What nobody told you about running.



  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,478 Member
    My tong freezes over, and no, it doesn't hang out of my mouth. Waiting for the moment where I get frost bite on my tong :D
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    How when I was younger I loathed running with a passion, now if I don't get a run in I turn into a real *itch.
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    How quickly your body responds to the extra work.

    A 30 second jog for me was almost thoroughly undoable when I started last year, but within just a couple of months, I was already up to completing a 5k without stopping, and that was at nearly 275lbs.

    Unfortunately, my body didn't like moving that much weight that far, and I suffered an achilles injury which kept me out of any real cardio for the last six months. I've only been back at it for five weeks now, but I'm already back up to two 1.75 mile sets with a short break between them.
  • lindsayh87
    lindsayh87 Posts: 167 Member
    I always hated running and never thought I would like it, now I need it. I wish I could run every day but "they" say not to do more than like 4 a week.

    Also...runners poop. TMI maybe but for me if I don't time my meals properly at about 3.5 miles I always have to poop
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    adescut wrote: »
    How much of it is mental.

  • KathyApplebaum
    KathyApplebaum Posts: 188 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    I mean, I'm still not fast and if I try to run an eight min mile or less it's rough going, but I can mosey along at a nine minute mile
    That's fast in my book! My all-day-pace is 13, and I can bump it up to 11 for that last quarter mile of the race. If I'm going 9, I'm being chased by a bear. :smiley:

  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,660 Member
    FatMoojor wrote: »
    That it takes a long time for toenails to regrow!

    Not to mention black toenails.
    peleroja wrote: »
    Definitely the toenails thing. My shoes fit, but after 10-12 miles or so those babies are goners regardless.

    I also didn't realize that there would come a point where I really would have an "easy pace" and be able to run for hours without being out of breath at that pace. I honestly had no idea that it could get so easy. I mean, I'm still not fast and if I try to run an eight min mile or less it's rough going, but I can mosey along at a nine minute mile more or less indefinitely and that's kind of amazing.

    I prefer how my shoes fit, too. I find it takes about 13 months for the toenail to grow back enough to lose it, again - as opposed to blisters every time I run if I go up half a size. I'm ok with that trade.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    I mean, I'm still not fast and if I try to run an eight min mile or less it's rough going, but I can mosey along at a nine minute mile
    That's fast in my book! My all-day-pace is 13, and I can bump it up to 11 for that last quarter mile of the race. If I'm going 9, I'm being chased by a bear. :smiley:

    Well, it's not going to get me qualifying for the Boston anytime soon, is all I meant. I'm at more of a "happy hobby runner" pace than a competitive one and I don't see that changing without a serious increase in mileage and tempo/hill/interval training sessions, which I don't really have the time or inclination for.

    I hang out on Reddit a bit at r/running and there if you're not running a six minute mile they don't know why you bother, haha. I don't let it bother me because I'm thrilled that I finally like running and feel good doing it, but it's pretty sobering to see how much farther you can go with it, I guess. I get so proud of myself for running 13.1 in under 2 hours but there are plenty of women out there shaving half an hour off that even at local races so it's all relative.
  • ironsue
    ironsue Posts: 17 Member
    My toes get sore when I run sometimes. I tried rubbing clove oil on them and it worked. I was shocked. I just started training for my 2nd half marathon. My first half was in 2007. I was running about a 10-11 min mile in 5k's. I am surprised at how slow I am on a treadmill and how slow a pace it takes to get my heart into a zone 3 (endurance) 17 min. mile. I hope I get better soon. About 10 weeks left until the run!
  • L_Master
    L_Master Posts: 354 Member
    - Most runs don't have too, and shouldn't, be hard or taxing sessions
    - How addicting it can get
    - That not listening to your body when you're dealing with a potential injury (as opposed to some soreness or random niggles) can REALLY set you back
    - How important being lean is if you want to run fast
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    When it's really really cold outside your eyelashes can freeze together from the frozen sweat.
  • Carpercia
    Carpercia Posts: 134 Member
    It feels effortless after mile 4
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    ironsue wrote: »
    My toes get sore when I run sometimes. I tried rubbing clove oil on them and it worked. I was shocked. I just started training for my 2nd half marathon. My first half was in 2007. I was running about a 10-11 min mile in 5k's. I am surprised at how slow I am on a treadmill and how slow a pace it takes to get my heart into a zone 3 (endurance) 17 min. mile. I hope I get better soon. About 10 weeks left until the run!

    I did most of my running when I started back on the treadmill and was surprised at 1) how much different it was on the road 2) how much faster my pace was when I wasn't watching the meter all the time. When you aren't used to running outside you have no perception of speed or pace.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    edited February 2016
    my nose runs :( especially when it colder - very snotty!
    moyer566 wrote: »
    chafing. in unnameable places
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    Bloody nipples
    FatMoojor wrote: »
    That it takes a long time for toenails to regrow!

    Not to mention black toenails.
    lindsayh87 wrote: »

    Also...runners poop. TMI maybe but for me if I don't time my meals properly at about 3.5 miles I always have to poop

    Everybody makes running sound so appealing! :laugh:

    I wasn't making fun. I'm actually learning to run myself, so I love this thread.

    I have patellar-femoral issues due to my work (I kneel a lot) and am recovering from a hurt (but not torn) meniscus caused by sloppy gym work on my part. I'm taking it slowly because I love running. At least as much as I've been able to do. When I started, I had to actually slow down to keep a cadence of 180, so my "run" was a 17 minute mile. I'm limiting myself to 30 minute runs for now because I'm afraid to overwork my knee and then I won't be able to run. I just got to 2.7 miles, so I was feeling pretty proud of myself yesterday.

    I guess my "wish I'd known" contribution is just how much I would love running in general. Just being able to "go" is awesome!
    And how frustrating taking it slow because of my knee would be.

    I wish I'd known that my heart rate wouldn't get that high for the amount of running that I do. I've been surprised at how easy it's been cardio-wise. That might be different once my knees adapt better and I'm able to go for longer runs. On the other hand, I've been told that for most runs you should be able to talk to other people, so maybe that never changes. Idk.

    LOL Any exercise sounds unappealing when people tell you about all the little injuries and unpleasant side effects but if we didn't enjoy it we wouldn't do it. :) I'm training right now for the Vegas Spartan Super in March and am really excited. It's my first OCR and I can't wait to test myself against the course, which is 9.5miles, unfortunately no mud or water from what I've heard from last years reviews.
    RUN_LIFT_EAT Posts: 537 Member
    bowel movements in the craziest places!
  • Cifucanguess
    Cifucanguess Posts: 175 Member
    tri_bob wrote: »
    Deviating from the purely physical, I submit a roughly chronological list of adjectives that runners cycle through to describe running over time:
    • Hate
    • Tolerate
    • Like
    • Love
    • Need (This is when the trouble starts.)

    I guess I'm in the Tolerate/Like phase...
  • gdyment
    gdyment Posts: 299 Member
    ~11,000 running miles in last 9 years, no lost toenails (one was thinking about it). I have, however, learned all the blister/chafe pain lessons. I cannot run in loose shorts ever - even <10% body fat the thighs still rub and it's like a constant rope burn after 2k. So I'm the dork always in the compression shorts or tights. Also had the bloody nipple lesson a few times so it's got to be a tight under-armor compression top and/or vasoline on the nips before going out. NEVER cotton. I even put a layer of vasoline on the nether regions if it's a long run.

    I also stopped getting blisters about 6 years ago - double lined wright-socks saved my feet. If doing a Spartan or something with water/mud, I goop vasoline all over my feet before putting socks on. Sounds gross but no friction, no blisters, happy me. Run all winter in normal running shoes, snow, ice - no falls (now I've jinxed myself).

    I guess if I was giving a few points to newbies it would be don't run so fast unless it's a race, you can run more often than you think, and correct clothing makes all the difference. I use body glide in a wetsuit legal triathlon but vasoline any other time because it's about 1/10 the price.
  • IILikeToMoveItMoveIt
    IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
    lindsayh87 wrote: »
    I always hated running and never thought I would like it, now I need it. I wish I could run every day but "they" say not to do more than like 4 a week.

    Also...runners poop. TMI maybe but for me if I don't time my meals properly at about 3.5 miles I always have to poop

    That's great to know!
  • IILikeToMoveItMoveIt
    IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
    A lot of great stuff to know everyone. This is awesome! I got some compression pants and my kids suffered as I tried on tons of shoes. I've been looking at runners world and hope to get a double jogging stroller soon, but these real world experiences are very encouraging and can potentially save me some injuries and embarrassment. I hope to get to the point where I can run a 5k+. I'm looking into running clubs as well if anyone has advice on that too.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    No one told me how much I would loathe it. Had to figure that out on my own. After running two minutes in my first and only 5k I turned to my friend and said "After this, I'm never running again". I pretty much stuck to my word.