Gym or Family?....



  • SparklySarah412
    SparklySarah412 Posts: 74 Member
    I also have a 2 and a 4 year old and I know exactly what you mean. I just try and fit small workouts in wherever I can really.

    I tend to get up early in the morning and do a workout DVD, usually they are just waking up as I'm finishing my post-workout shower.

    I go to the gym two nights a week to lift weights, there's no way round that one as I don't have the equipment at home but my husband looks after the kids and I just do 45 minutes so I'm usually back in time to put them to bed afterwards.

    Then I also go out running twice a week and my 4 year old comes out with me while I warm up, then I drop her back home with her dad and go back out for half an hour or so.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,576 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Whilst I can see this working with the 11 year old, two pre-schoolers would most probably mean that workout becomes mothering and OP would not achieve her goals
    Have you thought about activities that you could do as a family? Bike riding, hiking, sports, games, active video games.

    Not sure what you mean. I took my toddlers hiking (in backpack carriers when they were too small to keep up), biking (in a trailer before they had their own), on walks in a stroller, we danced, we played outside, we climbed and ran and jumped and had fun. I did consider this part of mothering as much or more than "exercising" but I stayed quite fit doing it.

    good for you

    I'm pretty sure OP is also an active involved mother .. unfortunately her OP is about parenting guilt over finding me time and am I allowed to do this from what I can see

    and the answer is absolutely yes if it is what you want to do, not no you should be with them every minute cos mother

    Not sure what you are on about,. The OP asked for suggestions, I offered one. No need to get your panties in a wad because my suggestion wasn't the same as yours.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,922 Member
    maddox93 wrote: »
    They're safe but usually really upset when I leave, often need to sneak out. My oldest is fine with it he's 11 he will go with me at times, the little boys are 2 & 4 they don't understand why I'm leaving but they want to go and my gym doesn't offer childcare, I definitely need the energy working out gives with these fellas! :smiley:

    Is there a YMCA near you? If I had kids, that's the gym I'd join. They have childcare plus tons of programs for older kids. I have no idea if this is relevant to you, but they do have a sliding scale for those who need financial assistance to pay for their memberships.
  • parfia
    parfia Posts: 184 Member
    edited February 2016
    jemhh wrote: »
    OP, can you do some working out before they get up in the morning? Or can you afford to buy home equipment, which could cut down on the time away from home?

    I strongly believe that my "me time", which is mostly spent working out, is important for my daughter's development. It teaches her to be independent and learn to do things for herself and, maybe most importantly, teaches her that the world doesn't revolve around her. I love her and do a lot of stuff for and with her but we are separate people and there's no need for us to spend every free moment together.

    I second this, I am up at the crack of dawn whilst my daughter and husband are still fast asleep. I drive to the gym and workout for an hour then come home and get the little one ready for nursery and myself ready for work. It was a chore to begin with but now its just part of everyday life :smile:

    Consequently, my daughter does think that the gym is a person and when I told her that I had left my water bottle at the gym when she asked for water in the car, her response was 'why have you given it to gym and not to me Mommy!!'
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Whilst I can see this working with the 11 year old, two pre-schoolers would most probably mean that workout becomes mothering and OP would not achieve her goals
    Have you thought about activities that you could do as a family? Bike riding, hiking, sports, games, active video games.

    Not sure what you mean. I took my toddlers hiking (in backpack carriers when they were too small to keep up), biking (in a trailer before they had their own), on walks in a stroller, we danced, we played outside, we climbed and ran and jumped and had fun. I did consider this part of mothering as much or more than "exercising" but I stayed quite fit doing it.

    good for you

    I'm pretty sure OP is also an active involved mother .. unfortunately her OP is about parenting guilt over finding me time and am I allowed to do this from what I can see

    and the answer is absolutely yes if it is what you want to do, not no you should be with them every minute cos mother

    Not sure what you are on about,. The OP asked for suggestions, I offered one. No need to get your panties in a wad because my suggestion wasn't the same as yours.

    Well that was rude so clearly you have issues with this concept..I'm pretty sure you were/are a good enough parent too :)
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,576 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Whilst I can see this working with the 11 year old, two pre-schoolers would most probably mean that workout becomes mothering and OP would not achieve her goals
    Have you thought about activities that you could do as a family? Bike riding, hiking, sports, games, active video games.

    Not sure what you mean. I took my toddlers hiking (in backpack carriers when they were too small to keep up), biking (in a trailer before they had their own), on walks in a stroller, we danced, we played outside, we climbed and ran and jumped and had fun. I did consider this part of mothering as much or more than "exercising" but I stayed quite fit doing it.

    good for you

    I'm pretty sure OP is also an active involved mother .. unfortunately her OP is about parenting guilt over finding me time and am I allowed to do this from what I can see

    and the answer is absolutely yes if it is what you want to do, not no you should be with them every minute cos mother

    Not sure what you are on about,. The OP asked for suggestions, I offered one. No need to get your panties in a wad because my suggestion wasn't the same as yours.

    Well that was rude so clearly you have issues with this concept..I'm pretty sure you were/are a good enough parent too :)

    I really have no idea what any of that response means.

    The OP asked about exercising with children. I offered a suggestion of what worked for me re: exercising with children at home. End of story.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    maddox93 wrote: »
    I always feel so guilty going to the gym for a couple hours, instead of spending that little free time I have from work and daily life/errands with my 3 boys and family. I use to workout 5 days a week when I only had 1, the more children the harder it gets to commit. I also have metabolic syndrome caused by PCOS if I don't workout like a fiend I basically don't lose anything, my body hates to give up the weight without a fight!! Any suggestions on either issue? Thanks! :-)

    I honestly think you need to find a balance. Time for yourself is important. But so is family. Finding a way to combine family & activity would be good. I'm assuming your kids are young? Take them to a park and play chase. Do active things together.
  • aliciamariaq
    aliciamariaq Posts: 272 Member
    edited February 2016
    jemhh wrote: »
    OP, can you do some working out before they get up in the morning? Or can you afford to buy home equipment, which could cut down on the time away from home?

    I strongly believe that my "me time", which is mostly spent working out, is important for my daughter's development. It teaches her to be independent and learn to do things for herself and, maybe most importantly, teaches her that the world doesn't revolve around her. I love her and do a lot of stuff for and with her but we are separate people and there's no need for us to spend every free moment together.

    This is great advice. Especially the part about teaching them to be independent and that the world doesn't revolve around them.

    When my kids were little I used excercise dvds, mostly when they were not around or before they woke up. Sometimes they were around and joined in. They thought it was fun. There are all kinds of videos online or on your phone you can use. I use the Nike training app. It has 15, 30 and 45 minute workouts that get the job done.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    OP, where's the father? Can you make your gym time a special father-kid time?

    When our kids were small I owned bath time. I always bathed the kids. That gave my wife some quiet time in the evening.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    You don't have to go to the gym everyday. Go every other day and spend the evening home with your kids. If you want you can even sneak a 30-min workout after bedtime.

  • Nuke_64
    Nuke_64 Posts: 406 Member
    I have had this thought as well but I always conclude that
    • I'm setting a good example
    • I need to do it now so I'm less of a burden on them later
    • I need to do it so I am healthier and more active with them now
    • I need to do it to reduce stress which will make me a more patient father

    I also try to do it at times when its least likely to take away from quality time with them. My wife and I are also financially cable of maximizing our quality time on the weekends by having housekeeping and lawn services.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,922 Member
    maddox93 wrote: »
    I always feel so guilty going to the gym for a couple hours, instead of spending that little free time I have from work and daily life/errands with my 3 boys and family. I use to workout 5 days a week when I only had 1, the more children the harder it gets to commit. I also have metabolic syndrome caused by PCOS if I don't workout like a fiend I basically don't lose anything, my body hates to give up the weight without a fight!! Any suggestions on either issue? Thanks! :-)

    I honestly think you need to find a balance. Time for yourself is important. But so is family. Finding a way to combine family & activity would be good. I'm assuming your kids are young? Take them to a park and play chase. Do active things together.

    Ya, in addition to having an extensive vegetable garden and raising goats, Mom did lots of active things with us - swimming, hiking, tubing, camping, skating, etc. We love the outdoors :)

    On the weekends these days, I often go for a three mile hike with my mom and brother on the trails near where they live. They are on their way over now to help me clear some branches that fell on my trail during the last storm.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Can the OP go before work? I got up at 4:15 AM to hit the gym, work and have time for the kids after work.
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    HI OP. Hope you are doing well. I also have 3 kids and I have been a SAHM for for 8 years. It has definitely been very very challenging finding that time for myself. I just recently joined a gym but for 7 years I always worked out at home. Its not easy but I was able to lose 70lbs after my second at home and at least 50 lbs after my 3rd at home. I did lots of dvds and youtube videos. when it was nice out I used a jogging stroller.
    Sometimes I would put a video on the computer for the kids with their own exercise mat so they can workout as well or If I knew they were gonna be around me I would lay a mat near me so they can follow along.
    The best time if possible if when they are asleep.
    Good luck, there is a way for you to spend time with them as well as take care of yourself.
    I have noticed if I let myself only give time to my kids and neglect myself it brought me down. So like others are saying balance is key not thats its easy but I think while on the journey to find it for you and your family you will find what works for you.
    Let us know what you try and how it works for you.
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    Yeah, it's hard. I have 19 month old twins and no local gym with a crèche so I guess the choice is made for me. I bought a reasonable treadmill for home use (and my husband has a good weights set) so I get 30-60 minutes done when the kids nap if I'm at home. Otherwise I just walk everywhere and get my exercise in like that!
  • ty_fit0815
    ty_fit0815 Posts: 67 Member
    Try the YMCA!! :)
  • k_nelson_24
    k_nelson_24 Posts: 251 Member
    My daughter is one and I hate to leave her to go to the gym!
    I normally go early early in the AM before she and my husband wake up or I go right after we put her to bed after 8 PM. And if I cant make it to the gym I will take her jogging with me!

    P.S. I go to the gym every other day.
  • jaynee7283
    jaynee7283 Posts: 160 Member
    I second the notion of going to the gym in the early morning BEFORE the kids get up. But then you also need to train yourself to go to bed no more than an hour after they do, so you don't become sleep-deprived.
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    Well a couple things here . . . # 1 lots of people with PCOS lose weight; it makes it difficult but the women I know with it don't have to "workout like a fiend" to lose weight, they just have to be sensible about their lifestyle.

    # 2) Your children are a big part of your life - totally get it, as much as someone without children can understand. However, being a mom isn't your only thing in life is it? You need to do things for you because when they're old enough to move out on their own, or go to university/college/etc, are you going to whine and cry a bit and think they'll stay home just because you want them to? I get that you are a parent, but you need to do things for you. A girlfriend of mine is a mom to two tweens and she is at the gym 5 days/week for 1-2 hours/day. She loves her kids, with every ounce of her being, but she has said she needs her time. She needs time for just thinking and quiet. Plus, those couple hours the kids come home, do chores or homework or whatever. It's time for everyone to have some alone time. You need to do it for you, plain and simple. Your family is a big part of your life, but not the only part of your life.
  • Shanel0916
    Shanel0916 Posts: 586 Member
    I go in the morning bout 4am or 5am even on weekends when they are sleep