Kids say the funniest things...

healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
edited September 28 in Chit-Chat
This was done earlier this year..and I am in need of a good laugh...What's something funny your child/children/someone else's children/grandchild..ANY CHILD has said or done that made you laugh...

Here's two from my 5 y/o daughter:

1) She got in trouble once...I told her to stop crying and to put her big girl pants on...Five minutes later she came back and asked if these were better..she changed her jeans!

2) She ran into the kitchen one Sunday afternoon and said, "Momma! PLEASE FEEL MY HEAD" So I do..and I say, "You feel fine...Whats the matter?" She says, "Oh, I thought I had Beiber Fever."....



  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    When I was in 4th grade, a classmate of mine asked me how it felt to take piss through my forehead. I had to laugh at that one because it was astoundingly hilarious. :laugh:
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    bump; for when i need a pick-me-up =)
  • kazcan
    kazcan Posts: 13
    My three year old son was watching Disney channel he came rushing into the kitchen mum mum MUM!!! COME LOOK!!! there using pixi dust.....!!! and its NOT even an EMERGENCY.. he wasnt a happy bunny lol :D
  • ill retell this one cause its cute.

    my daughter when she was three was being a monster. i was so frustrated ijust said "WHY DONT YOU LISTEN??!!!" and she said, without skipping a beat, "but MOOOOMMMYYY, i WANNNNAAA listen..."
  • lsd007
    lsd007 Posts: 435
    My daughter is only 2, so her vocabulary is fairly limited. But her big thing right now is she will do something bad (pour yogurt on the floor, take dishes out of the cabinets, climb on kitchen table, etc.) and when I look at her she will say "Yes Mommy. I serious."
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    the other day I had my 2 year old twins in Pita Pit with me. I had one of them sitting on the counter while I told the lady what toppings I wanted on my pita. Her first question was "white or whole wheat" to which I responded "white". My son says "Mommy, you're white?" and I said "No hunny, I got a white Pita, but yes, I am white" and he smiles, points to himself and says "I'm white too"

    I laughed.
  • Crooks0204
    Crooks0204 Posts: 189
    I remember once when my son was younger I pulled up to the teller window at the bank and he said (very seriously) mama i want a cheeseburger and fries...i thought it was soo funny
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    My youngest (6 year old) is a gold mine of funny things.

    At the beach fishing the other day he tells me he has to pee. So I told him to just go in the water. he walks in up to his knees, pulls down his pants and pisses. LOL

    I put on here the other day too... his fathers day card from school to me was a top ten list of why I am a great dad. #8 I am badass.

    He does like to curse... so the other day I joking made a remark, no more eminem for him... he busted out crying. he thought I cut off his M&M supply!
  • My 5 year old is quite a little comedian but this is one of my favorites!

    A few years ago my son and I were at a stop light and someone honked at another car. He said "did you hear that mom? Someone just honked at that dumba**!" I about died!
  • That was really cute.

    My grandaughter when she was about 5 yrs old said when her mom to her to Mr. Sub. She said I want a sub with lettuce, tomatoe, pickles and cheese. Oh yeah and a 6 pack of beer for my dad. LMFAO.

    I still laugh about it today. so cute
  • nmescalera
    nmescalera Posts: 233 Member
    OK well this was probably like a year or so ago..... My daughter ended up getting gum in her hair so as im sitting with the peanut butter trying to comb it she starts saying that it hurts and that im pulling her hair... I then said to her well if you didnt get gum in your hair that i wouldnt be doing what im going then she said

    "Its not the gum that hurts its you!!!"
  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member
    My twins to each other one morning:

    Knock knock?
    Who's there?
    Dragon - rrrraaawwwwwwrr

    Both falling down laughing only to do it again with the other twin starting first. This went on for at least a half an hour, same joke, same hysterical laughter.

    It's even better for me since they are speech delayed and usually talk "twin talk" to each other, but not anymore :)
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I remember once when my son was younger I pulled up to the teller window at the bank and he said (very seriously) mama i want a cheeseburger and fries...i thought it was soo funny

    lol My twins do this as well, every single time we're at Tim Hortons they scream "burger & fries" out the window repeatedly. When I say "they don't sell that here" they say "oh, Hortons?"
  • i have twin sisters. when they were little they wouldnt talk because they just had "twin speak" and could communicate with each other. then they had to go into speech therapy in order to figure it out. well, it didnt take long at all. there was nothing wrong with them. they just didnt WANT to talk. so off to therapy they go on day. my mom brings them home and they're playing. my mother apparnetly is washing dishes and when she turns the water off she hears them saying to each other "youre a mother f*cker" "no, youre a mother f*cker" "no YOURE a mother f*cker"

  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I remember once when my son was younger I pulled up to the teller window at the bank and he said (very seriously) mama i want a cheeseburger and fries...i thought it was soo funny

    that is very cute!
  • My twins to each other one morning:

    Knock knock?
    Who's there?
    Dragon - rrrraaawwwwwwrr

    Both falling down laughing only to do it again with the other twin starting first. This went on for at least a half an hour, same joke, same hysterical laughter.

    It's even better for me since they are speech delayed and usually talk "twin talk" to each other, but not anymore :)

    hey, i just wrote how my twin sisters were like that "twin speak" i called it :)
  • bpe101
    bpe101 Posts: 53 Member
    Before I was born, my mom was going to take my brother to Florida. He was about 3 years old. She told him in passing they were going to Miami. At some point he told her, "I don't want to go to My-Ami, I want to go to Your-Ami."

    Oh, but wait... There's more.

    My brother is now grown and has 2 boys. His oldest is 3. His 4th birthday and his brother's 1st birthday is in a few weeks and they are taking them to Florida. (Now, these 2 kids have not heard the story about my brother and Miami.) The other day we got a call from my brother saying he told his oldest they were going to Miami and he started wailing, "Nooooo, I want to go to Mommy's-Ami and Grammy's-Ami!!!!"

    Apparently the two of them think a lot alike...
  • my 2 year old almost son went into the fridge the other day, pulled out a beer and looked at me and said "daddy"

  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    My twins to each other one morning:

    Knock knock?
    Who's there?
    Dragon - rrrraaawwwwwwrr

    Both falling down laughing only to do it again with the other twin starting first. This went on for at least a half an hour, same joke, same hysterical laughter.

    It's even better for me since they are speech delayed and usually talk "twin talk" to each other, but not anymore :)

    aren't twins the best? lol Every morning I hear "Mom, Mom" in harmony (yells) LOL it's like echo echo hahaha

    i taught my kids to 'bear hug' and that is where you give a hug and rawr like a bear very loudly. People always think it's hilarious, lol
  • dsolgot
    dsolgot Posts: 86 Member
    My 4 year old son says lots of crazy things one of the most recent things being when I was cutting his hair I had him down to his underware in the bathroom so he could take a bath right after he says "look mommy my penis is hairy like daddys" I almost could not finish cutting his hair mind you at the time my husband had been deployed for 7 months so how he would remember something like that I have no clue..
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