Fit for Future Families - June 2011



  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Pam, you’re so right about the rioting! Montreal riots whether they win or loose, and whether it’s for the Stanley cup or not. I’ve been caught in the middle of the riots several times. I never understood how a sports fan could trash their own town after a game? DH was very happy though, he’s a major Boston fan, the only thing I’ve bought baby related is actually Boston Bruins onesies which I gave him last night (I was sick of waiting till we got preggers, I bought the damn things in February).

    WTG Jalara!

    Oh I also wanted to get everyone’s opinion on acupuncture? I made an appointment yesterday (for July 21st!) with who is supposed to be the best fertility acupuncturist in Montreal. She has a gynecological doctrine, and is a certified acupuncturist. I laughed when I found out that she was the acupuncturist for Celine Dion when she was going through her fertility treatments. The thing I’m concerned about is it being a waste of money (a lot of money), what do you girls think, anyone tried it?
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member

    Oh I also wanted to get everyone’s opinion on acupuncture? I made an appointment yesterday (for July 21st!) with who is supposed to be the best fertility acupuncturist in Montreal. She has a gynecological doctrine, and is a certified acupuncturist. I laughed when I found out that she was the acupuncturist for Celine Dion when she was going through her fertility treatments. The thing I’m concerned about is it being a waste of money (a lot of money), what do you girls think, anyone tried it?

    I've heard good things about it. I don't have the money to put towards it, but if you are going to pay for a complimentary/alternative therapy, there is research to back that one up as being beneficial, so I say go for that one!

    PS--I think you chose a completely appropriate time to give him the onesie!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I've heard really good things about it and I know once i start the treatments that I'm going to go for it. I need to see who my clinic recommends though.....There are lots of acupuncturists that don't specialize in fertility stuff and aren't professionally trained so I want to be careful!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    So just a quick check in- I'm going home to Hawaii on Saturday- WHOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO! My dad called yesterday and begged me to come home for Father's Day and said he would buy my flight. I feel the timing is horrible because it is the last week with out exchange student not to mention the problems we are having with the dogs. But before I totally turned down my dad's request I thought I should talk to my husband and he said he could handle everything and I should go. Very excited. My dad and I are keeping my flight a secrete from the rest of the family so it should be AWESOME when I show up out of the blue on Saturday :smile: I'm sure this vacation wil not help the weight loss journey, but it should be tons of fun. Hopefully my husband doesn't regrette letting me go...
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    So excited, it is almost the weekend!!!

    Figured I'd check in with everyone before I got too far behind with all the new comments. :wink:

    PAM, how was the milkshake? I'm not usually a fan of coconut milk, but I think with the strawberries, it might be pretty yummy.
    JOHANNA, keeping your niece in our thoughts and prayers.
    PEGGY, good job, keep going with the Shred! The exercise can only help with your cycle regularity.
    COURTNEY, I'm so glad you're letting yourself have some lazy time this summer. Sleeping in, or even just staying cuddled up in bed is one of my favorite things!!
    LUKI, so excited for you about your surprise trip! And glad your DH is covering the craziness at home. Enjoy!! Oh, and good luck with the adoption lawyer meeting.
    Welcome ELIZABETH & JAW. You're in good company. I think I have had a couple of those spontaneous m/c. Usually before the time my regular cycle starts anyway, so it's hard to tell, but I have very, very regular cycles now on Metformin (I have PCOS), so any abnormality, I'm very aware of. I probably should get my doc to test my progesterone, but I'm like you, I want to lose some more weight before I go to the next round of treatments.
    FIONA, Super duper congrats on being the calendar girl! I'm sure you are going to be beautiful!!
    JALARA, I concur with Karen, you are a rock star!
    ASHLEY, Not sure about acupuncture. An acquaintance did it, but I think she was just impatient, she was young & healthy and could've probably achieved the same results with other cycle tracking tools. If you do it, I agree with Pam, select someone who specializes in fertility acupuncture.
    ALL CANADA GALS, Don't even get me started on hockey. We just lost our Thrashers to Winnipeg. We're so bummed, we didn't even watch any of the finals, sort of boycotting hockey for awhile. :sad:

    AFM, I'm loving all the exercise I'm getting this week. :heart: I've been doing 20 min of yoga with all whatever cardio I'm doing each day and it has been a huge help in keeping me from getting stiff and sore.

    Happy Weekend Everyone!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Thanks for all the feedback girls!

    Steph/Pam, The acupuncturist I took an appointment with has her Master’s in Gynecology (1989), M.D. degree in combined Chinese & western medicine (1982), and has been a licensed acupuncturist since 1995. She also founded the first TCM clinic focus on gynecology and infertility in Quebec. So far all my research says she’s the most qualified acupuncturist pertaining to fertility issues in my province. So I’m not too worried about her credentials but more questioning if acupuncture as a practice at all.

    Oh and Steph, I’ve been boycotting hockey since I was a child, I spent my winters in arenas! Between my father and brother playing hockey, I was in an arena 3-5 days a week, not to mention my father used to make one in our front yard! So now DH goes to his uncles to watch hockey because I can’t stand it! I’ve been told I’m un-Canadian because of my hatred of the sport, but don’t care.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Options Ashley, I hope this's one of the more objective articles (and wasn't put out by "acupuncturists". My clinic told me the don't disuade people from doing it (which is not exactly a recommendation, but isn't saying that it's a bunch of hooey either....
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Oh my gosh... I'm so out of the loop! I feel like such a failed groupie! Sorry ladies.
    I have been reading and thinking of all of you, just haven't had the chance to respond. This is my busiest time of the year with my summer dance intensive, so I won't be around for a while. I do want to say welcome to those who have joined the group! Best wishes!
    Pam your flowers are beautiful!
    Fiona congrats on the Calendar Girl!
    Luki how exciting! Have fun with your family!
    Steph, Keep up the good work!
    Johanna, I’m praying for you and your niece.
    Peggy, great job on the shred. I have been thinking about starting something new...maybe the shred! I feel you on the funky cycles! Mine have ranged from 12 days to 45 days and everywhere in between! Just keep hope and keep tracking.
    WTG Jalara!
    I love my Fertility Friend App! If it wasn't for the app, I wouldn't have a clue what was going on! LOL
    I live in "Hockey Town," I LOVE hockey, but my hockey viewing ended when the Wings were out of the running! LOL

    Quick update (OK maybe not so quick..LOL)...I met with my doc again to "check my ovaries" and she found nothing going on, but refused to prescribe anything until DH's Sa. So, I finally got DH in for his SA. It was like taking a child kicking and screaming, but in the end he swallowed his pride and just did it. (with a very bad mood) I'm extremely happy that is over. I understand his point that he sees not point in doing it when it is SO obvious that my system is not working, but I have to ask, why not get everything checked out in the beginning? UGH.. Now we wait for the results and go in again to get checked before getting on clomid. *Fingers Crossed* that I start to O soon!
    I was SO bummed; I missed my Aqua Fit class this week! For some reason I was thinking it was on Thursday night and when Thursday came, I realized it was Wednesday night. GRRR. I think the change in exercise started to work last week. I finally got below 145 for the first time in months! But now I am back up with AF showing up again after only 2 weeks from the last. GRR
    I've been eating like a sugar addict for the last week. I think it is time to lay off for a bit. Starbucks became my friend for an entire week, and now it's time to unfriend!(I confess...I stopped this morning too) I think having that sugary start to the morning really reflects on the choices I make for the rest of the day. I'm going to get the control back!
  • sugarcrystal8
    sugarcrystal8 Posts: 38 Member
    Steph/Pam, The acupuncturist I took an appointment with has her Master’s in Gynecology (1989), M.D. degree in combined Chinese & western medicine (1982), and has been a licensed acupuncturist since 1995. She also founded the first TCM clinic focus on gynecology and infertility in Quebec. So far all my research says she’s the most qualified acupuncturist pertaining to fertility issues in my province. So I’m not too worried about her credentials but more questioning if acupuncture as a practice at all.

    Well, let me just say that Acupuncture works! and works well! I am an acupuncturist, just graduated with my Master's earlier this year. All my intern shifts the past 3 years I was able to work on patients and see amazing results. I worked a year in gyn/fertility and saw great results. I wouldn't have dedicated 4 years of school along with 20 hours a week of interning and spending $100K on tuition if it didn't work!

    I hope you have good results! Just have an open mind and realize that in China they've been using this medicine for over 2000 years and their hospitals currenty are integrated with western & chinese medicine. It's done all over in Asia - Japan, Tawaiian, Korea. It's just us in the west that haven't really embraced it fully.
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    I have heard great things about acupunture- let me know how it goes!

    Well the meeting with the adoption lawyer was...interesting... He seemed very nice and was very informative but he picked his nose with back of his pen two times during the meeting and then put his pen in his mouth. I couldn't help but laugh! I tryed to hold it in the best I could and didn't make eye contact with my husband because then I knew I would totally loose my composure, but seriously he had just eaten his buggers! As soon as we got in the parking lot I turned to my DH and said, "I guess we will be talking to the other lawyer group before we make our desission, I don't know about being represented by a bugger eatter," and we both totally cracked up. The good news is that legally advertising for independent adoptions in Oregon is paying for advertizement listings so we can go ahead and announce our plans on the family website and tell extended family before our homestudy is finished which is AWESOME and very EXCITING!!! I now have lots of new reading material for the flight.
    Oh and today is CD 1, totally expected and right on schedule, but to a 28 day cycle after two months of 26.
    I will try my best to check in everyday while gone to help keep me on track :o)
  • peggy1209
    peggy1209 Posts: 84 Member
    I have heard great things about acupunture- let me know how it goes!

    Well the meeting with the adoption lawyer was...interesting... He seemed very nice and was very informative but he picked his nose with back of his pen two times during the meeting and then put his pen in his mouth. I couldn't help but laugh! I tryed to hold it in the best I could and didn't make eye contact with my husband because then I knew I would totally loose my composure, but seriously he had just eaten his buggers! As soon as we got in the parking lot I turned to my DH and said, "I guess we will be talking to the other lawyer group before we make our desission, I don't know about being represented by a bugger eatter," and we both totally cracked up. The good news is that legally advertising for independent adoptions in Oregon is paying for advertizement listings so we can go ahead and announce our plans on the family website and tell extended family before our homestudy is finished which is AWESOME and very EXCITING!!! I now have lots of new reading material for the flight.
    Oh and today is CD 1, totally expected and right on schedule, but to a 28 day cycle after two months of 26.
    I will try my best to check in everyday while gone to help keep me on track :o)

    OK - we talk about a lot of gross stuff on these boards - but this is the grossest!!!


    Good luck!!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    LMAO - Luki!!!!! How did you keep from laughing!!! I would have said something....ha ha ha GROSS!!! Enjoy your trip.....I love to surprise the family!!

    Kim - I have been sooooo bad with the eating over the last month!!! SOOOO bad (two ice creams a day plus chips plus plus plus) SOOOO bad.....LOL I have to get back to it, but it's something about the hotter weather that makes me want sugar. I think you're to kick it completely.

    SugarCrystal - Do you know why it specifically helps??? I'm just curious :)

    AFM - went to watch DH do his mini marathon this morning. He finished 5K in 39 minutes....Not bad considering he hasn't been training and he cramped up during the run. He finished 17th for the men and 78th out of 118 runners. He definitely has some work to go. His coworker joined him and she asked if I'll be doing it next year too and I kinda said I hope not.....LOL Then had to clarify that if I get preggers in Aug/Sept I should be due either just before that or around it....LOL I'm not doing a 5K at 9 months pregs....especially not running it....LOL
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Happy Saturday ladies!!! I am currently using u all A's a distraction from Doug anything productive around my thanks for that! :-)

    Luki- I literally LOL'd about the booger eater...that is just nasty! If he's the one representing u I would be afraid he would discredit my own credibility! So funny! Enjoy ur time in HI! I'm going to there in a few months with my husband, I'd love suggestions from a local! (I'm also looking for someone to take pictures of my husband and I while we're there so if u know of anyone that'd be awesome!)

    Pam/Kim - I am right there with u with that bad eating....while I've eliminated all pasta and most rice/bread some how I am still over on carbs almost everyday! I need to reign in my eating!! I have been eating ice cream Sunday's like everynight and I'm not kormally and ice cream person (true it's been no sugar added frozen yogurt with sugar free hot fudge and melted peanut butter....but still the calories and carbs might kill me!!)

    Jalara- that is awesome that not only did u call the code blue but u were able to help the patient not be...code blue! How satisfying to use ur skills and knowledge! You go girl!

    Ashley- let us know how te acupuncturist is! I have always been interested in it and had though about looking into it when we're able to start trying again!

    Sorry if I missed anyone! I did this completely by memory- also welcome to the new faces!!

    AFM- only made it to the gym once this week, ate horrible, it's a wonder I haven't gained anything....maintaining between 146-150lbs. I actually think I might switch my log to maintain. I'm honestly kinda content right now, and I think if I maintain and just try to drink more water and hit the gym at least 3times a week I'll be where I want to be body wise.

    So my sister in law (who currently lives with my inlaws in OH) has decided she needs to get out of OH. She just got out of a bad relationship and can't get out of the same circle of friends that are not positive influences on her she wants to move in with my husband and I.....granted my husband will still be deployed when she moves in and he'll be in and out until thanksgiving so really it's just me and my son but I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons before we say yes for sure. She's 27 and pretty much has no life besides work. She wants a purpose and she's hoping to find that here I guess....I think we decided to let her move in with us until Christmas and she will use that time to find a job and save for her own place. At christmas she will have to decide if she likes the area enough to stay, and which point she will have to get her own place or she can go back to OH with her family. It will be interesting to say the least....thank God she and I get along, but it's still hard to live with someone...ESP family

    Also!!! A job opened up on te navy base here for a personal finance management specialist at the fleet and family support office. It is basically my dream job! I'd be doing one on one budget assistant with military family's, planning and exciting seminars and classes for military families is literally verbatim what ive been working towards and if u combine my experience and my education I am like 95% qualified for it (not a certified financial counselor but they said u have 1 yr from hire date to complete that) so I sent in my resume and cover letter (which basically consisted of "PLEASE hire me, this is my dream job") and I have a connection there thru one of the wives in our squadron so I'm supposed to go meet w them on Tuesday so hopefully I can AT LEAST get an interview!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Okay - does anyone watch Secret Life of the American Teenager? I just watched the season finale and I'm still bawling! (Girl loses baby at 9 months... actors in show finally act worth a damn which equates to me sitting on the couch crying.....)

    le sigh.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey everyone!

    So we took my Mum and Dad out for dinner to Swiss Chalet today - and I did good! I'm happy with myself :)

    I know today can be a hard day for us and our men, so thoughts are being sent out to each and every one of you!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi ladies! Horrible weekend eating and no exercise. Not good. But, sometimes that's just how it goes. Hopefully I'll get my bum back in gear and go tomorrow. Had a good Father's Day--got to see both my dad and my husband's dad. Yay!

    Started my major spotting yesterday. I knew it was coming, but it's still a major bummer when it does. So my cycle will start in a few days I think. This was going to be a treatment cycle for us, but hubby's trip is nixing that, so I guess it's another month of "whatever". Ugh. Oh well. Some things you can control, somethings you can't, and somethings are just better to let go of. So I'm trying to let go of this month. We'll see how that goes.

    I am just pooped. I think I'm going to call this week done and go to bed so that I can make it through the coming week. Lots going on...including our IUI injection class. Doesn't that sound like fun? I know you all are jealous. Haha.

    Hope everyone is doing well. For those of you weighing in tomorrow---good luck!
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Hey All,

    I'm fairly new to the website and looking for a few people with common troubles as myself. My name is Amanda and I'm 25 years old. I just got married at the end of March and my husband and I were very excited about starting TTC until May when we got some dissapointing news.
    I'm an Ulcerative Collitis(UC) patient and was diagnosed when I was 22 (now 25). I was having a lot of trouble with it and trying to get into see my specialist (but we all know how long that takes.) I finally got in and had a scope done on May 26th (Happy 2 months of marriage present ,NOT) My disease progressed to a "severe" level and they have put me on 40mg of Prednisone(Heavy duty Steriod) for the first time in my battle with UC. Wow does this drug suck! It makes you feel crumby, swell everywhere, gain ridiculous amounts of weight, hurt everywhere, become lethargic, crazy mood swings, killer migraines, you name the side effect I've seen most of them.
    When I got the news I was being put on Prednisone I made a deal with myself I was going to attempt to work my butt of and try not to bloat like a mammoth. I have been working out 5-6 times a week SIGNIFICANTLY harder then I have ever even attempted in the past and still losing the battle. I know the majority of it is the medication but it is still very difficult to stay positive. Working your butt off and seeing the scale only creep up more and more is killing me.
    The other speed bump with UC is that high fiber diets put me in agony. So much for eating healthy to help with the weight loss. I spend the day doubled over in pain with any type of whole grain carbs, fruits, or veggies.
    I am in the same boat as some others I've seen post that I just become angry and jealous anytime anyone else tells me the are prego or when my friends have their own babies. I don't even wish to talk to them because it makes me so upset. We are trying to stay positive and hoping that this medication will get me healthy enough to have better chance of a nice and easy pregnancy. Although everyday I just seem to get more frusterate and discouraged at this point :(


    SW(prior to Prednisone) 165
    CW 175
    GW 150
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Jalara - Swiss Chalet isn't bad for you - except the sodium is pretty high. Make sure to up your water and I'm sure you'll be fine :)

    Karen - hope you sleep well tonight and feel much more rested in the morning!!! I know I'm kicking it into gear this week.....I want to be in the 220s permanently at this point...enough teasing :)

    Batgirl - Welcome. I have been on that prednisone rollercoaster. Definitely drink a little more than your daily allotment of water - that will help with the bloat (round up for half your body weight in ounces - I have to drink 14 glasses a day with my weight and with the prednisone, I'd up it to 15 or 16 daily). Go up slowly and good's the worst. Are you on it long term? I've been on it at the longest for about 6 months and experienced all the symptoms you did. My mother in law had it worse (if you can believe). She was hallucinating on it and there were safety concerns so she had to be removed from it - but that was after 3+ years on it.....

    The water will also help with the whole grain diet to make sure things stay moist and get a move on out of the body.... Focus on getting your body healthy so the baby you have will have the best possible start!!! That's what we're all here for. Feel free to vent when you need to....

    AFM: Spent the day with my family today. Ate poorly and hung out all afternoon on the glider.....yeah, not the best start to my new start....ha! It's almost 9pm already but my plan for tomorrow is to take a walk shortly after getting into work.....wanna get in about a km before the day starts and maybe another one at lunch. Definitely wearing my flats tomorrow. That way, by the time I come home, I'm already about 1hr into light exercise and can then start something (thinking about trying the Leslie Sansone that Erika was so excited about :) ) It definitely didn't put undue pressure on my back injury. I'm going in now to track my food today and I know I'm going to be on the light side, but back to fruits & veggies tomorrow whole heartedly!!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    2011 SW: 241.8

    Week 19: 227.7 lbs (-0.5lbs)
    Week 20: 226.0 lbs (-1.7lbs)
    Week 21: 230.1 lbs (+4.1lbs)
    Week 22: 232.0 lbs (+1.9lbs)
    Week 23: 231.5 lbs (-0.5lbs)
    Week 24: 231.0 lbs (-0.5 lbs)
    Week 25: 233.7 lbs (+2.7 lbs)

    And today's the day I start again :) Hope your weigh ins are better than mine!!!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Okay Ladies, I'm trying to get going again. Today it was just a 2 mile walk with Leslie Sansone, but after three days of nothing, that's a victory! My plan was to go for a run, but it's raining outside and I am not a rainy runner. (I'm hardly a not-rainy runner either!)

    batgirl--good luck! Sometimes it seems insurmountable. Just take it a day, minute, meal at at time, make the best choices you can--control what you can control and let the rest work itself out. My mom has been on the prednisone too---yuck. This is a great place to vent. HAHA!

    How are the weigh-ins going, ladies?