How big is your breakfast?



  • Iheartalaric
    Iheartalaric Posts: 5 Member
    edited February 2016
    I wake up at 6:30 am everyday and only have coffee with non-sugar creamer.
    I don't get to workout until around 11am and after my workout I eat the same thing every single day: 1 serving of Oatmeal with almond milk and berries or sometimes I'll add fresh peaches and one serving of sliced almonds. So about a 300 calorie "breakfast" even though it's at Noon or 1pm.

    I don't eat a lunch at all but might eat a snack--usually a higher protein with a complex carb.
    Then I eat a larger dinner usually 400-700 calories and a sweet snack after.
    I can't go a day without a chocolate snack of some kind and I always save it for the last food of the day and really enjoy it.

    My daily allowance is 1550.
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    housenoob wrote: »
    Breakfast is supposed to be the biggest meal of the day. Not only that, but the most important meal of the day. Think about it this way: you can starve yourself until 12 and then feel like you deserve a bunch of unhealthy food or, you can eat a balanced breakfast and eat a more healthy lunch because you are less hungry and are aware that you have eaten other things. I like to eat oatmeal, applesauce, bagels and fruit like bananas and grapes also chobani yogurt. According to health blogs they seem to say you are supposed to eat a good amount of protein, fiber and potassium in the morning to keep you full!

    Supposed to ? It has to be what works for each person. Personally, I do better if I save my bigger meal for later in the day. For me it also depends on if I am working out, how I am working out, and when I am working out. It all plays into how and when I plan my meals.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    housenoob wrote: »
    Breakfast is supposed to be the biggest meal of the day. Not only that, but the most important meal of the day. Think about it this way: you can starve yourself until 12 and then feel like you deserve a bunch of unhealthy food or, you can eat a balanced breakfast and eat a more healthy lunch because you are less hungry and are aware that you have eaten other things. I like to eat oatmeal, applesauce, bagels and fruit like bananas and grapes also chobani yogurt. According to health blogs they seem to say you are supposed to eat a good amount of protein, fiber and potassium in the morning to keep you full!

    The "breakfast is supposed to be the biggest meal of the day" idea is championed by the breakfast industry and repeated by people who never did research on if this makes sense... Why do you think the breakfast industry makes this claim?

    Also, why can't I not eat until lunch time and eat a bunch of healthy food? The "healthiness" of my lunch has little to do with how hungry I am as I often eat the same thing whether I'm hungry or not. This isn't an either or situation. I have nothing against a big breakfast (had one yesterday, which is out of the norm for me), but there is nothing wrong with a tiny breakfast either.
  • brrite
    brrite Posts: 21 Member
    1 egg, over easy, on a slice of toast with Tabasco. Two single serving Greek yogurts with a half tablespoon of uncooked oatmeal in each. It's about 500 cal.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    As big and filling as possible. The more full I get off breakfast the easier it is to keep satisfied on small amounts of food throughout the day. When I skip it or eat a small one it's so much harder to keep from eating a lot because it seems like no amount of food can satisfy me later on.
  • jaynee7283
    jaynee7283 Posts: 160 Member
    I normally have a balance bar, or a Clif bar, which is 200-250 calories, depending on the flavor I choose. On days I like to splurge (about twice a month), I have a tall peppermint hot chocolate from Starbucks with skim milk and half the pumps - that's about 350 calories.

    Sometimes on the weekend I will have a small bowl of cereal in skim milk, but that is only about once a month.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Mine is over 700 calories.

    Two boiled eggs.
    1 cup Greek yogurt.
    1/2 serving whole grain granola.
    1/2 serving raw white honey.
    1 tablespoon all natural almond butter.
    1 banana.
  • Chrisbc07
    Chrisbc07 Posts: 1 Member
    Egg whites and 1/2 cup of oatmeal. Sometimes I'll throw a scoop of Strawberry Isoflex Protein powder with my oatmeal for flavor as well. Comes to about 300 calories.
  • toe1226
    toe1226 Posts: 249 Member
    i LOVE breakfast. 500 is my max allowance for it. Lately I've been in the 375 range with 30+ grams of protein, but sometimes I will get up to 450. On days where I am going out to dinner, I try to cut it down to 300 but any lower than that and I get reeeeal hungry.
  • WeekendWarriorTX
    WeekendWarriorTX Posts: 1,844 Member
    depends on the day. this morning was gym day, i had a nugo protein bar before the gym, protein shake after the gym, a jimmy dean delight sandwich around 0800, and around 1030 i'll have some carrots and greek yogurt. on running days i don't have the nugo or protein shake. i also usually have a banana but i forgot this morning. I'd like to get away from the frozen breakfast sandwich, but since I exercise in the morning i don't have time to make anything, and I don't want to get up earlier than I already do
  • MeiannaLee
    MeiannaLee Posts: 338 Member
    edited February 2016
    Because I have classes from dawn to dusk I have a meal protein bar and coffee. It totals to about 400 calories.

    I do this because I dont get hungry throughout the day, and Im very active, so I try to eat calorie dense foods :)

    As for lunch I usually have vegetables and crackers/pretzels and for dinner I eat out or at home Ill make myself some cereal.
  • Jenfromtheblock84
    Jenfromtheblock84 Posts: 140 Member
    200 calorie homemade breakfast burrito. 1 egg white, 2/3 cup hashbrowns, onions, green peppers, and mushrooms. Delish!!!
  • Cirque95
    Cirque95 Posts: 22 Member
    I have a bowl of cereal for breakfast which is around 250 calories. Cereal isn't the healthiest but it gives me enough energy for busy mornings and keeps going until lunch. I used to have fruit and yoghurt but it didn't really keep me going until lunch.
  • adisurya368
    adisurya368 Posts: 8 Member
    Just a cup of black coffee for breakfast hmm 2 cal maybe ..
  • Vanyahiril
    Vanyahiril Posts: 89 Member
    Around 400 calories. Usually oatmeal, peanut butter, blueberries, & a cup of tea.... Except for today... Today I had donuts...
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member