Bicycle Fans - official thread for people who love riding th



  • lynnie07
    lynnie07 Posts: 52
    Yeah, I joined and cycling club this spring. I live in Atlantic Canada and we are going to ride to the Confediration Bridge liking New Brunswick to Prince Edward Island. It's approx. 50 km each way. So we expect to ride for at least 100 km that day. It's a good fitness goal and it'll be lots of fun. Right now, we are biking around 40 km per day. We are planning to make this trip late August. Love the feeling after I've completed my ride. I started combining workouts like Insanity in order to built my muscle endurance. So I do my ride in the morning and by the evening, I do a workout for 40 min to an hour. Trying to get in tip top shape for this ride. Can't wait1 :happy:
  • NiallWallace
    NiallWallace Posts: 78 Member
    Big route for me today as well I finally did an Imperial Century on my 26" Tourer

    Distance: 162.4km
    Top Speed: 56kmh
    Average: 21.4kmh
    7hours 34 minutes and 33 seconds moving
    Around 9 Hours out on the road
    Calories: Loads!
  • Bentrain
    Bentrain Posts: 41 Member
    @ 6ALSmom - you are to stiff in the upper body and shoudlers. just relax.
  • Bentrain
    Bentrain Posts: 41 Member
    I love cycling. I started 5 years ago and just love it. Now with it being light until almost 9 I can get 100 to 150 miles a week.

    As for clipless pedal, they are the best. More power and better on your feet and body. You are going to fall, but it only counts if its in from of other people. everyone forgets to unclip sooner or later and falls. Its not big deal.

    Bike short, get the best one you can afford. starting out you will want a thicker bike shorts chamois. As you get your saddle a thiner chamois will work.

    Best advice is to try and find a bike club or group. It make a workout into playtime and you will not find a better support group in the world.


    you wear bike shorts commando style.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    My daughter is on a camping trip all week so my goal is to ride at least 100 miles this week not including a 50 mile ride this Saturday. I really need it after a 4 day weekend at a wedding. No beer for me for a while.
  • @lynnie07: THAT sounds like a fantastic ride!! My ex-BF and I took a motorcycle to PEI from Syracuse, NY a few years ago. That Confederation Bridge is amazing!
  • @Bentrain: I just switched to clipless pedals a few months ago. I can't believe how much my riding has improved! I don't think I could go back to regular pedals again.
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    @Bentrain: I just switched to clipless pedals a few months ago. I can't believe how much my riding has improved! I don't think I could go back to regular pedals again.

    Seconded! I use SPD SL's.
  • mlsmathias
    mlsmathias Posts: 21
    Just found this thread....Awesome!
    I love riding and ride as often as I can. I love doing more endurance cycling...Our group has an annual double century planned for this Saturday, however I will only be doing part of it...I will be reserving myself for next week.. As I will be taking part in the Bike Virgina Tour..I am super excited about that. I have been riding with a club called the Seyboro Cyclist for over 8 years now...I was off the bike last year for health reasons and OMG how quickly the pounds caught up to me. I have always been big, but wow!
    I am having a hard time balancing the diet, yet staying fueled for the rides...I am wanting to loose another 50 lbs. I have lost the extra weight I gained last year already, now working towards the stubborn pounds I have carried around for years. I am riding harder, faster and stronger...I stepped up in the club to ride with a faster group instead of staying in my comfort zone...It is paying off, slowly....I just have to be careful what I eat so I am fueled for the rides, & yet can still loose pounds...

    Average daily ride for me is about 30 miles give or take a couple ...Weekend rides are anywhere from 40-100 miles.
    Any advice from other endurance cyclist that ride every other day or daily out there?

  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524

    I really enjoy it, I go nice and slow (4min 30 miles on flat ground, about 6-7 up hill)

    Excuse me for this, I suspect I'm just having a really dumb day, :blushing: but I don't understand what you mean by 4min 30 miles? Do you mean it takes you 4 mins 30 secs to travel a mile on flat ground? Or am I just reading it totally wrong? Sorry!!!
  • I'm going to look at bikes tomorrow. I'm not ready for anything fancy yet but gotta get off this Expedition! I'm interested in a Trek 1.1. Anyone here have one? This shop also sells Cervelo and Pinarello so I gotta take those for a test ride just because!
  • Also, does anybody know I can change the miles on my TickerFactory ticker?? I can't get to it for some reason!
  • Ohhhhhhhhh, I am in LOVE...with a bike. I just test-rode a Cervélo S2 :::drool::: and it was fantastic!! Of course it's WAY more bike than I need right now, not to mention way out of my price range! I rode the Trek 1.1 which is more in my universe and I love that one too! The Cervélo can wait a few years. :::sigh:::
  • NiallWallace
    NiallWallace Posts: 78 Member
    Today's ride

    P******e fairy visited just before Dykehead, the prop stand loosened off as well so ended up in the bag and I managed to kick my front mudguard and broke the stay (just as well it was knackered and I have a new one sitting in the garage waiting for me to get round to fitting it)
  • Bentrain
    Bentrain Posts: 41 Member
    Ohhhhhhhhh, I am in LOVE...with a bike. I just test-rode a Cervélo S2 :::drool::: and it was fantastic!! Of course it's WAY more bike than I need right now, not to mention way out of my price range! I rode the Trek 1.1 which is more in my universe and I love that one too! The Cervélo can wait a few years. :::sigh:::

    Get all the bike your budget will let you. I see to many people go for the entry level bike and wish they spent a bit more a few eeks or months later.
  • N3OKI
    N3OKI Posts: 8
    Well hate to admit that my bike sat parked for over a year. I got lazy. Last sun. did a top to bottom tune up andinto the woods for a nice two hr. ride. Same ride today. Oh it is a 2007 Giant Trance.
  • ChubbyCyclist
    ChubbyCyclist Posts: 12 Member
    Ohhhhhhhhh, I am in LOVE...with a bike. I just test-rode a Cervélo S2 :::drool::: and it was fantastic!! Of course it's WAY more bike than I need right now, not to mention way out of my price range! I rode the Trek 1.1 which is more in my universe and I love that one too! The Cervélo can wait a few years. :::sigh:::

    Cervelo is an amazing bike - if you really want one, I would take a look at craigs list or your local classified ads.
    My bike was the cheapest one in the shop from Cannondale and it has been amazing. Over 3500 miles on that bike in 3 years. Love it.
  • I've never seen a used Cervelo for sale around here. I'd never even seen ANY Cervelo around here until I went to that bike shop. It's just not possible to buy that one yet. I don't mind an entry-level Trek for a few years. It's still a lot more bike than the Specialized slug I have now.
  • jewelstam
    jewelstam Posts: 25 Member
    Just found this thread but haven't read most of yet. We are a biking family of 5 who love biking and try to go carless as much as we can. Looking forward to reading more!

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