

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    katla- Yippee! So glad you can use your wrist again! I would suggest going slow enough not to cause pain.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • linnellal
    linnellal Posts: 49 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Anna- The friend that I am going swimming with just had knee surgery. And she is so happy because she is able to bend it more and walk better on it in the pool and she noticed yesterday she was able to walk a lot better it doesn't have the pain she had prior to swimming Tuesday. I grew up in Minneapolis, moved to Zimmerman, Elk River area, now I am up north in the Walker Leech Lake area. Does any of those areas ring a bell with where you might have lived?


    Mary from Minnesota

    I lived in St. Paul in the Victoria crossing area for many years and visited relatives I Duluth very often. We went and explored the state when I was young because my father was just that kind of guy. He always delighted in finding someplace new. So yes, I have heard of many of those places and have been in a few too.
  • linnellal
    linnellal Posts: 49 Member
    Ok ladies, I have to tell someone because I'm absolutely bursting. I started working with a nutritionist on Feb 10th. Before that I had pretty much given up and resigned to being 290 for the rest of my life. As of today, I was at the doctor's office, and of course they weigh you, since starting I've lost 7.1 pounds for a total of 280.4! I'm thrilled, my dr is thrilled, each pound I take off before my knee surgery will make recovery that much easier. And you gals rock with all your support. Thank you!

    Anna in the beautiful bluffs of northeast Iowa.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Anna- Yea!!! Cheering for you! It feels so good to see/feel the difference, don't you think?! Be proud of this accomplishment and know that we are having a party with you!!!
  • DLS1029
    DLS1029 Posts: 70 Member
    Anna - Congrats on the loss!!! That's awesome! Happy for you!!!

    Donna in rainy, foggy WV
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited March 2016
    Katla - I've never found mint ice cream in Norway. None at all! I can occasionally find it in Sweden. It's a bit strange that such a standard flavor (standard in the US, anyway) should be essentially nonexistent in Scandinavia. Another strangely absent flavor is cinnamon. There's NO candy that's cinnamon flavored! None of your little red hots or Big Red chewing gum or cinnamon Tic-Tacs. Weird.

    I forget who asked about European ice cream, if it was more like gelato. I'm going to duck that question, because I honestly don't know. I've visited lots of places in Europe, but I'm only familiar with the northernmost corner.

    Several people have mentioned salty licorice. That's available all over in Scandinavia (=my home corner ;)). The candy can be soft or hard, crunchy or leathery, long whips and tiny buttons. Or fish-shaped! I love the flavor in ice cream but can resist it in almost all other forms. Currently one of the most popular kinds of salty licorice is a hard candy with a soft gooey center, called "Turkish Pepper".

    The course is over for this time. Now I can focus on the other course I've got running (essentially the same course but online and distributed over two months). Before the last lecture today I got an email from the dean of students at the University Centre back home in Longyearbyen, wondering if I could repeat a seminar I held there about three years ago for a new bunch of PhD students. I sighed a bit but said I could.

    My husband should arrive from Oslo around 8 this evening, later than we'd hoped. I've got an easy dinner planned: an avocado and grapefruit salad, chicken skewers and some fresh pasta. I chose an Italian white wine to go with it, one with plenty of acidity on its own so it can stand up to the grapefruit. The food is nothing ambitious and (sadly) nothing homemade either, apart from the salad. My kitchen here is really just a two-burner hot plate, a microwave, a small fridge with a tiny freeze compartment and two square feet of counter space. No room for advanced cooking.

    Ooops! Husband just sent me a text saying his flight has been delayed and will probably be delayed further because they have to de-ice the plane. Now he won't get here until 9:30 at the earliest. We usually eat around 6:30. Norwegians eat dinner at 4:30 but frequently eat again late-late-late, especially if it's a social event in conjunction with a conference. We don't like that, but often have to do it.

    Tonight we will eat late for our own sakes. A romantic dinner for two. He sent me a separate text message to say he missed me :heart: :love:
    /Penny not at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited March 2016
    Anna, when you write "the beautiful bluffs of northeast Iowa" it takes me right back to my own beautiful bluffs which I suspect may be similar to yours. I grew up in Minneapolis, not far from where the Franklin Avenue Bridge crosses the Mississippi. If I close my eyes I can still see those gorgeous limestone cliffs full of red and orange sumacs in the fall. (I can also smell the sewage, but from this vast distance in time, even that has developed a patina of nostalgia.) My next-door neighbor taught at Macalester, up Victoria Crossing way.

    Good for you on finding a nutritionist and losing some pounds!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Anna- there are a lot of ladies here from MN. I'm not familiar with St Paul but Margaret or Gayle might be. If you're ever up this way let us know. Great job on the weight loss!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,321 Member
    edited March 2016
    Penny - Just pretend you are on Spanish time! :laugh: I am hopeless when meals are delayed. You might have to start snacking on those carrots! Everybody I know is familiar with my hunger pangs and they always ask me if a meal is going to be too late for me! Normal people can just keep going on chips and nuts, but I can't start on those. :noway: Air popped popcorn is a help under those circumstances. I just have no tolerance for feeling starved. (Hypoglycaemic)
    I can now say in Norwegian, "They have a terrible marriage." Not in your case, of course. :D

    My feta pie was yummy to beat all yummyness. :D We had half a bottle of fino sherry with it as I'm saving the whole bottle of red wine for Mother's Day on Sunday. Loads of broccoli with cherry tomatoes. Chilli sauce. DH has mango chutney.

    Last episode of Shetland tonight. I've enjoyed the detective series. Sad for it to end. :'( It's one of the places on my bucket list along with Orkney. Might have to go on my own though. :ohwell: DH not keen on the frozen North. He is coming to Svalbard on sufferance. :bigsmile: Nice to know he loves me enough. <3

    Anna - Many congratulations! :drinker:

    I lost my pesky half pound this morning. Once again officially on target. o:)

    Heather UK
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    linnellal wrote: »
    Ok ladies, I have to tell someone because I'm absolutely bursting. I started working with a nutritionist on Feb 10th. Before that I had pretty much given up and resigned to being 290 for the rest of my life. As of today, I was at the doctor's office, and of course they weigh you, since starting I've lost 7.1 pounds for a total of 280.4! I'm thrilled, my dr is thrilled, each pound I take off before my knee surgery will make recovery that much easier. And you gals rock with all your support. Thank you!

    Anna in the beautiful bluffs of northeast Iowa.

    Anna, that is so exciting, doing the happy dance with you. You're doing a terrific job. Keep it up and keep checking in here we love hearing about your progress. Good luck on the journey, remember you are worth it.

    Janetr OKC
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    Larisa – come out of the corner and just jump in. Tell us something about you, marital status, children, grandchildren, what you do for hobbies, do you work outside the home, stuff like that. Even you goal and how MFP is working (or not) for you.

    Yikes! Okay. I'm going to skip a lot of that, for now, because it's long and complicated and sounds like quite the tale of woe...and well, woe is not my style. Thanks for understanding. :smile:

    I can say that my hobbies include knitting and spinning, gardening, kayaking and skiing cross country/telemark, and I work as an independent database consultant, which can be 300 hours a month, or 12... you never quite know. :wink:

    So far, I'm liking MFP okay. I'm restricting carbs as well as calories, and it doesn't quite do the math for me, on net carbs, but that's not such a big deal...and being able to add a meal on my laptop *or* my phone is handy.

    Goals, hmm, long story short, I used to be quite athletic, and eat whatever I wanted, but I got injured and had six ortho surgeries (literally three per leg), over four years. It's been a little over a year since the last one...which got botched slightly, and now I have a permanent limp. But, dancing with a limp is still dancing, skiing with a limp is still skiing, etc. :wink:

    During those four years, I gained about 40 pounds. I also lost 15 lbs of muscle, which, I don't even want to think about how much fat that means I actually gained, but we can all do the math. heh. Over the last year or so, I've built most of the muscle back, but not lost a single pound. :disappointed: Enter, MFP.
    That said, my specific goals aren't about weighing a particular weight so much as being able to do a few things again, like at least a couple pullups, a hand stand, a pistol squat, a cartwheel, ski all day...I have a list :tongue:

    Wish me luck?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :)Anna, Congrats on your progress

    :)stronglifts at the hotel
    Sumo Squats 5X5 @ 40 lbs
    Bench press 5X5 @ 30 lbs
    Barbell row 1X5 @ 40 lbs. 4X5 @ 50 lbs
    Deadlift 5X5 @ 50 lbs

    There's a nice trail for walking by the river.

    <3 Barbie temporarily in Eastern Washington
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Barbie- great job! You are awesome!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    edited March 2016
    Ahhhhh. I am in the land of heavenly green chili enchiladas with shredded chicken topped with an over-easy egg. The sad and bad part is I have 3 days to get my fill. Gotta love New Mexico!

    Marcelyn traveling from Houston.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Anna, I am in the Iowa City area. Gorgeous up your way.

    Marcelyn, didn't you mention coming from the Iowa City Corralville area?
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,773 Member
    Hello ladies!

    I'm here ... Just in a foul mood and not very good company. Failed miserably with Febrauary goals ... Have had to put out a few small fires with my older son ... My sinus crud came back... Got bit by a spider while sleeping ?! ... Generally speaking ... I'm having a pity party (which I promise will soon be over because that's just not my style).

    KJ and Karen ... Thanks for asking!

    Beth near Buffalo

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Larisa wrote:
    I can say that my hobbies include knitting and spinning, gardening, kayaking and skiing cross country/telemark, and I work as an independent database consultant, which can be 300 hours a month, or 12... you never quite know. :wink:
    Tons of sympathy Larisa! I'm a freelance editor, just coming out of one of those 300 hour a month months. Or, actually, more like two 250 hour a month months. Good for cash flow, but not so good for healthful food and fitness choices. I can tick off every other of your hobbies. I used to knit a lot but I hate spinning (if you mean the kind you do on a stationary bike). I garden whenever I get a chance but prefer canoeing to kayaking. Cross country skiing is great but telemark means too many hills for my taste.

    Nice goals you've got there. Welcome out of the shadows!
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif

  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Anna, I am in the Iowa City area. Gorgeous up your way.

    Marcelyn, didn't you mention coming from the Iowa City Corralville area?

    We lived in coralville for 10 months. Moved up there expecting to retire there. Little did we know. We lived the first couple of months in Washington. Loved that little town.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,321 Member
    Hi Beth! :love:

    Heather UK
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    I read in so many health and fitness blogs that "cheat days" are not a good idea. All you end up doing is erasing all your hard work that you've done all week. So, I don't do them. I allow myself a gooey dessert every day instead.

    I do not allow myself cheat days. To me its back-pedaling. I am in a support group (TOPS) and every Wednesday after our meeting alot of the ladies go out to eat. I think its kind of hypocritical to preach great eating habits, then have fattening lunches. So, you can imagine they don't really invite me to lunch ever. I equate it to having a pristine checking account, always balanced, then every once in awhile bouncing a check. All it really does is stress you out, and worry about if you are going to balance the account for the rest of the week. For some it works great, but for me it doesn't work.

    I agree, if we have to call it a "cheat day" right there it is sending guilt feelings. This is not a diet, not a destination, it is a life long healthy eating journey. That's not to say I don't have a dessert or something with more carbs once in a while, I do. I do figure it in to my calories, etc. But as you say, Becca, in an entire day you can blow your entire good work for the week. If you feel you are "cheating", you are probably not enjoying it. When I do allow myself a treat, I eat it slowly and absolutely enjoy every bite. :) Just my opinion.

    Janetr OKC

    I have to disagree on this one. Life is about balance and for me, that means eating healthy most of the time and indulging in something "sinful" occasionally. I don't consume 5,000 calories on a cheat day, but I do have one yummy meal or one drink or one dessert. This does not in any way derail my progress. Instead, it allows me to continue with a healthy lifestyle that meets my physical and emotional needs. I am able to spend valuable time with friends or family without guilt, doing something that culturally (as humans) is bonding. In addition, the trainer that I admire and follow cheats occasionally on her own plan (as do every single one I've known) and she looks amazing. Were I not to cheat (and yes, I like that word because I never wish to be rigid in any aspect of my life) I would not - repeat NOT - be able to sustain a healthy diet.

    I have to chime in... I think we all agree that to being on this journey with any degree of success, balance is needed. I think I shall always look at foods with a certain amount of "weighing in the portions, the fats, the sugar", you can't help but be more aware logging your food intake. I think looking at foods with a mindset that "every so often you have to indulge" or eat something "sinful" is a bit like giving yourself a out in committing to this fully. So, lets say I wish something sweet.....well I have Skinny Cow Mint Ice cream bars in the freezer. Lets say I want something salty....well I have the 100 calorie bags of microwavable popcorn. You can have your "vices" and not feel like you are back-pedaling. I think that my being imperfect with food choices is perfectly fine. Actually no one would even notice if each of us had "Cheat Days' unless we pipe it to everyone we see. So maybe its just a way for people to come clean with not being perfect.....ok lets just be human then. Maybe its people telling other people that they need approval to cheat...I don't know. hmmm that is my opinion so don't blast me... lol

    :::::::::::: blastin annr, y, just cuz::::::::::::::::

    Aw Pip....blast me anytime... And just so you all know. That was an awesome discussion! I might have said waaay too much that was on my mind, but hey, I'm a Gemini, I wear my heart on my sleeve and say what I mean and mean what I say. An open book...that's me. Went to a pizza place, and had a great salad bar, and a slice of pepperoni. The thing I regret was a soda. Oh, just shoot me now! I was in sooo much pain, agony, and downright pain from one blasted soda... Just crazy when you don't eat something, then you do. Wow...I listened to opera music for a while...curled up in my Momma's quilt, quietly moaning and rocking. Kind of like a mental patient. Husband and son knew well to steer clear of me all night. Today feeling better, but my innards are SORE! Crazy night.