you on?? You are going to lecture now on what criteria and experience level that people have before they comment on your posts??? What kind of experience do you have? That is the point that people (not just myself) have been challenging you on since you started making all your comments on here about how much success you have had in 3 weeks! I have been at this for over half my life...I am 42 years old and I have made every dieting mistake that can be referenced! I have been in starvation mode where I was eating less than 900 calories a day and exercising and I gained weight! It didn't happen overnight, it took years! Of course I lost weight at first and like every other fad diet I tried, it stopped working!

    This is the last time I will respond to one of your posts because you are just an attention junkie....you are thriving off the contraversy that you create and I refuse to feed your thrill anymore! I hope everyone watching does the same, because if we all stop giving asmcriminal his little thrill, maybe he will go somewhere else to find it and leave MFP to the people who want to lose weight in a healthy way with lots of positive support to help us on our journey!

    To the original poster, I am very sorry that your post got hijacked with all this continuing drama, and unfortunately I helped contribute! I am sorry for my part in it!
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    carmen you're just "blabbing" on "theories" not science.
  • ghoztt
    ghoztt Posts: 69 Member
    carmen you're just "blabbing" on "theories" not science.

    If weight loss were a science we'd all be a lot more slim. :tongue:
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    carmen you're just "blabbing" on "theories" not science.

    If weight loss were a science we'd all be a lot more slim. :tongue:

    There are certain things that fall within the laws of physics and thermodynamics that talks about energy. The issue is, when people confuse "claims" with science. Not saying it's easy, there are many complicated things within the human body.
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    I want to point out to anyone reading this thread that what is posted in my last post is just to follow up on his challenge that he has never said certain things. Do not follow any of the advice in that post! It is all garbage!

    All the stuff you said where are the recommendations i stated? where did i say "do this" or "do that?" not once. As I stated before, the most fittest healthiest people I have seen. people ripped to wazoo, people who run 10miles a day... pretty much agree with "most" of what i have said.. They don't agree with all of it. Actually I never gotten an opposition from these people... The only semi debatable issue with 1 person is "meal timing" and that's just a personal preference.

    I don't recommend a very low calorie diet, I never said I did. I eat about 2500-4000 calories a day. Is this a LOW CALORIE DIET? obviously not.

    I know you're probably mostly referencing the 800 calories a day and the things I posted and linked to that. Did I ever say it was healthy? NO... The entire point of those post is to show people that you can lose weight on a reduced caloric deit, despite all the BS people are being told. "you'll stop losing weight, your metabolism will slow down blah blah blah" 800 calories is a very extreme test and a very extreme example. It's to "MAKE A POINT" eating less you can still lose weight. That you will stop losing weight if you don't eat enough is a lie. Losing weight is about a caloric deficit. the point is. "THATS IT" It's not rocket science, Have a negative caloric intake and you will lose weight. The key here is exercise. There are a TON of post saying "i am in starvation mode" YEAH RIGHT... It's common sense the smaller your caloric deficit the less weight you will lose. Here is what "I RECOMMEND" this is it right here right now.. If people where going to follow any "advice" i give... I never really given any... here it is... "eat healthy clean food, with a slight caloric deficit and exercise" that's it... no one in the world would argue with those recommendations.

    MOst of what I say is to "make a point" THe entire debate is mostly due to "increasing your calories" If someone said "I don't want to get drunk so I am going to increase my alcohol limit" UH?!?!?!??! it's COMMON SENSE.

    Here are some recommendations to anyone who has to say anything about any of my post.
    1. Ask yourself "how do I know what I am bout to say is true?"
    2. Where did the references come from? If they don't come from personal experience. Then it's invalid
    3. Does your experience apply to everyone? IF not... it's not valid

    [increasing calories] (DOESN'T APPLY TO EVERYONE)
    Can you increase calories and lose weight? YES
    can you increase calories and gain weight? YES

    [lowering calories] (DOESN'T APPLY TO EVERYONE)
    Can you lose weight by reducing your calories? YES
    Can you gain weight by reducing your calories? YES

    I post valid points, that oppose of other points. The purpose of this is so people can think for themselves and ask "which one is right?"honestly NONE OF THEM ARE RIGHT. IF they cancel each other out, then it's not valid.. The entire eat 6 meals a day, and the "breakfast speeds up your metabolism" has been a very strong theme in weight loss. They have been dis proven. Guess who started it? the cereal companies and the meal replacement shakes. (drink calories is faster than eating them and you speed up your metabolism)

    How many people believed this stuff, and still do? Many, and ITS WRONG! How many beliefs are you willing to defend that are completely wrong? think about that one.

    There are many factors in weight loss, are they exercising? How much exercise? are they thin and fit or over weight? how sensitive are they to carbs? how fast is their metabolism? What is the ratio of their macro nutrients, how many calories are they consuming, when do they consume them? What type of exercises they're doing?

    The ultimate point there are conditions to everything. The thing about anabolic steroids, are dangerous? Why do Dr.s prescribe them? there are exceptions to pretty much everything. If VLCD(Very low calorie diets) lead to starvation mode, why do people who went through gastric bypass lose a ton of weight? WHy are low calories diets linked to longer life span? Can VLCD cause death? YES... the key here is "WHAT ARE THE CONDITIONS THAT MAKE THIS TRUE"

    Does reducing your calories, result in weight loss... yes
    can it stop weight loss? YES

    What are the conditions? Metabolism, how can you increase it without reducing your calories more? EXERCISE.
    It has NOTHING to do with calories, it's about metabolic activity.

    Can you eat the same without dietary change and still lose weight? yes by EXERCISING.

    You can consume a lot of calories or little. It's irrelevant, what is relevant is metabolic activity.

    Seriously? Do you even know what the word "valid" (or "invalid" for that matter) actually means?? Because you keep using it, but it makes absolutely no sense. Validity has NOTHING to do with whether or not a statement is true or accurate.

    Personal experience can be misleading. Just because you've experienced something doesn't make it the truth. And references OTHER than personal experience can absolutely be true. Most of what science tells us we believe and accept as true, even though it doesn't come from any form of personal experience, and most people personally have no way to verify that actually is true... but that doesn't make it any LESS true!

    Sorry to the OP and anyone else who might not care... I teach logic, and I just can't let stuff like this go.
  • treyvenable
    treyvenable Posts: 1 Member
    Woah yall are crazy I lost 2 pounds
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Seriously? Do you even know what the word "valid" (or "invalid" for that matter) actually means?? Because you keep using it, but it makes absolutely no sense. Validity has NOTHING to do with whether or not a statement is true or accurate.

    Personal experience can be misleading. Just because you've experienced something doesn't make it the truth. And references OTHER than personal experience can absolutely be true. Most of what science tells us we believe and accept as true, even though it doesn't come from any form of personal experience, and most people personally have no way to verify that actually is true... but that doesn't make it any LESS true!

    Sorry to the OP and anyone else who might not care... I teach logic, and I just can't let stuff like this go.

    Yes you're right It also doesn't make it "MORE TRUE. EITHER" I am ultimately trying to say, there has to be certain things to take place to make something true. We all are starting in difference places, doing different things, have different issues. THere is no "one size fits all" approach. A simple example is, "if i eat more calories i lost weight" for someone this might be true, for someone else this might be false. Due to their current situation. It's possible due to their current situation their input is different and results in a different output. This can happen in both cases. So what causes the weight loss or weight gain in this situation? It's not about calories it's about something else.
  • justavoice1989
    justavoice1989 Posts: 132 Member
    i love how this post had gotten away from the original statement and began a debate among adults who are probably older than i am. anyway. alot of ppl mentioned sodium intake. if your drink a lot of diet soda (or soda at all) you tend to store any water weight that you consume and makes it harder. it usually does even out after a day or so but try to cut back on sodium just a bit to see ifit makes a diffference. =]
  • atinius
    atinius Posts: 2
    I used to feel like that often until I found this site and adjusted my settings here to track my sodium intake. One day I had almost 5,000 mg of sodium!! So I watch that now, and don't feel bloated.

    As for exercise, I seem to lose more when I exercise LESS. Then again, if you reduce the sodium and still exercise daily you might actually feel like eating more.

    As for "muscle weighs more than fat," I really wish people would stop saying that. One pound of muscle = 1 pound, and 1 pound of fat = 1 pound. You might gain a little bit when you first start exercising, or when you do a new exercise, because there are enzymatic changes in your muscles that make them hold on to water more. That won't last long though.

    Good luck!

    I think the whole "muscle weighs more than fat" is referencing the fact that although a pound of muscle weighs as much as a pound of fat, it takes significantly less muscle to equate to a pound, as opposed to the larger mass of fat that it would take to weigh the same.
  • Debkam
    Debkam Posts: 80
    Woah yall are crazy I lost 2 pounds

    :bigsmile: Welcome to MFP!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    OK, back to the original poster now.....

    Don't eat too little - remember that your body needs good fuel just to keep you breathing and digesting and your heart beating and blood pumping.... when you add in your regular daily acitivities and any exercise you are doing, you may not be eating enough to stay healthy. This is why MFP gives you a warning if your calories drop too low.
    Everyone is going to have a different amount that is right for their body - for me it's about 1500 net cals per day (I'm 5'4" and 167 pounds), on 1200 cals per day I would be SERIOUSLY grumpy :)

    If you are confident that you are eating the right amount of healthy food for you, then keep on doing it. Sometimes it takes some time before you see changes on the scale.

    If you are bloated - are you drinking enough water? Do you have any food intolerances? I would be hesitant to suggest cutting out a whole food group like wheat or dairy, but if this continues you might want to have a chat to your doctor to see what they can suggest.
This discussion has been closed.