The February 2016 Running Challenge



  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    Will run for beer. Add 2 for 21.5/25. Happy weekend!
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member

    @4leighbeeP I'm a firm believer in "there is no TOO weird" when it comes to running!

    Otherwise, I would have probably felt like an idiot today: I had planned to try a new running route on the drive home tonight, so I changed into my running clothes at work, drove to the start point - and as soon as I got out of the car, my instantly frozen ears informed me I'd forgotten to pack a hat. I still wanted to run, so I managed to improvise a head-wrap-thingy with my work shirt and some hair ties to hold it in place. Apart from that moment mid-run when a sleeve came loose and slapped me in the face, it worked well enough. And while I'm willing to admit it might have looked slightly weird (okay, in all honesty, more like completely ridiculous), I don't think it was too weird. o:)

    @_nikkiwolf_ Haha! Nice improvisation, Macgyver!

  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    michable wrote: »

    @4leighbeeP I'm a firm believer in "there is no TOO weird" when it comes to running!

    Otherwise, I would have probably felt like an idiot today: I had planned to try a new running route on the drive home tonight, so I changed into my running clothes at work, drove to the start point - and as soon as I got out of the car, my instantly frozen ears informed me I'd forgotten to pack a hat. I still wanted to run, so I managed to improvise a head-wrap-thingy with my work shirt and some hair ties to hold it in place. Apart from that moment mid-run when a sleeve came loose and slapped me in the face, it worked well enough. And while I'm willing to admit it might have looked slightly weird (okay, in all honesty, more like completely ridiculous), I don't think it was too weird. o:)

    @_nikkiwolf_ Haha! Nice improvisation, Macgyver!

    I love this awesome community!
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @WhatMeRunning Well said and so true.
    @cbro70 - Awesome! Congrats! There is no such thing as "Not much". There is running or not running. About the only time runners should consider a run to be "not much" is during a taper and wondering why they are bothering with what feels like ridiculously simple and too short of runs. But they never consider other peoples mileage as "not much" because everyone started somewhere. And after an off season or injury everyone is again starting back over.

    @5BeautifulDays You had a plan and executed it, Great Result for a first HM. Like all runners you look back and realize all the little things that held you back - at the same time not giving yourself enough accolades for your accomplishment ( been there done that one or two dozen times ).
    For your son I hope they are able to try the "Edmonton Protocol" where they do an IV infusion of Pancreatic Stem Cells for Type 1 Diabetes. Its not perfect but does seem to offer short/medium term reduction of severe symptoms.

    @moyer566 Now that you have "signed up for a half marathon in door county" Go Girl Go no slagging

    @whatang - The wise and experienced ones ( that's not me ) have spoken and I also believe you have lots of time. Between Christmas and New Years I seen an advertisement for a local HM on Feb 7. I took the Hal Higdon Training plan and based it on a Feb 1 Run day giving me a week extra in case of injury. So I didn't start on week 1-4 of the plan since I was already able to complete those runs without difficulty. Like everyone who does a training cycle I tweaked it to work into my work/life/recreation schedule but the basic concept was still entrenched in the plan.

    @Becky_44 You are " One of Us ". It won't be long and you will be offering up information and tips to new runners based on your experiences. Heck I still consider myself a raw rookie but get the a-ha moment every once in a while when I see a question.

    @_nikkiwolf_ LOL at the Improvised Hat-Ear protection. I think every runner probably has a story. I once seen a Lady cut the top off of her "Spare" toque and turn it into a Neck warmer.

    @4leighbee Some one needs to sign you up for the Beer Mile. At my HM last weekend we had the Beer Olympics on the Saturday night before the Sunday Morning HM - Run into a local Craft Brewery Pub Everyone gets 4 samplers and a pint. Enjoy the samplers-discuss favorites- get a pint of the favorite and toss it down - out the door to the next Pub and repeat, out the door to the next pub and repeat. I managed 3 drinking pubs then was on water- some managed 4, some 5. I expected a really bad HM right from the first step but was good till 18km then started to struggle - dehydration?
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited February 2016
    A short 7km tonight. First run since my HM last week end. Recovery - Life and Work got in the way this week. Giving me 93.2 km of my planned 140km, 3 running days left and 47 km needed to reach goal. Will probably come up short as I don't want to push pace-distance and push myself into an injury. Scheduled 4 Hills day with the local club tomorrow - I will probably only managed 3 as it is a lot of distance and vertical combined.

    02/01 – 0.0 Km – 140 km – 150.8 Km
    02/06 – 9.0 Km – 9.0 – 131 – 159.8 Km
    02/07 – 21.1 Km – 30.1 - 109.9 – 180.9 Km Chilly Willy HM
    02/08 – 6.0 Km – 36.1 - 103.9 – 186.9 Km
    02/10 – 8.0 Km – 44.1 - 95.9 – 194.9 Km
    02/13 – 9.0 Km – 53.1 – 86.9 – 203.9 Km
    02/14 – 6.0 Km – 59.1 – 80.9 – 209.9 Km
    02/17 – 6.0 Km – 65.1 – 74.9 – 215.9 Km
    02/21 –21.1 Km – 86.2 – 53.8 – 238.0 Km Hypothermic HM
    02/26 –7.0 Km – 93.2 – 46.8 – 245.0 Km
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    @MorningGhost14 - Wow! that is a beautiful place to run. I just don't think I could run it all at once... maybe over the course of a year or so :)
    Oh crap, @Elise4270 you need to get that checked out so you can get a plan going. Hopefully it is not a fracture, but with swelling and discoloration like that I suspect you are going to need some downtime. We runners always need to think long next season.

    Where the f**k is March already?!?!? February is really pi$$ing me off with this injury crapola!!!
    I second or third or whatever this!
    I hope everyone who is injured is felling better soon and out there running in March! @Elise4270 - so glad yours is 'just' tendinitis! So much better than a stress fracture!
    @Virkati - whoohoo! to progress!!
    @7lenny7 - our work scheduled sound similar. Don't know about you but I am pretty much done with mine - wish it were done with me though!
    @5BeautifulDays - Congratulations on your HM!! YaY - you did it!! and with a ton of insight! I know it is terribly difficult with your son but things will soon be in to a routine again and hopefully some runs are a part of that new normal to help keep you sane!Take care and know we are all here for you!!

    Almost got hit by a car this morning crossing the street (in a cross walk). I have to cross twice and going the direction I chose to go first probably save my life. One car stopped giving a sense of security to cross, unfortunately the 2nd closer car just zoomed on through without even slowing. Have to say all the drivers in the other stopped cars were pretty shocked. The good news though is that my trail entrance is not back open so I can come home that way without having to loop all the way around.

    We are off to Seattle tomorrow for a few days. I may try to get in a run while there but If it will be an extended, 4 day rest period.

    02/01.......4.15..........4.15 - Treadmill run at the hotel
    02/03.......3.55..........7.70 - Treadmill run at the hotel
    02/05.......4.12........11.82 - Yay for running outdoors!
    02/07.....13.20........25.02 - Surf City HM
    02/08.......4.50........29.52 - + Agility
    02/09.......6.10........35.62 - +Strength Training
    02/11.......4.32........39.94 - +Strength Training
    02/14.......2.00........49.16 - Dog Beach Valentine run
    02/15.......0.00........49.16 - + Agility
    02/16.......5.18........54.34 - +Strength Training
    02/18.......5.34........59.68 - +Strength Training
    02/20.....13.34........73.02 - Divas HM
    02/22.......4.54........77.56 - + Agility
    02/23.......5.08........82.64 - +Strength Training
    02/25.......5.09........87.73 - +Strength Training
    02/26.......5.22........92.95 - GOAL


    These are my upcoming races, let me know if you are going to be running too:
    *****No Races Scheduled (for now)*****
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    A puppy picture from agility last weekend. Hobbes the Vizsla really can fly :)
  • whatang
    whatang Posts: 102 Member
    @WhatMeRunning @5BeautifulDays @michable @Elise4270 @juliet3455 thanks so much for the encouragement and advice. I think I will take the plunge and sign up for that half! Having never done much in the way of organised running and "real" races, I really do appreciate you taking the time to give me the push I needed :)

    1 mile slow warm up this morning, followed by 5k Parkrun. Got a pb - 24:08 - which I really wasn't expecting given that I did 7 miles last night. I think it helped that the supposed 28 minute pacer went out of the gate like an absolute demon, she ran the first mile in something like 7:50! I do pity the people that thought they were supposed to be keeping pace with her. I was planning to just sort of noodle along and come in around 25-26 minutes, but the whole field was just caning it as a result of this pacer so I just went with it. By the time I hit mile 2 at 15:26 I just thought screw it, might as well keep it up and see how I do!

    Great moment at the start too. There was a lady running with a dog and when everyone got going he got a bit excited and just took off, dragging his owner with him. The sight of her disappearing into the distance wailing at her dog to stop was a pretty comical way to start the morning :smiley:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber beautiful pup!

    It's so hard letting the miles slip by when I was on track to meet my goal, especially after the knee (that still neededs consideration). 3 weeks to my half! Wow! Come on foot, knee, hip, shin....
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited February 2016
    2/1: 6 miles with Joe to Go crew
    2/2: 5 miles
    2/3: 7.5 miles
    2/4: 8.2 miles (am), 6 miles (pm) with the Thursday crew
    2/5: Rest day (hallelujah!)
    2/6: 9.5 miles with the Saturday crew
    2/7: 18 miles LR
    2/8: 6.1 miles with Joe to Go crew
    2/9: Rest day
    2/10: 7 miles speedwork (am), 10 miles (pm)
    2/11: 6 miles (am), 6 miles (pm) with the Thursday crew
    2/12: Rest day!
    2/13: 14 miles with Saturday crew
    2/14: 7 miles
    2/15: Rest/lazy day
    2/16: 5 miles
    2/17: 5 miles (am), 12 miles (pm)
    2/18: 8 miles (am), 6 miles (pm) with the Thursday crew
    2/19: Rest day!
    2/20: 8.5 miles
    2/21: 16 miles
    2/22: 6 miles with Joe to Go crew
    2/23: XT: 12 miles stationary bike
    2/24: 10 miles
    2/25: No AM run, 6 miles PM with Thursday crew
    2/26: Rest day!
    2/27: 10 miles

    Well..... today's run was a mixed bag. Bright sunshine, cold but no wind so it felt nice. I started off pretty sluggish, and then at about 1.7 miles... BOOM! Biffed it on a corner I run all the time in front of three cars stopped at a light. (I'm happy to report my immediate reaction to a fall is: "F***ing seriously?!"). Didn't think it was too bad til blood started dripping down my hand. So I ran a quarter mile to the 7-11 to do some initial rinsing of dirt, stuff toilet paper in my sleeve and then be on my way... because I was meeting up with a teammate to run the second 5 miles of my run! I showed up only 5 minutes late, and we had a good laugh about the fall.


    The injury didn't hurt much in the cold, but now that I'm inside... ouch! Cleaning 'em out and dreading taking a shower because the hot water, shampoo, etc. is going to be a b****. My tights (thank goodness I was wearing tights and not capris today!!) didn't rip or even really scuff, but I have some scrapes and bruising on my left knee anyhow. My fave long sleeve protected my hands pretty good (had my hands in thumbholes, so sleeves were over my hands for the most part), but it got a little ripped in a place or two near the hands. Not a big deal. And once I get the blood out, it'll be almost good as new!

    I literally have not fallen on a run in at least 4, if not 5, years. It wasn't as bad as I remember, or as bad as it could have been!, but still... I'll stay vertical whenever I can, thanks!


    Upcoming races:
    3/12: Run o' the Mill 5K
    4/3: Caesar Rodney Half Marathon
    5/1: New Jersey Marathon
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited February 2016

    Well..... today's run was a mixed bag. Bright sunshine, cold but no wind so it felt nice. I started off pretty sluggish, and then at about 1.7 miles... BOOM! Biffed it on a corner I run all the time in front of three cars stopped at a light. (I'm happy to report my immediate reaction to a fall is: "F***ing seriously?!"). Didn't think it was too bad til blood started dripping down my hand. So I ran a quarter mile to the 7-11 to do some initial rinsing of dirt, stuff toilet paper in my sleeve and then be on my way... because I was meeting up with a teammate to run the second 5 miles of my run! I showed up only 5 minutes late, and we had a good laugh about the fall.


    .. I'll stay vertical whenever I can, thanks!

    Oh thats aweful! Least I gotta medal for mine.. Hope it's not enough to cut into your miles!

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    @Elise4270 That's gnarly! I understand why it's kept you out of the game for a while! Ouhc!

    I should still be ok for my 20 tomorrow. I'll keep an eye on it. But the fall didn't even break my tights; I think the pressure just broke the skin. My hands definitely took the brunt of it.

    Another fall story: My team leader fell on a run before a wedding a few months ago (tripped over a wire) and cut her knee open. She bandaged it and went to the wedding, then after went to the ER back home and she had to have stitches and take something like 8-10 weeks off running. I was surprised you couldn't see bones in the pics she posted on Twitter. Very nasty stuff!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member

    Another fall story: My team leader fell on a run before a wedding a few months ago (tripped over a wire) and cut her knee open. She bandaged it and went to the wedding, then after went to the ER back home and she had to have stitches and take something like 8-10 weeks off running. I was surprised you couldn't see bones in the pics she posted on Twitter. Very nasty stuff!

    Yikes! That's bad. The fall I had didn't tear my tights either. I was surprised. Glad its just your hands, they'll probably just be a bit stiff. Way better than it could have been for you.
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    Feb 02      4.4T     4.4
    Feb 20      3.7      8.1
    Feb 21      3.7     11.8
    Feb 23      3.7T    15.5
    Feb 24      3.9T    19.4
    Feb 27      5.3     24.7


    The road back from my Morton's Neuroma or whatever the hell that was seems to be progressing. I may finish out the month with 30 miles or so. Looking forward to the March Challenge! When does that link go up?

    @kristinegift OOWWWW!!! Hope that heals up fast!
  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    Ouch @kristinegift and @Elise4270, those look bad. I'm such a wimp when there's blood involved, I cry like a baby even if it's not really that bad.

    I hate to be a story-topper, but I think my running fall will go down as the most moronic of all. I was doing a sprint during some fartlek training, about this time last year, and completely stacked it on a loose paving slab. I was thrown forward by the fall, using my hands (and my face!) to brace myself when I landed. I had to have 2 stitches in my chin, fractured 2 fingers in 3 places and cracked two ribs. I couldn't run or do any sort of exercise for 3 months, breathing was absolute agony :( So yeah, don't fall over when running really fast. That is the epitome of stupid.

    Anyway, did my 10km run today and was really happy with my time. I was determined to use this as a practice of half-marathon pace, because it's one thing practicing it in training but it's another not to get caught up in the excitement of race day and go out too fast. I did pretty well, I was only 30 seconds too fast for my overall time, but my pace was inconsistent in some parts. I actually took it a bit too slow and had to pick up my pace for the last km.

    I'm looking forward to my kind-of-cutback week next week though, I've managed to get this far without injury which is great but I don't want to push it too far given how prone I am. I will make my next run super short to recover from my heaviest fortnight in over a year, so I will be just over target for this month. I haven't met a monthly target in about 6 months, so I'm very pleased with this!

    2nd February - 40 mins cross-train
    4th February - 3.30 miles
    5th February - 35 mins cross-train
    8th February - 3.20 miles
    10th February - 3.14 miles (dreadmill)
    11th February - 3.26 miles
    12-14th February - away
    15th February - 7.04 miles
    16th February - 30 mins cross-train
    17th February - 2.18 miles (dreadmill) + 15 mins cross-train
    20th February - 3.09 miles
    21st February - 8.39 miles
    23rd February - 3.07 miles
    25th February - 5.74 miles
    27th February - 6.17 miles (10km race)

    MTD - 48.58/50miles

    Upcoming races:
    19th Mar - Spring Riverside 10km
    3rd Apr - Paddock Wood Half Marathon
    8th May - Run Hackney Half Marathon
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @louubelle16 ouch! Oh that's awful!
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    @louubelle16 Oh man!! That sounds very painful! The last time I fell, I scraped the heels of my hands pretty bad and my knees and my chin. Explaining the scrapes on my face for the few days afterward was embarassing. I feel for you!
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @kristinegift - ouch!
    @5BeautifulDays - nice race report. Hope your son is doing better. One day at a time.

    I won't hit my goal but I'm fine with it. Since I tapered and then recovered and did a lot of biking, it's fine.
    I'm doing a 63 mile bike ride on 3/13 so will not run quite as much right before and after. But I'm going to try for 75 again. After all, 2 more days in the month and my Spring Break starts the 24th (thank goodness!) so I may be able to run more at the end of the month.

    Congrats to all you goal hitters and seekers!

    Feb 1 - 4.27
    Feb 2- repairing/recovery day.
    Feb 3 - Strength training 4.5 miles
    Feb 4 - rest
    Feb 5 - Strength training
    Feb 6 - 34 mile bike ride
    Feb 7 - 13.1 HM - New PR 2:18:57!!!
    Feb 8 - 3.05 mile recovery run.
    Feb 9 - 1 hour spinning class
    Feb 10 - Strength training
    Feb 11 - 6 miles
    Feb 12 - recovery day
    Feb 13 - 34 mile bike ride
    Feb 14 - 36 mile bike ride
    Feb 15 - 7.5 miles
    Feb 16 - 3.6 miles
    Feb 17 - strength training
    Feb 18 - 5.04 miles + 1 hour spinning class
    Feb 19 - strength training
    Feb 20 - 34 mile bike ride
    Feb 21 - 35 mile bike ride
    Feb 22 - 4.5 miles
    Feb 23 - 4.5 miles
    Feb 24 - strength training
    Feb 25 - 4.5 miles
    Feb 26 - strength training
    Feb 27 - 34 mile bike ride


    3/3 Orlando City Soccer 5K
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    Went for a little walk today (2.5 miles). Felt fine. Prob could resume most of life (at a slightly slower pace), but I'm gonna keep (at some some of) the off-days from the FMLA paperwork.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for February

    2/1 7.55 miles - 7.55
    2/2 7.4 miles - 14.95
    2/3 4.5 miles - 19.45
    2/4 7 miles - 26.45
    2/5 REST DAY
    2/6 16 miles - 42.45
    2/7 REST DAY
    2/8 10.5 miles - 52.95
    2/9 7.5 miles - 60.45
    2/9 3.2 miles - 63.65
    2/10 6.4 miles - 70.05
    2/11 7.5 miles - 77.55
    2/12 6.3 miles - 83.85
    2/12 3.3 miles - 87.15 <<< Daily double
    2/13 16 miles - 103.15
    2/14 REST DAY Happy Valentines Day
    2/15 8.1 miles - 111.25 << First run of 2 today
    2/15 4 miles - 115.25 << Second run of the day. I hate cold rain.
    2/16 10 miles - 125.25
    2/17 5 miles - 130.25
    2/18 11 miles - 141.25
    2/19 6.2 miles - 147.45
    2/20 16 miles - 163.45
    2/21 REST DAY
    2/22 8.5 miles - 171.95
    2/22 4 miles - 175.95 << Another daily double
    2/23 8 miles - 183.95
    2/23 4 miles - 187.95 << Another daily double
    2/24 6.2 miles - 194.15
    2/25 8 miles - 202.15
    2/25 4 miles - 206.15 << Another daily double
    2/26 6.2 miles - 212.35
    2/27 16 miles - 228.35


    Upcoming races:
    UAH Spring Road Race 8K - 3/6
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler - 6/25