2016 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    DWBalboa wrote: »

    Don't mean to sound like a Drill Instructor, but if you are truly interested in getting in shape and are invested in obtaining your goals, at the very least you need to have your basic info on your profile filled out.

    About Me:
    I haven't filled this out yet.

    Why I want to get in shape:
    I haven't filled this out yet.

    My Inspirations:
    I haven't filled this out yet.

    If you want people to help you and to take you serious about this, then you have to put forth the effort to show us you are devoted to this goal.

    I couldn't agree more! Although I've found my mentees for now, I continue to watch this thread to see if there might be someone else I could effectively mentor. I'm looking for people who in my assessment have what it takes to be successful. There are willing to take a set of actions day in and day out that are essential to losing weight (such as logging into MFP every day and logging their food intake using a digital scale). They may need some guidance and support to be successful, but they aren't looking for a mentor to "motivate" them. They know that motivation comes from within. They are determined to succeed and are in a place in their lives right now where they can devote the time and energy needed to lose weight.

    If you are serious about losing weight, filing out your MFP profile, writing a descriptive request for a mentor as BiafraGirl11 has done (excellent!), and taking the time to go to the mentor's MFP profile page to learn something about them is a great place to start. You are asking a total stranger to help you. I think you can shift the odds of that happening in your favor by taking these foundational steps.
  • BiafraGirl11
    BiafraGirl11 Posts: 5 Member
    pvignard wrote: »
    Hello All,

    I am a NOOB, looking to be adopted, lose some weight, and have fun doing it. Some quick background:

    I hope you won't mind but I really liked your post so am going to use similar format to present myself!


    No prob at all! Welcome to MFP, wishing you the bestest!
  • Jackiegmz
    Jackiegmz Posts: 26 Member
    Hello ! I am so new to all of this and I would love to know how does this mentor thing works, I went through the posts and read a little bit of everything so I would like to have a mentor too if some one is available.

    I am 28 yrs old and have a mega challenge of loosing 50 lbs, my limitation through the day is that I have a desk job and by the time I get home I am so tired! but I don't want to use that as an excuse anymore! So I am willing to try my best guys!

    So if some one does want to help me out and guide me thru this please let me know!
  • lizwrites1313
    lizwrites1313 Posts: 160 Member
    edited February 2016
    I would be okay being a mentor. I'm afraid I've only been on mfp since the beginning of December so I d understand if no-one wants me but I'll throw my hat in anyway. No more than 3 though, I'm on everyday and log everything as well as doing plenty of exercise. Don't know anything about fitbit or any other apps, only mfp.

    About me! Well I'm 26 live in the wonderful Yorkshire (so if you of Halifax yourself, lets meet at the gym!) I am part of the game of throne, fellowship of the ring and walking dead challenge. I am a bit of a gym addict and terrible at housework.

    I work at a bookies and am a total bookworm. I'm on 1200 calories a day with only 6lb to go but I will be staying on to maintain weight.
  • Britt_Hos
    Britt_Hos Posts: 10 Member
    I'd love to have someone mentor me! With the goal being MUSCLE GAIN!

    I'm 21 and live a very sedentary life lately due to mental health but I have a gym membership that I'd love to get advice on how to fully utilize it and not be afraid of the weight section

    My entire life I've been a cardio bunny and knew I needed to lift weights due to being skinny fat

    Height: 5'3
    Weight: 103
    Build: I have a very petite frame. Long slim torse and large thighs with small calves
    I naturally have a VERY fast metabolism and used to eat unhealthy but within the last 5 years I've eaten very clean
    I have a dairy allergy, can't eat certain meats due to being a vegetairian for a few years, don't eat nuts due to acne issues

    I'm on a stimulant and an antidepressant, both which surpress my appetite. I was 121 3 weeks ago and stand at 103 today. A lot of that is due to muscle loss of being sick and barely able to eat 400 calories a day but have recently been trying really hard to reach my goal of 1750 to gain .5lbs per week

    I need help with a work out plan, protein/macro/general diet help and motivation. Hopefully this can be a long term them just be prepared you are starting at ground ZERO with me!
    Message me friend me if you'd like to be my mentor or have similar goals!
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    edited February 2016
    Darazz wrote: »
    DWBalboa wrote: »

    I think most people could use this same guidance so here is my thought on how to properly get started and how to stay on track.
    1. Account for all intake! Even condiments. If it goes in your mouth it goes on your logs.
    2. Get a digital scale and weigh everything. You may think that you know how to eye a serving but I can promise there is something that you are currently eating what you think is a single serving but turns out it’s more. Example; my protein powered say two scopes is a serving (i.e. 39 mgs) but when I put it on a scale a single scope is around 22 mgs that may sound like a minor thing but it adds up quick.
    3. In keeping with the above track your water intake you may be surprise to find out you are not taking in enough or at least on a regular enough basis. I keep a filtered water bottle with me so I always have a source with me.
    4. Find a BMR that works for you, start with the MFP recommendations and then modify it to fit what works for you. Not saying if MFP recommends 1200 calories and you aren’t losing weight fast enough for “your” liking to drop below that. I mean if you start at 1200 and after your day you are still hungry or don’t have the energy to get through the day and you work out, you should look at increasing your calories.
    5. Find a workout routine that you enjoy and is not so routine. Meaning mix it up, find exercises that you enjoy. Google is your friend! Google exercises to get ideas of what to do and how to do it.
    6. Don’t start to fast, like the old saying slow and steady wins the race. It’s a marathon not a sprint, starting to fast could cause you to get burnt out or worse injured.
    7. Ask a Pro! If you have any serious dieting questions or health concerns, ask your Doctor or a professional in that area.

    Ok enough for now especially since I have no idea if anyone will even read this.

    First off, you are most welcome I truly hope that anything I may have said may have helped in any way possible.
    Secondly, it is one thing to think that you are ok with regards to intake however, it is altogether another thing to know you are ok. You know the old saying knowledge is power, so be sure to arm yourself with the power of knowledge. My statement should have also emphasized the importance of insuring that you are getting enough calories. Your lack of energy could be that you are just not getting enough calories. I completely get the issue with time but you could perhaps apply a little time management skills to your day to assist with this. One such way is to prepare meals for yourself ahead of time and put them in separate pre-measured containers.

    Another thing that you can try, provided that you have one, is to use a HRM throughout the day to get an idea of your activity level. You may have your level listed to high or low and that may have your BMR skewed one way or the other which may be hindering you as well.

    Chasing kids all day will wear you out pretty fast and make it hard to find a way to get in any activities. But there are things that you can do to increase your activity level, take just five minutes and do a fast HIIT routine. Do 30 seconds of activity with 10 seconds rest in between, start out with something easy until you get the swing of it. Start with body squats, pushups, lunges, side skaters, plank, jumping jacks, pretty much any activity that gets you HR up will do the trick. Also, when watching TV try sitting in a modified squat position.

    Also, make sure that you have the correct mix on your micro nutrients i.e. Carbs/protein/fat, I played around with mine and found that for me a 35/45/20 mix was what worked best for me. Your body needs a mix of all so cutting out one all together in my un-professional opinion, is that it is unhealthy and unwise fats are not evil nor are carbs. We need them both to perform at our optimal level. With the exception to trans fats, now I’m not judging how those fats choose to live, but they are unhealthy.

    Please note that I referred to myself as an un-professional and that what I say is an opinion. Some of what I say may very well be backed by science but it comes from a person not certified (although I am certifiable), if you have any real serious questions or concerns you should get your Doctors or a nutritionist input.

    Please feel free to add me or just reach out to me anytime. I am very active in the evenings so if I don't respond prior to 1530, it may be the next day before I have an opportunity to respond, but rest assured I will get back to you.
  • allyssamickey
    allyssamickey Posts: 1 Member
    Looking for a mentor!

    I am a 23 year old girl living in Canada. When I was a kid I was incredibly skinny, flexible and healthy. Then we moved to Tonga. We picked up a lot of health problems there, and I certainly didn't eat as much as a North American kid would have, so I was very, very thin. Upon returning to Canada my body was put into such shock by the change of diet and puberty hitting all at once, within a year I looked like a completely different person, I was puffy and had put on a lot of weight.

    I found out in grade 12 that I am allergic to wheat, and that is the contributed to some of my weight gain, and the the puffiness. Since then I have been off wheat and look and feel a lot better, but I am by no means where I want to be in health.

    Current health:

    I have been doing yoga almost everyday for about 2 months. It feels great and my body feels a lot better, and I have been losing some weight. (About 10lbs).

    I eat decently well, but have just started a 6 week healthy meal plan and am looking forward to see what happens with that.

    My scale at home says I am 210, but it is broken. When I weighed the same on this scale before I was 180 at the doctors.
    My measurements are 42-29-45. I hope to bring about 2 inches off each of these eventually.

    Goals: for now I want to lose about 30 lbs and see where that leads me. I want to feel healthy is my main thing, and stop feeling sick all the time. The reason I want a mentor is accountability for those times when motivation fades.
  • lapimpa
    lapimpa Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I'm Pippa and I'm new (well, returning), and I'd love a mentor to stop me quitting again and gaining it all back!! I'm bigger now than I ever have been, and need to get back to where I should be...10 kilos lighter. I weigh around 68 kilos now, and 5 years ago was 55!! No reason for weight gain except being lazy and a food lover.

    I've got a fitbit tracker, and I've signed up for a 10k race at the end of April. I seriously need to get into shape.

    Anyone want to be weight loss buddies?? We can spur each other on and support each other!!

    Pippa xXx
  • 303lissy
    303lissy Posts: 427 Member
    Also looking for a mentor!

    About Me: I'm 25 living in New York. Lots of obesity related illnesses in my family, and I'd like to nip that in the bud earlier in life rather than later. I'm 5'0, currently 211.4 lbs. I got the wide Italian "birthing" hips, so I know I'll never be a size 2, but that's ok! I'm more interested in getting in shape and having good health than size. I joined a gym in November but didn't really change my eating habits. In fact, if anything, I thought I could eat more (all crap). Then I got injured, so I have to take it a bit slower, so I'm focusing on my eating habits right now and slowly getting back to working out.

    Interests: I want to love running. I know plenty of people who do. I currently hate it, but I want to love it. (I also can't run for the next 3-5 weeks...). I'm also interested in using kettlebells. I have light ones and enjoyed Jillian Michael's kettlebell exercises (also can't currently use kettlebells :neutral:). For the time being, I can sort of use the elliptical, but unfortunately not for too long.

    I'm also interested in changing my relationship with food. I tend to overeat because FOOD IS GOOD so portion control and asking myself "am I still hungry?" is big for me. I also tend to snack... no matter what or when I eat, I'm STARVING between 9 and 10 and night, and there's nothing better than crunchy, salty crap. I've taken to not even buying snacks because I don't trust myself yet.

    - Get down to 140-150 (lose 60-70 lbs)
    - Run a 5k without wanting to die

    My ideal mentor is... someone who can get a little pushy and nagging. Someone who isn't afraid to tell me to get off my *kitten* or to stop eating crap. But someone who's supportive and will recognize small accomplishments too. Also, if you've dealt with a not so serious but still detrimental sports injury, that would be a plus.

    I'm also looking to connect with fellow noobs so we can support each other!
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    I'll get in on this!!! Who wants me to adopt them?!
  • hectorh82
    hectorh82 Posts: 110 Member
    i could always use more adoptions haha
  • renasmeader
    renasmeader Posts: 1 Member
    I think I would like a mentor or anyone to help me find easy recipes(that i can make for 2 people). I have been on here for a week as of tonight. My Dr wants me to lost 30lbs in 3 months. This is supposed to help me with getting pregnant on top of making so I don't become a type 2 diabetic. (I was diagnosed with Endometriosis, polycystic ovaries, and thyroid problems.) He also said my calorie intake should be 1500 but didn't know how to set it here so it's set at 1200?!?! I haven't been doing exercises cause i have exercise induced asthma but am willing to give it a try if I can find light and short workouts.
  • SumnyUK
    SumnyUK Posts: 33 Member
    Looking for a mentor

    I'm hoping someone might be willing to help me on my weight reduction and fitness journey.

    About me

    I was my heaviest and was generally unhappy with myself. So for my new year's resolution 2013/14 I decided to lose some weight and get some fresh air and gentle exercise. Joined "biggest loser club" and paid to use their food diary for some months, until I realised it was stupid money when MFP was free, so I came here instead. My exercise consisted of gentle walks in my lunchbreak initially, then developed into longer walks on the weekend, and finally I started a c25k programme. Completed that in 9 weeks, and went on to do a 10 km and a half Marathon in autumn of 2014. By then I had lost 25 kg and was feeling really good about myself.

    I can sometimes bite off more than I can chew, so when the running was going well, I decided to throw in some cycling and swimming and train for an "Olympic" triathlon (1.5 km swimming, 40 km cycling and 10 km running). That lasted 2 or 3 months, and then I had burned out completely and stopped doing any exercise. At the same time I gave up on watching my calories and ate way to much. In spring 2015 I got back into things and trained for a Marathon that I completed in October. I didn't really watch my diet this time, but running 100 miles per month made it possible to eat pretty much anything I liked without gaining much. But again I had overdone things. All the training had taken its toll, and I was struggling with a very sore Achilles tendon and spending a small fortune on physio therapy to "manage" it so I could continue training. There were many breaks in the training, particularly when I got despondent about being in pain all the time, and after the successful completion I "forgot" to run, but I certainly didn't forget to eat.

    That brings me to February 2015. I have gained 20 lbs since late October last year. The nice clothes that I so proudly bought when I was slimmer and fitter now feel unpleasantly tight. The button of my jeans gets undone whenever nobody's watching, and I feel like I'm being strangled when I wear a tie.

    I tried to get back into running in January, and that lasted two weeks, before I gave up again. So now I have started logging all my food in MFP (day 5 so far), and have been running a gentle 5 km three times over the last week. I am determined to lose the 20 lbs or a bit more, and I am determined to be gentle with the exercise and not burn out again.

    Oh, and for basic stats, I'm male, 47 years, living near York in England. I work for a large IT company, and am fortunate enough to spend most of my time working from home.

    My interests

    Well, the paragraphs above makes it clear that I like running. It's particularly the long slow runs I find liberating. And if they happen in pretty and new surroundings so they become more of a sightseeing than a workout, then I'm happy like a pig in mud. My two favourite runs from last year was a 28 km sighseeing through the city of Bremen in Germany and a 30 km up and down the hills and valleys of the Yorkshire Dales (England). Having said that, I am not going to run another Marathon this year. But I have signed up for a half Marathon in June, and feel comfortable that I'll somehow manage to get ready.

    Food. I love good food, and I love to cook when I have the time for it. It can be a bit of a ritual for me. Some good music, a nice glass of wine, plenty of ingredients, a couple of hours of "me-time" to prepare something that tastes nice and that I can share with my lovely fiancee.

    Completely unrelated to MFP, I am a keen amateur photographer, although that has taken a bit of a backseat over the last two years with all the running and cycling and whatnot.

    I'm not a fashionista, but I do like to feel that I look good when I dress up to go out.

    • Loose 20-25 lbs
    • Get back into shape so I can run a half marathon on 26 June
    • Learn to enjoy some gentle strength training (I've tried. It never lasts more than a few times. I find it boring). I don't want to do body building, but core strength and functional strength would be good.
    • Avoid injury

    My ideal mentor

    Someone who has been through parts of the journey I'm on and can guide me. I see a mentor as a "knowledgeable friend" rather than a "teacher/instructor", so the ideal mentor for me would be someone who likes to cook and has good ideas for easy but tasty everyday meals for two, who likes to exercise (doesn't need to be running, I think exercise motivation is independent of the type of exercise) and who can gently cajole me into getting some strength training done. As I have overdone things a few times in the past, I'd also like my mentor to be able to pick up on the signals when my motivation is getting the better of me and being the voice of reason that makes me slow down when that is necessary. At the same time (not asking for much, am I? ;) ) my mentor should also know which buttons to push to get me to get my *kitten* in gear when I slack for too long without getting anything done.
  • Silvervixen79
    Silvervixen79 Posts: 116 Member
    Hi Everyone, I am morbidly obese (love that term, thanks for rubbing it in!), 5'3, 36 year old female and just under 300 lbs (nearly 20st). I have severe pain issues from arthritis throughout my body, suspected ruptured disks in my back (MRI next week) which means I am slowly watching my mobility disappear. I am not a lazy person, there is so much I want to do, if only my body would let me. I am on a waiting list to have a gastric bypass (been told the op should take place next month). I also have a history of binge eating (strangely enough on nutritious healthy food, not cakes etc... just in huge quantities) and have issues with alcohol which I quit entirely last week. So far feeling strong and determined to kick it forever.

    My ideal mentor

    Someone who has been in the same place as me and has dealt with and overcome pain issues, achieved weight loss against the odds and is strong to tell it to me straight. Preferably this person will have gone through some sort of weight loss surgery (as our dietary requirements are not the same as everyone else) and also because they will know what my struggles are.
  • VeganGrinch
    VeganGrinch Posts: 4 Member
    Omg i love this this is amazing and like i rlly need a mentor because like yeh i am like rlly fat omg im so excited xoxo omggg yayyy xoxo❤️
  • Littlemoran790
    Littlemoran790 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Everyone! I am new here and i have begin to love and learn this app. I have been struggling with weight loss my whole life & now I am trying to take my life by the reins and get into shape. I really have no idea what I am doing my husband has been helping me with the calories and what to eat. But if anyone has tips and trick to eating clean and workouts. I am 5'4" 308lbs and i want to lose 108lbs. :/
  • Ranger_PR
    Ranger_PR Posts: 33 Member
    Well this post seems Interesting I am new here and would like a mentor who would take me from the ground up I have basic knowledge of what to do but even if I am losing weight but my waist line is still mushy and I don't know how to get rid of it and I have other mushy areas in arms and I don't know how to deal with that, to the food I am picky specially in oatmeal I cant take it but I am willing to try new things, I tried Quinoa yesterday and liked it, well if you want to know more of me or are willing to adopt me throw me a message.
  • leebee187
    leebee187 Posts: 4 Member

    Soo.. I have been lurking on MFP and off for 3 years. Yoyo-ing with moderate levels of success. I then become content (if that's the word) with the smaller jeans sizes and it all starts again; A toxic mess of excuses for eating completely and utterly awfully, weight piles on and I'm back to square one.

    I read this thread 3 days ago and felt really inspired by the energy and commitment of all of the mentors. I didn't have the courage to put my hand in the air and ask for help, however, it's got to the point where I think accountability is the only option.

    Help... Please :)

    I have just turned 30, male, from sw England. Always been overweight but things got out of control 5 or so years ago. I got to 320 lbs at my biggest and am down to 287 after being 270 3 months or so ago. Up and down a lot.

    I know what to do, track calories to ensure a calorie deficit, weigh food to ensure accuracy, hit macro targets, strength/cardio training. Why can't I stick to it!? Target of 200 lbs.

    Wasted my 20's with the self consciousness my weight has always given me, I want my 30's to be happy and healthy. Any help would be amazing.

  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    Message sent lee.
  • slitey
    slitey Posts: 4 Member
    Hey I'm down to mentor someone,

    I'm 26 and have been training for 5 years recently started IIFYM after years of bro dieting so can help with whichever way you want to diet. Recently came back from a deployment pretty chubby and managed to lose 9kg while while training for strength, can you show you the before and after photos if you're interested. So feel free to hit me up if you need any help or advice.
This discussion has been closed.