Fit for Fall Challenge - 6/20 - 9/05



  • Denise11161978
    If it is not too late I am 191.2 today and want to be about 150 by 9/5
  • JoseeRenee
    JoseeRenee Posts: 3 Member
    Although, I am two days late I will start the challenge TODAY!!! I am hoping that since I have this app downloaded to my Blackberry, that it will be easier to stick to this challenge. Cutting calories (1230 a day) and sweating it out on the treadmill (5x's a week).

    6/22/11 - CW 194
    9/05/11 - GW 165
    NSV - New outfit
  • gulfjewel
    gulfjewel Posts: 1 Member
    I am hoping to join you as well. I am 220 and want to be under 200 by September 5. Good luck all!!
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Just got back from doing my I will be doing D11L2 of 30 DAy Shred soon!I am on glass6 of 10 of my water intake.I will be posting later tonight!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Wow, I can't believe how many people have joined this challenge! This might be our biggest start up yet! Stick with us, you won't find a better group...this is my 4th (I think) challenge with several of you and we keep getting new friends along the way, love it!!!!!! :heart:

    Today I am chugging back the of my NSVs was to get in 10 glasses anyways...sometimes I struggle with 8 but water is magical so all the more reason to do it!
    Have been doing weights for the challenge as well, doing the 30 Day Shred every other day and cardio the rest...I love the shred, it is sooo good for strength training. I've had the dvd for 2 years and haven't even got all the way through it but I will, I will, I will! Doing it everyday burns me out I've found but changing it up with other workouts is the way to go for me!
    Glad everyone is getting off to a great start! :flowerforyou:
  • LynnieSkinny
    Whew, all this water is making me spend my workout time running to the bathroom... LOL. I feel like if I put on my ankle weights it would count as exercise! :-) For real though, just by getting my water up for the past 2 days I feel alot better and less hungry. Getting ready to do Day 2 on level 2 of the 30DS. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • dezwark
    dezwark Posts: 144 Member
    not doing great today guys. i have the worst toothache and it is getting pulled tomorrow. at 3:00pm i was finally able to eat a salad but still fill yucky and light headed whenever i stand up. on glass 4 of water but even drinking hurts. ugh
  • jenniferjgayfield
    not doing great today guys. i have the worst toothache and it is getting pulled tomorrow. at 3:00pm i was finally able to eat a salad but still fill yucky and light headed whenever i stand up. on glass 4 of water but even drinking hurts. ugh

    Sorry you're not doing so great today, but hope that it gets better. Hopefully after it gets pulled you'll be feeling a WHOLE lot better!
    Also, looks like we're looking for pretty similar goals...I'm trying to get to 132 by the end of the's pushing it though, I haven't been at that weight since middle school.
    Also, struggling with exercise because I have an ankle injury I have to nurture at least about 2 months, hopefully after that it'll get better. Thanks everyone on here for the support...doing good on drinking water, and as for weights, I do "baby-wearing" when I go walking, so it adds 17 pounds :)
  • lisadworak
    lisadworak Posts: 3 Member
    Is it too late to start?
  • KaylaShianne
    well the weights have been easier for me than that water. I like strength training so thats no biggie for me, but I went from drinking one or two glasses of water the first day to 10 the second day! im at 4 today and I know I'll drink 4 more working out so i should reach the goal today :)

    weights 2/7 so far
    water 1/7 so far

    i really need to motivate myself tonight tho cuz i waitressed 7am-4pm and am exhausted. im giving myself an hour to recuperate then ill workout.
  • bigislandgrrl
    bigislandgrrl Posts: 196 Member
    If its not too late to start this challenge, Im up for it!

    My weight on Mondays weigh in was 244.

    CW ~ 244
    GW by 9-5-11 ~ under 200lbs ~ ONEderland!
    NSV ~ Fitting into my snowmachine gear comfortably with room to spare! Snowmachine season starts in November!
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    D11L2..of 30 Day shred DONE!!!!! OMG this is hard!!Please tell me it gets better??!! 265 Calories burned...WOW.......I will get my 10 glasses of water in today,maybe even a little more.I used 5 pound weight the whole 20 min.
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    I am struggling today with the water intake. Ugh! But there's still time. I will push myself. I do find that I am wanting more to drink with this increased amount of water. I also seem to sweat more during my work out. Anyone else notice this?

    I sweat a TON more during my work out :smile: I drink tons of water a day (seriously between 10 and 20 cups a day). But sweating is a good thing. It helps filter the sodium out of your system.

    I'm only had 8 so far today, but its only 2pm and I have not done my workout yet today :bigsmile:
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    D11L2..of 30 Day shred DONE!!!!! OMG this is hard!!Please tell me it gets better??!! 265 Calories burned...WOW.......I will get my 10 glasses of water in today,maybe even a little more.I used 5 pound weight the whole 20 min.

    was today your first day of L2? If so, your body will get used to the work out.. eventually... ha.. but L2 is my favorite, I feel it the most during the workout. L3 will step it up a bit more, but to me (and maybe I'm a freak) its more doable than some parts of L2. Good Luck and you can do it! Just stick with it!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Doing great with the water this week. I'm up to 18 glasses for today. I've noticed with the warmer weather I drink a LOT more. It wasn't always easy for me to drink this much water so anyone out there having problems chugging that much, it just takes time until it becomes habit. I so crave it now!! I just worked out on the elliptical and that machine dehydrates me. I'm doing my strength training on the total gym later. Great job everyone so far this week:) Happy hump day!
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    D11L2..of 30 Day shred DONE!!!!! OMG this is hard!!Please tell me it gets better??!! 265 Calories burned...WOW.......I will get my 10 glasses of water in today,maybe even a little more.I used 5 pound weight the whole 20 min.

    was today your first day of L2? If so, your body will get used to the work out.. eventually... ha.. but L2 is my favorite, I feel it the most during the workout. L3 will step it up a bit more, but to me (and maybe I'm a freak) its more doable than some parts of L2. Good Luck and you can do it! Just stick with it!

    It was day 2 WOW how much harder is level 3??
  • jessdeweerdt
    jessdeweerdt Posts: 128
    Better late than never right??

    CW: 171
    GW: 156
    NSV: Complete the challenges successfully each week!

    I'm excited for the goals this week.. I've already begun working on both, so that will ease me into my NSV :)
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    D11L2..of 30 Day shred DONE!!!!! OMG this is hard!!Please tell me it gets better??!! 265 Calories burned...WOW.......I will get my 10 glasses of water in today,maybe even a little more.I used 5 pound weight the whole 20 min.

    was today your first day of L2? If so, your body will get used to the work out.. eventually... ha.. but L2 is my favorite, I feel it the most during the workout. L3 will step it up a bit more, but to me (and maybe I'm a freak) its more doable than some parts of L2. Good Luck and you can do it! Just stick with it!

    It was day 2 WOW how much harder is level 3??

    thats where I think I'm a freak.. I don't think L3 is much harder than level 2. YES it exercises different parts of your body than L2, YES I think some of the exercises are tougher, but I can get through L3 easier than I can L2 (circuit 3 of L2 KILLS me.. I seriously feel like I'm going to die doing the strength portion of it.).
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    Doing great with the water this week. I'm up to 18 glasses for today. I've noticed with the warmer weather I drink a LOT more. It wasn't always easy for me to drink this much water so anyone out there having problems chugging that much, it just takes time until it becomes habit. I so crave it now!! I just worked out on the elliptical and that machine dehydrates me. I'm doing my strength training on the total gym later. Great job everyone so far this week:) Happy hump day!

    :drinker: 18 Glasses! awesome job Angela!
  • loselbs0
    loselbs0 Posts: 15
    Hi All

    Would it be ok to join?

    If its not too late (or you have too much work with the people you already have!)!

    This group sounds like it has loads of energy and it would be great to be part of it!

    CW - 227
    Fall GW - 199
    NSV - continue with the C25K program and start the 30DS!

    Thanks! :smile: