Most stupid exercise thing you ever did



  • Shells918
    Shells918 Posts: 1,070 Member
    Stupidest exercise thing I ever did? This:

    It was my mom's video. Early 90s? Late 80s? Gawd.

    I had this too....early 90s. looks away ashamed...


    Friend and I decided we would take walks at the park to get in shape. Started out in daylight following a path that had exercises along the way. Somehow got sidetracked and lost in the woods and the sun started setting. We were not outdoorsy girls and were not prepared. Finally made it to a road and walked the perimeter of the park back to my car and never took a walk again!
  • rmntrose2
    rmntrose2 Posts: 8 Member
    Eight count body builders in boot camp and here and there throughout my navy career. I'm sure those have something to do with my having to have both knees cleaned out. One in my mid twenties, the other not even a year ago. Some military work outs do more harm than good.
  • Hell_Flower
    Hell_Flower Posts: 348 Member
    Was horse riding in Western Australia, got a bit lost (body compass doesn't work well that side of the equator) and ended up in a field with a bull in it. I thought it was just a massive cow.

    He wasn't. He was was very angry about the whole thing too, he didn't like horses. Cue comedy galloping and a leap over a hedge, while being chased down by a bull. He missed us by less than 2ft.

    I wasn't injured, but boy did my ego take a smash. A bunch of cowboys spent ages laughing their *kitten* at me, before giving me a beer and telling me to rack off back through the field! NO GUYS I DONT THINK SO I WILL TAKE THE LONG WAY ROUND THANKS FOR YOUR CONCERN THOUGH.

  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    A couple years ago it occurred to me that sitting and reading, sitting and knitting, sitting and studying, sitting and listening to music, sitting and watching tv, and sitting in class was maybe not the most active lifestyle. I decided to run. With no concept of progression or stretching, whenever the inspiration hit, I'd throw myself onto the sidewalk and sprint, walk, sprint again, up and down fairly steep hills. Often for a good 30min to an hour. No warm up. No cool down. No stretches. No strength exercises. I did the same thing with the elliptical at the gym. A cardio & weights free class at my gym. No consistency. No progression. No stretches or warm ups or anything. With really weak, sitting-on-my-bum-all-my-life muscles and a lot of hyper mobile joints and muscle stiffness/tension.

    I kept this up for a while, doing nothing for a long stretch of months, then spending a couple months sporadically throwing myself at stuff without research and not at all being careful. Something similar I'm sure to smashing my face against a book and saying "this is reading, right?" It culminated in the ridiculousness of climbing a flight of stairs to go to class last October and getting to the top with a suddenly dislocated kneecap. But I didn't know it was dislocated, and didn't go to the doctor even though I could barely walk or stand, and was in excruciating pain. My parents didn't think it was anything to worry about, so I didn't either. Until I put on some grey leggings and noticed that my left knee resembled a cantaloupe.

    According to the doctor who saw me, a dislocated knee cap (subluxed patella) is typically only seen in football players who get tackled really, really hard. And I managed to do that climbing a flight of stairs. Because idiocy. Lots of idiocy, over a long time. :#
  • ForecasterJason
    ForecasterJason Posts: 2,577 Member
    After being sedentary for a while, I started back up exercising at one point. I had read that if you cycle with a raised seat or adjust the seat so that your legs have to stretch farther, you can increase your height. I tried this on a stationary bike with my legs stretched way too far, and that was the start of numerous joints popping/cracking when I do different movements.

    yirara wrote: »
    Most recent stupid thing: Doing my first ever 10 mile race, half of it with tail winds, half against the wind. Only it wasn't windy that day, it stormed with gusts of up to 50mph. Now I'm not tall nor heavy, and neither used to running when it's windy. Was... interesting. I managed to get to the finish, but was completely dead... I only ran just over 5 miles anyway and did a powerwalk for the rest.
    I'm not much of a runner, and usually just run outside on occasion when the weather is nice. But since it can get very windy where I am at this time of year (sometimes with winds as strong as that), I have wondered what it's like to be running in those strong gusts. I'm sure it must have been hard to keep a running stride against the wind, but was it difficult with the tail wind as well?

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    zcb94 wrote: »
    The stupidest thing I've ever done in a workout setting is a tie between four events:
    1. I thought I'd be safe riding a horse outside on a very uneven trail, because I had three adults supervising. I wanted to cry!
    2. I'm pretty sure my hamstrings are on the brink of tearing, as hard as PTs stretched them in early childhood. I also have every reason to believe that well-meaning people would stand/press full body weight on my knees while I lay on my back, or force my toes to touch the ground from my prone position on my bed if it were ethical to do so, to deepen the stretch/muscle injury!
    3. One of them also advised that I wear a TENS unit, cranked up to full intensity, on my knees to get those muscles working. Bad idea!
    4. Basically, it was really stupid of me to trust PTs with my lame legs, because every last one of them has taken full advantage of me!
    Moral of the story: Do not trust physical therapists unless they involve you in your treatment.

    I don't understand that.
    Most horses are more than capable of handling uneven terrain. They are the quintessential all terrain vehicle.

    And I'm not sure I understand you're "my hamstrings are on the bring of tearing"- like currently you think they are close to tearing from people stretching them when you were a child?
  • photojunk
    photojunk Posts: 135 Member
    For my most embarrassing workout moment I have to go back to the year 2000 I was 16 and in high school. I had successfully spent the whole school year avoiding P.E.
    One day, like something out of your worse nightmare. I turned up for lesson ready with my excuse (probably women's problems) to find that it was the day of the p.e exam.
    I had to run a lap around the school grounds. Then take part in a team sport I chose rounders. Then I had to go into the gymnasium to 'perform' my apparatus routine. I had never been acquainted with any of the equipment. I remember walking across the balance beam and doing a bow at the end, getting stuck trying to jump over the horse thing and then doing backwards rolls down the floor mat. Everyone else had practised for weeks. I was mortified.
    It scared me off public exercise for the next 10 years. Though it has made me a master of blagging my way through things.
    I got an E for the exam.

  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    photojunk wrote: »
    For my most embarrassing workout moment I have to go back to the year 2000 I was 16 and in high school. I had successfully spent the whole school year avoiding P.E.
    One day, like something out of your worse nightmare. I turned up for lesson ready with my excuse (probably women's problems) to find that it was the day of the p.e exam.
    I had to run a lap around the school grounds. Then take part in a team sport I chose rounders. Then I had to go into the gymnasium to 'perform' my apparatus routine. I had never been acquainted with any of the equipment. I remember walking across the balance beam and doing a bow at the end, getting stuck trying to jump over the horse thing and then doing backwards rolls down the floor mat. Everyone else had practised for weeks. I was mortified.
    It scared me off public exercise for the next 10 years. Though it has made me a master of blagging my way through things.
    I got an E for the exam.

    I appreciate this story and admit my high school PE experience was pretty similar - where I live you only have a take a single semester of it to graduate, so I almost got away with it too, but I'd invariably have to go when there were grades to be awarded and I'd end up flailing around in a pool or getting hit with a golf ball or giving up and walking most of the run. And I wasn't even overweight, just lazy.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    edited February 2016
    Training for a triathlon while at the same time doing a heavy lifting program...and as if that wasn't enough, I became interested in cyclocross and started going to practices for that on top of all of the other cycling, running, swimming, and lifting I was doing...oh, and I was also dieting.

    Results? Injured 2 weeks out from my triathlon so didn't get to do that and was out a total of 12 weeks...which was most of the cyclocross season and all I could do was rehab work in the gym...anyone thinks they look silly in the gym, just see how awesome you feel doing little footsie exercises with big rubber bands as your primary workout. The posterior tibial tendon in my right foot has never been the same...and it's been a couple of years now.
  • Leyshinka
    Leyshinka Posts: 54 Member
    Just because I was an athlete 10 years ago ( sprinter) I decided to participate in a 10K obstacle run without proper training! It took atleast a month to physically recover and I am still recovering emotionally! A year later!
  • maranarasauce93
    maranarasauce93 Posts: 293 Member
    Oh I also forgot kipping pullups on a door frame pullup bar. Hurdurdur!
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    Shearing sheep. There is no way to do this without screwing up your lower back. Not strictly an "excercise", but you try doing it for more than 45 minutes without being exhausted.
  • aub6689
    aub6689 Posts: 351 Member
    Went for a run without water or a cell phone, dropped my keys along this run, didn't realize until 8 miles later when I was back home, refused to bother my hot neighbor because I am hardheaded and he was hot, so I turned around and half deliriously retraced my route until I found my keys. Made it home utterly exhausted and dehydrated.
  • Larissa_NY
    Larissa_NY Posts: 495 Member
    Speaking of zero training, my sedentary daughter and my sedentary self did a 7-mile AIDS walk because np, right?

    I had to call her in sick to school and myself in to work the next day, and we both stayed in bed, completely unable to get up without horrifying DOMS.
  • slinke2014
    slinke2014 Posts: 149 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    zcb94 wrote: »
    The stupidest thing I've ever done in a workout setting is a tie between four events:
    1. I thought I'd be safe riding a horse outside on a very uneven trail, because I had three adults supervising. I wanted to cry!
    2. I'm pretty sure my hamstrings are on the brink of tearing, as hard as PTs stretched them in early childhood. I also have every reason to believe that well-meaning people would stand/press full body weight on my knees while I lay on my back, or force my toes to touch the ground from my prone position on my bed if it were ethical to do so, to deepen the stretch/muscle injury!
    3. One of them also advised that I wear a TENS unit, cranked up to full intensity, on my knees to get those muscles working. Bad idea!
    4. Basically, it was really stupid of me to trust PTs with my lame legs, because every last one of them has taken full advantage of me!
    Moral of the story: Do not trust physical therapists unless they involve you in your treatment.

    I don't understand that.
    Most horses are more than capable of handling uneven terrain. They are the quintessential all terrain vehicle.

    And I'm not sure I understand you're "my hamstrings are on the bring of tearing"- like currently you think they are close to tearing from people stretching them when you were a child?

    I would imagine if someone doesn't know how to ride or hold their seat properly to follow the horses movement they would end up very sore and just sort of holding on and bouncing around. Shouldn't cause extreme pain though....I have been thrown more than a couple times and I mostly just bruised my ego

    As for the 2nd I am not sure either
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    edited February 2016
    Technically, not an exercise thing. This is a not-going-to-the-doctor thing. Oops.
    I was playing soccer. I was shielding the ball from another player and he kicked me. I fell over. Wasn't in a lot of pain, but I knew my leg would not work for the rest of the day. It was serious.
    I limped off the field.
    Next day, my knee was sore and swollen, but that happens. I did not go to the doctor. I figured he would tell me to wait until the swelling went down, and then we could evaluate. So I waited.....and waited......About two months later, the swelling finally resided and the knee felt stable.
    So, what did I do? I went back out to play soccer.
    Ten or 15 minutes into the game, an evening, pick-up game at the local school yard, I went to run for a ball. I was not racing anyone, and no one was chasing me, so I wasn't going very fast. But, suddenly, there was a pop, a fair amount of pain, and I fell onto the ground.
    Now, if you know anything about ACL tears, the characteristic feature of these injuries is that there is a loud 'pop,' presumably from the thick ligament tearing asunder. I figure now that I got a partial tear when the guy kicked me many weeks before, and then I completed the job with my 3/4-speed sprint.
    But, the guys I was playing with were trying to reassure me. So, they admitted they heard a "pop" but they said that, in their opinion, it did not sound like THE "pop." It was different, probably a different injury.
    I took their word for it and, again, did not go to the doctor. The swelling took even longer to go down this time, at least two months, maybe longer, much of it limping. I even went out and played tennis a couple of times, and fell over once, when my knee gave way.
    Sometime later, I was talking with my brother, the doctor, on the phone. I was telling him about my injury, and how the other guys said my "pop" was not THE "pop."
    My brother stopped me and said: "What? Are you an idiot? You actually listened to a bunch of soccer players' medical advice?"
    As I was objecting, explaining that I figured most soccer players have a lot of experience with the "pop," if they have played much at all, the light went on. I began to swallow my words and mumble.
    Yeah. That was pretty dumb.
    I went to the doctor. He shook my knee. Then he scheduled me for surgery before even waiting for the confirmatory MRI. Sheesh
  • emmaline101
    emmaline101 Posts: 13 Member
    Went canoeing for several hours with no sunscreen. Ouch.
    Also I was wearing 3/4 length yoga pants so I ended up with a reaaaally stupid tan line.
  • ClubSilencio
    ClubSilencio Posts: 2,983 Member
    While running on a trail I came across a large puddle of water. I tried to jump over it but came up juuuuuust a bit short. And it wasn't a puddle :expressionless: . The damn thing was covering a small slope in the trail... looked like a frickin optical illusion from my vantage point. So basically I landed in a knee deep pool of algae infested water with god knows what animal(s) bodily fluids mixed in. I went into a full blown panic attack and started running back to my car like Jason was chasing me. Once home, I spent like an hour scrubbing my legs over and over with soap for fear that I was racing against time before gangrene would set in.

    Like Journey said.... just a city boyyyyy. :blush:
  • IILikeToMoveItMoveIt
    IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
    I sprained my ankle running on uneven ground and had to walk a run way the next day.(I had 3 looks to walk so I hobbled around back stage but stomped the earth when it was my turn.) My ankle was swollen for a week after that.
    I was with a friend and we up and decided to just go climb that little "mountain" hill near where we lived. We got halfway up before we realized we'd be coming back down in the dark. We did a lot of but sliding to get down as fast as we could. It was winter and we had no flash lights, lighter, water, food, blankets or even a coat... It took us forever! I was pretty young and OBVIOUSLY not thinking....