Wheat bread



  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Nothing like a good piece of freshly baked Italian scali bread with sesame seeds! I don't eat much bread but when I do it has to be phenomenal in texture and taste, I don't care if it's white, wheat, pumpernickel... I am about calories in / calories out vs. nutritional value when it comes to bread. It depends on what your goals are. If you're trying to eat clean I'd just pay attention to labels and avoid bread with a lot of processing and additives. Or read "wheat belly" and avoid grains entirely. If you're just trying to lose weight first, eat what you like and stick to a lower calorie choice.

    This is why I eat white scali bread for weight loss. 2 slices of fantini scali bread is 120 cal where one slice of pepperidge farm 100% whole wheat is 120 calories. I'd rather eat the scali because half sandwiches make me sad.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    If you are going to eat a couple of plain pieces of bread by itself, then I guess the slight differences might make a difference in satiety.

    There are also a few types of bread that will have substantially more fiber or protein, which could improve satiety or be better for your macros.

    But you can't go by the type of bread, you need to look at the nutrition info. Many "whole wheat" breads only have 1 or 2 grams of fiber, just like white bread. And at least for me, one or two grams isn't going to have a noticeable affect on how full I feel. Especially when the bread is holding 3 oz of turkey, a slice of cheese, and some guacamole and tomato!

    So for weight loss, look at the calories. For satiety or for your macros, look at the nutrition info. And completely ignore the "name" or "style" of the bread, because those can be wildly misleading.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    whole grains are the best i cant remember the last time i ate white bread

    I ate white bread yesterday (Italian bread from the bakery, with butter on it, next to a plate of pasta in marinara, next to a sweet Italian sausage). it all was divine, and fit in my calories. And my macros.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I love all bread. But it all doesn't love me back. I have a mild non-gluten wheat allergy so I try to limit bread to one, tops 2 slices per day.(I also adore rye but am allergic to it too) I make mine homemade because if I can only eat a slice or two I'd like it to be the yummiest possible. That said, whole wheat messes with my intestines more than white bread. I do make it occasionally because it's yummy, but I can eat two slices of white without ill effect and only 1 of whole wheat.
  • clutchitalian
    clutchitalian Posts: 39 Member
    Yes, there is a huge difference. First of all, you should try to make at least half of your grains whole grains. Switching to wheat bread is a really great way to do that. I'll explain why it's important.

    When refining a grain (as they do to make white bread) they remove part of the grain. This part contains fiber and other nutrients.

    White bread breaks down very quickly, meaning it converts into sugar quickly, and spikes your blood sugar. This causes insulin to be released, which will lower your blood sugar. This is the sugar crash that you might experience with any other food with a high glycemic index. (Glycemic index is how quickly the food turns to sugar). When your blood sugars drop, you start to want more sugar, so you get hungry. White bread doesn't do you much good.

    On the other hand, whole grain bread has more complex carbohydrates and fiber, which take longer to break down. You're getting smaller amounts of sugar throughout the day, so your blood sugar doesn't spike and crash, and you will be fuller longer.

    So, calorie-wise, there's not a huge difference. But nutrition is about so much more than calories. If you want to make life a little bit easier for yourself, treat your body right and give it the whole grains.
