The January 2016 Running Challenge



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Virkati wrote: »
    @karllundy @shanaber @Elise4270 @5BeautifulDays @WhatMeRunning
    Thanks everyone for the well wishes and everything. I must say the muscles are feeling extraordinarily better already after just one visit to the physical therapist. He did dry needle therapy, a slight chiropractic adjustment, and minor massage after the needle therapy. I was given 6 different exercises to do, and surprisingly 2 of them are targeting balance instead of specific muscles. It was explained that injury causes a lot of compensation from other muscles, your brain gets involved, and suddenly all sorts of things get wacky. The balance exercises are to re-train the brain that it doesn't need to "fix" anything and to go back to normal and let the muscles do what they are supposed to do without interference. Whodda thunk that?! I have to admit, I'm hopeful that I can get back to running a lot sooner than he was suggesting yesterday. Until my appointment though, I'm going to follow orders to the "T" cuz the sidelines suck!!

    I was given balance exercises too. I tried to recruit my husband in to playing along since one is throwing/catching a weighted ball on one foot. It was a fun exercise that didn't seem like work. I may have to resort to a racquet ball by myself though.

    Glad you're doing better.
  • rune1990
    rune1990 Posts: 543 Member
    I was watching out for snowplows this morning as well, figured I would hop to the other side of the road if necessary.
    @Virkati thank goodness you're feeling improvement! Here's to a speedy recovery.
    @ceciliaslater that sounds scary, but glad you have an idea about whats going on, speedy recovery to you too!
    @instantmartian your trip sounds awesome for everyone!

    I did my 5k this morning, the whole thing without having to walk. I'm quite shocked I was able to do it..I started out thinking that there was no way I could do it all, then to thinking that I was TOTALLY going to do this. Those thoughts went back and forth more times then I could count.

    When I really started doubting, I just watched my feet moving lol.

    So completed my first 5k in about 37 min.

    I'd like to yell it from the roof and knock on neighbors doors, but if my daughters reaction was indicative, I'll just stick with a discrete fist pump..and post it here :)

    1/01 - 4.7 walk/run treadmill
    1/02 - rest, did a half hour x-country ski
    1/03 - 4.5 walk/run treadmill
    1/04 - rest
    1/05 - 3.7+ (I shut off the treadmill during the run..oops)11 min steady run
    1/06 - rest
    1/07 - 4.4 ran all the run bits, first time. did two 10 min runs. felt awesome.
    1/08 - rest, went for a ski, beautiful sunny winter weather!
    1/09 - 4.5 ran all the run bits AGAIN
    1/10 - I was a sloth. Ate like I ran a marathon.
    1/11 - 4.5 third time i ran all the run bits, must make it true
    1/12 - rest
    1/13 - 4.5 zombies week6 w1. was challenging! but I ran all the run bits again :)
    1/14 - rest
    1/15 - 4.4
    1/16 - sloth. more like sloooooooooooooooootttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    1/17 - 4.5 zombies week6w3. was not as challenging as 1/15. felt like I could do more, outside run
    1/18 - shoveling. x-training?
    1/19 - 4.3 week7w1 went good. treadmill run, -25c outside with windchill. I hate the wind.
    1/20 - wonderful x-country ski in the back 40
    1/21 - 4.2 outside miles
    1/22 - nice long x-country ski. wore out the dog.
    1/23 - 4 miles I think, phone froze up
    1/24 - rest
    1/25 - 4.2 zombies week8w1. I DID the 20 min run!
    1/26 - nice fast x-country ski, probably my last as the temps are so warm all the snow has melted!
    1/27 - 4.5 all pavement, no slush or snow, touch of ice
    1/28 - no ski, no snow! lots of ice
    1/29 - 3.2, 5k ran the whole damn thing.


    Zombies, Run! following 10k trainer.
  • KWKirkbride
    KWKirkbride Posts: 119 Member
    @karllundy Thanks for the congratulations and thanks for the tip. I actually just purchased a new road bike to mix up the cardio. Forecast suggests mid 40's tomorrow in Chicago so I'm hoping I can knock out 30-40 miles after work before the sun sets. Can't wait!

    1-2: 3 miles
    1-4: 3 miles
    1-6: 3 miles
    1-7: 3 miles - 25 minutes of stairs
    1-8: 4 miles
    1-10: 3 miles - 30 minutes of stairs
    1-12: 3.5 miles
    1-13: 3.5 miles
    1-14: 3.7 miles
    1-15: 5 miles
    1-17: 3.5 miles
    1-18: 3 miles
    1-19: 3.1 miles
    1-22: 6.3 miles
    1-23: 4 miles
    1-25: 3.1 miles
    1-27: 3 miles
    1-28: 3.5 miles

    Goal: 65.5 of 70

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    6.1 miles of easy running last night. I was not very motivated and just did three loops around the neighborhood with Kody. He was sure motivated though.

    After doing the data dump from my Garmin 220 to Garmin Connect I noticed that my calorie burn was quite a bit lower than I would have expected. For that run it gave me 761 calorie credit. Using MET values I calculated it should have been 974. @michable figured it out for me though. It turns out my "new" GPS watch uses my heart rate to calculate the calorie burn, whereas my old 305 just used MET values. When I found an online calculator which used heart rate, it matched what my 220 was giving me. The good news is that the mystery is solved, and it partly explains why my weight loss has plateaued since October (that along with taking a couple of months off from trying to lose). It also reflect my increased fitness level. The bad news is, less food to eat for a given run.

    I'm at 92 miles of my 135 mile goal with two runs this weekend to go. If my calf is up to it (it was barking a bit last night), I'll get another 14 before the month is over.
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    @MorningGhost14 That is indeed an unenviable location
    @Virkati I'm sorry you're going to have to take a break from your running, but it is hopeful that the PT says it's fixable. Take care of yourself (and make sure you stay here and keep posting, even if you don't run. ;) ).
    @ceciliaslater That sounds really...unpleasant. Tendons and popping noises do NOT go together! I really hope you're feeling better soon.
    @rune1990 Congrats on your 37 min 5K--you rocked that!! You'll be shocked how quickly the minutes fall off that time now that you *can* run the whole way.
    @instantmartian My son refuses to commit to one dinosaur (or prehistoric mammal...he's really fond of Mastodons, and has several really cool models), lol. Universal is awesome. The last time we were there was 2012, so I don't know what's on renovation since then, but we really liked the Hulk coaster, the Spiderman ride, and of course all the Harry Potter stuff.

    1/1 5 @ 10:36 on the treadmill
    1/2 4.75 @ 10:42 on the park trail (20.75/20 miles for the week)

    1/3 5.25 @ 11:14 (5.0 @ 10:51, .25 walking) on the trails near my house
    1/4 10 @ 12:00 on the treadmill
    1/5 3 @ 11:14 on the treadmill and strength training
    1/6 Rest Day
    1/7 4.75 @ 11:53 on the park trail.
    1/8 3.5 @ 10:07 (3 at 9:48 and .5 at 12:00) plus strength training
    1/9 3.5 @ 12:22 (3 at 11:26, plus .5 at a walk)
    (30/30 for the week)

    1/10 Rest Day
    1/11 10.75 at 11:46 around the park trails.
    1/12 3.25 @ 11:27 on the treadmill. Plus strength training.
    1/13 Rest Day
    1/14 5.0 @ 12:47 around the lake trail
    1/15 6.0 @ 11:00 (and .25 at a walk) on the treadmill
    1/16 Rest Day
    (25/25 for the week)

    1/17 Rest Day
    1/18 5.25 (8K race) at the lake @ 11:14
    1/19 3.25 @ 10:44 on the treadmill and strength training
    1/20 12.5 @ 11:45 on the treadmill
    1/21 Rest day
    1/22 2.5 miles @ 13:00 around the neighborhoo
    1/23 Approximately 3.25 @ some indeterminate speed near 5 mph on the prehistoric treadmill in my basement
    (26.75/25 for the week)

    1/24 2 hours of snow shoveling...aka "rest day"
    1/25 Approximately 5.0 @ ~11:40 on the treadmill (binge watching Arrow--Good show!)
    1/26 Approximately 5.25 @ ~11:40 on the treadmill...more Arrow. :) Don't know if I'll get a long run this week. I *never* want to run 12 miles on a treadmill *ever* again!
    1/27 Approximately 3.25 @ ~11:40 on the treadmill.
    1/28 Approximately 7.0 @ 11:50 on the treadmill.
    1/29 3.25 @ 11:10 on the treadmill *at the gym, finally*, and strength training. I am not going to make my weekly mileage goal, I don't think, but I should just squeak in at my monthly goal.
    (23.75/30 for the week)

    Upcoming Races:
    February 14: Run Your Heart Out 5K, Fairfax, VA
    February 21: Disney Princess HM, Orlando, FL
    (Can't do my March races because I need to have surgery March 4. :( )


  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited January 2016
    I'm having this stupid pain on the outside of my thigh. It's like just an inch or so above middle. I swear it's ITB, but its not the typical locations. It's tender, like sore muscle (maybe it is?).

    I did have that shot in my butt muscle, so I have been running longer, and diggin' in to some hills.. Maybe muscle? Will ice it today, I guess... Dam medial shin splints is back. I ran in shoes that I just had with me (10-12 drop from the 6). Maybe they are related.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @ddmom0811 @karllundy I don't normally do virtual races because the charities don't seem to get a big percentage of the money so I'd rather send them my money directly. @shanaber turned me on to this one because all the money is going to the charity the officer's family set up for scholarship for kids wanting to get into the legal field.
  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    I think all this running in the cold is frying my eyes. They look like two pi$$-holes in the snow.
  • Becky_44
    Becky_44 Posts: 227 Member
    Flowers! I saw flowers that have bloomed out on my C25k today! Spring is on it's way! I am doing a challenge this week, cutting the caffeine, chocolate, alcohol and a couple of other problematic things for me and it made a difference with my running this morning. I have been down the last three days though because of cutting things out(Yesterday I felt like a dead horse), but woke up feeling better and more motivated again. It made such a difference with my legs that I looked at the breakdown of it on Run keeper and actually ran at a 10 mph pace as opposed to my usual 15 mph pace. So I'm feeling a lot better about starting over with C25k, I don't mind it being that my pace is back to where it was a year and half ago. :smiley:

    Jan 1 - Run/ 1 mile, Walk/ 1 mile, Steps/ 6740, Floors/ 6, Daily miles/ 3.24
    Jan 2 - Run/ 0 miles, Walk/ 1.5 miles, Steps/ 7761, Floors/ 6, Daily miles/ 3.56
    Jan 3 - Run/ 1 mile, Walk/ 1 mile, Steps/ 7100, Floors/ 4, Daily miles/ 3.44
    Jan 4 - Run/ 0 miles, Walk/ 2.25 miles, Steps/ 10,037, Floors/ 16, Daily miles/ 4.55
    Jan 5 - Run/ 0 miles, Walk/ 0 miles, Steps/ 3788, Floors/ 7, Daily miles/ 1.53
    Jan 6 - Run/ 0 miles, Walk/ 0 miles, Steps/ 1888, Floors/ 6, Daily miles/ .67
    Jan 7 - Run/ 1 mile, Walk/ 3 miles, Steps/ 11,211, Floors/ 17, Daily miles/ 5.05
    Jan 8 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 1.5 miles, Steps/ 5833, Floors/ 5, Daily miles/ 2.36
    Jan 9 - Run/ 1 mile, Walk/ 3 miles, Steps/ 12,351, Floors/ 12, Daily miles/ 5.46
    Jan 10 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 2.25 miles, Steps/ 10,000, Floors/ 4, Daily miles/ 3.4
    Jan 11 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 0 miles, Steps/ 3017, Floors/ 8, Daily miles/ 1.22
    Jan 12 - Run/ 1.4 mile, Walk/ 2.6 miles, Steps/ 11,425, Floors/ 4, Daily miles/ 5.07
    Jan 13 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 0 mile, Steps/ 2186, Floors/ 5, Daily miles/ .88
    Jan 14 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 2.25 miles, Steps/ 16,147, Floors/ 23, Daily miles/ 6.55
    Jan 15 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 0 mile, Steps/ 10,030, Floors/ 18, Daily miles/ 4.1
    Jan 16 - Run / 0 mile, Walk/ 2.06 mile, Steps/ 10,084, Floors/ 26, Daily miles/ 4.12
    Jan 17 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 0 mile, Steps/3474, Floors/7, Daily miles/1.47
    Jan 18 - Run/ 1.15 mile, Walk/ 3.9 mile, Steps/15,487, Floors/10, Daily miles/6.73
    Jan 19 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 0 mile, Steps/ 6563, Floors/ 14, Daily miles/1.44
    Jan 20 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 0 mile, Steps/1582, Floors/ 1, Daily miles/ .64
    Jan 21 - Run/ .28 mile, Walk/ 4.35 miles, Steps/ 15,268, Floors/ 32, Daily miles/ 6.78
    Jan 22 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 0 mile, Steps/ 6233, Floors/ 15, Daily miles/ 2.53
    Jan 23 - Run/ .6 mile, Walk/ 2.33 miles, Steps/ 10,519, Floors/ 8, Daily miles/ 4.98
    Jan 24 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 1.58 miles, Steps/ 10,239, Floors/ 15, Daily miles/ 4.4
    Jan 25 - Run/ .6 mile, Walk/ 1.54 miles, Steps/ 15,075, Floors/ 33, Daily miles/ 6.62
    Jan 26 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 0 mile, Steps/ 6284, Floors/ 13, Daily miles/ 2.54
    Jan 27 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 0 mile, Steps/ 1521, Floors/ 4, Daily miles/ .61
    Jan 28 - Run/ 0 mile, Walk/ 0 mile, Steps/ 2491, Floors/ 7, Daily miles/ 1.01
    Jan 29 - Run/ .8 miles, Walk/ 1.2 miles, Steps/

    Monthly Totals/ Run = 9.43, Walk = 39.71, Steps = 201,923, Floors = 327, Daily miles = 95.04
  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    Becky_44 wrote: »
    Flowers! I saw flowers that have bloomed out on my C25k today! Spring is on it's way!
    Spring flowers in January in Oregon? I want to smoke some of whatever you had on that run, because no way do you get spring in January out there without some assistance...

  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    01-Jan (15 days to HM): 5.80 miles
    02-Jan (14 days to HM): 10.01 miles
    03-Jan (13 days to HM): <HM Training-mandated Rest Day>
    04-Jan (12 days to HM): 5.21 miles
    05-Jan (11 days to HM): 4.00 miles
    06-Jan (10 days to HM): 3.57 miles
    07-Jan (9 days to HM): 4.42 miles
    08-Jan (8 days to HM): 3.09 miles
    09-Jan (7 days to HM): 11.82 miles
    10-Jan (6 days to HM): <HM Training-mandated Rest Day>
    11-Jan (5 days to HM): 3.36 miles
    12-Jan (4 days to HM): 3.39 miles
    13-Jan (3 days to HM): 3.07 miles
    14-Jan (2 days to HM): <HM Training-mandated Rest Day>
    15-Jan (1 days to HM): 2.29 miles plus 1.09 miles (walk)
    16-Jan (Museum of Aviation HM): 13.16 miles
    17-Jan: <Life Day> but 2.83 miles
    18-Jan: 6.40 miles
    19-Jan: 4.43 miles
    20-Jan: 0.00 miles but 1.26 miles (walk)
    21-Jan: 4.11 miles
    22-Jan: 3.61 miles
    23-Jan: 10.01 miles
    24-Jan: <Life Day>
    25-Jan: 4.12 miles
    26-Jan: 4.15 miles
    27-Jan: 2.61 miles
    28-Jan: 2.23 miles
    29-Jan: 4.19 miles
    31-Jan: <Life Day>


    Hmmm - 0.77 more, and I would've finished my goal for the month. Ah well - I've got a 10-mile (or more) planned for tomorrow, so I guess I'll make it. :wink: Garmin says 10:52/mile, and since I'm working on trying go slower, that's a pretty good pace.

    My upcoming races:
    06-Feb: Al Toll Memorial 15K, Macon, GA
    27-Feb: Cantrell Center 5K, Warner Robins, GA
    19-Mar: Cherry Blossom 10K, Macon, GA
    02-Apr: Run 2 End Alzheimer's 10.5K, Bonaire, GA
    16-Apr: Running for Ronald 10K or 15K, Macon, GA
    04-Jul: Peachtree Road Race 10K, Atlanta, GA
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    Becky_44 wrote: »
    Flowers! I saw flowers that have bloomed out on my C25k today! Spring is on it's way!
    Spring flowers in January in Oregon? I want to smoke some of whatever you had on that run, because no way do you get spring in January out there without some assistance...


    Classic! :smiley:

    Off for my first parkrun shortly... Wearing some running shorts that I made.. Haven't tested them out yet though so this could be a real disaster about to unfold :lol:
  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    Off for my first parkrun shortly... Wearing some running shorts that I made.. Haven't tested them out yet though so this could be a real disaster about to unfold :lol:
    A public test run in a park. Brave girl. Hope you didn't forget the elastic.
  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    4 miles for me today. I was pleasantly surprised that it went so well considering I hit a PR on my deadlifts last night and I wasn't sure how my hamstrings would be feeling today. I'm noticing my heart rate is jumping up high during my first mile and then lowering before gradually getting higher through the rest of the time I am running. That's new. Maybe my heart rate monitor needs a new battery. I don't know.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    1/1: 6.2 miles
    1/2: 11.6 miles
    1/3: Rest/Travel day
    1/4: 10 miles
    1/5: Rest day
    1/6: 4 miles (am), 8 miles tempo (pm)
    1/7: 4 miles (am), 6 miles with the Thursday crew (pm)
    1/8: Rest day
    1/9: 12.2 miles with the Saturday crew
    1/10: 5 miles
    1/11: 5.8 miles with "Joe-to-Go" crew
    1/12: Rest day
    1/13: 4 miles treadmill (am), 7.1 miles with Wednesday crew (pm)
    1/14: 6 miles (am), no second run :[
    1/15: Rest day
    1/16: 7 miles with Saturday crew
    1/17: 10 miles
    1/18: 6 miles with "Joe-to-Go" crew
    1/19: Rest day/final finals day
    1/20: 4 miles (am), no second run
    1/21: No AM run, 7 miles with Thursday crew (pm)
    1/22: 14 miles
    1/23: SNOW DAY!
    1/24: 9 miles
    1/25: 6 miles
    1/26: Rest day; sample Pure Barre class in evening
    1/27: 5.5 miles (am), 10 miles (pm)
    1/28: 7 miles speedwork (am), 6 miles with Thursday crew (pm)
    1/29: XT: 60 mins stationary bike

    Wasn't planning to cross-train today, but after some vigorous grocery shopping I didn't feel like sitting on my butt all afternoon, so I decided to take Netflix out of my bed and into the gym! House makes for a great stationary biking show! Got 16 miles in, just under 58 mins and used the rest of the hour as a "cool down" (not that there was much cooling down to do, as my HR never went above 125). Now I've got a few extra calories to play with after dinner... bring on the desserts! ;)


    Upcoming races:
    4/3: Caesar Rodney HM
    5/1: New Jersey Marathon
    6/12: Race and Ride Cedar Point HM (maybe)

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    I'm lovin' ASICS right now. I had 300 miles on a pair of Gel Nimbus and noticed a hole developing inside, just below the achilles notch. I contacted ASICS, got an RMA and sent them in, including a note telling them about the mileage on them. I was hoping for replacements, of course, but I wanted to be upfront about how much they had been used. They said on the RMA form that running shoes are expected to only last 300 to 500 miles.

    I just got a notice today that the replacement shoes are on their way. Thank you ASICS!
  • smilelaughlove17
    smilelaughlove17 Posts: 134 Member


  • Becky_44
    Becky_44 Posts: 227 Member
    Hahahaha! It's true! Not that we won't see more rain, we will or possible dusting of snow it happens, but we definitely are having more and more sunny days, 3 in a row this week!
    Becky_44 wrote: »
    Flowers! I saw flowers that have bloomed out on my C25k today! Spring is on it's way!
    Spring flowers in January in Oregon? I want to smoke some of whatever you had on that run, because no way do you get spring in January out there without some assistance...


  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @skippygirlsmom - thanks I will get signed up for it like I should have in the first place!
    @7lenny7 - can you post the link to the calories consumed calculator that takes into account HR? Oh and YAY Asics - I have heard that they have great service!
    @rune1990 - Congratulations on the 5K - awesome job!!
    @Virkati and @Elise4270 - my trainer started me on stability exercises way back when I first started working out with him. Really they help your core, which in turn helps everything else down the chain.
    @Becky_44 and @MorningGhost14 - my daffodils are already coming up and my fruit trees are budding January...everything is confused because it has been so warm, even for So. California. I know later this month it is likely going to get cold again and should rain a bunch. Hopefully I will still get flowers and fruit later in the spring! Also love the meme :)
    @ceciliaslater - ouch! That looks sore - ice, rest and repeat! Hope it feels better soon!

    Today's run was wonderful on the one hand because it felt so great to be out but a struggle on the other because my body is just plain tired. I have been tracking my HR again and I am amazed at how you can see the difference. I have my next HM a week from Sunday and I am at a work conference/training in Dallas all next week so I will not have much time for working out. I am hoping to run on the treadmill in the hotel gym a couple of times and not drink/eat too much but there are parties every night (it is a sales group after all :wink:) I did make my goal but unless I feel like I really have to run tomorrow this is it for the month for me.

    01/01.......0.00..........0.00 - total rest/slug day. Did walk 1.5 miles with the pup
    01/04.......7.16........16.49 + Agility
    01/05.......4.14........20.63 Treadmill run + Strength Training
    01/07.......5.33........25.96 + Strength Training
    01/11.......4.54........46.85 + Agility
    01/12.......3.64........50.49 + Strength Training
    01/14.......5.32........55.81 + Strength Training
    01/15.......5.47........61.28 - half way to goal on the 15th of the month!!
    01/18.......4.51........73.34 + Agility
    01/19.......5.15........78.49 + Strength Training
    01/21.......5.23........83.72 + Strength Training
    01/24.......0.00......100.29 - Dog beach Sunday!
    01/25.......5.44......105.73 + Agility
    01/26.......0.00......105.73 + Strength Training
    01/28.......6.33......119.30 + Strength Training


    These are my upcoming races, let me know if you are going to be running too:
    02/07/16 - Surf City Half, Huntington Beach, CA
    02/20/16 - Special Edition Divas Half, Temecula, CA
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @7lenny7 - can you post the link to the calories consumed calculator that takes into account HR? Oh and YAY Asics - I have heard that they have great service!

    @shanaber, this link has two calculators, one if you don't know your VO2 Max, and one if you do. Either calculator gives you your gross calories burned. (for a given run, it calculated 905 calories without knowing my VO2 Max, 864 using my estimated VO2 Max based on my last race results)

    There's a link at the end of each calculator which goes to yet another calculator to figure out your net burn.