I swear my metabolism knew when I turned 40 and shut down.



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    The struggle is real. And dudes...you wouldn't weigh in on a thread about someone's menstrual cycle would you? This is one of those things that women have to deal with...it's different for you guys. But it's possible to be successful. Build muscle, eat lots of protein, eat less carbs. The usual stuff.

    As if dudes simply don't know anything...please...

    My wife is also 41...she's doing just fine...she put the excuses aside as did I. Decreases in BMR as you age are real, but they are relatively insignificant. I used to use the whole age thing too..."well...getting older...that's just how it goes". It's a bunch of bull *kitten*...as we age, we tend to become less active...we're busy with work and take desk jobs...we play less and sit around more...we become stagnant, and that has a far greater impact on gaining weight as we age than the notion that our base metabolisms are just tanking.
  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »

    My wife is also 41...she's doing just fine...she put the excuses aside as did I. Decreases in BMR as you age are real, but they are relatively insignificant. I used to use the whole age thing too..."well...getting older...that's just how it goes". It's a bunch of bull *kitten*...as we age, we tend to become less active...we're busy with work and take desk jobs...we play less and sit around more...we become stagnant, and that has a far greater impact on gaining weight as we age than the notion that our base metabolisms are just tanking.

  • mommazach
    mommazach Posts: 384 Member
    I love that everyone on here is giving great messages, but the fact remains that it IS harder to lose weight, especially in women, after 40. Our metabolisms change with hormones. I run about 20 miles a week, and still will maintain weight instead of losing. I added a different weight lifting routine, after reading some results with continued caloric burn even during resting. IT's made a whole lot of difference in my life. I'm not showing off ab pics, cause I still don't have them.... But I'm getting stronger. Now that my littles can go along, we have a family exercise program. I started the P90X series, which is killer, and when the weather allows, I jog with the dog while my children ride their bikes. We're doing this as a family now which is a great motivator for me. You WILL have to change your eating habits, and I noticed the biggest change in my life is what I put IN MY MOUTH. When I am accountable for the calories I eat, I change my eating....

    Best of luck to you in your journey. Keep fighting for the body you want. Be stronger and live healthier.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Age just brings a certain laziness in every day activity like walking around and fidgeting etc. I'm lucky I have an 11 year old to keep up with. As I get slimmer I'm more likely to be out and about. That's what revs up the metabolism. Moving like a young un.
    This is metabolic slow down.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    The struggle is real. And dudes...you wouldn't weigh in on a thread about someone's menstrual cycle would you? This is one of those things that women have to deal with...it's different for you guys. But it's possible to be successful. Build muscle, eat lots of protein, eat less carbs. The usual stuff.

    Woah! It's not different for guys at all, and has nothing whatsoever to do with 'female hormones'. How silly!
    Now please apologise to Mr Cwolfman he's a lifesaver on these boards, and knows his stuff.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I'm about to turn 46. I am in the early stages of menopause and have lived for many years with joint pain and severe depression. I am in better shape now than I was in my late 20's and early 30's. Losing weight without a problem. Yes it requires some effort on my part. No it isn't all that hard now I've put my mind to it. I am also more active physically and more positive mentally than I was in earlier years. My life is happier and more fulfilled and rich than it has ever been.

    Maybe metabolism gets more efficient or slows down, maybe not. I think a lot depends on the individual. How you think, how you live and whether or not you allow your number of trips around the sun to influence you positively or negatively.
  • Lovee_Dove7
    Lovee_Dove7 Posts: 742 Member
    edited February 2016
    The struggle is real. And dudes...you wouldn't weigh in on a thread about someone's menstrual cycle would you? This is one of those things that women have to deal with...it's different for you guys. But it's possible to be successful. Build muscle, eat lots of protein, eat less carbs. The usual stuff.

    Woah! It's not different for guys at all, and has nothing whatsoever to do with 'female hormones'. How silly!
    Now please apologise to Mr Cwolfman he's a lifesaver on these boards, and knows his stuff.

    You're still young I'm guessing, and don't get this yet (no offense intended at all). When you are older, you won't like men giving advice to you when they aren't experiencing your symptoms either. And yeah, guys are quite different!!! LOL
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    I worked darn hard to lose my weight and now work even harder to keep it off. Every day. On occasion I try to offer help or advice or even a sympathetic ear to others on these boards. Being told that my opinion is useless or unwelcome because of my sex is insulting.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    mommazach wrote: »
    I love that everyone on here is giving great messages, but the fact remains that it IS harder to lose weight, especially in women, after 40. Our metabolisms change with hormones. I run about 20 miles a week, and still will maintain weight instead of losing. I added a different weight lifting routine, after reading some results with continued caloric burn even during resting. IT's made a whole lot of difference in my life. I'm not showing off ab pics, cause I still don't have them.... But I'm getting stronger. Now that my littles can go along, we have a family exercise program. I started the P90X series, which is killer, and when the weather allows, I jog with the dog while my children ride their bikes. We're doing this as a family now which is a great motivator for me. You WILL have to change your eating habits, and I noticed the biggest change in my life is what I put IN MY MOUTH. When I am accountable for the calories I eat, I change my eating....

    Best of luck to you in your journey. Keep fighting for the body you want. Be stronger and live healthier.

    I've actually discussed a lot of this with my coach's wife who is also a trainer/coach and a couple of things have always stood out in our conversations...for one (and she trains primarily female clients) is overall diet...in her experience, her female clients tend to eat a very carb heavy diet with inadequate/low protein. In her opinion, the overall diet has a lot to do with hormonal imbalances and excessive carbohydrate intake in particular causing some insensitivities to insulin and other wonkiness. She's had a lot of success with her ladies just getting them to balance out their diets and eating more nutritionally dense sources of carbohydrates and more protein...my wife is one of them and continues to be amazed at how relatively minor tweaks to her diet have made an incredible difference both in RE to weight management as well as overall body composition.

    The other issue she usually brings up is that ladies unfortunately spend years and years neglecting their muscular skeletal system...they are less inclined to do resistance training which results in a greater loss of muscle mass as they age...to boot, yo-yo dieting over years is also a huge issue as even more muscle mass is destroyed in that process.

    The good news is that all of that stuff can be reversed...if by harder people mean they actually have to put in some work then yeah...I guess it's harder in that respect...you can't just keep on coasting. If by harder people mean that they can't just eat whatever and whenever...well, yeah...I guess...though I still believe my capacity to eat whatever when I was younger was as a result of being far more active then than I am now I

    n my experience, once people get going and get to doing the right things for their bodies...well, in my experience everything tends to fall into place, male or female.
  • Nuke_64
    Nuke_64 Posts: 406 Member
    edited February 2016
    My reading hasn't led to me conclude anything on how menopause impact metabolism, but I have always wondered if it does, why don't the calorie calculators (MFP, Scooby, etc.) don't have a check box for post-menopausal?
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    The struggle is real. And dudes...you wouldn't weigh in on a thread about someone's menstrual cycle would you? This is one of those things that women have to deal with...it's different for you guys. But it's possible to be successful. Build muscle, eat lots of protein, eat less carbs. The usual stuff.

    Actually, all of the male regulars here know something that many new female posters do not - that premenstrual weight gain is normal. They mostly let us women handle those threads, however.
  • deefield1968
    deefield1968 Posts: 8 Member
    I'll chime in on this.... LOL I'm 47. I've lost hundreds of pounds in my lifetime. The past few times I've tried, it's been darn near impossible after the first 15. This time: started in early January. Lost 15 without blinking. Work on a treadmill desk (so I walk - of and on - ALL day... this week, 20K steps a day, approx. 8 miles a day). Calorie consumption between 1500-1800 a day. Burn = 2500-3000 a day. Take a multivitamin, drink 64 oz or more of water/fluid, and eating in the neighborhood of 30-40% protein (combination of protein drinks and mostly poultry and seafood, which increases the fat intake - a bit surprising). I limit to a single bread serving a day. Not a lot of other carbs (fruits - none, veggies, not much). Loss on the scales in the last 3 weeks? Absolutely minimal. The largest shift on the scales was after one evening where I had a few adult beverages (dropped over a pound) - in which I measured the amount of alcohol and poured it into a flask to take to a friend's to consume it, so it was counted into the daily intake. And the next morning, I saw the scales move in the right direction. Otherwise? A tenth or two here and there.....
  • Lovee_Dove7
    Lovee_Dove7 Posts: 742 Member
    Nuke_64 wrote: »
    My reading hasn't led to me conclude anything on how menopause impact metabolism, but I have always wondered if it does, why don't the calorie calculators (MFB, Scooby, etc.) don't have a check box for post-menopausal?

    It's not really about calorie count, it's more about how to approach diet, which is individual (how YOUR body responds to what you are eating). For example, your body may respond best to minimal carbohydrate intake (just short of keto), or you may do better with slightly higher slow-carbs partitioned throughout the day. How you eat can be dependent upon how YOUR body is handling blood sugar.
    The type of exercise you choose can make the difference, too. For example, if your symptoms are anxiety and high cortisol levels, you may choose walking and yoga instead of loud, stimulating Zumba classes.

    To the men in this thread, I welcome your input! I don't have a guy's body, and you don't have a woman's body, but we can still seek to help/support one-another.
  • Lovee_Dove7
    Lovee_Dove7 Posts: 742 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    mommazach wrote: »
    I love that everyone on here is giving great messages, but the fact remains that it IS harder to lose weight, especially in women, after 40. Our metabolisms change with hormones. I run about 20 miles a week, and still will maintain weight instead of losing. I added a different weight lifting routine, after reading some results with continued caloric burn even during resting. IT's made a whole lot of difference in my life. I'm not showing off ab pics, cause I still don't have them.... But I'm getting stronger. Now that my littles can go along, we have a family exercise program. I started the P90X series, which is killer, and when the weather allows, I jog with the dog while my children ride their bikes. We're doing this as a family now which is a great motivator for me. You WILL have to change your eating habits, and I noticed the biggest change in my life is what I put IN MY MOUTH. When I am accountable for the calories I eat, I change my eating....

    Best of luck to you in your journey. Keep fighting for the body you want. Be stronger and live healthier.

    I've actually discussed a lot of this with my coach's wife who is also a trainer/coach and a couple of things have always stood out in our conversations...for one (and she trains primarily female clients) is overall diet...in her experience, her female clients tend to eat a very carb heavy diet with inadequate/low protein. In her opinion, the overall diet has a lot to do with hormonal imbalances and excessive carbohydrate intake in particular causing some insensitivities to insulin and other wonkiness. She's had a lot of success with her ladies just getting them to balance out their diets and eating more nutritionally dense sources of carbohydrates and more protein...my wife is one of them and continues to be amazed at how relatively minor tweaks to her diet have made an incredible difference both in RE to weight management as well as overall body composition.

    The other issue she usually brings up is that ladies unfortunately spend years and years neglecting their muscular skeletal system...they are less inclined to do resistance training which results in a greater loss of muscle mass as they age...to boot, yo-yo dieting over years is also a huge issue as even more muscle mass is destroyed in that process.

    The good news is that all of that stuff can be reversed...if by harder people mean they actually have to put in some work then yeah...I guess it's harder in that respect...you can't just keep on coasting. If by harder people mean that they can't just eat whatever and whenever...well, yeah...I guess...though I still believe my capacity to eat whatever when I was younger was as a result of being far more active then than I am now I

    n my experience, once people get going and get to doing the right things for their bodies...well, in my experience everything tends to fall into place, male or female.

    Agree 100%! Lots of wisdom here.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Nuke_64 wrote: »
    My reading hasn't led to me conclude anything on how menopause impact metabolism, but I have always wondered if it does, why don't the calorie calculators (MFB, Scooby, etc.) don't have a check box for post-menopausal?

    To the men in this thread, I welcome your input! I don't have a guy's body, and you don't have a woman's body, but we can still seek to help/support one-another.

    High fives all around!
  • Lovee_Dove7
    Lovee_Dove7 Posts: 742 Member
    Vive la difference!!
  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hey all.

    Good post lot's of good info. I just turned 47 & just joined MFP. I am just starting to take control of what I am eating & I am now back to the gym. I have about 15lbs to lose to be @ a normal weight. Since I have cleaned up my eating & moving my body more again I feel great. I have only lost 3lbs & have stalled a bit this week but I know it will be just a matter of time to get down to where I need to be. I am going to need to buy one of those food scales because I have never portion controlled before... LOL

    Good luck all with your goals...
  • icemaiden37
    icemaiden37 Posts: 238 Member
    I read somewhere that your daily bmr reduces by 100 cals per decade due to loss of lean body mass. That might not sound like much but a daily 100 calorie surplus equates to gaining 10lb per year.

    During my 20's and 30's I've lost enough weight that I should be hanging from a charm bracelet by now. I've tried every fad diet out there. What I didn't realise at the time was that I was losing all that lovely muscle mass which contributes to bmr - this then made it darn near impossible to lose any weight in my 40's. I decided not to give up on myself, but this time counted my calories whilst weight training 5-6 times per week. It was tough - when I started, I was on 1,300 cals a day to lose 1/2lb per week because I had so little muscle and I was so tired and achy all the time. I'm now at a healthy BMI, can eat 2,000 cals per day without gaining weight and have muscles that impress the guys at work - and I work in construction!

    Good luck with your weight loss OP, you can do it!
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    For giggles, here are the age adjustments in calories from various BMR scaling equations. The units are kcal/(day-year), that is, how many calories per day you lose off of your BMR each year. (These are just approximations developed to match data from general populations, not physics models!)

    Harris-Benedict: 5.7 for men, 4.3 for women
    Mifflin-St Jeor: 5.0 for men and women
    Katch-McArdle: Not explicitly included
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I'm turning 41 in a couple of days. I've been in much better shape and feeling fabulous in my 40's, so far!