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How much thought/money do you put into the water you drink?



  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    I studied mine in university. Tap water all the way! My city is in the top 2 in my country for water quality.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    edited February 2016
    The water in my house is triple filtered, it taste better than bottled water, even the spring kind.

    Filter changed every four to six months
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    edited February 2016
    House water is well water that has been softened and filtered. I also have RO/DI, but only use that for my fish. I typically drink bottled, but regardless, I don't drink enough water for it to matter.

    Back when I moved into the house, the water testing showed off-the-charts high lvls of iron, thus the whole-house filtration. I haven't looked at the numbers in a long time though, so I don't know how good my water is these days.

    Clean eating is low on my list of priorities. Clean drinking is even lower.
  • snikkins
    snikkins Posts: 1,282 Member
    What is RO?

    We drink a combination of filtered and bottled water. The bottled water is a necessity because our cats are jerks and I have a thyroid med to take before I get up.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    I add whiskey to mine and I am good.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,645 Member
    snikkins wrote: »
    What is RO?

    We drink a combination of filtered and bottled water. The bottled water is a necessity because our cats are jerks and I have a thyroid med to take before I get up.
    Reverse osmosis
  • summerkissed
    summerkissed Posts: 730 Member
    We drink creek water.....no filter, no testing! Our water is tannin stained so it's a brown color, the cows poo in it lol, animals drink from it and yup we drink it!......we also have very strong tummies and excellent immune systems.....ours kids have only had gastro once in there lives (as young kids when we were living in city) even when gastro and bugs go around school the kids don't pick them up! We think it's because they are exposed to the bugs and it's enough to build up our immune systems! We do buy bottles water if we are staying in the city because we can't handle the taste and smell of the chlorine!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    We drink creek water.....no filter, no testing! Our water is tannin stained so it's a brown color, the cows poo in it lol, animals drink from it and yup we drink it!......we also have very strong tummies and excellent immune systems.....ours kids have only had gastro once in there lives (as young kids when we were living in city) even when gastro and bugs go around school the kids don't pick them up! We think it's because they are exposed to the bugs and it's enough to build up our immune systems! We do buy bottles water if we are staying in the city because we can't handle the taste and smell of the chlorine!


    You know there's a campaign called Water Aid that fights hard to raise money to protect people in the third world from having to drink dirty water that animals defecate in
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    We drink creek water.....no filter, no testing! Our water is tannin stained so it's a brown color, the cows poo in it lol, animals drink from it and yup we drink it!......we also have very strong tummies and excellent immune systems.....ours kids have only had gastro once in there lives (as young kids when we were living in city) even when gastro and bugs go around school the kids don't pick them up! We think it's because they are exposed to the bugs and it's enough to build up our immune systems! We do buy bottles water if we are staying in the city because we can't handle the taste and smell of the chlorine!


    You know there's a campaign called Water Aid that fights hard to raise money to protect people in the third world from having to drink dirty water that animals defecate in

    Huhm, both abs make a compelling case, but I think I'd go with filtered water.
  • summerkissed
    summerkissed Posts: 730 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    We drink creek water.....no filter, no testing! Our water is tannin stained so it's a brown color, the cows poo in it lol, animals drink from it and yup we drink it!......we also have very strong tummies and excellent immune systems.....ours kids have only had gastro once in there lives (as young kids when we were living in city) even when gastro and bugs go around school the kids don't pick them up! We think it's because they are exposed to the bugs and it's enough to build up our immune systems! We do buy bottles water if we are staying in the city because we can't handle the taste and smell of the chlorine!


    You know there's a campaign called Water Aid that fights hard to raise money to protect people in the third world from having to drink dirty water that animals defecate in

    You mean they have clean water over there?? Here I was thinking the water was filthy with human waste, rubbish due to unsanitary living conditions if I knew it was only the odd cow poop and kangaroo poo I'd never give them money!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    The point I'm making is humans shouldn't be drinking water that animals defecate in without filtering
  • koinflipper
    koinflipper Posts: 45 Member
    I use personal distiller and drink purest water possible. Would not drink store-bought didtilled water stored in those funky plastic milk jugs. That water tastes terrible. I use distilled water for other purposes, so might as well distill enough to drink. Also make ice cubes from it instead of auto ice maker.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Our well was tested when we bought our house 10 years ago and met the criteria for safety. I haven't considered testing it again. My "city friend" told me that our water tastes sweet. I figured that was better than "sour."
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I lived through the cryptosporidium outbreak in Milwaukee many years ago. SE Wisconsin cities have some of the safest tap water because of the upgrades they did as a result. On the other hand, it doesn't taste the best because of the chlorine and chloramine used. I have a 1 gallon Pur filter dispenser that stays in my fridge. Except the cost of the dispenser, I spend about $5 per 2 months on new filters. I have no need to spend anything more on water.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    I drink it straight from the tap and don't give it a second thought. But I also grew up in a time when all kids drank water from garden hoses, long before the fearmongering about that practice began. I guess because they never told us we could die from it, none of us ever did.
  • koinflipper
    koinflipper Posts: 45 Member
    Where I live, they are always announcing "boil water" notices on the 6 PM news for various areas of the state. That usually means the bacteria count from coming from sewage treatment plant is too high to be safe by government regulations. Happens so regularly, I won't drink tap water.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    I've got 3 spigots. Regular tap water for dishes, Unsoftened & filtered water for drinking, and reverse osmosis water for tea, ice cubes & coffee.
  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    We drink creek water.....no filter, no testing! Our water is tannin stained so it's a brown color, the cows poo in it lol, animals drink from it and yup we drink it!......we also have very strong tummies and excellent immune systems.....ours kids have only had gastro once in there lives (as young kids when we were living in city) even when gastro and bugs go around school the kids don't pick them up! We think it's because they are exposed to the bugs and it's enough to build up our immune systems! We do buy bottles water if we are staying in the city because we can't handle the taste and smell of the chlorine!

  • Goatsmith
    Goatsmith Posts: 29 Member
    Water is water. Unless it's coffee. Usually, for me, it's coffee.

    I've probably added two pounds to my weight in just absorbed lead and cadmium, still don't care.
  • missblondi2u
    missblondi2u Posts: 851 Member
    We have a water cooler at home and at work. At work we get RO water delivered, but at home we refill the 5 gallon bottles at the grocery store RO station because its cheaper. I've moved around a lot, and tap water is always a little different everywhere you go. I don't think there's anything unhealthy about tap, but I prefer the consistency of my RO.