New puppy!



  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    Aw! Thanks for sharing! Do you know what his mix is? He is handsome!

    My dog is an Australian Shepard/pit mix.
    Who would have guessed! ;)
    It's amazing how dominant Pit features are huh? :-D He is adorable!
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    I agree it is very important to know the breed well and be very responsible. She is crate trainedand will stay that way! To protect our home ha ha and our other dogs. She is being raised socialized and we are doing many obedience courses as she grows. I joined a humane pitbull forum and have learned a lot since we got her. We plan to avoid dog parks do no fingers can be pointed, poor adventures will have me at the end of her leash ;) although, I do know pits and mixes that can run with their owner and doesn't react to other animals at all. I think the lineage is a big part as well. She will be loved and enjoy life with us! :)

    Glad you are doing your research so you're prepared! ;)

    My dog is actually good on a leash. When her dog-aggression surfaced we started using the Karen Overall Protocol For Relaxation, which you can find on the web. Although it's typically used for fearful dogs, it's been a great help! Esssentially, you're teaching the dog to relax and defer to you in stressful situations. We also use the "Leave It" command for other dogs when we're walking on leash and it works very well for us. I can run with my dog on a leash and she's fine.

    As long as you're prepared, you should be fine. I just worry when folks say that pits are just like other breeds, because that's not quite true. ;) Sounds as though you've got a good handle on things! :)
    Hey thanks for the feedback. I will keep that program in mind! We use Leave It with a lot of things too. It basically means "move on" haha She goes after our mastiff's face and I say, "Leave it!" And she is getting better and obeying. I have also found that this stubborn little turd benefits from a spray bottle when she won't back down or being overly mouthy with the other dog. She is getting better and better and being obedient. Now if only she would stop peeing in the house! haha
    I really look forward to all the activities her and I will get to do. They will take time and I will work with her regularly... she is a full time job! hahahahah My fitness has taken a BREAK! :-/
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    The little turkey! Links to a couple videos....
    The sunlight was hard on the camera.... but she sure LOVED the water!

  • sunyg
    sunyg Posts: 229
    How cute!!!!! She reminds me of the 2 boxer puppies we rescued a few weeks ago. They are sooo sweet when they want to be, a handful other times. They are making my 3yr old Mastiff get off his lazy butt and play :).
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    How cute!!!!! She reminds me of the 2 boxer puppies we rescued a few weeks ago. They are sooo sweet when they want to be, a handful other times. They are making my 3yr old Mastiff get off his lazy butt and play :).
    Same thing for our mastiff!! She is 8 and wet have never seen her soooooo agile lol it's nice to see get inner puppy come out.
  • joamarelo
    joamarelo Posts: 161
    aaawwwwwwww!!!! so cute!!!!!