March 2016 Running Challenge



  • username301
    username301 Posts: 247 Member


    Walked much of the last mile due to stomach cramps.

    Jan 45k
    Feb 61k
    Mar 35k

    Goals for March:
    1. 13 runs @ 74km......6run at 35k
    2. 8km long run...........8k
    3. Be less slow............still slow

  • JohnONE29
    JohnONE29 Posts: 101 Member
    edited March 2016
    3.13.16 - 9.8 m. 9:20 pace. 52 miles for the week. 102.5 miles for March.

    Upcoming Runs:
    4.3.16 - Knoxville Marathon
    5.1.16 - Flying Pig Marathon
    5.29.16 - Buffalo Marathon
    6.18.16 - Grandma's Marathon
  • LeighMartin08
    LeighMartin08 Posts: 7 Member
    3/4 - 3.5 mi (intervals)
    3/5 - 3 mi (tweaked a quad muscle, so I skipped my long run and weekday runs the following week.. might make things a little tight for my goal, but hopefully I can make it up)
    3/12 - 3.5 mile solo run to test the quad (all good!), then 2.5 miles with group
    3/13 - 8 mile long run

    Total - 20.5/75
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    My first half is done! So, so glad I did it!!
    Now to eat a feast!! :lol:
    Adding my (late) congratulations! Awesome job.
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    ccnagain wrote: »
    I'm so excited and proud of myself.
    And we're proud of you too!
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    March 12, 2016 Johnny's Runnin' of the Green 5 mile (Rochester, NY)[/s] finished in 32:32
    Nicely done!
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    said, the heck with it. I'm signed up:!half/c17i2

    Excited for you! You have def stepped up!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    4leighbee wrote: »
    2.25 today - even walked a little, trying to be good. I bought new Asics. My left foot is very happy with them. My right foot is an *kitten* and is never happy. Can I wear an orthotic in one shoe? I would think the heights would be off, even if I remove the insole.


    @4leighbee Sometimes a single orthotic is recommended if legs are slightly different lengths, which is fairly common.

    My physio measured my legs and one is 1 cm shorter than the other, and recommended orthotics, but I have them in both feet due to also having flat feet.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I notice a few comments on running weights.

    I actually just started a topic on that very subject!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited March 2016
    4leighbee wrote: »
    2.25 today - even walked a little, trying to be good. I bought new Asics. My left foot is very happy with them. My right foot is an *kitten* and is never happy. Can I wear an orthotic in one shoe? I would think the heights would be off, even if I remove the insole.

    My left foot is an uncooperative a$s too and doesn't get along with any shoe. While my right isn't picky. I'd definitely look into the orthotic (I don't have them). It seems one could be made for the happy foot that wouldn't effect your gait. Gait analysis is another option, and strengthening the chain on both sides might help. Ive also been doing foot exercises. I have had medial glute weakness on both side, left is worse and that's the side I have a time with. Also a PT visit couldn't hurt. They are wonderful, especially when you find a good one. It's frustrating when something doestn want to cooperate.
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    edited March 2016
    March 2016
    07/3……….03.94……….52.90 + strength
    09/3…….Sick Children...…66.55


    Feeling great! Went out with Mr. 3 for an easy walk to stretch the legs. I’m amazed at how quickly the legs have recovered. Yesterday was a bit of a struggle – Felt like I was walking in cement :lol:
    Off to visit my Dad in hospital tomorrow (undergoing an operation today).. Then physio to get some work done on these hips!

    March Races
    *12/3 Leukaemia Foundation Run – 21.1 km 2:53:32
    *20/3 Melanoma Awareness March – 4 km
    *The March Charge Monthly Challenge – 150 km
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    March Goal: Run often

    3/1 3.44
    3/2 9.27
    3/3 rest
    3/4 3.30
    3/5 meh
    3/6 3.70
    3/7 3.12
    3/8 struggling
    3/9 mightily
    3/10 5.00
    3/11 more meh
    3/12 4.05
    313 4.01

    Total 35.59

    Upcoming races:
    3/20 Big Island International 1/2 marathon
    6/26 SHEPower Virtual 1/2 marathon
    11/13 Las Vegas Rock n Roll 1/2 marathon

    Ticker is my goal for 2016 and accumulation to date:


  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    03/01.......0.00..........0.00 - + Strength Training
    03/03.......0.00..........4.16 - + Strength Training
    03/07.......6.40........28.92 - + Agility
    03/08.......4.33........33.25 - + Strength Training
    03/10.......0.00........33.25 - + Strength Training
    03/13.......2.00........47.49 - + Dog Beach run/walk


    Upcoming Races - Let me know if you will be running too!
    06/25/16 - SHEPower Virtual Half Marathon
    07/31/16 - San Francisco 2nd Half Marathon
    xx/xx/xx - Nike Women's Half Marathon, Los Angeles
    12/18/16 - San Diego Holiday Half Marathon
  • 07KatieP13
    07KatieP13 Posts: 220 Member
    2.2 miles today, my first run in a week due to illness (again!). It was awful!! My lungs were really hurting and felt really cold, my nose and sinuses hurt and about a mile in my head started aching. I wish I'd stayed in bed! Rest day tomorrow, I normally hate rest days but I'm looking forward to it :)
  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    3/3 4.14
    3/4 4.26
    3/6 6.59
    3/7 strength training
    3/8 5.16 miles
    3/9 3.58
    3/11 5.11
    3/12 6.28--first run in Cambridge, UK!
    3/13 3.10--second run in Cambridge :)
    3/14 3.53--third run--Lammas Land Park, Cambridge

    total: 41.75/60

  • prissyprisca
    prissyprisca Posts: 4 Member
  • prissyprisca
    prissyprisca Posts: 4 Member
  • ccnagain
    ccnagain Posts: 50 Member
    Went out and added another 1.65 miles this morning in the rain...really frustrated though with the mapmyrun app. It has gone crazy 2 days in a row when I've tried to use it. :neutral:

    Congrats on those who did runs over the makes me want to do so much more and never give up! I felt so slow setting my goal at only 3 miles a week when I started this challenge but you all inspire me to do more. ♥

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @runner_girl83 - love that picture!
    @kristinegift - if I can't sleep it is usually just stress/can't turn the mind off. But running late in day does make it harder for me to sleep as well.

    The Tour de Cure bike ride Sunday was perfect! Weather was really great and we had a tailwind most of the ride, which makes no sense because we did do a huge circle. But cyclists always complain that we only ever get headwinds, so this was just great. I stayed with my group of cyclists 99% of the time. Only one time did I get a little behind and have to do a major sprint to catch up. That 62.5 miles is not my longest ride but I am planning on scheduling a 100 mile ride sometime this year. But first up, I must plan a HM!!!

    March 1 - 5.05 miles + 1 hour spinning
    March 2 - strength training
    March 3 - 5K for Orlando City Soccer (not sure why they need $) + 1 mile warmup
    March 4- strength training
    March 5 - 43 mile bike ride (went 9 more than the usual 34 mile Sat ride).
    March 6 - 51 mile bike ride
    March 7 - 5 miles
    March 8 - recovery/rest day
    March 9 - 5.1 miles + strength training
    March 10 - 5.02 miles
    March 11 - strength training
    March 12 - 35 miles bike
    March 13- 62.5 miles biking Tour de Cure
    March 14 - 4.12 miles


  • instantmartian
    instantmartian Posts: 335 Member
    I've been able to do little more than skim this thread, lately. Holy posts!

    @5BeautifulDays: I'm with you on the speed thing. I seem to be able to pace myself and push myself harder on a treadmill. Out in the real world, I get super frustrated that I cannot run nearly the same as I do indoors.

    @runner_girl83: Good luck on your half! Let us know how those gels work for you. I've never heard of them - I'm interested. I haven't quite found an energy source I love, yet. I like the taste of the Cliff gels and the nut butter ones the best, but I find their icing/peanut butter-like consistency make it hard to eat on the run and they leave me super thirty because they stick to the inside of my mouth. I've been using the PowerBar gels because they go down easier, but I'm not really a fan of their taste and the upset my stomach, sometimes.

    Hey the gels worked well! I am thinking maybe it is because of them that I feel so well after my run? I don't feel sick like I sometimes do after running 10k and yet I doubled that distance today! I liked them a lot! :smile:

    Awesome! Thanks for the report back. I think they'll be on my radar for the next time I need to get some (I still have others I need to work through, first). Also, a great, big, giant congratulations on your first half!! :smile: