Giving up pop



  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    By pop you mean soda(what we call it here) nearly early news show warns about this to our culture that it's the soda connected to obesity-so giving up coke is key. Good luck it will def aid weight loss not to bother with those empty calories..

    I don't drink much soda at all. Why am I overweight?
  • Veryana
    Veryana Posts: 122 Member
    By pop you mean soda(what we call it here) nearly early news show warns about this to our culture that it's the soda connected to obesity-so giving up coke is key. Good luck it will def aid weight loss not to bother with those empty calories..

    I don't drink much soda at all. Why am I overweight?

    Must be because you... looked at soda too much? :D
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    Veryana wrote: »
    By pop you mean soda(what we call it here) nearly early news show warns about this to our culture that it's the soda connected to obesity-so giving up coke is key. Good luck it will def aid weight loss not to bother with those empty calories..

    I don't drink much soda at all. Why am I overweight?

    Must be because you... looked at soda too much? :D

    That must be it!

  • skbrodie
    skbrodie Posts: 81 Member
    Here's what I did to stop drinking Coke. I limited myself to ONE can a day at first. When this became easy I did every other day. Once I was comfortable with this, I found myself skipping Coke on more days and it wasn't even deliberate. Then, once my last case of Coke was gone I didn't buy any more. Started the whole process around Christmas and it probably lasted a month. Now I don't miss it. I will have soda if I go out to eat but that's not very often.
  • Lucy1752
    Lucy1752 Posts: 499 Member
    eringurl33 wrote: »
    Just give it up cold turkey. It will feel uncomfortable for a week .. Or 2 .. Or 3. But eventually you may not miss it to much. And drink lots of water.

    This is what I did. An occassional Diet Coke these days usually ends up unfinished.
  • ssweeney99
    ssweeney99 Posts: 8 Member
    I quit cold turkey. after many attempts and failures to get off diet coke I decided I couldn't ween myself (i.e have just 1 a day) and just had to go for it. I drink sparkling water, my favorite is LaCroix grapefruit and I I drink black iced tea no sweetner, when I need caffeine. Good luck! it has been over a year for me!
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    I gave up soda last October and haven't had but one sprite when I was sick and couldn't keep anything else down. The first few weeks are hard but it soon becomes a habit that just becomes second nature.
  • shannie018
    shannie018 Posts: 57 Member
    I quit cold turkey in February 1st and this time it hasn't been hard at all. I believe it is because I am ready and determined this time. I used to drink Pepsi like it was water, limiting myself didn't work because once I had one then I wanted another. The only time I have had a bit of a problem is when I am eating out. It was finding somethings else to order instead of pop.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I had a 2 liter a day habit years ago. I quit drinking pop in 2000. It was a little difficult at first but it didn't take too long for me to lose my taste for it. Now I find it too sweet and will only have a can once in a great while. When I quit drinking it I dropped about 20 pounds pretty fast. But I was well over 300 pounds at the time.
  • positivepowers
    positivepowers Posts: 902 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Before 2014 I drank sodas several times a week. One of the things I love about this country is free drink refill. It's everywhere. My workplace is surrounded by fast foods.

    I think the addiction came from the combination of sugar or worse high fructose corn syrup, caffeine, and whatever the heck the fast food scientists came up to get you hooked.

    Whoever above suggested going for tea has the right idea. That was how I weened off. Started going for 1/2 the cup with sweet ice tea, 1/2 with fresh brew tea. The suffering felt more tolerable. Eventually full fresh, plain ice tea.

    Getting off soda is worth it. No more bad breath that sugar causes, the afternoon crashes, the occasional coughing.

    The what?!? Want to explain how on earth soda made you cough? (Aside from the occasional accidental "snorting" while laughing or choking-which can happen with any liquid).

    Seriously elphie754 you have to stop! After reading your post I snorted my coffee and began coughing. OMG! I don't have to give up my morning coffee do I?

  • positivepowers
    positivepowers Posts: 902 Member
    Do people use the Interweb for research anymore?

    Do you? Your source is mostly nonsense.

    OP, easiest step is to develop a taste for diet soda. Then sugar soda will eventually taste too sweet.

    For colas, I suggest Coke Zero and Pepsi Max.

    I like diet Orange Crush, diet Dad's Root Beer and diet Fresca - any flavor. And you're right - I can't drink regular soda anymore, it's too sweet and feels sticky in my mouth.
  • MalkinMagic71
    MalkinMagic71 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Coke Zero and Pepsi Maxx are my go to's when I'm craving pop. Hasn't hindered my weight loss at all.
  • fry5150
    fry5150 Posts: 34 Member
    Drink diet coke. Coke zero is similar in taste to regular coke. 0 calories and not as boring as water. Win. Win. Win.
  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    It's the sugar you're addicted to. If you switch to sweet tea, you'll still get the sugar but you won't have the harm of the carbonation. After you are well and thoroughly done with Coke, you can start reducing the sugar content of your tea. It takes time to break away from a sugar addiction. It might help if you deliberately have sweet corn, watermelon, or other naturally sweet foods in your diet to further trick your mind into associating sugar with good nutrition.

    oh yay! something new that's evil and scary. cause I guess the sugar is the debil thing was getting old
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    How much do you drink each day? Have you tried transitioning to diet soda?


    I started drinking diet in high school (didn't drink much pop then anyway), and quickly stopped liking regular at all, as it tasted too sweet and sticky (I'm a diet coke person).

    My trick for cutting back on diet pop isn't necessarily a good one, as what I did was replace it with coffee (which I like black). I don't drink much pop (I am not super into sweet), but I do overdo the coffee, probably. ;-)

    I like the suggestions to try bubbly water, too, but seriously if you find diet isn't bad and you aren't talking about huge amounts there's nothing wrong with drinking diet soda. (I dislike drinking calories, so think getting rid of the extra calories from Coke is a great idea.)
  • surprisethekids
    surprisethekids Posts: 23 Member
    I struggle with this, too. On my worst days, I was drinking 4-5 cans A DAY. I stopped drinking soda 2 weeks ago, and it hasn't been easy. Drinking carbonated water helps a bit, because it least it has the bubbles. I am primarily drinking iced tea now. I did sneak a drink of my husband's soda this week, and had to actually leave the house before I drank the whole can myself. I hear that eventually you lose the taste for it, but it hasn't happened for me yet.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    How much do you drink each day? Have you tried transitioning to diet soda?


    I started drinking diet in high school (didn't drink much pop then anyway), and quickly stopped liking regular at all, as it tasted too sweet and sticky (I'm a diet coke person).

    My trick for cutting back on diet pop isn't necessarily a good one, as what I did was replace it with coffee (which I like black). I don't drink much pop (I am not super into sweet), but I do overdo the coffee, probably. ;-)

    I like the suggestions to try bubbly water, too, but seriously if you find diet isn't bad and you aren't talking about huge amounts there's nothing wrong with drinking diet soda. (I dislike drinking calories, so think getting rid of the extra calories from Coke is a great idea.)

    Yeah. I think this is a great way to do it. I mean, if someone is not drinking soda at all would I suggest introducing diet soda to their diet? No. I did that to myself and I'm fine with it though lol.

    I just started liking seltzer water as well. Only took 29 years and a year of a calorie deficit ha.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    the problem i have with soda is it only really tastes good with pizza or fries. ;)
  • domgibson88
    domgibson88 Posts: 78 Member
    I used to drink pink lemonade regularly like water, I HATED water...same amount of sugar as pop pretty much, I just stopped buying it...and had nothing at home BUT to drink water....if I was thirsty..It HAD to be tasted bad at first but obviously quenched my I cant under any circumstances drink a sugary drink it tastes awful and can down a cold glass of water and be totally satisfied...your body will get used to it...Just stop buying it!!!!
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    I credit my diet soda as the reason I can avoid chocolate and other high calorie sweet treats. A diet Dew or Pepsi Max a day, here.

    Now if I could find a way to kick salty snacks. Lol