Like Minded Lushes June 2011



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I'm gonna try to stay drink-free with ya Kim but I'm a little concerned about the annual golf tournament bbq that i'm going to. It's at a bar (my step-mom's bar mind you) and there is always someone there that wants to buy me a drink. I haven't had a drink in 12 days though which could work either way for me.... I've been so good, why not have one -or- I've come this far, why break the streak now!? Anywhoo... i'm gonna try and good luck to you:flowerforyou:

    Do the best you can...but, you did break the 160's, remember (guilt trip!!) :devil: Have fun at the tournament

    Off to work, peeps...most of you are getting off and going out...:grumble:
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Oy! There you all are! *Ahem* That's what I get for not checking in sooner. Sorry about that.

    So my doctor is evil. In a good way but still, evil. I'm on anti-depressants again and guess what? They don't like beer one bit. The side effects are amusing, to say the least. Blah, what a way to get me to cut down on my drinking eh?

    So yeah, who's gonna pick up the slack for Bunny eh? :D
    That sucks bunny, I'm on the same ones and drink like a fish. Speaking of I feel depressed as **** today. I hate the feeling of wanting to just cry and cry and cry. Work will distract me, hopefully no nasty customers today.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Dinner out tonight with work colleagues. I am such a lightweight now, the food took ages to come out and even a few mouthfuls of wine went to my head while I was waiting. Feel like I've got a hangover already and it's only a few hours since I drank it. :blushing:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    I blew them away at the interview and they told HR to make me an offer even before they finished all the interviews. I only have a heads up but I am on cloud nine until the actual offer comes thru. Pssssssttt please don't tell anyone cuz I don't want the boss woman to make my last couple of weeks miserable. DH and I played hooky today and he bought Goose to celebrate the good news about the pending offer.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Robin, way to rock that interview and celebrate away

    I decided to have a small glass of pinot noir when I got home, just enough to enjoy a good thunderstorm.

    I think that puts me at nine for the week. I exercise tomorrow and make up for it.
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Awesome news Robin!

    I'm having a bottle of wine because I just don't care.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Well, Kim and Faith.... so much for the sober weekend huh!? I didn't drink last night but I'll probably have a couple tonight. 13 days is definately not a bad streak for me though!

    Faith, I hope everythings okay... I felt that depressed feeling on Thursday and I did cry! I just felt overwhelmed with life. I have found when something goes bad in my life it can't just be one thing, it always has to happen in 3's. I got over it though.. Yesterday was a good day and I'm sure today will be too. Just gotta take life day by day and deal with the cards that are delt i guess:drinker:

    Oh yeah....Hoooray for Robin!
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 686 Member
    Oy! There you all are! *Ahem* That's what I get for not checking in sooner. Sorry about that.

    So my doctor is evil. In a good way but still, evil. I'm on anti-depressants again and guess what? They don't like beer one bit. The side effects are amusing, to say the least. Blah, what a way to get me to cut down on my drinking eh?

    So yeah, who's gonna pick up the slack for Bunny eh? :D
    That sucks bunny, I'm on the same ones and drink like a fish. Speaking of I feel depressed as **** today. I hate the feeling of wanting to just cry and cry and cry. Work will distract me, hopefully no nasty customers today.

    Awww *HUGS* I'll balance ya out with my hyperness at the moment if I could. :D

    And to be an ornery little stinker, I got some other meds to balance out the effects (i.e. tums). Only had 6 and between then and now, I'm good to go. So maybe it was the Blue Jay burger??
  • Hey to all! Thanks to a fellow lush, I have joined this group!

    I love drinking wine.....but once that 750ml bottle opens, its hard to just....not drink the rest! Especially if you are sharing it with someone! Then we end up getting another one!

    I have found that if I drink and do not watch my calorie intake, it leads to overeating and gaining weight.....quickly. (which I have been doing lately)

    If I do not drink at all, it seems as though I am naturally about 7-10 pounds lighter than I am now ( I didn't drink for a month and I was down to 136 - now its crept up to around 143-5 now.)

    Even though I drink, i strength train 5 days a week and do cardio 6 days a week .

    So i think I just need to find the balance, where I should control my alcohol intake within my recommended caloric daily intake to lose weight.

    My new alcohol goal is.... Im going to switch from wine(which is sugar) to vodka (which has less sugar) with soda water, or just a straight up martini and stick to having one or two.

    Is this balance possible? Has anyone succeeded in losing weight while drinking that is around my height and weight? 5'2" 145
    What was your daily caloric intake?

  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Hi Jess,
    I lost about 10 pounds and I'm 5'3" and started around 140--I'm now fluctuating between 125 and it is possible!! My "losing" calories were 1450 (my activity level was set to mediumish) and my maintenance calories were at 16-something. I've changed my activity level for the summer since I'm home (I'm a teacher) and we're always on the go and I don't necessarily have a ton of time to work out and my cals are 1800. Hope that helps!!

    So, last night we had a fire with the neighbors and I didn't plan on drinking (I had a red-bull/vodka motivator earlier in the day) but I did. A Summer Shandy and a fairly gross concoction of Absolut "Asian Apple" (apple and ginger) red bull, light cran juice, and club soda. We were trying to make a nasty vodka really didn't work but I didn't want to waste it! :laugh:


    Ugh, 12 for the week...and a movie night again tonight. I might try and get some sort of exercise in today so if I do end up drinking tonight it won't blow my calories for the day.

    Way to go Robin with the job!!!!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Hey to all! Thanks to a fellow lush, I have joined this group!

    I love drinking wine.....but once that 750ml bottle opens, its hard to just....not drink the rest! Especially if you are sharing it with someone! Then we end up getting another one!

    I have found that if I drink and do not watch my calorie intake, it leads to overeating and gaining weight.....quickly. (which I have been doing lately)

    If I do not drink at all, it seems as though I am naturally about 7-10 pounds lighter than I am now ( I didn't drink for a month and I was down to 136 - now its crept up to around 143-5 now.)

    Even though I drink, i strength train 5 days a week and do cardio 6 days a week .

    So i think I just need to find the balance, where I should control my alcohol intake within my recommended caloric daily intake to lose weight.

    My new alcohol goal is.... Im going to switch from wine(which is sugar) to vodka (which has less sugar) with soda water, or just a straight up martini and stick to having one or two.

    Is this balance possible? Has anyone succeeded in losing weight while drinking that is around my height and weight? 5'2" 145
    What was your daily caloric intake?

    Hey, you found us! I'm 5'2 and weighed 172 when I started this and am now down to 159 so yes it is possible to find a balance. Cutting back drinking does help though. It's impossible for us who like to drink to cut it out completely but if you just set a limit to it and calculate it into your calorie intake you can lose weight. I'm with ya on the vodka/soda... I always use fresh lime to add some flavor though (or flavored vodka). Good luck :drinker:
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Hi Jess,
    I lost about 10 pounds and I'm 5'3" and started around 140--I'm now fluctuating between 125 and it is possible!! My "losing" calories were 1450 (my activity level was set to mediumish) and my maintenance calories were at 16-something. I've changed my activity level for the summer since I'm home (I'm a teacher) and we're always on the go and I don't necessarily have a ton of time to work out and my cals are 1800. Hope that helps!!

    So, last night we had a fire with the neighbors and I didn't plan on drinking (I had a red-bull/vodka motivator earlier in the day) but I did. A Summer Shandy and a fairly gross concoction of Absolut "Asian Apple" (apple and ginger) red bull, light cran juice, and club soda. We were trying to make a nasty vodka really didn't work but I didn't want to waste it! :laugh:


    Ugh, 12 for the week...and a movie night again tonight. I might try and get some sort of exercise in today so if I do end up drinking tonight it won't blow my calories for the day.

    Way to go Robin with the job!!!!
    Did you get that ginger vodka? My liquor rep tried to sell that to me and said it was one of his favorites but I told him it sounded discusting!
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    Hello all! It's been awhile. I've been to speak. A couple of weeks ago, tequila into some strawberry margs, and the lime mix too. But DIDN"T finish the bottle!! Meaning that there were 1 other people having cocktails too, not that I would drink a whole bottle! :sick: Usually there is none left. So the next morning I made some Bloody Tequilas, plenty hot! Yup, 3 was just right for breakfast. lol And so that Saturday was down hill all day! :blushing: Finished up with some beers. Lots of cold beer.

    But since then the intake of beer has gone down. About 4 for evening during the week, sometimes 6. Last weekend was tame: I didn't drink at all Sat., Sun., Monday. Yup you guess it.....I had some kind of intestinal bug! :laugh: What else would prevent me?? Then Tues, Wed, Thurs Friday went from 2 beers and by the end worked up to 6. A gradual incline, if you will. I am sitting here thinking I should have an ice cold beer now :devil: , or be good for a few hours longer :wink: .

    Welcome newcomers! Yes, it is possible to lose weight and drink. Logging all food and drink helps me plan better. I do eat proteins and veggies, and about every 3 hours. When I don't want to drink in the evening, I will fix an early big supper (lots of veggies, chic or shrimp) and don't feel like drinking because I'm full. Anyways, there a lots of good ideas here, friendly support and good people. :drinker: Cheers!

  • Glad to have come across a group that understands me! Together we shall succeed lol :)
  • ucmizt2
    ucmizt2 Posts: 2
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Hey April, I've tried the Skyy Ginger and it wasn't too bad. I mixed it with diet ginger ale I'm sure I was tasting the soda too. :drinker:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    HaHaHa I spoke too soon about my lack of lushyness :laugh: I finished logging yesterday and dinner was pizza and a beer so just under calories. BUT then I had a cider and some crisps and then 3 glasses of wine :blushing: I have had a Friday night and Saturday of really bad eating plus a fair amount of alcohol and I lost weight this week, did I lose any the whole month I wasn't drinking...NO... and the moral of this story junk, drink alcohol and lose weight :drinker: :bigsmile: :smokin:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    HaHaHa I spoke too soon about my lack of lushyness :laugh: I finished logging yesterday and dinner was pizza and a beer so just under calories. BUT then I had a cider and some crisps and then 3 glasses of wine :blushing: I have had a Friday night and Saturday of really bad eating plus a fair amount of alcohol and I lost weight this week, did I lose any the whole month I wasn't drinking...NO... and the moral of this story junk, drink alcohol and lose weight :drinker: :bigsmile: :smokin:
    I like this train of thought
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Me too, what a slack week I am having. Onto it tonight :drinker: :drinker:

    Wine doesn't come in "light" but I find I can only drink a glass of red versus downing a bottle of white. And I'm loving that margaritas are available in "light" 100 calories per serving!!!

    Seems I was lighter when I drank more...hmmm...
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