Silly things I do to hit 10,000 steps a day



  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    I'm so glad to know that I'm not crazy lol. I also have a Fitbit Charge HR. I am a nurse but work in a mental health facility that is much like a doctor's office. I can usually get about 5k steps in while at work (sometimes more) When I get home and am really trying to get my steps in I will get on the treadmill, dance with my 1 yo daughter, crawl on the floor with her (which surprisingly counts as steps lol) and I also run in place next to the bed/shower to get in my steps lol.

    One day she was fighting an afternoon nap so I asked if she wanted to ride in her little tikes car. She went and got in and I started pushing her around the house...from the living room, around the kitchen island, to the dining room, the hall, back to the living room. We made it an obstacle course and did this for about 30 minutes. She fell asleep about 20 minutes in lol. I got in quite a few steps during that little trip.

    Sweet memories are being made. :) I have a feeling you will be getting in a lot of steps chasing your toddler around soon. Enjoy!

  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    zezelryck wrote: »
    I've heard some of you afix your fitbit to your dogs when out are walking then let them off the leash lol (I of course don't have a dog) ;)

    Have you really heard that, about some of us? What would be the purpose of the Fitbit then? Who would that person be fooling by upping those numbers using a dog?
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Like walking around the block at 10 pm? Yup, done that.
    Like parking in the same spot at the furthest end of that row of central parking that isn't convenient to ANY store when I visit Costco, Target & TJoe's?
    Yup; I expect they'll paint my name on the spot sometime soon.
    Like always being the person who volunteers to run back to the room whenever kids or staff forget glasses/keys/library books/etc when I'm subbing?
    Yup, always.
    Hahaha good to know I'm not the only nutty obsessive over steps...
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    edited February 2016
    zezelryck wrote: »
    I've heard some of you afix your fitbit to your dogs when out are walking then let them off the leash lol (I of course don't have a dog) ;)

    Have you really heard that, about some of us? What would be the purpose of the Fitbit then? Who would that person be fooling by upping those numbers using a dog?

    ^Totally agree with you JustMissTracy, it is really pointless, as far as I am concerned. You are only cheating yourself. But, there are people on the fit bit site that have over 2,400,000 steps for February so far. So something really doesn't add up. I don't know how anyone can get over 90,000 steps per day. I have had a fitbit for 3 years. I get 20,000 regularly, but, I have only gotten over 30,000 (and just barely 30,000) 3 times, and that was a struggle. How anyone can get 3X that daily is kind of unbelievable, if not down right impossible.

  • sdbernier
    sdbernier Posts: 36 Member
    kb_CG_wife wrote: »
    I'm literally walking in circles around my house while typing this on my phone to get steps

    I have done that :)
  • monicarungood
    monicarungood Posts: 41 Member
    I pace my house a lot, or march in place while watching TV.

    On weekdays I'm not running I will make a point of taking my iPad down to my office's basement gym, hop on a treadmill and walk while streaming a TV show. I try to get at least a 30-minute walk like this done every MWF.
  • nichalsont
    nichalsont Posts: 421 Member
    I have done fast-paced laps inside my house when close to my goal. My dogs follow me. They think it is a game.
  • kuroshii
    kuroshii Posts: 168 Member
    I work in a mini office accross the street from the actual company. Instead of just cutting through traffic and walking across the street, I like to walk to the end of the block, through the cross walk, and back over to the main building whenever I have to go to the other side. The other office girls make fun of me a bit but it's worth the extra 3-400 steps I think.

    Not to mention you are being SAFER for it, what with all those drivers these days who think that looking down at their phone while their car is moving is not a problem. SMH.
  • ccnagain
    ccnagain Posts: 50 Member
    I will go around the wall in my kitchen/hallway/livingroom and my kids always laugh and say 'ohhh mommy needs her 10,000 steps'. I also will check it right before bed and if need be jog in place until I hit it :D
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    edited March 2016
    posted this yesterday on my FB page. I realized that when i wouldn't hurry i wont get my steps in before the day ends.
    So got in a hurry and combined some "tasks".

    How to make Perfect Puff Pastry in 10.000 steps

    Mix your ingredients and put it in the fridge for 60 minutes

    After 60 Minutes take it out the fridge and make it into a long sheet...fold it into each other in 4 pieces ( or 3)
    Put it in the freezer. In the meantime make prepare some Stroganof goulash, and do all the dishes by hand.

    Start up your treadmill and jog for 15 minutes on 3.7 MPH
    After 15 minutes, pause your treadmill. Take your dough out of the freezer and roll it out into a long sheet again. Fold into each other
    Cover up back into the freezer.

    Pop back yon your treadmill and jog for 15 minutes on 3.7 MPH
    After 15 minutes, pause your treadmill. Take your dough out of the freezer and roll it out into a long sheet again. Fold into each other
    Cover up back into the freezer. Your half way...keep on going.

    Jump back on your treadmill and jog another 15 minutes on 3.7 MPH
    After 15 minutes, pause your treadmill. Take your dough out of the freezer and roll it out into a long sheet again. Fold into each other
    Cover up back into the freezer. Almost there!!!

    Drag your self back on your treadmill. Put it on incline 1% and 3.7 MPH and jog!
    After 15 minutes fall off you treadmill, drag your self to the kitchen and roll out for the last time the Puff Pastry
    Good for about 10.000 steps.]




    But yes like all of you i do the same things. fidgeting from side to side or walk while brushing my teeth. On the phone i walk
    In the night i jog a bit more on the patio or i dance.
    I go through dance routines for my classes ( i teach body-robics) Not needed i know them, but another way to get some more steps in and be active. Park further away. Leave my shopping card in an isle and get the item i need and return...repeat this several times. I wash the dishes by hand and dry the plates and put them away one by one. Good for at least 1500 steps after i mopped the floor and sit down with my coffee. The dishes only goes in the dishwasher when i am super tired or have no time.
    Any opportunity to move i move.

  • Alysia82
    Alysia82 Posts: 67 Member
    I walk out of the back down at work and walk from the back of the building to the front of the building to go to the restroom
  • fidangul
    fidangul Posts: 673 Member
    -I too walk on the spot or back and forth when watching TV.
    -When folding laundry I'll put the basket on one end of the room but pile the groups of clothing on the side. (Same with ironing)
    - when hanging laundry I'll place the basket further a way from where I am standing and walk back and forth only taking one piece at a time.
    - When setting the dinner table I don't use a tray, rather I go back and forth to the kitchen with one item in each hand.
    - We have a roundabout game with kids where we pile cushions in the centre of the living room floor and run around it.
    - I've paced the long balcony to get in my final steps

    I'll add some more as I remember them
  • paradi3s
    paradi3s Posts: 343 Member
    All these things! I ge weird stares and judgment by friends and family, but I don't care! I Actuall like commuting since it's a long walk and gives me extra steps. I also started doing chores or being the one o get things when asked to do so, which at least pleases my dad more! Hahaha
  • krepanie
    krepanie Posts: 41 Member
    Good thread! Thanks for the ideas! I'm a SAHM that homeschools so it is hard to get all of my steps in unless I can get out and get a walk in everyday. Somedays I can, somedays I can't. But we live on an acre so I will start walking around it after school and at night if I have to! Great ideas, folks. Thanks.

    SAH and homeschool mama here as well in the same boat. I will walk laps around the house while kids are doing their independent work, and walk in the afternoons during quiet times most days. We live on a little land, so I walk the perimeter of the property and am still close to the house. I am grateful for that! I will walk laps on the living room at night if I need more steps.
  • mandyj1060
    mandyj1060 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! Can't stop laughing lol!!! Y'all are awesome!! Glad to know I'm not the only one getting creative with my steps. Keep up the good work & let's keep having fun getting healthier :)
  • erinwilliams21
    erinwilliams21 Posts: 8 Member
    sdbernier wrote: »
    Hi. I've been a member of MFP forever but never really wrote on the message boards (I do check out success stories though). I am currently trying to lost 30 pounds and one of my main goals is to take 10,000 steps a day to help with this. (I working on my CICO and I'm also doing JM's online program so I do circuits 4X and cardio 1X a week).

    Anyway, I just thought I'd ask what you do to hit 10,000 steps. Here's what I do (I use a Fitbit HR to track):

    I jog in place in my work bathroom while waiting for the water to warm up to wash my hands
    I carry my laundry from my bedroom to the laundry room in small portions so I have to make more trips
    I listen to three songs in a row and jog/walk in place at my desk while they're playing (about 3X a day)
    I dance to You tube with my daughter after work (and before I work out <- it's a warm up).

    Am I the only crazy person who does this kind of thing? :)

    I work as a leader in a factory. Requires a lot of walking and I avg. About 11000 a day. While away from work I walk my dog. I also walk around the house cleaning it. Any little bit helps, but definitely look into taking a long or short walk or run each day to help if your number is still low.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    This thread makes me super grateful I don't actually have one of these.
  • constancenj
    constancenj Posts: 26 Member
    This is amazing. I love this thread, thanks for all the ideas! XD
  • sdbernier
    sdbernier Posts: 36 Member
    Any little bit helps, but definitely look into taking a long or short walk or run each day to help if your number is still low.

    I literally work next to an interstate so there is not a whole lot of places for me to walk during the day. At night, I do cardio and circuit training at home. I don't often have a hard time hitting my steps but I still make sure I move a lot during the day so I don't feel so lazy. I guess I mostly didn't want to think I was alone with being so crazy about hitting my steps and being excited about seeing which new country I now walked to :)
  • stmokomoko
    stmokomoko Posts: 98 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    This thread makes me super grateful I don't actually have one of these.

    Lol, I actually WANT one of these after reading these. :D