Why do you keep your diary private?



  • ceannesjourney
    I had mine public to friends for a while and then I found people were looking at it and commenting--nothing bad about it at all as I eat really, really good food 99% of the time. It just felt a little like people going through my bathroom cabinets--there's nothing to hide but people don't need to know "exactly" what's in there... ;o)
  • c_ramey
    c_ramey Posts: 83 Member
    Mine is private, because I have to learn how to keep myself acoountable! I will not always be in the losing weight part of my journey, I am the only one who can really hold myself accountable. I am the one who puts the food in my mouth-- no one else!
  • lejess
    lejess Posts: 63
    I had mine public for a while, I even posted daily results on my FB page. I got tired of my diet being picked apart by everyone. I know if I'm eating too much sodium or not enough calories, etc... MFP tells me!!! The advice or criticism even was ridiculous. I thought posting it would keep me in check, but was just frustrating.
    That is EXACTLY why mine is private. I am held accountable by having to log my food and see my own totals for calories, protein, sodium, etc. I am not interested in UNSOLICITED advice. Bear in mind, if I ASK for it, thats one thing.
    The funny thing about losing weight is everyone else seems to know the best way for you to do it. If there is one thing I've learned is you have to find your own path both physically (eating/exercise) and emotionally. Im not interested in people judging or tell me whats best for me. If I wanted that, I would hire a trainer or a dietician.
  • Lindsay7360
    I keep mine private because I find it make me more accountable to myself - and that's really what matters.

    I was finding on days that I would be over my calories, I wouldn't log it so I wouldn't be in the red for people to pick apart. Now that only I can see it, I log EVERYTHING, because I know no one is going to jump down my throat if I'm over calories, or sodium, or carbs, or WHATEVER.

    And in the end, this is about me and I find it more beneficial if I'm actually honest with my diary, rather than smudge it to make me "look better" to those users that have nothing good to say about your diary.

    (MOST users are helpful and not rude, but I have gotten comments about being over on Sodium, or how I need to eat more of this or more of that and I just got tired of it)
  • losinfat4good
    Mine is private because I like to write personal messages to myself about my day and how I'm feeling. It's called a diary and I choose to keep it private for just that reason.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Because most people are doing it for themselves and don't have the need or want, Hence the word diary. When you were a child did you have a diary and did you let everyone read it? Besides what works for them doesn't mean it will work for you.
  • readytodrop60
    Honestly, I keep mine private because I eat horribly. It's both my food choices and my portion sizes. I'm hoping within another month I will have my eating habits under control and will begin to share it. I already feel bad enough about how poorly I eat so I don't need someone commenting on what a heifer I have been.

    Feeling comfortable enough to share my food diary is definitely a goal though!
  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    I made mine open when I figured out that they were closed by default.

    I know that I hold myself more accountable on the chance that someone might look what I was eating and that someone can easily see my information if I have a question.

    That being said, apparently I am insecure because I sure wouldn't want to hear the criticism about it. Yes, I had a small cheeseburger and small fries yesterday for lunch (I really did--it was delicious.) No, I didn't even make it to the gym yesterday. But who cares, I wanted to celebrate a little with an awesome burger--and I stayed under my calories for the day.
  • JThomas61
    JThomas61 Posts: 892
    Mine is available to my friends and their's to me as well. I have in the past have accepted friend requests from people who use MFP only as a social site, i.e. spending all day making random posts and doing nothing to get fit and when I looked at their lack of exercise and the fact they were eating pizza and cupcakes for every meal, promptly deleted them. This was because we had nothing in common.

    I for one am glad for those that do put in the work and maintain or try to maintain a diet, I realize everyone slips from time to time, that is what makes us all human.
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    I love looking at what people eat, just for ideas mostly. I would NEVER tell someone anything besides good job or something. Like someone said MFP tells you when you are over calories or whatever. I cant believe people would comment on poor choices, or extra calories. That person would be deleted!
  • FunRun08
    FunRun08 Posts: 203 Member
    I keep mine private because I dont want anyone commenting on what I eat. I know my eating is balanced, and I make room in my menu every day for sweets. I also dont track any water because I easily drink 80 oz a day so I dont really think about how many individual glasses I have had. So I dont want people telling me every day that Im not drinking enough water. If I get stuck though I would probably open it up to get some help.
  • Nikki_GodzPrincess
    Mine is private by default however I keep it that way because I eat pretty much whatever I want. I don't believe in diets, I believe that you can have things in moderation. I do not want to discourgae someone that does believe in diets and goes to my page and see I ate a slice of pizza. Also, because I have seen the judgement that people give to others because of their diet. That to me is not motivation if you are going to repramand someone for something they eat. Isn't it their choice? Their diet? Their diary? I get holding them accountable but judging because they arent eating what you eat or eating the way you think they should is a little ridiculous. Just my opinion. and I've seen it happen here unfortunately. However with all that said I;ve managed to lose 80lbs in 5 months so I think I'm doing pretty well. Good Luck on your journey everyone!!!! :)
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    Mine is private because I like to write personal messages to myself about my day and how I'm feeling. It's called a diary and I choose to keep it private for just that reason.

    Thats great! That is exactly what I meant by asking what's hiding in there. You have a personal dairy going on, I think that's awesome!
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    Mine is viewable to friends but I don't update my diary to my wall. Why? Because I don't need any help in that area. I have no problems making good food choices and staying well within my calorie allotments. If I needed help, accountability or suggestions, I would probably make it public to everyone and ask for help. Do I need low carb peeps telling me I eat too many carbs or someone looking over my shoulder to see if all my foods are "clean"? Nope. I think most people are here to lose weight and to seek support in whatever areas they need help and support in. Why do you assume everyone without an open diary is hiding something? You could just as easily be hiding something (probably more so) by keeping your diary public and just not writing things down! I think that would be worse...

    I know you are just asking out of curiosity...this question comes up a lot and always makes me smile :laugh:
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Mine is private, but anyone that wants to see it is more than welcome to, they just have to ask me for the password. I want to know who's looking. I'm not always proud of my diary. I am learning to have a better relationship with food and that doesn't include restriction. If I want something that bad, I'm gonna have it. I have been able to learn how to incorporate those cravings in and still lose weight. I truly believe that this is about my behavior and once I get better at incorporating the unhealthy foods at a more healthy rate, I will eventually be able to eliminate more and more of them.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    Mines public, although I probably only finish tracking half the days I start, and I don't even start tracking my food every day.

    And luckily, no one's called me out on what people perceive as "bad" food. I work in fast food, 40-50 hours a week, so I'm in the store for at least 10 meals a week, and a lot of times, when get home, the last thing I want to do is cook, so we order pizza, or I pick something up on the way home. I'm also both pre-diabetic and iron deficient anemic, and its not unusual for my blood sugar and blood iron level to drop at the same time, so dark chocolate is my super food. There isn't a day that I don't at least have it available.

    I am loosing weight though, mostly because I I've started working out again. The funny thing is, even eating the way I do, which, I will admit, is remarkably bad, I don't gain weight. I top out at 205. Without an effort, without working out, eating whatever, I stay at 205, probably because I'm very active at work.

    But back to the topic at hand, it works, and with my lifestyle, my diet is not going to change. And I'm really pleased that none of my friends or anyone on these boards have called me out on the way I eat. But I know some people do get bashed for what they eat, and if someone hasn't asked for critique of their diary, I think its inappropriate and its not helpful. I'm lucky enough not to have a background that associated food with guilt, and I have no desire in getting one. I can totally understand people who don't want other people in their business, laying guilt trips on them for really no good reason.
  • Teeladog
    Teeladog Posts: 157 Member
    I opened mine because when I started using the community features on here someone that friended me suggested that I open it. Before then I didn't even know that was an option. So far, it has been fine and no one has made any negative comments to me. But, I know that the minute someone does I will probably turn it private again. Logging in honestly is the most important part of this weight loss puzzle for me and if I don't log in like I should because I am afraid of negative comments then I am hurting my own journey.
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    Seems like most the reasons are accountability dressed up.

    Mine was private before and that was due to avoiding criticism, now I've really committed myself to this journey, I feel confident and readily open for suggestions.

    I too get disgusted seeing how people complain about not losing weight but they are either starving themselves or gorging on cupcakes and big macs.

    This is a life long journey and I'm fully committed to this. It's very frustrating seeing others not contribute any effort but look for huge results. Losing weight takes hard work and sacrifice!

    80 % is your diet.....20% is your work out.....
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
  • healthykae
    healthykae Posts: 190 Member
    I was worried of being judged or "known" as the one who consistently went over her calorie goal or didn't exercise. But Since i'm gluten-free I was adding all of these great women who were also gluten-free, it was only free to make mine public. I do feel a little selfconscious about it sometime but whatever, it's a process. I wasn't going to learn by doing the same thing over and over.