You don't have ''big bones'' or a ''big frame''



  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    trjjoy wrote: »
    Some of the responses here make my head hurt. Lemme go get some fresh air.

    Don't worry I know what your saying.....this is MFP and it's a place that no matter what you say people will try and put you down! They search the boards to find something to jump on!!
    Congratulations on your weight loss you are awesome!
    When I was a big girl my nan used to say "don't worry your just big boned" to try and stop the hurtful things people called me from hurting me too make me feel like it wasn't my fault! I know different now but I used that excuse for a long time x

    She's telling those of us with demonstrably large frames that we are delusional and you are ok with this? Alrighty then.

    Large frame or not the use of "I'm big boned" is no excuse for high body fat levels! I have swimmers shoulders I don't fit into most women's shirts because they are broad.......but actually it's not the bone it's that I'm lucky and I hold a lot of muscle there!!!....means tank tops look awesome on me and I don't buy shirts! I've got long legs as well so a lot of jeans are too short.....but that's my bone length not because I'm "big boned" my frame/skeleton size came in at above average for a 34 year old woman (that's when I had tests) and the extra weight from it was well under 1kg I wish I could find my darn dexa scan results!!! They will most certainly put this into perspective........I think what's more important is your body type are you Mesomorph, Ectomorph or Endomorph are you apple or pear shape? Where are you prone to hold fat?
    There is very minimal difference in the weight/thickness of bone structure in a fully grown adult!


    No one. Not one person in this thread, or in any of the threads OP posted in, used being "big boned" or "large framed" as an excuse for high body fat levels.

    Somatypes are bunk. A complete myth. They have zero basis in science.
  • summerkissed
    summerkissed Posts: 730 Member
    robininfl wrote: »
    I have wide shoulders, over 19" measured across, but slender bones, so my shirt size is delimited by shoulders not boobs - and I stay at the lower end of healthy BMI. My frame, the outline of my figure is defined by my bones - shoulders, ribs, hips, all of them are about as small as they are gonna get, the skeleton reaches my outer edges. My oldest daughter has a similar frame but thicker bones (gymnast - my wrists are 5.5", hers 7.5") and when she was in the same clothing size as me, weighed about 20 pounds more.

    But the original post, that one should not say that a large frame dooms them to be fat, that is correct. You are also correct that what looks like "big bones" can turn out to be fat, not bones. Though heavy people do get stronger, bigger bones in general, from carrying all that weight, those denser bones have to weigh something, right?

    BMI is outdated we know that! I'm an aus size 10 and weight 62kg when I started lifting weights I was 64kg and an aus size I wear a larger clothing size and I'm 2kg lighter.......the difference is my fat and muscle percentage!!
    I'm also wondering how you know you have slender bones? Are you both gymnasts? Do you both train the same? Do you both have the same strength and fitness levels?
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    robininfl wrote: »
    I have wide shoulders, over 19" measured across, but slender bones, so my shirt size is delimited by shoulders not boobs - and I stay at the lower end of healthy BMI. My frame, the outline of my figure is defined by my bones - shoulders, ribs, hips, all of them are about as small as they are gonna get, the skeleton reaches my outer edges. My oldest daughter has a similar frame but thicker bones (gymnast - my wrists are 5.5", hers 7.5") and when she was in the same clothing size as me, weighed about 20 pounds more.

    But the original post, that one should not say that a large frame dooms them to be fat, that is correct. You are also correct that what looks like "big bones" can turn out to be fat, not bones. Though heavy people do get stronger, bigger bones in general, from carrying all that weight, those denser bones have to weigh something, right?

    BMI is outdated we know that! I'm an aus size 10 and weight 62kg when I started lifting weights I was 64kg and an aus size I wear a larger clothing size and I'm 2kg lighter.......the difference is my fat and muscle percentage!!
    I'm also wondering how you know you have slender bones? Are you both gymnasts? Do you both train the same? Do you both have the same strength and fitness levels?

    BMK is not outdated. It is meant as a screening, not to be accurate for everyone.
    If you fall outside of the healthy range, there are further screenings to determine if you are actually overweight or if there are other factors.
    As its been said many times in this thread, for the majority it is a pretty good indicator.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    Ok case in point. I have a friend who is the same height as me. She's very slender; but more than being slender, she has tiny wrists compared to mine. Mine measure just shy of 7". Hers are just a shade over 5". We have a similar foot length, but my ankles are nearly twice as wide as hers (she needs a AA shoe!). And our collarbones.. oy vey. She has these beautiful, spindly, fine collar bones that look like delicate bird wings. Mine resemble nothing so much as hot dogs. There's nothing delicate about them.

    Her optimal weight is around 140 - 145 lbs. Mine is around 165 - 170 lbs.

    We definitely have different frames. And that's what's meant by "big bones". The term "big bones" refers not just to the skeletal frame, but all the other stuff, too. You know, muscles, and the tissue that fills in all that space.
  • summerkissed
    summerkissed Posts: 730 Member
    BMI is outdated and doctors here in Australia are steering away from the use of it and using the hip to waist ratio as a more accurate method of determining weight related health issues....BMI is a very very basic method
  • Rosyone
    Rosyone Posts: 74 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    ...To be honest, the amount of people here saying how freakishly off they are from the average proportions reminds me of the many people saying they have a high/slow metabolism on facebook/9gag/etc. posts about weight loss. Far more than statistically likely so I'm inclined to believe at least some are from their own perception and/or measurement error.

    I guess the USAF was also measuring wrong when it failed to supply boots and hats in my size...
    Also I didn't say you're all delusional, just that there's more people saying they're far off than there should be statistically.

    Just how many do you think there be, statistically? MFP has a large following, and the responses to this thread hardly represent a random sampling of it. It shouldn't come as a surprise that it has drawn the attention of a disproportionate number of members who are more than a standard deviation or two from the mean.
  • summerkissed
    summerkissed Posts: 730 Member
    Please correct me if wrong OP but wasn't this thread about overweight people using "I'm big boned" as an excuse for there weight? Cause that's the impression I got.
  • laurabanse
    laurabanse Posts: 2 Member
    eringurl33 wrote: »
    Hmm. I have a big head.. Will that shrink as I lose weight? I'd love to be able to buy hats from a normal store!

    Also - I'm only being half sarcastic. I really do have a big head. : (

    I am 5'7", 275 (down from a highest of 311, so I'll take it for now)... and I can wear a child sized hat. I'm not sure what was going on during my gestation because I have my paternal grandmother's larger frame (even were I at goal weight, I'm still broad shouldered and wide hipped) and this tiny little head.

    Like you, I'd love to buy a normal hat and not have it sink to cover my eyes.

  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    Please correct me if wrong OP but wasn't this thread about overweight people using "I'm big boned" as an excuse for there weight? Cause that's the impression I got.

    Not when taken in context with several other posts she's made lately.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    Please correct me if wrong OP but wasn't this thread about overweight people using "I'm big boned" as an excuse for there weight? Cause that's the impression I got.

    I can't speak for anyone else, but I had TWO doctors tell me that women should always be in the bottom 10 lbs of the "healthy" BMI range. For me this would be patently absurd. 125-135 lbs? Not even the friend I mentioned above, who is very demonstrably thin with very little muscle at all, doesn't meet that.

    Earlier someone brought up Northern European genetics. Its true, people from those areas tend towards being tall, having large frames, and putting on more muscle.

    This chart has some interesting information on it. There's more to the differences than just "people in wealthy nations eat more".
  • positivepowers
    positivepowers Posts: 902 Member
    Researchers are finding out that humans with a mutation in the MC4r gene are more likely to have stocky bodies, even as children, and be prone to obesity. This means that the individual will have thick waists, heavier bones and be more prone to gaining weight, both from muscle and fat.


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,558 Member
    BMI is outdated and doctors here in Australia are steering away from the use of it and using the hip to waist ratio as a more accurate method of determining weight related health issues....BMI is a very very basic method

    And yet WHR is also a screener, and can have outliers. Some sources consider it useful mainly in assessing fat distribution in people who are overweight/obese, rather than as a screener for who is obese/overweight vs. not. (Even people with relatively low bodyfat can have a higher WHR, such as women who have a straight-line-ish build vs. hourglass.)

    None of these screeners (WHR, BMI, or waist circumference, which is also used) is perfect, even in their assigned niche, in the sense of having no outliers. Bodyfat percentage may be better correlated with health risks in some ways, but it's not an easy-to-determine screener.

    If our goal is to get some rough guide as to what might be a reasonable body weight for someone, BMI seems more useful to me, in that it involves a weight range. (Yes, people who "should" be at a lower weight can use it as an excuse/justification to remain at a higher one.) If our goal is a health screener, it would seem to matter what we're screening for, and who we're screening.
  • summerkissed
    summerkissed Posts: 730 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    trjjoy wrote: »
    Some of the responses here make my head hurt. Lemme go get some fresh air.

    Don't worry I know what your saying.....this is MFP and it's a place that no matter what you say people will try and put you down! They search the boards to find something to jump on!!
    Congratulations on your weight loss you are awesome!
    When I was a big girl my nan used to say "don't worry your just big boned" to try and stop the hurtful things people called me from hurting me too make me feel like it wasn't my fault! I know different now but I used that excuse for a long time x

    She's telling those of us with demonstrably large frames that we are delusional and you are ok with this? Alrighty then.

    Large frame or not the use of "I'm big boned" is no excuse for high body fat levels! I have swimmers shoulders I don't fit into most women's shirts because they are broad.......but actually it's not the bone it's that I'm lucky and I hold a lot of muscle there!!!....means tank tops look awesome on me and I don't buy shirts! I've got long legs as well so a lot of jeans are too short.....but that's my bone length not because I'm "big boned" my frame/skeleton size came in at above average for a 34 year old woman (that's when I had tests) and the extra weight from it was well under 1kg I wish I could find my darn dexa scan results!!! They will most certainly put this into perspective........I think what's more important is your body type are you Mesomorph, Ectomorph or Endomorph are you apple or pear shape? Where are you prone to hold fat?
    There is very minimal difference in the weight/thickness of bone structure in a fully grown adult!


    No one. Not one person in this thread, or in any of the threads OP posted in, used being "big boned" or "large framed" as an excuse for high body fat levels.

    Somatypes are bunk. A complete myth. They have zero basis in science.

    It's somatotypes btw and they still have there place because it's been since proven there to be some accuracy to the distinct body types without the connection to personality
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    BMI is outdated and doctors here in Australia are steering away from the use of it and using the hip to waist ratio as a more accurate method of determining weight related health issues....BMI is a very very basic method

    And waist/hip ratio is not?


  • summerkissed
    summerkissed Posts: 730 Member
    Azdak wrote: »
    BMI is outdated and doctors here in Australia are steering away from the use of it and using the hip to waist ratio as a more accurate method of determining weight related health issues....BMI is a very very basic method

    And waist/hip ratio is not?



    It's the fat around the organs that they are most worried about now so a lot of doctors are using that instead of the BMI
  • bendyourkneekatie
    bendyourkneekatie Posts: 696 Member
    BMI is outdated and doctors here in Australia are steering away from the use of it and using the hip to waist ratio as a more accurate method of determining weight related health issues....BMI is a very very basic method

    I'll have to keep that in minds next time I go to the doctor, that I'm going to be told I'm obese and at increased risk of heart disease and diabetes
  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    trjjoy wrote: »
    Some of the responses here make my head hurt. Lemme go get some fresh air.

    Don't worry I know what your saying.....this is MFP and it's a place that no matter what you say people will try and put you down! They search the boards to find something to jump on!!
    Congratulations on your weight loss you are awesome!
    When I was a big girl my nan used to say "don't worry your just big boned" to try and stop the hurtful things people called me from hurting me too make me feel like it wasn't my fault! I know different now but I used that excuse for a long time x

    She's telling those of us with demonstrably large frames that we are delusional and you are ok with this? Alrighty then.

    Large frame or not the use of "I'm big boned" is no excuse for high body fat levels! I have swimmers shoulders I don't fit into most women's shirts because they are broad.......but actually it's not the bone it's that I'm lucky and I hold a lot of muscle there!!!....means tank tops look awesome on me and I don't buy shirts! I've got long legs as well so a lot of jeans are too short.....but that's my bone length not because I'm "big boned" my frame/skeleton size came in at above average for a 34 year old woman (that's when I had tests) and the extra weight from it was well under 1kg I wish I could find my darn dexa scan results!!! They will most certainly put this into perspective........I think what's more important is your body type are you Mesomorph, Ectomorph or Endomorph are you apple or pear shape? Where are you prone to hold fat?
    There is very minimal difference in the weight/thickness of bone structure in a fully grown adult!


    No one. Not one person in this thread, or in any of the threads OP posted in, used being "big boned" or "large framed" as an excuse for high body fat levels.

    Somatypes are bunk. A complete myth. They have zero basis in science.

    It's somatotypes btw and they still have there place because it's been since proven there to be some accuracy to the distinct body types without the connection to personality

    What? What connection to personality? Also, citation needed that "somatotypes have their place because it's been proven there to be some accuracy to the distinct body types." (What?). Peer-reviewed studies or it doesn't count.
  • summerkissed
    summerkissed Posts: 730 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    trjjoy wrote: »
    Some of the responses here make my head hurt. Lemme go get some fresh air.

    Don't worry I know what your saying.....this is MFP and it's a place that no matter what you say people will try and put you down! They search the boards to find something to jump on!!
    Congratulations on your weight loss you are awesome!
    When I was a big girl my nan used to say "don't worry your just big boned" to try and stop the hurtful things people called me from hurting me too make me feel like it wasn't my fault! I know different now but I used that excuse for a long time x

    She's telling those of us with demonstrably large frames that we are delusional and you are ok with this? Alrighty then.

    Large frame or not the use of "I'm big boned" is no excuse for high body fat levels! I have swimmers shoulders I don't fit into most women's shirts because they are broad.......but actually it's not the bone it's that I'm lucky and I hold a lot of muscle there!!!....means tank tops look awesome on me and I don't buy shirts! I've got long legs as well so a lot of jeans are too short.....but that's my bone length not because I'm "big boned" my frame/skeleton size came in at above average for a 34 year old woman (that's when I had tests) and the extra weight from it was well under 1kg I wish I could find my darn dexa scan results!!! They will most certainly put this into perspective........I think what's more important is your body type are you Mesomorph, Ectomorph or Endomorph are you apple or pear shape? Where are you prone to hold fat?
    There is very minimal difference in the weight/thickness of bone structure in a fully grown adult!


    No one. Not one person in this thread, or in any of the threads OP posted in, used being "big boned" or "large framed" as an excuse for high body fat levels.

    Somatypes are bunk. A complete myth. They have zero basis in science.

    It's somatotypes btw and they still have there place because it's been since proven there to be some accuracy to the distinct body types without the connection to personality

    What? What connection to personality? Also, citation needed that "somatotypes have their place because it's been proven there to be some accuracy to the distinct body types." (What?). Peer-reviewed studies or it doesn't count.

    What connection? But I thought you knew about somatotypes you said that they are a myth so I assumed you knew what it was to begin with
    Ps I couldn't care less about spelling
  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    trjjoy wrote: »
    Some of the responses here make my head hurt. Lemme go get some fresh air.

    Don't worry I know what your saying.....this is MFP and it's a place that no matter what you say people will try and put you down! They search the boards to find something to jump on!!
    Congratulations on your weight loss you are awesome!
    When I was a big girl my nan used to say "don't worry your just big boned" to try and stop the hurtful things people called me from hurting me too make me feel like it wasn't my fault! I know different now but I used that excuse for a long time x

    She's telling those of us with demonstrably large frames that we are delusional and you are ok with this? Alrighty then.

    Large frame or not the use of "I'm big boned" is no excuse for high body fat levels! I have swimmers shoulders I don't fit into most women's shirts because they are broad.......but actually it's not the bone it's that I'm lucky and I hold a lot of muscle there!!!....means tank tops look awesome on me and I don't buy shirts! I've got long legs as well so a lot of jeans are too short.....but that's my bone length not because I'm "big boned" my frame/skeleton size came in at above average for a 34 year old woman (that's when I had tests) and the extra weight from it was well under 1kg I wish I could find my darn dexa scan results!!! They will most certainly put this into perspective........I think what's more important is your body type are you Mesomorph, Ectomorph or Endomorph are you apple or pear shape? Where are you prone to hold fat?
    There is very minimal difference in the weight/thickness of bone structure in a fully grown adult!


    No one. Not one person in this thread, or in any of the threads OP posted in, used being "big boned" or "large framed" as an excuse for high body fat levels.

    Somatypes are bunk. A complete myth. They have zero basis in science.

    It's somatotypes btw and they still have there place because it's been since proven there to be some accuracy to the distinct body types without the connection to personality

    What? What connection to personality? Also, citation needed that "somatotypes have their place because it's been proven there to be some accuracy to the distinct body types." (What?). Peer-reviewed studies or it doesn't count.

    What connection? But I thought you knew about somatotypes you said that they are a myth so I assumed you knew what it was to begin with
    Ps I couldn't care less about spelling

    The sentence I quoted makes little grammatical sense. Please clarify it. Then, please provide peer-reviewed studies to support your claim that somatotypes are... whatever you are claiming they are (not sure what you're claiming because I can't understand the sentence in question).
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member

    LOL I've been all three of these types in the past year!