Whats your GOAL or current weight range?



  • Ashtoretet
    Ashtoretet Posts: 378 Member
    I want to be 115. The decision is whether I get to 115 and slowly recomp, or if I want to go down to 110 then bulk up those 5 pounds. I'll have to reevaluate at 115.
  • VSXEdition
    VSXEdition Posts: 2 Member
    CW - 158.6
    GW - 136
    Best of luck! :wink:
  • jabberwocky918
    jabberwocky918 Posts: 50 Member
    SW: 170
    CW: 155
    GW: 135
  • emalethmoon
    emalethmoon Posts: 178 Member
    Start - 275ish
    Current - 190.6
    Goal - 150
  • fitnicole21
    fitnicole21 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm 23
  • IpakDaley
    IpakDaley Posts: 46 Member
    5' 11"
    SW: 222
    CW: 187
    GW: 170
  • mentheguro
    mentheguro Posts: 1 Member
    CW: 232
    GW: 140-145

    long road ahead
  • Suzanne106
    Suzanne106 Posts: 149 Member
    I started my weight loss journey 90 days ago and have lost a total of 16 lbs. I am over 45 so it takes a lot more work these days but I take it one day at a time and just keep moving! I don't necessarily have a target weight in mind as I just want to make better choices and feel better. I've taken up Pilates and have noticed a HUGE difference in my body. Good Luck on your weight loss journey :)
  • KimberlyScheffler
    KimberlyScheffler Posts: 1 Member
    edited March 2016
    5'2 started at 141 currently 134 goal weight is 115-120
  • hotasfire36
    hotasfire36 Posts: 235 Member
    6 feet. Goal 180
  • acash64
    acash64 Posts: 4 Member
    I really am glad I have been able to read all these encouraging words!

    I'm 5'6"; when I started with myfitnesspal 3 years ago I weighed 151. I currently weigh 154. Goal is to get down to 142 lbs. But I started body building a while. So I am not sure if my weight is from the lifting or just from my eating. I don't think women can gain that much muscle weight in a few months. Hoping to get my body fat down.
  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    SW: 75 or 76
    CW: 65
    GW: 58kg or 60kg
  • Adphillips9
    Adphillips9 Posts: 30 Member
    5' 5.5"

    Starting weight - the first time in May of 2014 - so SW: 218
    I got down pretty far by March of 2015 169

    I stopped tracking for a year and got up to 184 - so SW: 184
    I've been back at it since February 2016 - CW: 170
    I may change this once I get to it - GW: 150

    I find that I do better with little interim goals than just staying focused on the final number. I'll rethink 150 when I'm there. I'm hoping that the next 20 lbs gets rid of some of what I see w/o clothing in the mirror.

  • treezy83
    treezy83 Posts: 121 Member
    SW 187
    CW 149
    GW would like to be between 140 and 145
  • abhijeetchar
    abhijeetchar Posts: 20 Member
    5 7"
    Started weight - 174
    Current weight - 156

    I am happy with it. Now just going to reduce 4-5 lbs.
  • epeart11
    epeart11 Posts: 35 Member
    5'5" starting weight 158, wanting be down around 140.
  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    5'9" and 160 lbs. About 15 years ago I got down to 139, which was TINY for my height. It also was impossible to maintain. At 160 I'm about a 6-8 and I feel good at that size :)
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    Shana67 wrote: »
    5'9" and 160 lbs. About 15 years ago I got down to 139, which was TINY for my height. It also was impossible to maintain. At 160 I'm about a 6-8 and I feel good at that size :)

    I am 5'9" and gawd, wish I was feeling tiny at 139! I am feeling bloated and yucky. I look good at 130, that gives me about 34"-28"-36", and get too skinny at 120 (waist and bust don't really change but legs and hips and butt get small). Small bones I guess.
  • mousie1973
    mousie1973 Posts: 438 Member
    SW 292
    CW 236.5
    First GW 192
    UGW 160
  • Anabug81
    Anabug81 Posts: 161 Member
    Start Weight 200
    Current Weight 197
    Goal Weight is 130
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    edited March 2016

    SW(2013): 117
    GW: 95
    CW: maintaining around 90-92

    My lowest was 86-88 through 2014-15, but then I binged all summer. Now I'm happy at 90ish.
  • MinmoInk
    MinmoInk Posts: 345 Member
    5', starting goal was 110lbs now goal is 100lbs, but i want to fluctuate between 95-100lbs CW is 106.5
  • erialcelyob
    erialcelyob Posts: 341 Member
    5'4, started at 164lbs and currently 133lbs, goal weight is when I have a six pack ;)
  • clehman71
    clehman71 Posts: 139 Member
    SW 232
    CW 191
    goal is 26% body fat. Weight doesn't make me look fat, but the fat does!
  • m_keezy35
    m_keezy35 Posts: 19 Member
    5'5.5" I had to add the half ;)
    SW 155
    CW 144.5
    GW 135
  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    5'2"--goal 129 lbs -- 68 years old.
    Currently 131

    I'm 5'3
    Will be 61 in April
    Down 78 lbs
    I'm 129 and thinking of maintaining between 127 and 134.
    (Figuring I'll bounce up with the water gain at least 3 lbs)
  • Kelly9405
    Kelly9405 Posts: 14 Member

    Currently 126.4

    Goal is 120-123
  • Kelly9405
    Kelly9405 Posts: 14 Member
    Kelly9405 wrote: »

    Currently 126.4

    Goal is 120-123

    ETA: I was between 115-118 pre-kids and am small boned. I think 120ish will be my happy weight.
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    5'9", currently 220. I know BMI charts are considered nonsense by some, but someday I'd like to be out of the OBESE range. So my goal is ~203 lbs.
  • Jazzdaisy
    Jazzdaisy Posts: 20 Member
    5'2" Over 55
    Current weight is 139 and not moving! Would love to get to 125-128.