Fit for Future Families - June 2011



  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    I lost 3.2 this week! Putting me at 222.2 lbs - I BLEW past 223. Wahoo!

    Karen - sorry if I missed this, but are you taking a break from weigh-ins?

    Batgirl - welcome!!!!!
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    SW: 211 (March 2011)
    Calendar week 19: 193.6
    Calendar week 20: 189.8 (-3.8)
    Calendar week 21: 189.2 (-0.6)
    Calendar week 22: 187.4 (-1.8)
    Calendar week 23: 186.2 (-1.2)
    Calendar week 24: 184.0 (-2.2)
    Calendar week 25: 184.8 (+0.8)

    Just a couple of minutes to check in this morning. I am so bummed, I was good about drinking water, exercised at least 30 minutes every day but one this week, and was under my net calorie targets and no progress. I'm attributing the gain to the sodium content of the chinese we ate last night, but the plateau just stinks! I normally would take the blip in stride, but I was really hoping to be under 180 by my bday next Sunday, and that's probably not going to happen now. :cry:

    So anyway, eyes back on the long term target. I'm trying hard to focus less on the scale number and more on the looser fit of my pants!

    Hope y'all had much more successful weeks!

    :flowerforyou: Stephanie
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Hi Girls!

    Kim, Glad to hear you were able to get your hubby to do the SA, I know they can act like children when it comes to this stuff, but at least he did it.
    Good luck on the upcoming week, I need to get my eating under control too, so I get ya!

    Sugarcry, thanks for the positive reinforcement on my decision to try acupuncture. I will try to stay positive, but am curious to hear the answer to what Pam asked. What is it specifically that works? I’ve read over and over it’s the balance of energy & blood flow to the organs, but what is it about sticking needles in you that helps with energy & blood flow?

    Luki, you’re better than I! I would have probably freaked out the moment the pen went into the mouth! Too funny though!
    Best of luck with everything & enjoy Hawaii!

    Alisa, wow, you’re such a nice sister in law for even considering it! Best of luck to you if she does move in, and don’t worry too much about the eating. I think a no sugar added frozen yogurt is a fantastic alternative, even if you’re eating it daily (because you probably would have ate the regular Sunday daily too).
    Oh, and FC for the job!

    Jalara, That’s a fantastic loss! You weighed in at WW right? It must of felt good knowing all your healthy changes were worth it!

    Karen, I feel ya about the “whatever” months, I feel like that is this whole summer. It’s not easy sometimes to accept that this isn’t something we have any control over, but I hope you don’t stress too much on it. Good thoughts being sent your way!
    Oh and what’s a IUI injection class?

    Batgirl, Welcome, and I’m so sorry to hear what you’re going through. But wow, kudos to you on working out that often under those circumstances!

    Pam, best of luck with the new workouts, and love the new pic btw!

    Steph, don’t worry too much about the gain, I fluctuated between two lbs all the time, you probably will be back down tomorrow.

    AFM, Food has been bad! I’ve gone through the last month and a half at this plateau and basically lost any motivation I had! Lukily the plateau stayed and I didn’t gain this week.
    This is a new week for me, I’m going back onto the low GI diet and working out 4-5 times a week to see if I get break this plateau!
    On the TTC front, well… I kinda had a meltdown yesterday. I didn’t think fathers day with the family would be that hard (mother’s day wasn’t this bad!). I spent the day with family watching my cousins and their kids, saw one cousins (the one that got married a year after us) kid for the first time. I also had to deal with every person seeing a kid come to play or cuddle with me and them ask me why I don’t have any, and don’t I want one (for those that don’t know, my family doesn’t know DH and I are trying). Oh and the worst was a friend of the family that said to me “you know its not nice to have your mother and father to be the only ones not to be grandparents yet”, and of course at that point I see all my aunts with their grandchildren, and my mom sitting there alone! I got DH to leave early because I didn’t think I could hold in the tears any longer (oh it didn’t help that I was exhausted), and the moment we were in the car I was crying. I tried to hide my tears because I knew he’d just feel bad that I was upset and he couldn’t fix it, but that just made me cry harder because I felt bad I was making him feel bad, Arghh the vicious cycle! Today is better, but wow, I don’t think I had that bad of a day since the first failed IUI.

    Best of luck & babydust to everyone!
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Good Morning,
    Thanks for all the welcomes and support everyone!

    Pam- It is undetermined how long I will be on the Prednisone for now. As it is the first time I'm on it they're basically playing it by ear. As for the increased water I have been trying that. Although I must be getting a good feeling of the constant pregnancy pee's by the constant bathroom breaks, I know it will get better as my body adjusts but for now maybe I should try adult briefs ;)

    Jalara- WOOT!! Keep it up!

    Steph- Sodium will do that. If it is that which caused it it should be off in a few days and you'll be back on track don't sweat it :)

    Abeare- I know the feeling. The constant questions as to when are you starting can be awful. My little cousin's are constantly doing the same thing. Sometimes a good cry does wonders though. Keep your chin up. At least we are through with the "family days" for a while now :)

    AFM- Today started off much better then yesterday. Feeling on the upswing and less down today. Was hoping it was goign to stop raining long enough for me to take my dogs for a run at the off leash park today bbut I don't thik that will happen. Hoping my motivation keeps up and I can head to the gym for a good treadmill runn this afternoon. On the bright side my arms don't feel like they weigh 100 pounds today even though I did an intense arm workout yesterday, stiff for sure but still usable :) Its Monday and a great day to start with our chins up!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Jalara--I'm still weighing in on Fridays...but I usually forget to post it. I just keep bouncing back and forth between the same 3 pounds depending on where in my cycle I am. I'm almost thinking about switching it up like you are!

    Abeare--BRUTAL. What a horrible, horrible experience. And your family has no clue, right? That's got to be rough. I guess at some point, you gotta decide which you want to deal with--everyone knowing (or some knowing) what's going on and stopping the crappy comments, or not telling and dealing with all the ignorant comments. Either way it's hard. When I finally decided to tell our families, it was right after something kinda like that, and it has been much better since then---not that I was getting a lot of comments, but my parents are the first to have my back when/if they hear others making "unhelpful" comments, which I appreciate. I've even started being honest with the larger circle of people who ask me when we are going to have another kid. One asked me on Friday when we were going to have another kid, and I said "When the fertility medications work, thanks for asking." That shut her up. Haha. (She's a friend..we talked about it more after that, but the expression on her face was priceless...she'll think twice before asking anyone else that!)

    Okay--I gotta go get stuff done. Later ladies....
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Thanks for the feedback Karen, I’ve thought of telling the family on several occasions because I’m afraid that one day instead of my regular retorts to why we don’t have kids (I like giving them back to their parents during a tantrum, I don’t have to deal with diapers this way, a year without cocktails-no way, etc…) I’ll actually say something like what you said to your friend. It took everything in me not to say “what if I told you I couldn’t have kids, who’d be the mean one then?” but the thing is, I’m not alone in this. DH doesn’t like to think and talk about it, he will with me because he knows I need to in order to stay sane (yesterday was evidence of that), but he’s still in a place where he doesn’t want people to know. I know that if I told him that I really wanted to he would just to make me happy, but he wouldn’t like it. So I’m stuck listening to those comments, granted my family would be the first one to tell me that everything I do is wrong and that’s why I can’t have kids, so I’m not convinced which scenario would be easier to deal with. At least in his family his aunt & uncle (late 30’s) have never had kids and I’m sure its due to infertility (I found out not long ago that she has had many cysts) are the first ones to tell people to quit it when we are being harassed. A couple weeks ago my MIL kept probing as to why she isn’t a grandmother yet, when her sister finally too her aside (I overheard) and said “you know it’s a really insensitive thing to probe like that, you don’t know their circumstances, what if they cant have kids, they’ll talk when they’re ready to”. This was also the reason I’m sure she couldn’t have kids, no one is that in tune with how this feels other than someone else going through it!
    Thanks again for the support!
  • kt4au
    kt4au Posts: 64 Member
    Hey All!

    Sorry I have been MIA! I decided to take a little break. We got moved and finally got settled in but I still have boxes everywhere but atleast they are in the garage! ;) I tried to read through most of the post but there are a lot of newbies and the rest of you guys have a lot going on. I will be keeping up from here on out.

    Since we moved we decided to take a break from treatments. We are still temping and doing OPKs and I started taking FertilityBlend. I guess the FertilityBlend is semi working because I did ovulate this month but it was on day 41. So today is 10 DPO so we will see what happens in about 6 days.

    The weight loss thing is not doing so good these days. I have gained back about 5 lbs at this point. The DH and I tried the Dukan Diet but I remembered I don't like meat that much and I love carbs! We were able to do it for 5 days and we lost it about 6 lbs a piece. We decided that we couldn't make it to Phase 2. The concept is awesome but not for us. Today I have started back counting the numbers and tomorrow I start yoga at 7am...yikes. DH is also exercising again. He begins Ultimate Frisbee tomorrow and in 2 weeks he starts a soccer league. I am going to have to get busy or he is going to pass me in the weight loss challenge we have with each other.

    I guess that is enough for now and I promise I will be keeping up with the rest of you!

  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    abeare - it sounds like the aunt knows what she's talking about for sure. For us everyone put in their speeches at our wedding that they wanted us to hurry up and have kids so we made a joke that as soon as we could we would, so we've had a lot of people ask. But I've told my family and his has no idea (but we don't see them very often so it's not a big deal). We haven't told anyone about adoption though, since the wait is so long and we don't want anyone to know at all (we'll tell our references when we need to).

    AFM - I weigh in at WW on Fridays and I've kept weighing in here with my home scale on Monday's. Although I have to say (yay!) that I've never hit 9 lbs lost on MFP before, so next week I'm hoping to see double digits for the first time ever (so exciting). I'm hoping that this is the key for weight loss for me. Counting calories didn't work as well, and I found that I was making excuses to eat junk, but since fruits and veggies are free (minus potatoes, corn and peas) then I'm automatically eating more of those and I can always eat if I'm still hungry and just snacky. I hope it will keep up (not necessarily the big numbers, but decent losses for sure). Although I don't want to say anything bad about MFP - I love MFP! And here I have you guys! And I :heart: you guys!

    On the TTC front - nothing new here. My Ob asked at my last appointment if I had lost any weight, and she was nice enough to not make a big deal of it (although I know she just didn't want to embarrass me and was being kind). I have my F/U appt with her on Sep 7 and I would really love to be able to say "Weigh me doc, you'll like it!" I think that would make it all worth it.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I just want to hug you all right now....LOL I agree with Jalara .... I also :heart: you guys!!

    Steph - I would call that a plateau (less than a pound is not a TRUE gain!!).....Next week will be better!!!

    Batgirl - don't you love when you know you pushed hard AND don't hurt the next day. The only time that happens for me is aquafit :)

    Karen - LOL I love how blunt you are. I've wanted to say that a time or two but I just don't have the guts.

    Ashley - Isn't it terrible how it's only people that are close to us that feel that they have the right to comment? It doesn't hurt quite as much when it's a stranger. I've gotten sooooo used to that (and that's horrible in and of itself) question that I just gave up and told everyone. But before I did my answer was always......"Hopefully soon"....but that tended to get people to repeat the question the next time. a friend of my family who just announced her pregnancy posted on my Mom's FB wall on Saturday starting off with "Hey Grandma" hubs was pretty crushed....they lived with my folks for a few years so they do consider my parents like a second set. We've had a few questions since it got posted. Sometimes people don't realize what they're saying...

    Katie - Great to have you back (well, not really if you know what I mean). Sounds like you're going to have an active summer and that's the best form of exercise.

    Jalara - I'm doing such a happy dance for you right now...Thanks for the extra calories burned!!!! I know how you've struggled and if this is what gets you going then WW it is!!!!

    AFM - what a stressful day....I'm not even mowing the lawn myself today. Hubs is doing it because I don't feel like it and my inlaws arrive for two weeks on Wed and it's way too long and it's going to rain starting tomorrow....I had a bad day on the food front so far....calzone for lunch, chips for snakc...I'm definitely compensating for smoething and I don't know what yet......When I figured out last time that I ate to look bloated and pregnant it was easy to take I have to figure it out in order to get anywhere with the weight loss again.
  • peggy1209
    peggy1209 Posts: 84 Member
    I lost 3.2 this week! Putting me at 222.2 lbs - I BLEW past 223. Wahoo!

    Karen - sorry if I missed this, but are you taking a break from weigh-ins?

    Batgirl - welcome!!!!!

    take it from me, you didn't miss anything, 223 sucked!! LOL - Congratulations!!
  • peggy1209
    peggy1209 Posts: 84 Member
    On the TTC front, well… I kinda had a meltdown yesterday. I didn’t think fathers day with the family would be that hard (mother’s day wasn’t this bad!). I spent the day with family watching my cousins and their kids, saw one cousins (the one that got married a year after us) kid for the first time. I also had to deal with every person seeing a kid come to play or cuddle with me and them ask me why I don’t have any, and don’t I want one (for those that don’t know, my family doesn’t know DH and I are trying). Oh and the worst was a friend of the family that said to me “you know its not nice to have your mother and father to be the only ones not to be grandparents yet”, and of course at that point I see all my aunts with their grandchildren, and my mom sitting there alone! I got DH to leave early because I didn’t think I could hold in the tears any longer (oh it didn’t help that I was exhausted), and the moment we were in the car I was crying. I tried to hide my tears because I knew he’d just feel bad that I was upset and he couldn’t fix it, but that just made me cry harder because I felt bad I was making him feel bad, Arghh the vicious cycle! Today is better, but wow, I don’t think I had that bad of a day since the first failed IUI.

    . . . and then I go and eat some cake to mkae myself feel better . .

    I know how you feel, everyone keeps telling us "you'll make such great parents" . . .

    You are not alone, sending hugs your way . . .
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Woke up this morning feeling crappy. Why do I watch shows about happy families having kids? I watched the Duggar special on the first grandson (I've seen all the episodes and remember their first specials 14 and pregnant and all that jazz (that was 5 children ago). I've always thought I would have the big family but the worst part about the episode last night was watching my hubs go through listening to the new dad go on and on about how he was excited to have a son....I could almost hear his heart breaking :brokenheart:

    So this morning we've resolved to get back on track. I think last night served as a reminder of what we have to gain from a healthier lifestyle (we've been doing it for so long now with no results it's easy to let that slip from your mind). Just under a month away from hopefully starting the meds for an IVF cycle in August (today is CD10 for me). Also with my inlaws in town (starting tomorrow) for 2 weeks, we'll be eating at home more and I have a week coming off. I'm trying to save at least a week for that week after the IVF treatment and will probably take one more in October (for our 10th anniversary) and then spread the rest out on long weekends for the rest of the year (I have 4 weeks and 2 floater days vacation and have only taken 1.5 days so far and it's almost July!!!)

    Is it just me or has the year flown so far? Wasn't Christmas just yesterday?
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Jalara- awesome loss!! That must have felt amazing to have skipped a whole pound!! Keep up the great work! Glad u found something that works for you!!

    Katie- welcome back!!

    Ashley - I can only imagine how devastating that must have been....we're pretty open w our family mostly bc I have a big mouth and have no sense of privacy lol my family knows about the issues i have neen having but my inlaws don't, last they were told was that we were trying and then my hubs left on deployment so obviously we're not CURRENTLY trying so they don't ask and i don't feel like I need to fill them in on anything that is currently going on...i dread when he gets home and it taking us a while and them start to wonder....I'd probably look right at them and be like " My sh17s all effed up so it's taking us longer than expected!" just to get a reaction :-)

    AFM - HSG is this afternoon....i didn't get nervous about it until this morning...I'm not nervous about the procedure some sick way I'm excited about that bc I love being able to see my insides etc medical stuff fascinates me...I'm nervous about what they'll find....I've already scheduled my follow up with my GYN for the 5th of July but i know I'll be able to know if there is any significant "issue" today during the exam so I'll have 2 weeks to stew on it....
  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    Is it just me or has the year flown so far? Wasn't Christmas just yesterday?

    Ridiculously fast! I got married the weekend before Christmas and we just hit the 6 month mark on Saturday! Crazy talk!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Alisa--let us know how the HSG goes. The part I liked about it was that there is no waiting for the results! Hahaha! Poor Dr was more upset than I was when she found the blockage, I think. I think she thought I was upset because I was a little teary...but to be honest, that was just from the cramping...the results hadn't set in yet. She was like "It's okay, it's okay--it's only one side....etc etc." It was kinda funny if it hadn't been so kinda not, ya know?

    Ashley--you had asked about the IUI Injection class. You actually have to go to a little class thingy where they teach you how to give the injections, etc. And of course it is scheduled right in the middle of the day. Like people don't work and anyone doing fertility treatments just needs to find another reason to ask off, right? Sheesh. I think it all is a bit silly, but at the same time, if my husband is giving me the shot, I'm glad he's going to be there. Haha.

    I ran this morning. Ugh. Tonight we are having a family get-together to celebrate my dad's birthday, Father's Day, mom and dad's anniversary, and my brother's birthday and the awarding of his surveying license. We like to cram it all in together, don't we? Food should be decent--grilled chicken and such, but I do hear rumors of chocolate chip cookies and banana pudding. We'll see how it goes...
  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    Hi everyone! So do we post our current weight and losses/gains on Mondays? I'll start doing that soon, but congrats to those who saw a loss for the past week.

    I input my new weight on my graph, so I'm back at 0 lbs lost. :~( I have to admit that I am quite bitter that I have this extra weight to lose now, but ah well.

    Today was my 1st day back at the gym since my d&c and it.was.AWESOME!!! I was seriously so excited. (It won't be 2 weeks until Thursday, but H and I agreed on today because I haven't had any bleeding etc. He was really worried about me doing too much too soon.) I'm heading back this afternoon for BodyCombat Express and I plan to start running again tomorrow.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Alisa - how'd it go??????? We didnt' get the results right away either and I had students doing mine the second time (which is why it looked blocked they think because it was clear on the first test).

    Karen - Mmmmmmm any chance that those will be I'm craving a crumbled up chocolate chip cookie with banana pudding......bananas are healthy right??? LOL

    Mrs. Dec - getting back into a routine is such a mood booster for sure - just try and take it easy to make sure that you don't do more harm than good.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Pam - bananas ARE healthy.... it's what you do with them that can cause prgrams. BTW - how's that new start going? :wink: :tongue: :heart:

    Okay - check out this blog post by someone else on WW.... I thought it was awesome!

    Alisa - hwo did it go? How are you feeling? Hugs and best of luck for speedy (and good) results!
  • inkpen78
    inkpen78 Posts: 2
    Hi Ladies

    My name is Dani and I posted on a general topic, but fitterpam told me to post on here. I just started on here because before my hubby and I try to conceive, I want to be back to where I was in my mid 20s. I would like to be a size 8 or 10. I looked good then and felt good, but I believe I have been making poor choices for a long time. This is only my second day posting on here to track my food and I feel like I am really conscious of what I eat.

    I am looking for good meal ideas and grocery lists (that don't break the bank) as well as any books on preparing your body and mind for pregnancy. I have a long way to go, but I think a support group like this would be great for me.

    Thanks Gals for the book suggestions and the meal/grocery ideas.

    Dani :)
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Can i just say, if it hadn't have been for the doctor being super nice I might have had to kill someone at the doc today....I get there and had to pee soooooo bad! I knew they were going to need to do a preggo test even though incontinually told them that if I WAS preggo it would be the 2nd coming of Christ bc my husbands been gone for nearly 5 months. So i immediately ask for a cup to pee in and the front desk lady looks at me like I'm crazy and tells me to bring my lab order to the lab work...the only problem was I didn't HAVE a lab order...So she told me i could go enough to take the edge off but to not go completely in case they want to do one when I get called back. So I painfully only "relieve myself" halfway and went back to the waiting room. I get called back and ask fr a cup as i had just downed a large sweet tea with my lunch in the waiting room. The tech told Me she needed to check since i hadn't had sex in 5 months. She came back and told me I would just have to sign a waiver. So I peed and changed into my gown. She brings me to my room, go over for the 100th time WHY my dr wanted me to have the procedure and she goes to get the dr and comes back and says "the dr won't dont the procedure unless u have a pregnancy test...." it took 20min and 2 big glasses of water to pee enough to test. Needless to say I was UBER pissed (no pun intended lol)
    The procedure itself went as well as could be expected. Although the description of "menstrual cramps" is a load of garbage. It felt like a contraction. It was a waive of massive discomfort and i literally had to labor breathe thru it. It was short lived though, it went away once they had me schooch up the under the xray. It was mildly uncomfortable while they pushed the dye in. BUT literally took 6min to take the photos and was nice enough to go thru all the pictures and explain what they were. He said I have "beautifully clear tubes"! Uterus looks normal shaped and and no fibroids. He actually looked relieved and a little emotional when he told me everything looked clear and fully functional! My follow up w my GYN on the 5th(cd 25) so if I haven't ovulated by then we'll discuss clomid during the cycle when the hubs comes home....
    OH! I booked my flight, hotel and rental car today! I'm officially going to Hawaii in 10weeks!!'