anyone else have issues eating more then once a day



  • kelly_trixie
    kelly_trixie Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks everyone am gunna do my best to follow what yall are saying and try to find a different doctor who is more willing to listen when i say something isn't right thyroid issues runs in my family and hes already put off testing me a couple times
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Nope always only eaten once a day since i was a young girl
    I wake up feeling nauseas everyday so i always skipped breakfest by lunch i was just to busy to eat so i always just ate dinner and was content with that
    When i was hospitalized last year my doctor had said i was malnourished that i wasent eating enough and my body was in starvation mode hence the weight gain but now am confused because yall are saying theres no such thing so idk what to do lol

    Well, if you've been eating very little actual food and filling in your calories with soda, there's a good chance that you could have some nutritional deficiencies. "Starvation mode" as you're talking about it (gaining weight when you eat too little) doesn't exist, but nutritional deficiencies do. (Btw: 600 calories in soda is only 4 regular cans. I know a lot of people who can easily drink triple that, especially if you're drinking bottles and not cans. If you go over your maintenance calories from drinking a ton of soda and not eating enough food, for a long enough period of time, you could easily become both overweight and malnourished).

    Try this: for 4-6 weeks, eat 1200 calories of food every day. Get in your lean proteins, some good fats, and some vegetables/fruits. Every day. A multi-vitamin probably wouldn't hurt, too. It doesn't matter when you eat those calories -- spread throughout the day or all in one meal, whatever appeals to you. But please start putting some actual nutrition into your body. And make sure you're tracking accurately -- that means using a food scale for solids, measuring cups for liquids, and recording every bite and every sip.
  • kelly_trixie
    kelly_trixie Posts: 24 Member
    I have completely cut out all sugary drinks and have been doing my best to eat healthier like i said its not easy for me to force myself to eat in general but i have been trying to add in more nutritious foods instead of just bread or red meats i was already measuring my foods its just a matter of getting more calories per day from actual food products then i was use too
  • neohdiver
    neohdiver Posts: 738 Member
    Thanks everyone am gunna do my best to follow what yall are saying and try to find a different doctor who is more willing to listen when i say something isn't right thyroid issues runs in my family and hes already put off testing me a couple times

    You might inquire about seeing a digestive disease specialist. Nausea and inability to eat much in a sitting is not necessarily something a dietician or nutritionist can address. Those, combined with malnourishment are some of the symptoms of a rare condition friends of mine have had - gastroparesis. I'm not saying you have it, but what you are describing sounds to me more like a medical problem than a monitoring what you eat problem.

    As to thyroid concerns - some of those are definitely genetic, so if you are having symptoms a doctor worth seeing should be willing to test.
  • rcktgirl
    rcktgirl Posts: 2 Member
    edited February 2016
    I wouldn't be able to handle eating only once a day. My ex bf did that and it worked for him but it certainly didn't work for me. I've been eating 5 meals a day for the past few years. Because I am so used to it, if I did go to one meal a day, I'd get really sick.

    Having said all depends on your fitness goals and your body's metabolism rate. For myself personally, I am training for lacrosse. This means building up endurance and building muscle. If I were to do this, I CANT go on one meal a day. I would have no strength and energy. My personal trainer has me doing strength training 2 times a week and doing HIIT (high intensity interval training) 2 times a week and then the other 2 days it's light cardio. I am a distance runner do I run a few half marathons a year but lacrosse is a WHOLE new ball game. It requires a lot of stamina. Since I am building up muscle, my personal trainer has me on a pretty good diet. I have to eat 5 meals a day and I can only eat certain types of foods at certain times of the day. (ie: before 12:00pm i can only eat protein, veggies and healthy fats, I eat my carbs post workout and dinner). This is how my body works the best so I follow it.

    It might seem like a lot of work to prep and eat 5 meals a day but it's what MY body needs. What my body needs doesn't necessarily mean what YOUR body needs. You just have to listen to your body and do what feels right.

    In my personal opinion, the best thing you can do is go to a Registered Dietician or nutritionist. They will measure the metabolic rate of your body and know which foods you should eat so that your body maximizes its ability to burn calories.
  • kelly_trixie
    kelly_trixie Posts: 24 Member
    neohdiver wrote: »
    Thanks everyone am gunna do my best to follow what yall are saying and try to find a different doctor who is more willing to listen when i say something isn't right thyroid issues runs in my family and hes already put off testing me a couple times

    You might inquire about seeing a digestive disease specialist. Nausea and inability to eat much in a sitting is not necessarily something a dietician or nutritionist can address. Those, combined with malnourishment are some of the symptoms of a rare condition friends of mine have had - gastroparesis. I'm not saying you have it, but what you are describing sounds to me more like a medical problem than a monitoring what you eat problem.

    As to thyroid concerns - some of those are definitely genetic, so if you are having symptoms a doctor worth seeing should be willing to test.

    Thank you hun i def think a new doctor is in order
  • arj5150
    arj5150 Posts: 21 Member
    You drank all of your calories all day, but felt like you needed to "eat " something at dinnertime..hence the chicken and rice/noodles. Now that you are NOT drinking pop (hopefully) you can replace those calories with nutritious foods? Especially since you get the task of teaching healthy eating habits to your kids...It might take awhile until you are ready for solid foods during the day. Maybe try some soups? I freaking love soup...
    Your doctor should be trying to determine why you feel too sick too eat solid food in the morning. I know some people just don't have an AM appetite, and I for one, will not eat if I am not actually hungry, but this might be worth looking into.
  • kelly_trixie
    kelly_trixie Posts: 24 Member
    Hmm i was a lil iffy on the meal replacement shakes but i may look into it or maybe even doingbthe smoothie route see if it makes eating easier
  • PurpleYFronts
    PurpleYFronts Posts: 344 Member
    Feel free to add me, I will do what I can to offer you support throughout this journey and recovery!
  • jnlepke
    jnlepke Posts: 1 Member
    Hon, you're definitely not eating enough calories - your body needs a certain amount, just for your organs to function properly. If you don't consume enough, your body will literally start to shut down - this may be why you're feeling "puky" after eating anything. I would recommend speaking to a professional about eating habits, (good job on cutting out soda!) and figuring out if there may also be an underlying food aversion or allergy. But, the chicken and rice is definitely not enough to sustain normal bodily function. Best of luck to you!!
  • austinsneeze
    austinsneeze Posts: 220 Member
    Problem being if you only eat once a day your body goes into starvation mode you have to eat at least 3 meals a day to boost metabolism and keep body from retaining all the calories from the one meal

  • cinnag4225
    cinnag4225 Posts: 126 Member
    Am i alone in the fact if it was up to me id only eat once a day
    Its a real struggle doing the 3 meals and 3 snacks a day thing

    The best thing I can suggest for bringing up calorie intake is to incorporate healthy high-calorie foods into your diet. Most root vegetables and beans, as well as dried fruits and nuts are calorie-dense and generally are health-friendly as long as you aren't choosing preparation methods like frying. You can also allow a little wriggle room for a serving of something "bad" such as ice cream or cookies (I have a bit of a thing for graham, myself).
  • SadDolt
    SadDolt Posts: 173 Member
    who said you had to have 3 snacks? o.0
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,628 Member
    I've been my same overweight self for years even tho i eat pretty healthy, no soda, no fast food, pasta occationally, drink water but i would only ate twice a day. ppl who know nutrition told me i need to eat breakfast (ugh) & more often so that was the hardest thing for me but I make a shake in our nutribullit & have gotten used to that. I eat an open face P&J sandwich or protein bar for snack or make a veggie shake. Since I've been eating more often I'm losing weight & have to admit i feel better. I'm not very hungry for my regular meals so it's been easy not to over eat. Maby a shake for breakfast would work for you?
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,628 Member
    want to add that my best friend eats once a day & hasn't lost any weight. I worked in a hospital & the Docs i asked said it's putting your body in starvation mode & it's hanging on to fat etc. & it made my metabolism slow. So since eating more i've lost 12lbs already
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Problem being if you only eat once a day your body goes into starvation mode you have to eat at least 3 meals a day to boost metabolism and keep body from retaining all the calories from the one meal

    No. No, that is not true. If you get all your calories in one meal or 9 in a day, it has no effect on your overall daily metabolism, nor will you go into that mythical thing called starvation mode. If you can get all your calories and not under-eat eating one meal a day, it is not an issue, but a nutritious meal with lots of veggies even for someone at 1200 calories, would be a very difficult meal to eat in one sitting.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    edited September 2016
    Am i alone in the fact if it was up to me id only eat once a day
    Its a real struggle doing the 3 meals and 3 snacks a day thing

    I did that my senior year in high school. I couldn't do it now for sure. If I did that now, I would gnaw off my fingers by the end of the day. :)
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    Am looking to drop back down to below 200 i was only 140 til i had my oldest son after i had him i just progressively got bigger and bigger plus two more pregnancys and other health problems that required me to be less active am very short am only 4'11 so my weight is difficult to handle and its mostly in my belly

    Hi Kelly, that doctor lied to you. You did not get to be 200 pounds because your body was in starvation mode. If you were drinking all your calories in soda which can add up to tons of calories, that is how you gained the weight. Please try to eat more. Perhaps a nutritionist could help you with this.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    Rats, this is an old post. I need to start checking the dates.