Calling turbo fire fanatics!!! =D

Hey gang, Misty here!
Well I have had turbo fire for about three months and have done a couple of the workouts but have not commited to doing the whole program as written in the book. Well today I did the thirty min. class and I LOVED it!! I have officially caught fire and was hoping to get to know some fellow fire fanatics buddies on here. Obviously I mean the "fanatic" in the best possible way! Seriously I am freaking out about this program! I have done turbojam for years but this goes far beyond what I expected. I was DRENCHED in sweat! I am hoping to get a thread going where we can check in out eachother and just plain commiserate over the soreness (cause right now all I can think is OUCH) but also share the sucess beacuse I KNOW this program WILL bring sucess IF we stick with it and I believe staying in contact with others going through the same thing will be the key. I am starting the program for real on 6/20, So my question is this....anybody else ready to catch fire with me?!
Hope to hear from ya soon!!


  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    I loooooooooove Turbo Fire but due to my running schedule and focus on strength training, I'm not able to do it as often anymore. Here's a thread with a LOT of TF fanatics just like us!
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    I have had it for 6 months now and I can not get into it. I cant learn the moves. I only like the short short one. I feel like I need to sell it and try something else like Turbo Jam first.

    I loved Chalean Extreme though.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm starting this on August 8th :))

    Right now i'm doing ChaLean Extreme and C25K.

    In August, I plan to do C25K & TF
    and then once that is completed (turbofire) i'll be doing CLX/TF/C25K hybrid :)
  • getnfitn2011
    I have had it for 6 months now and I can not get into it. I cant learn the moves. I only like the short short one. I feel like I need to sell it and try something else like Turbo Jam first.

    I loved Chalean Extreme though.

    I know what you mean!!! Even doing the new to class feature I am finding it challenging but knowing the moves from turbojam is a plus because she does draw on those moves for fire but mixes them up! I agree whole heartedly Chalean Extreme is like my soul mate program lol. Well which ever you decide I wish you the best and if you want a turbo whatever buddie I am your girl!!! Here is wishing you blessings!!!

    Angela- thank you so much for leaving the link I will go check it out ASAP! =)
  • cinico
    cinico Posts: 294 Member
    I loooooooooove Turbo Fire but due to my running schedule and focus on strength training, I'm not able to do it as often anymore. Here's a thread with a LOT of TF fanatics just like us!

    Me to I love TF but I have some shoulder pain cause of the punching and I have to pick up my running again so I have to leave TF on the shelf for a while! But it is a great workout!!
  • getnfitn2011
    I'm starting this on August 8th :))

    Right now i'm doing ChaLean Extreme and C25K.

    In August, I plan to do C25K & TF
    and then once that is completed (turbofire) i'll be doing CLX/TF/C25K hybrid :)

    Oh my word girl! You are like my hero lol!!! I actually sold my CLX and bought body gospel...which is ok, but MAN I miss CLX!!! It sounds like you are a woman on a mission!! You go girl!!
  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    Hey gang, Misty here!
    Well I have had turbo fire for about three months and have done a couple of the workouts but have not commited to doing the whole program as written in the book. Well today I did the thirty min. class and I LOVED it!! I have officially caught fire and was hoping to get to know some fellow fire fanatics buddies on here. Obviously I mean the "fanatic" in the best possible way! Seriously I am freaking out about this program! I have done turbojam for years but this goes far beyond what I expected. I was DRENCHED in sweat! I am hoping to get a thread going where we can check in out eachother and just plain commiserate over the soreness (cause right now all I can think is OUCH) but also share the sucess beacuse I KNOW this program WILL bring sucess IF we stick with it and I believe staying in contact with others going through the same thing will be the key. I am starting the program for real on 6/20, So my question is this....anybody else ready to catch fire with me?!
    Hope to hear from ya soon!!

    I will join you, starting on June 20?! Yay!

    I have had the same experience as you, I only pick and choose videos to do based on how much energy I have. I wonder if following the program properly will help me get off these last 10 pounds?

    Feel free to friend me if you want :)

    Good luck!!
  • 3aBadkids
    3aBadkids Posts: 78
    Hey... I'm addicted to TF!!! My favs are Fire 45 and HIIT 25. I'm also doing P90X for strength training 3x/week plus running (weather permitting). LOVE LOVE LOVE Chalene!!!
  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
    4 and a half weeks into Turbofire and loving it :)
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    I have been doing Turbofire for about 3 weeks and LOVE IT!!! I have never sweat so much in my life =) I would love to join up with the fanatics!
  • dnthaveasn
    dnthaveasn Posts: 113
    Hey gang, Misty here!
    Well I have had turbo fire for about three months and have done a couple of the workouts but have not commited to doing the whole program as written in the book. Well today I did the thirty min. class and I LOVED it!! I have officially caught fire and was hoping to get to know some fellow fire fanatics buddies on here. Obviously I mean the "fanatic" in the best possible way! Seriously I am freaking out about this program! I have done turbojam for years but this goes far beyond what I expected. I was DRENCHED in sweat! I am hoping to get a thread going where we can check in out eachother and just plain commiserate over the soreness (cause right now all I can think is OUCH) but also share the sucess beacuse I KNOW this program WILL bring sucess IF we stick with it and I believe staying in contact with others going through the same thing will be the key. I am starting the program for real on 6/20, So my question is this....anybody else ready to catch fire with me?!
    Hope to hear from ya soon!!

    I got Turbo Fire about a month ago and I love it. Just like you I haven't commited to it like I should. I will be more than happy to start the program with you on the 20th.
  • jojoof4
    jojoof4 Posts: 120
    I've had the DVDs since April and have yet to get serious. I would love to start along with everyone else on the 20th... count me in!
  • getnfitn2011
    SWEET! So glad to hear from ya'll. And I am glad to hear that a few of you are just like me lol. There have been times that I am just thinking forty five minuets oh no not today , but I have about thirty in me so I will do that class!!!! I have been picking and choosing for a while now but its time to get real! I lost eight inches the week I did only some of the fire workouts I can't imagine what it will be like if I actually do it as planned! I just did the 20 min abs with my hubbs because I was obviously feeling crazy....oh my word I have NEVER done a more effective ab routine than this one! Tomorrow is gonna be a challenge just to get out of bed lol. I can't wait to see how this programs works when you actually do it as planned and I am ubber excited that so many will be starting around the same time that is so awesome!! Fire Fanatics are gonna rock this out!!! Till then be blessed guys!!!
  • kelleypf
    kelleypf Posts: 152 Member
    Psycho-obsessed-Turbo-fanatic reporting for duty!

    I'm on week 10 and am loving every minute of it. In fact, I just ordered the advanced dvds and cant wait to learn some new routines! So far I've lost over 25lbs and am definitely in the best shape of my life. I really like having the schedule to follow, and I think that's been the clincher for me. I know exactly what workout I'm doing every day and there's no guesswork that could lead to "oh I don't know what to do so maybe I'll just sit on the couch" logic!

    Good luck to everyone! I'll definitely check back to see how everyone is doing!
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    I have been doing Turbo Fire for a couple weeks now and love it! :)
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I started mine on Monday, I found a CHX/TF hybrid schedule edited for M-F which is perfect for me and my home. DH and I also started C25K on Monday. We really want to lose a lot of weight because we are in a Biggest Loser competition with my family and we want to win.

    Feel free to friend me too for more support!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I just stated week 9 of the turbo fire/chalean extreme hybrid. This is the beginning of the HIIT phase. I love turbo fire!! LOVE the music!!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Today was HIIT 15 and Sculpt 30. This was my first time attempting Sculpt 30. I would just like to say OUCH and no one should question whether or not they get a good enough workout with the bands!

    I hope those of you that planned to start today are hitting it hard!
  • klf82
    klf82 Posts: 9
    I started week one last week, but I got sick for several days, so I am starting all over today at week one. WOULD LOVE TO JOIN YOU ALL!!!
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I have now decided to just focus on TF to lose the BF then go back and do the CHX hybrid. I'm starting today with the prep schedule because I wasn't able to really keep up with HIIT 15 last week and I can't do the jumps yet. Otherwise I really like the program!