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My Wedding is in 30 days!!! HELP!!!



  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited January 2016
    At your weight, in 30 days you should expect to something like 4-6 pounds. Possibly even 8 since you are just starting! It may not be a world of difference, but it will accomplish what you are looking for: feeling thinner. It will also give you a liberating feeling that you can change your body! You will feel empowered and less helpless.

    The best thing you could do is to log every single thing you eat, even if it's just a bite. At one point I was starting to gain weight back when I was supposed to be maintaining and I didn't understand... I felt like I wasn't eating much and that I was logging my food reasonably accurately. Then I tightened my logging and apparently, the random bites and sips I took while cooking, cleaning, passing by, finishing the last of something to throw away the container...etc added up to 350+ calories. I was shocked that I was wasting so many calories on foods I didn't feel, or in some cases even remember, that I was eating. A food scale would also be valuable for you, since you have a problem with gauging portions. Eyeballing or measuring non-liquids with cups can add many extra calories you are not aware of. In your mind you are doing everything right, but for some reason not losing weight, but take a look at these videos to understand how little barely noticeable details make a lot of difference:



    Side by side you may see the difference, but I guarantee if you were shown a certain food in 2 quantities that are only a little bit different without a frame of reference you will not notice, resulting in frustration why your body does not seem to want to lose weight.

    Best of luck to you, and congratulations.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    edited January 2016
    brittanygv wrote: »
    Ok - so heres the thing: my wedding is in 30 days and I am technically 50 pounds overweight. I am 5'10 and weigh 205 lbs with 15 lbs gained since August last year because of stress and overeating. I thought I was losing weight over the past month because I have been paying attention to my portions and making, what I thought, were better choices, but obviously not.

    I need help!!! My wedding is in 30 days and I don't want to look or feel like the fat cow I feel like right now. Obviously, I can't lose it all but I don't know where to begin in losing any! I have always struggled with my weight and I feel stuck- like I can't change this body no matter what I do. I literally feel gross every time I put clothes on. This is not how I want to feel when I am putting on my wedding dress.

    Any advice?

    Make a list of things you like about yourself- not just your appearance. You have lots of great qualities and you are not a number on the scale.
    This is not the time to add to your stress by trying to lose a lot of weight quickly in an unhealthy way.
    You aren't going to make a visible difference in 30 days. You can get started and lose about 4 lbs. If you keep going you can continue to make a sustainable long term change. Expect it to take time- 50 lbs might take you a year or 2 to lose. Be patient and realistic. You can lose weight.
    Give MFP your stats, activity level and choose 1 lb a week. Eat the calories it tells you. Work on logging as accurately as you can. Watch your sodium intake. Get enough protein.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    jaynee7283 wrote: »
    Am I the only in the camp of "just enjoy your wedding date - your fiance loves you the way you are so no need to stress out about it"?

    I mean, will the dress not fit? Is that what is the issue? If the dress fits, then I say just coast for the next 30 days, enjoy your honeymoon, and then once you return home, start following MFP guidelines and lose weight in a normal fashion versus a "rush job" to supposedly make one fabulous day of your life even more fabulous. Not worth it.

    You have enough going on planning the wedding that you don't need to add the stress of trying to lose ANY kind of weight before the wedding.

    I think just not worrying about it would be fine, if that's what made the OP happiest, but she might feel better and less stressed if she took control of her weight and lost a few pounds and felt like she was on a good path. I don't think losing weight must be more stressful than not losing weight (and feeling like she's gaining and doesn't understand why can be stressful).
  • brittanygv
    brittanygv Posts: 5 Member
    thank you so much for all of the advice everyone! the quickness and amount of responses on this thread is really comforting.

    i think getting started and taking my goals seriously is key - for sure! I have already put in the new goals in MFP and will work to stick with the caloric intake they set (1450). Exercising is definitely a priority too - will have to exercise on the days that I can. On top of wedding planning, I'm in grad school, working, and studying for med school entrance exams. It can be done - just busy lol

    Thanks again! I really appreciate the support.
    And the fiance does loves me as I am- he has never said I am too big or made me feel bad about my weight. He tells me I'm beautiful everyday. I am super excited to be marrying him. Just want to feel "dead sexy" on the big day ;)
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Debmal77 wrote: »
    If you want a quick temporary weight loss for an event then doing a cleanse would be good. That's what I do and l usually lose about 10 pounds in a week however I usually gain it back within a month or so. The cleanse I do is simple. I eat raw fruits and veggies for 3 days, that's it. Then I fast for 12 hours only drinking water. I drink a quarter cup of olive oil with a quarter cup of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. Then fast another 12-24 hours only drinking water. Then I drink at least 8oz of a laxative called magnesium citrate. Afterwards slowly work a healthy diet back in. Start with just fruits and veggies for a day or two then add a food group in and then 2 days later add a bother food group. So on and so forth. Just make sure you exercise and eat healthy proportioned meals and snacks.

    I have lost 15 pounds this way in only 2.5 weeks. But it is not for a long term fix.

    Oh dear! I would recommend NOT taking laxatives before your wedding. Do you really want to be worrying about THAT as you walk down the aisle?? :o::noway::

    lol exactly


    best movie scene, evah!! Thanks for the giggle!!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Good god. Think of your poor husband on the wedding night and stay away from the laxatives. Do you really want to spend the evening on the toilet? Not to mention the fact you don't want your professional photographer taking photos of you crapping down the aisle.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    brittanygv wrote: »
    thank you so much for all of the advice everyone! the quickness and amount of responses on this thread is really comforting.

    i think getting started and taking my goals seriously is key - for sure! I have already put in the new goals in MFP and will work to stick with the caloric intake they set (1450). Exercising is definitely a priority too - will have to exercise on the days that I can. On top of wedding planning, I'm in grad school, working, and studying for med school entrance exams. It can be done - just busy lol

    Thanks again! I really appreciate the support.
    And the fiance does loves me as I am- he has never said I am too big or made me feel bad about my weight. He tells me I'm beautiful everyday. I am super excited to be marrying him. Just want to feel "dead sexy" on the big day ;)

    Good for you. Just be patient and enjoy your day, at whatever weight you end up being. You can keep going after the wedding!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited January 2016
    It would also be good to start some sort of resistance training, be it weights, kettlebell, body weight... whatever you prefer. It may not show a big difference in the way you look within a month, but it can show a big difference in the way you carry yourself. Stronger core gives you a better posture, and feeling overall empowered gives you confidence. Both will make a difference in the way you look and feel even if you aren't that much smaller. Be warned though. Introducing a new exercise program could mask your weight loss. Your muscles will be hoarding water to heal so whatever weight you are losing may not be showing on the scale at first.
  • brittanygv
    brittanygv Posts: 5 Member
    It would also be good to start some sort of resistance training, be it weights, kettlebell, body weight... whatever you prefer. It may not show a big difference in the way you look within a month, but it can show a big difference in the way you carry yourself. Stronger core gives you a better posture, and feeling overall empowered gives you confidence. Both will make a difference in the way you look and feel even if you aren't that much smaller. Be warned though. Introducing a new exercise program could mask your weight loss. Your muscles will be hoarding water to heal so whatever weight you are losing may not be showing on the scale at first.

    When I work out at home, I like to either run or do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred or some variation of her workouts. The biggest issue is being consistent and working out more than 1-2 days per week. On the days I have school, I am definitely going to try to incorporate a brisk walk in between classes. Days off, do the Jillian thing, or run, or do some yoga. Need to make a plan.
  • jimandpam87
    jimandpam87 Posts: 62 Member
    OP, I've been there and I sympathize. I got married a little over a year ago. I bought a dress when I was close to my lowest weight, and then subsequently gained about 10-15 lbs by the time the fittings came around. My solution was to focus on exercise rather than starving myself. I saw where you like the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels. That's exactly what I did - every single day until my 2nd dress fitting. Guess what? It fit. Losing inches and toning is what's going to be noticeable in wedding pictures, rather than just dropping x amount of weight. Obviously, you need to have a calorie deficit, but for the next 30 days I would focus on the 30 Day Shred. And definitely don't do a "cleanse". Gross.
  • jimandpam87
    jimandpam87 Posts: 62 Member
    Just wanted to add: something else you might consider is lowering your carbs a little bit and making sure you're not eating too much sodium. This could potentially help you drop any bloating/water weight that you're carrying right now. You will feel better and your dress will fit better if you're not bloated. Just a suggestion.
  • DrifterBear
    DrifterBear Posts: 265 Member
    You'll have a great day, and feel even better if you're 30 days in and lose a few to get under 200. Consider it a life change not a quick fix. There's a lot you can learn on this site and people here to help keep you motivated. You can't lose 50 lbs in a month, but you can get yourself on the track to a healthy and happy life with your new husband. BTW, I'm getting married 5/21 and completely understand the stress!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    edited January 2016
    Are you not weighing in and tracking every day? It sounds like you need that reality check.

    I'm am also 5'10" and 205 is not a "fat cow" weight for me. Not even close, actually.

    Maybe you need to focus on exercise and body composition instead of just nutrition.

    There is no reason why you can't get in SOME exercise every day. Go for 15 minute walks between study sessions, if nothing else. Getting up and moving around will help with your focus.

    Stop making excuses and come up with a realistic plan. Getting under 200 should be very doable in the short timeframe that you have.
  • wearmi1
    wearmi1 Posts: 291 Member
    I'm about 30 days from my wedding as well. I stopped drinking alchohol about 2 months ago because for me it leads to over eating and frankly is just empty calories in my opinion. Stick to your calorie goals and exercise. You won't be able to move mountains in 30 days but you will feel better about yourself on your big day and that's what's most important!
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    With only 30 days just do your best to maintain your weight now so you can still fit into your dress. Eat healthy and focus on getting things in order for your big day. Enjoy your wedding and start a diet after your honeymoon :)
  • angerelle
    angerelle Posts: 175 Member
    Don't stress it now. Your wedding day is about celebrating your love for each other and making a commitment to each other in front of your friends and family. One of the best things about our wedding was feeling bathed in the goodwill of all the people who came to share the day with us. They don't care what the number on the scale says on that particular day, why should you? If you want to lose weight, do it in a realistic, sustainable way. I hope you both have a fantastic day and a long, happy life together.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    +1 to the good advice above:
    start eating healthfully,
    don't go overboard on anything,
    ignore that horrendous post about a "cleanse", :anguished:
    and enjoy your wedding (including forgetting about the "eating healthy" part, for one day).

    After that, get yourself a food scale & learn to use it.
    Decide on some exercise you can start doing, and keep doing. Maybe several, so you're not bored.

    Here are some posts you might find helpful.
    At least read sexypants.
    Also my blog post (at the bottom), which has links to reliable sites discussing things like
    "what's a healthy weight range for me?"
    "how many calories should I be eating?"
    "what are the healthy % ranges for macronutrients?"






    Goal setting, including weight, calories, and macros
  • Jozzmenia
    Jozzmenia Posts: 252 Member
    edited January 2016

    This was me at 6 feet tall 230/240 pounds. I can't recall the exact number and I already barely ate the week of and forgot to eat because of stress. My maid of honor was constantly asking if I ate when she was here. I didn't need added dieting. I wasn't at my goal weight but was happy with my pictures and happy during the day. I don't feel like my world ended. Dresses work miracles, makeup, hair, wedding glow, etc.

    Don't do any crash dieting. Don't fall into the trap of what is offered because you'll lose less than you think and sacrifice more than you think.

    I was like you. Wanted to lose more than 50 pounds to lose as my wedding crept closer and closer. Showers, cake tastings, rehearsal dinners, etc. don't help with those goals. If you crash diet, fast, cleanse, etc. you'll be ravenous when food is in front of you and take 2 steps back. And you don't want to look like a crackhead or a smoker on your wedding day from nutrient deficiency. What you can do now is make healthy choices. Fill up on veggies, make smoothies in the morning with lots of green veggies and supergreens powder, protein, blueberries, greek yogurt, chia, etc. Start your day with that and a giant glass of water. Drink water and eat green leafy veggies all day IN ADDITION to lean proteins like salmon, tuna, grilled chicken, etc. at meals eat double veggies and meat. Make healthy choices from here until then and you'll have glowing skin and lose weight in the process.

    Hit the gym. 3 days in a row, day 4 get a massage and give your muscles a break. Repeat. Alternate weights and cardio each day and work the muscles that are least sore. park at the back of the parking lot at work, take the stairs when you can, find any way you can to stay active. You're not going to be an expert in 30 days but seek help if you need it from a trainer. If you're at the gym doing something for an hour 6 days a week that's progress.

    At this point, stay away from the scale it will just make you crazy. Don't think about losing weight. Think about eating healthier, sustainable changes, adding activity and having a wonderful wedding. The rest will fall into place.

    Have a wonderful wedding!
  • mdrossmiller
    mdrossmiller Posts: 7 Member
    One other tip, since you mention grad school. Treadmills are a great place to study boring textbooks... makes it harder to fall asleep B)
  • Jozzmenia
    Jozzmenia Posts: 252 Member
    you can study on the treadmill? impossible for me lol. bike maybe.